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  【环球时报记者 丁雅栀 环球时报驻美国特约记者 郑 可】编者的话:近日,媒体报道称,字节跳动旗下元宇宙相关的PICO业务线将会进行一波“大裁员”,这让本就因为聊天机器人程序ChatGPT的出现而加速冷却的元宇宙概念,变得更加冰冷。在PICO裁员消息传出后不久,腾讯宣布XR(是虚拟现实VR、增强现实AR和混合现实MR等沉浸式技术的总称)全线岗位取消。而美国元宇宙巨头Meta一边裁员一万多人一边大砍运营预算,微软成立仅4个月的工业元宇宙团队也被砍掉,寒意遍布元宇宙行业的各个角落。那么,元宇宙真的“凉了”吗?它会是又一个资本吹起的泡沫吗?对此,《环球时报》记者展开了调查。

In recent days, media reports have said that PICO lines associated with the byte-jumping of the universe will be eliminated. And that makes the concept of meta-cosm, which was accelerated by the advent of chat robotic program ChatGPT, even colder. Soon after PICO layoffs, it is announced that XR (a virtual reality VR, an enhanced reality AR, and a combination of impregnable technologies such as MR) will be eliminated.


No more heat.

  这段时间,王庆言加的科技爱好者交流群里热火朝天地与人工智能聊天软件对话,几位好友争相晒出与这些软件的聊天内容,并分享自己的使用心得。“AIGC(即AI Generated Content,是指利用人工智能技术来生成内容)商业模式”“人工智能能否取代人类劳动力”等话题牢牢霸占着聊天页面,曾经把群里好友凝聚起来的“元宇宙”好像已成明日黄花,这三字鲜有人再提起。“现在提到元宇宙好像都是很久远的事了。”

During this period, Wang Qingqiang's technocrats have been talking to the heavens and the earth about artificial smart chat software, and several friends have been competing to get chats with these software and share their own use. & & ldquo; AIGC (AI Gendered Centre) business models & & rdquo; & & ldquo; whether artificial intelligence can replace the human labour force & rdquo; and & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ;


In March 2021, Roblox, the first share of the dollar cosmos concept, was officially listed at the New Deal House, with a market value of 10 times the horn of entry into the military universe, and major Internet companies seized the beach-cosmos track: in May 2021, Facebook indicated that it would be transformed into a Won cosmos company and renamed & ldquo; Meta” and in August of the same year, the byte jumped to buy the VR company PICO, the Confederate Cosmos.


In 2022, the Won-Cosmos remained the same as in 2022. According to the report on the financing of the 2022 Global Geo-Cosmos Investment, published by the Association of Financial Institutions for Investment Unions, 704 investments were made in 2022 in the global Won-Cosmos industry, amounting to 86,867 million yuan, of which 125 were financed in China’s domestic Won-Cosmos, with a total financing of 12.7 billion yuan. The Won-Cosmos’ landing scenes have opened with a number of flowering sites, representing digital collections, virtuals, virtual fairs, the XR industry and artificial intelligence.


However, after the advent of the new artificial intelligence community, ChatGPT’s voice overflows the other track of the meta-cosmos. At one time, the media reported that the heat of the meta-cosmos was over.


Lo Fongqin, who worked in one of the big factories, told Global Times reporters that the company had invested in the Yuan Cosmos track and benefited from it at the same time as it wanted to expand the business line, but after investing a great deal of human and material resources, it found that the track had not yielded the expected benefits. Andldquo; after the enthusiasm for new things faded, the company had become more rational about its own development plans. Andrdquo; he also said, however, that the changes in the company’s meta-cosm operations did not mean the meta-coastal & ldquao; that it was cold & rdquao; and that it might be thinking about a more suitable development path.

  VR内容创业公司CEO雷峥蒙表示,现在跟 PICO 的对接事宜一切如常。

The VR content start-up company CEO Leymont stated that the interface with PICO is as usual.


The relationship between AGC & & ldquo; & & rdquao, a meta-cosm industry practitioner, who told Global Times journalist, does not mean the demise of the meta-cosm, in fact an important link in the meta-cosm technology system, the development of which contributes to the development of the entire meta-cosm should be mutually reinforcing.


New technologies should first be integrated with reality.


In fact, the meta-cosmos has been promoted from its audience to what is now known as “ distant memories & & rdquo; but, for more than a year, many investors in the art industry have lost much of their time, because the infrastructure for enabling the development of the meta-cosm is not yet ripe. America & ldquo; politics & & rdquo; the website reports that the development of the meta-cosmos is a capital-intensive project whose structure determines the need to integrate technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, sector chains, network of goods, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and interpersonal interaction, covering aspects ranging from the development of extremely difficult hardware to strengthening the computing and network infrastructure that supports it. This means that even some of the most fanatical technology distributors and architects are adjusting their expectations at a time when the industry is facing a severe economic reverse.

  Meta的顾问兼负责创新的前主管兹维卡·克里格称,“元宇宙是一个长期的游戏”。事实上,就算是曾经财大气粗的Meta也栽在了元宇宙这个庞大的虚拟概念上。由于投入产出比严重失调,导致Meta股价暴跌,巨亏200亿美元,并因此被迫裁掉1.1万名员工,相当于该公司总人数的13%。但为了将元宇宙这个梦想落实,Meta仍旧在其“现实实验室”(Reality Lab)上追加投资,并期望借此实现长期增加公司整体营收的目标。

Meta’s consultant and former director of innovation, Zveka & Middot; Craig’s claim that & ldquo; the metaco is a long-term game & rdquo; in fact, even the once-rich Meta was caught up in the vast virtual concept of the metaco. The price of Meta’s shares fell sharply by $20 billion as a result of a gross imbalance in input output, and as a result it was forced to cut more than 11,000 employees, equivalent to 13% of the company’s total. But in order to give effect to the dream of the meta cosmos, Meta is still on its & ldquao; the reality laboratory & rdquao; Reality Lab) has made additional investments, and is expected to achieve the goal of increasing corporate revenues over the long term.


The company with money to burn is not only Meta, but Microsoft board members and investors from Meta form an association called XR, which includes heads of AR/VR companies such as Google, Samsung and Sony Interactive Entertainment, to ensure that the metaspace & ldquao; long-term games & rdquao; and goes on.

  Atlas Reality的首席执行官兼联合创始人萨米·汗认为,参与元宇宙搭建的科技公司应考虑三个主要因素:一是让人们使用他们已经拥有的硬件,比如智能手机来接触元宇宙,而不是价格高昂的头戴设备;第二,元宇宙当前的最佳版本应是使用技术来增强人们生活的现实世界;第三,让元宇宙走到用户所在的地方。萨米·汗认为,大型科技公司需要了解真实世界,并增强这些体验,而不仅仅是创造一种新的体验来推动更多收入。

The chief executive officer and co-founder of Atlas Reality, Sami & Middot; Khan believes that technology companies involved in the construction of the meta-cosm should consider three main factors: first, that people should use the hardware they already possess, such as smart phones, to reach out to the meta-cosmos rather than high-priced headwear equipment; secondly, that the best current version of the meta-cosm should be the use of technology to enhance the real world of people's lives; thirdly, that the meta-cosm should be moved to where the users are. Sami & Middot; Khan believes that large technology companies need to understand the real world and enhance these experiences, rather than simply create a new experience to promote more income.


Unlike the meta-cosm, which still seems distant from reality, a new tide created by artificial intelligence has become a torch for the commercial world again. After Suri of Apple, Alexa of Amazonia, and other corporate client-serving chat robots, artificial intelligence now has a more prominent face: ChatGPT.


And artificial intelligence and the big data technology behind it are mature enough to support the long-term development of the technology, and users do not need hardware thresholds to screen it. So it may not be bubbles, but the meta-cosm is really cool.


Demand still exists.


& ldquo; The coldness of public opinion does not represent the coldness of the industry, much less the future direction of the industry.


In his view, it is normal for the latest AI chat software to divert some of its attention from public opinion. The heat of ChatGPT has increased people’s perception of the rapid growth of artificial intelligence in recent years. It has brought new dynamic energy to the productivity of the technology industry, allowing the industry to see a wide range of applications and to find new development poles.


In February of this year, a number of technology companies indicated that they were planning to access artificial smart chat software. In response to investors’ questions, remote technology said that companies were planning to produce AGCs for live delivery based on the GPT (a pre-training model) technical framework. The blue cursor also said that the company was actively testing ChatGPT technology when responding to investors’ questions on interactive platforms.


Shenyang argued that the meta-cosmos was not a binary relationship with AIGC; indeed, the development of AIGC would greatly contribute to the further expansion of the sphere of virtual and digital life and would be of great value to the technological advancement of the meta-cosm. He said: “ the meta-cosmos contains virtually all available Internet technology, in which artificial intelligence occupies an important place. The meta-cosmos requires artificial intelligence to generate a language space, create a virtual person, leave an artificial intelligence, and it is impossible for virtuals in the meta-cosm to interact with content.


Shenyang explained: “ among the main reasons why technology giants in the country and abroad have been retrenched: firstly, the amount of money invested to achieve technological breakthroughs is up to 10 billion and most companies cannot afford it; secondly, the economic situation in the past year has been bad, businesses need to optimize their organizational structure; and thirdly, companies such as Microsoft, which already own the OpenAI (the artificial intelligence research laboratory behind the ChatGPT), do not need to maintain large teams of industrial cosmopolitans in this context.


There are many technology companies that are still active in the meta-cosm. Tele-Technology plans to do business in 2023, such as live virtual humans live, and the Science and Technology Section is also on the interactive platform, where it says that geotech, a subsidiary of the company, is committed to using AIGC to drive the meta-cosm into the intelligent age, focusing more on the integration of digital people and models such as ChatGPT.


There is still widespread demand for meta-cosm. Shenyang states that many areas require three-dimensional space, such as education, skills training, medical care, etc., but these are widely used at the enterprise level, but for personal consumers, the meta-cosm is not sufficiently convenient and equipment is not available to make money.


At a time when the development of the meta-cosmos will not take place overnight, the industry will have to invest more time, energy and money in technological development, product adaptation, talent development, policies to regulate and promote the meta-cosmos, and the landscape of the meta-cosm is constantly being updated. Shenyang believes that & ldquo; that the development of the meta-cosmos is very difficult and that there seem to be many technological bottlenecks that need to be broken, so that it is normal to have high and low swings in the development process. As long as it represents the direction of productivity, it is likely that it will make a breakthrough in the future.




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