上半年融资超14亿美元 NFT区块链游戏为何这么火?

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:28 评论:0



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财联社|区块链日报(杭州,记者 徐赐豪)讯,当前加密圈最火的非NFT概念莫属,而其中的NFT类区块链游戏则风头无二。

(Hangzhou, journalist Xu Xiao Xiao Xiao) , which currently has the hottest non-NFT concept, with NFT-type block chain games showing up.

以当前火爆的NFT区块链游戏项目Axie Infinity为例,其7月30日单日收入破4000万美元,是当日游戏霸主王者荣耀收入的三倍。而Axie Infinity的DAU(日活跃用户数量)由6月28日的为25万,一个月增长到99.4万。

For example, the current hot NFT block chain game project, Axie Infinity, had a single-day income of $40 million on 30 July, which was three times that of the winner of the game. The DAU of Axie Infinity (the number of active daily users) grew from 250,000 on 28 June to 994,000 a month.


NFT-type block chain games also attract the madness of capital. According to third parties, the financing was $1.4 billion in the first half of the year.


Correspondingly, traditional gamers, represented by tether, are increasingly under pressure. They use block chain technology to develop virtual props, characters, skins, etc., while using laws to prosecute players and other platforms that profit from virtual currency.


According to industry analysts, NFT is an important shift in the world of games, because traditional games only trade in assets in the game ecology, and it is difficult for players to trade or sell their virtual assets outside the platform. At the same time, with the entry of capital, an NFT chain game that is born with equity, community, and platform to build a mutually-win gene may give birth to a killer-class game.

一方面:Axie Infinity等来势汹汹

on one side: Axie Infinity et al.

8月4日,法国时尚巨头路易威登(Louis Vuitton)宣布推出自己的NFT手机游戏。这款游戏是其创始人诞辰200周年庆祝活动的一部分,将在IOS和Android设备上推出。

On August 4, French fashion giant Louis Vuitton announced the launch of his own NFT mobile game, which is part of the 200th anniversary celebration of the birth of its founder and will be launched on IOS and Android devices.


The President and Chief Executive Officer of Louis Vuitton said, "The media is growing so fast that every time a new way of communicating emerges, you have to tell your story again. Now, the time is defined by technology, not by age."

LV尝试NFT游戏不过是今年市场的一个缩影。今年全网最火爆的NFT游戏,非Axie Infinity莫属。从六月末开始,Axie Infinity就像按下了加速键。

The LV experiment with NFT is just a microcosm of this year's market. This year's hottest NFT game on the Internet, it's not about Axie Infinity. From the end of June, Axie Infinity is like pressing the accelerator.

根据第三方平台统计的每周DAU,Axie Infinity 6月28日DAU为25万,7月5日DAU为35万,增长率为40%;7月12日DAU为50万,增长率为42.8%;7月19日的DAU约为70.5万,7月26日的DAU约为99.4万。

According to the third-party platform, the weekly DAU was 250,000 on 28 June and 350,000 on 5 July, with a growth rate of 40 per cent; the weekly DAU was 500,000 on 12 July, with a growth rate of 42.8 per cent; and the weekly DAU on 19 July, with an increase of approximately 705,000 and the 26 July, with an increase of approximately 994,000.

在成交量方面,Axie Infinity 30天累计成交量达到6.04亿美元,环比增长449.5%,Axie Infinity 的历史累计成交量增至7.58亿美元,排名NFT项目成交量首位。

In terms of volume of transactions, the cumulative volume of Axie Infinity for 30 days reached $604 million, an increase of 449.5 per cent over the ring, and the historical cumulative volume of Axie Infinity increased to $758 million, ranking first in NFT.

在收入方面,据第三平台数据显示Axie Infinity 8月2日的收入约为1137万美元,7天总收入为8540万美元,30天总收入为2.165亿美元。值得注意的是,7月30日,其单日收入破4000万美元,是当日传统游戏霸主王者荣耀收入的三倍。

In terms of revenue, according to the third platform, revenue on 2 August was approximately $11.37 million, total revenue for seven days was $85.4 million, and total income for 30 days was $216.5 million. It is worth noting that on 30 July, it was $40 million a day, three times as much as the glory of the traditional game kings that day.

资深游戏从业者陈夏接受《区块链日报》记者采访时表示,Axie Infinity这种一个获客成本几乎为零的NFT游戏正在重新定义基于社区用户的游戏世界。

In an interview with a journalist from the Block Chain Daily, Chenxia, a senior gamer, said that Axie Infinity, an NFT game with virtually zero subscription costs, was redefining a community-based user-based world of games.


Chenxia analysed that from its own rules of the game, the project was positioned to make money while playing, bringing economic freedom to the users of the game.

根据官方介绍,Axie Infinity是一款去中心化回合制策略游戏,是以“精灵宝可梦”为灵感而创作出来的世界。玩家需要拥有三只Axie开始游戏,每只Axie分为不同的身体部位,对应的不同属性给Axie带来了非同质性和稀缺性。

According to the official presentation, Axie Infinity is a decentralised turn-making strategy game, inspired by Elves Dreams. Players need to have three Axie games, each divided into different parts of the body, with different properties that give Axie non-homogeneity and scarcity.


Axies are very complex NFTs. First, they can be used for a variety of purposes: fighting, breeding and gathering within the game. Second, they have a variety of unique characteristics, such as attributes, categories, size, location and capabilities. Axies can have different levels of maturity and reproduction, and the rarest Axies have mysterious parts, all of which can create additional value for NFT.

陈夏向财联社区块链记者表示,相比于艺术类、收藏品类的 NFT,游戏为NFT 创建了使用场景和效用,提高了NFT的使用价值。

Chenxia indicated to FFA community chain journalists that the game created the scene and utility of NFT and increased the value of NFT use compared to the NFT in the arts and collections.

陈夏指出,Axie Infinity中NFT的运用更重要是让虚拟物品真正财产化。中心化游戏中物品的所有权实际是平台掌握的,而在区块链游戏中,由于智能合约的透明性,不可修改性,玩家掌握着加密资产的所有权,你拥有的资产繁殖出来的资产同样属于你。

Chenxia pointed out that the use of NFT in Axie Infinity is more important than real propertyization of virtual objects. The ownership of the items in the centralized game is actually in the hands of the platform, while in block-chain games, because of the transparency of smart contracts, their immutable nature, and the ownership of encrypted assets by the players, the assets that you own and the assets that you reproduce.


on the other hand: traditional game makers such as troupe enjoy their membership


Traditional gamers, represented by tether, are increasingly feeling pressure in the face of the NFT block chain game.


The debate between the two sides focused on issues such as the properties of the play accounts and their derivatives, as well as user rights.


Under the Tsing Game Licence and Service Agreement, games equipment, games coins, and other games and devices are part of the tsong service, which allows users to acquire their rights of use under this agreement. Users of games, games equipment, coins and other games, etc. should follow the requirements of this agreement and the specific rules of the game.


On the other hand, on the hand-drawn side, players are considered to be entitled to the free trade in the bill numbers and gold coins and props of the Underground City and the Brave, which are the rights and interests of the online virtual property granted to gamers under article 127 of our Civil Code.


The case was opened on 25 July at the People’s Court of the Free Trade Trial Zone of Chongqing City.


As early as 8 April 2021, D.D. 373, the channel trading platform for tethers and games, opened an online public hearing on cases involving violations of the right to disseminate information about works. The case was also about the dissemination of information, accounts, and transactions with gold in the Underground City and Brave, in which DD 373 was requested to compensate and apologize for more than $40 million.


The High People’s Court of Guangdong Province, in its ruling No. 158 of the Tung Dynasty (2020), found that the games’ accounts had been rented and transferred without permission, and arraigned to sue the traded cat for 10 million yuan. In addition, it sued dozens of trading platforms, such as UU 898 and 5173.


The game starter Hwang Xing Xing Xiang Xiang Xiang stated to the daily reporter of the Block Chain that there will be no such powerful gamer in the block chain game, and that the biggest difference between the traditional game is that the player's things are his own, and the time and money spent in the game are all players.


Huang Xing's analysis suggests that games move from end-to-end to page travel, and then to hand-to-hand trips are actually models that are unique to the platform; and that the Play-to-Earn (P2E) model, which can play games and make money, or the user's money and hope of making money, is a major change in direction for the game industry.


In addition, the NFT block chain game has a lot of behaviour that users can vote for, such as deciding what characters, roles, mechanisms are created in the game, and players can participate in and share in the creation of the game. The user of the game is not just the user, but the creator and the owner of the benefit, and it is very important to attract fans to contribute to the growth of the game.


The founder of Hashi’s capital, Ye Ding, analysed the Play-to-Earn (P2E) business model as long-standing in traditional games, with gamers such as the world of monsters and yangs making money by selling equipment or equipment. In block-chain games, the model is upgraded, and players earn real silver by playing games based on encrypted currency. By participating actively in these virtual economies, players can earn incentives, such as assets and tokens in games, and then trade or sell them on the open market.


However, Sun Jun, an expert in the think tank of the Whale Platform and co-founder of Peking Love to Investment Management Ltd., argued that the essence of the game was entertainment and that the rest could only be understood as a non-product factor, or as a marketing tool, the player was concerned with the game itself, and the rest merely added sub-items.



The fast-growing NFT block chain game is favoured by capital.

据Blockchaingamer统计,截止2021年6月,区块链游戏相关融资达14亿美元。其中约10亿美元来自传统VC,Animoca Brands、Galaxy Digital和Hashed是该领域最活跃的几个投资机构。

According to Blockchaingamer, as of June 2021, $1.4 billion in block-chain-related financing came from traditional VCs, of which about $1 billion came from Animoca Brands, Galaxy Digital and Hasshed were the most active investment agencies in the field.

以Animoca Brands为例,自2018年来已经投资了超过50家区块链游戏或者NFT相关的公司,其最终愿望是让区块链游戏成为常态。旗下产品有《Crazy Defense Heroes(疯狂塔防物语)》《 Clicker War Game of History(史诗式坦克战役)》等。

In the case of Animoca Brands, more than 50 block-chain games or NFT-related companies have been invested since 2018 with the ultimate desire to make block-chain games normal.

该公司7月份获得马云、蔡崇信家族办公室Blue Pool Capital(蓝池资本)、Coinbase Ventures、Liberty City Ventures和三星风险投资公司的5000万美元融资。

In July, the company received $50 million in financing from Ma Yun, Blue Pool Capital (Blue Pool Capital), Coinbase Ventures, Liberty City Ventures and Samsung Risk Investments.


The founder of Hashi Capital, Ye Ding, told the daily newspaper Block Chain, that the game had changed in the past, but that the production and consumption chain had remained the same, and that this was a productive relationship. Now, the boundaries of the site application, which is now in place, are an important reason for attracting capital into the NFT block chain game.


Yedeen points out that the introduction of NFT and block chains is an important shift in the world of games, because traditional game-based asset trading is only in the game ecology, and it is difficult for players to trade or sell their digital assets outside the platform. At the same time, with the entry of capital, there may be killer-class games in the area of blocks that are born to be fair, community-based, and platform-based.


(Note: At the request of the interviewer, the name of the article was changed)




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