截至当地时间10月16日收盘,美国三大股指集体收高。道指涨314.25点,涨幅0.93%;纳斯达克指数上涨1.2%;标准普尔500 指数上涨1.06%。 COMEX 12 月黄金期货收跌0.37%,报1934.30 美元/盎司,白银期货跌幅超过0.5%,继续低于23 美元整数关口。从另一个角度来看,大多数投资者对加密货币的投资无非是赌博,幻想一夜暴富。然而,在投资市场上,高回报=高风险也适用于加密货币投资。高回报必然伴随着高风险。
贝莱德发言人表示:iShares 现货比特币ETF 申请仍在接受美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的审查。 3月16日,社交媒体上传出消息称,SEC批准贝莱德现货比特币ETF申请,比特币价格一度飙升至近3万美元。据统计平台显示,全球至少有40万人爆仓,大量投资者血本无归。我建议我们普通人不要接触这些加密货币。如果有钱的话,不妨去邮票钱币市场买一些有收藏价值的纸币,根本就不会流通。
On March 16, the social media uploaded news that the SEC had approved the Béléde Béténénéténéténététététététété fédérale (ETF) application, and that the price of Bitcoin had jumped to nearly $30,000. According to the statistical platform, there were at least 400,000 blasts in the world, and a large number of investors had lost their blood. I advised that ordinary people should not have access to these encrypted currencies.
加密货币本质上是一种快速奔跑的游戏。有人抄底抄峰,有人赚大钱。这只是一个数字游戏。市值第一大龙头比特币一度飙升超10%,随后回落,回到3万美元心理整数关口下方。截至发稿,交易价格为28,434美元,仍是近两个月来的最高水平。第二大以太坊上涨近10%。 2%,并升至1,580 美元以上,创周新高。台湾省虽然人口只有2342万,但夜间的热闹程度却与福建不相上下。
The price of the encrypt currency is essentially a fast-run game. Some people take the bottom, others make a lot of money. It's just a digital game. The market value of the first tap, Bitcoin, rose by 10 per cent, and then fell back to the bottom of the 30,000-dollar psychological block. As of the time of the release, the price of the transaction was $28,434, which was the highest in nearly two months. The second largest e-Taiwan rose by almost 10 per cent.
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