巧用区块链技术赚钱 章鱼星球云盘评测

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:27 评论:0



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& nbsp; & nbsp;           block chains are undoubtedly one of the most visible emerging technologies in the world today, one time to Internet giants like BAT, and the rest of our average city-wellers have a strong interest in the “block chain.” So the question is, what does a block chain do?


& nbsp; & nbsp;         and & nbsp; private octopus planets, based on block chain technology, were officially launched today, April 20th, and officially declared to be a “profit-making private cloud”, which raises our curiosity. How will a cloud be associated with block chain technology, and how can it help users to make money?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; First question: What is an octopus planet?


& nbsp;           octopus planet is a private cloud hardware product based on block chain technology. Clouds are understood as a data centre at the end of the cloud, similar to with well-known products such as

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; and octopus planet is a private cloud hardware product, and the so-called “private” interprets the characteristics of this product well. First, it is not a software, but a hardware product. Second, it does not transmit your data to a public database, but rather to store it in a local private hardware product, so that one-on-one data transmission is safer and easier.

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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;   & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; open wrapping up the real body of the private octopus cloud, which is very small and delicate in its overall appearance and does not differ in size from our usual routers or NAS. The shell of the product uses aluminum alloyed material, and metal senses raise the order of the product. Aluminium alloyed material is more expensive but has better radiant abilities and quality, and praises the material.

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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; octopus planet's private cloud front uses black-dark glass material, which is not easy to scratch, hard and smooth, and is not a cheap acrylic material. The product is very simple, with only one " star" type of product, logo. This logo is also the indicator of the product's state of operations, with different colours and flashes depending on the state of operations.

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& nbsp;       and   the back of the product provides a two-dimensional code that can be downloaded from APP and tied and activated equipment . For security purposes, the two-dimensional code has been processed ~ interfaces, the octopus planet's private cloud has provided an eMMC high-speed memory slot, two USB interfaces, one gigabygram network interface, and the HDMI interface . The product has 8 GB capacity as an internal storage space, and the HMI interface can also be expanded through the USB interface.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;           users can extend storage devices through USB interfaces and SD card slots, which I see as having two main advantages. One of them, you can use existing storage devices, for example, you already have mobile hard disks and flash drives, which are fully accessible, do not need to be reinvested and have unlimited extension capability. Second, it is more flexible if you want to move hard disks or flash drives without having to take the entire mainframe, if you want to go to a place where there is no network or bad network.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; randomly attached part, octopus planets provide a power adapter, a noodle RJ45 interface line, and a very simple instruction. The instructions are well commented on, so you can see all operations in a minute.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Second question: What can an octopus planet do?


& nbsp; & nbsp;         and   as a private cloud, the greatest function of the octopus planet is to manage, store and transmit data. We have also introduced its rationale, unlike 100-degree clouds or apple iCould, which is a fully privatized hardware product, like a cloud-end server that you have created for yourself, that can point to the management and transmission of your personal data. Before going into its product function, I think it is necessary to address the user pain point, which is why you need a private cloud.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;           first of all, as one of your most important concerns: security. By analogy, the traditional public cloud service is as if you were parked in the public parking lot, although there are also uniform guards, but there is a probability of vehicle damage, vehicle loss, and theft. The private cloud is your “ Private garage >, where there are no other vehicles and persons entering and leaving, greatly reducing the likelihood that your vehicle will be damaged or stolen.

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& nbsp;           and   and next, a costing question. Buying a “private garage” is a one-time investment benefit for life, and if you don't have to afford to “rent” to others. And renting a “public space” is a monthly payment, and you don't need to pay. Yes, 100-degree clouds can be used for free, but if you don't buy the member's capacity limits, Apple Could also needs to pay monthly, and the general person's free capacity is absolutely inadequate!


& nbsp; & nbsp;             and since there is no free lunch in the world, we need to consider how we can do more with less. In the case of “buying” and “renting” trade-offs, I prefer “buying.” Because your private cloud is more secure and reliable, its capacity can expand indefinitely, and its modes of use can be more flexible. For example, you need a lot of data transmission, so it is easier to carry hardware directly through USB interfaces, and it is entirely up to you.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;       and   and & nbsp; so return to the nature of the problem, do you really need a private cloud? I think I think it's a data society now, and you do almost anything that produces data, even if you eat and sleep. And mobile phones, as the most mainstream data terminals, are a source of concern for their safety and reliability.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;           and also consideration is the issue of convenience. After all, our mobile phone storage space is extremely limited, including the mobile phone system and the space available for the cache, and the space available to me is very small. This has led to a number of large files that cannot be stored in mobile phones for long periods of time, such as video-works and videos, which have forced us to use traffic to view them online, thereby generating additional costs.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and octopus planet's private cloud function is to ensure the safe storage and ease of use of personal data, a product that in the current data-type society can bring a lot of benefits to your work and life. This product is also an amazing “sub-business” that can help you make money.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and then we go to the third question: How an octopus planet makes money.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Third question: How can an octopus planet make money?


& nbsp; & nbsp;         and   hardware products based on block-chain technology are now largely “mining” for money, followed by router products with similar rationales. While block-chain technology can be applied across industries in the long run, the most direct means of making cash are currently through the “mining” model, and the octopus planet presented today is naturally no exception.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         and & nbsp; from a hardware configuration, octopus planet's private clouds are more like a high-end mobile phone without a screen. The octopus planet's private clouds have eight nuclear high-speed processors and 2GB storages, as well as 8GB's cloud storage space, which constitute an independent and calculated miner. These luxury configurations, while ensuring a highly fluid user's experience, also make it possible to perform “mining” operations while hardware is free, thus yielding benefits.

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& nbsp;           and   when you buy this product and download it and APP, you can both operate the private octopus cloud on a cell phone end.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;           and, of course, let's focus first on the product's main business, which is the function of the private cloud. The interface can be accessed by clicking on the “octopus planet” at the bottom. The setup of the cloud storage interface is clearer, the logic is consistent with the current usage of mainstream phones, and the different types of documents are classified. You can understand it as soon as you believe it is not necessary to describe the book. Through actual data storage and extraction experience, the product is transmitted very quickly and efficiently, much faster than the traditional , such as the hundred cloud and apple iCould mentioned earlier.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; and the key to making money for this product is the “Star Alliance” project, which is where the private octopus cloud is located in block chain technology. The “Star Alliance” is preceded by the “2345ce League,” whose parent company is a listed company in the domestic A share capital market. The company was founded in 2005, successfully listed in the A stock in 2014, was included in the “Deep 300” index component in 2015, was incorporated in the MSCI Emerging Market Index in 2017 and now has a total market value of more than 20 billion yuan yuan.


& nbsp; & nbsp;             2345.com, under the banner of 2,345.com, was created for a very long time, and this model of Internet diffusion has actually existed. But the pain of advertisers is that I have no real outreach data, and I can judge how it works, and users can only listen to intermediaries. Because the traditional model was a typical “centralized” operating model, all the real data was in the hands of the broker, and the broker became a centre.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; block chains as trust mechanisms for decentralised distribution records can be a good solution, so a planetary alliance based on the technical advantages of block chains such as “decentralization, transparency, and non-frozen.” The plan will build a value-life-based management of user-network behaviour, the distribution of benefits according to labour-intensive decentralization and trustable network ecology. Whether it is advertising, downloading, or web-browing, behaviour based on trust chains will be involved in the allocation of incentives under a mechanism based on the Pob algorithm.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; and perhaps the explanation above is more complicated and obscure, if simply summed up, is that you generate user behaviour through the hardware of the octopus planet's private cloud, thereby obtaining the corresponding credits, and in return for the rewards, which is the profit logic of the octopus planet's private cloud.

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章鱼星球私人云盘 一次购买,终身受益


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; then what do you have to do to make money? Nothing, just plug in the octopus planet's private cloud to make it run, and it's so simple that he automatically makes points in a “mining” operation.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; if you're returning to the previous analogy of the parking lot, you can understand that when you go out to work, you rent your own garage to someone who works nearby but does not have a parking space, thereby earning money.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; last question: Is it worth buying?


& nbsp; & nbsp;       & nbsp; and & nbsp; to answer this question clearly, we want to think in many ways. For example, at the hardware level, , as well as at the value added, we will do a few simple analyses to help you make decisions that are worth buying.

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& nbsp;             firstly, from the point of view of the value of hardware, the private octopus cloud is more like a perfect “host” system with

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; and, for example, the member price of a well-known cloud, whose membership fee is $269 a year. That is, if you use a private octopus cloud for more than 4.8 years, you can return the fare, which is equivalent to a free hardware product of a “private cloud.” And, as previously analysed, octopus’s private cloud, whether in terms of safety, reliability, speed, or convenience, is more advantageous than the traditional software network cloud service.

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& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; and lastly, value added of products. Private octopus clouds based on the 2345 planetary plan of the League of Planets have been able to accumulate “mining” operations during leisure time and can be of value to users, which is an absolute advantage for any software or hardware product. On the basis of past data, 2345 to 2017 has accumulated more than RMB 1.2 billion, and the amount of distribution is increasing every year.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; taken together, octopus private clouds are more than just an excellent product of private cloud hardware, while the introduction of block chain technology enhances the ability of the product to create value. Throughout the current segment chain market, octopus private clouds are supposed to be a more sophisticated combination of current block chain technology and a product with extremely low block chain technology.




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