熊市想入场比特币期货?带你5分钟看懂 K线图

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:26 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: 财经二大爷,(https://xueqiu.com/7963933630/118956664)


Some introductions to the OKEX contract were made yesterday, and some key points about the Kline are discussed in more detail today.


i, up and down


When we listen to analysts analysing currency prices, we often refer to words such as “upline” and “downline” and so on.


The K Line graphically describes the growth and decrease in the power of both buyers and sellers and the transformation process and the actual results of the battle.


1 When the closing price is higher than the opening price, it is referred to as the “positive line” and the green box is indicated.


2 When the closing price is lower than the opening price, it is referred to as the “circular line” and the red box is indicated.


The line is a dotted line in the Kline, which represents the difference between the highest and lowest price on the day and the closing price. The upper and lower line is the upper and lower line, which is usually the longer line, indicating a lot of resistance; the lower line indicates a lot of support.


II, support and pressure


The support position, the pressure position, can help us better judge subsequent trends and can also serve as a reference for buying or selling, especially for short-line users, where the support position and the pressure position are almost one of the required lessons.


By name: When a currency falls to a position, it forms a support, as if there is something in that position that prevents it from falling; similarly, the pressure position means that when a currency rises to a position, it is difficult to break, as if something was pressuring it to stop it from rising.


The supporting position and the pressure position are not static, and there may be role shifts between them, for example, when the support position is effectively broken, it may become a post-pressure position, and when the pressure position is effectively broken, it may become a new support position.


Each person will judge the support and pressure position differently, with Klines with more than three equally priced lines being referred to as the support position or the pressure position, or the position where the mean line is located as the pressure position or the support position (note: very likely, not 100 per cent) if the currency is below those lines, the mean line is the pressure position, and the mean price is the support position if it is above the mean line.


iii, , , , )


The Booll Line can be understood simply as a zone formed by three indicator lines, the top and bottom of which can be seen as pressure lines and support lines in currency terms, respectively, while there is an average line in currency value between the two lines.


The figure above is that I intercept part of the boolean line through OKEX page - more - [boll]. Generally, the currency runs through the pressure line and the line of support. In short, the price increases between the pressure line and the line of support.


The Booll indicator is one of the commonly used tools for the technical analysis of currency circles. By calculating the “standard deviation” in currency prices, the “trust zone” in which currency prices are sought. Using the Boolin indicator, which is primarily to observe the size of the opening of the boolean indicator, much more attention is paid to those openings that are becoming smaller. Because the opening of the Boolin Line indicator is gradually becoming smaller in terms of the ups and downs of currency prices, there is a convergence of forces, currency prices are about to break in the direction, and the opening is smaller, and the price is about to break out.


So how small are the openings, where the width indicators are introduced, that is, indicators of the opening of the boolean line indicators. Some software does not have this indicator, which can be calculated by means of an average of width=(Burling cap-Burling limit)/Burling currency prices. Generally speaking, there is a potential for a breakthrough in digital currencies with less than 10. However, the threshold point of the limit width indicator will change with a currency, so it is better to observe that currency’s limit-broadness indicator movement over the course of the year to determine the threshold of the limit-broadness indicator value.


iv, , MACD


There is also a dynamic map showing MACD (12,26,9) below the transaction volume on the OKEXK line page.


(a) MACD is a very practical indicator of how clearly it responds to the strength and weakness of each of the two sides and is highly indicative of predictive trends;


The default parameters for MACD are (12,26,9) and many ask me what the values are, 12 weeks, 26 months, 9 weeks and a half.


The MACD consists of the white line (DIF), the yellow line (DEA), the red energy column, the green energy column, which is selling power, and the green energy column, which is buying power, which is often said to be multiple and empty. The higher the green column is, the higher it is, the higher it is selling power.


The middle axis is zero-axis, where the distinction is strong and weak, with more than zero being weak and less than zero being vulnerable, and the zero-axis is drawn in the next figure with blue lines. The MACD indicators are gold fork and dead fork: yellow fork on the white line (buying signals) and yellow fork under the white line (sale signals). For the dead fork, the higher the position, the greater the probability of declining trends, the same for the gold fork, the lower the position, the greater the probability of going up.


MACD lines, often used to analyse when buying and selling. When the MACD lines turn green, i.e. when negative positive, when buying; when the MACD lines turn red, when positive or negative.


Apparent deviations: because of the current high level of mastering techniques, it is not random to find a standard top deviation, for example, the following illustrations, although less obvious, are the theory that emerges. The top deviation is the rewinding of the MACD after the surge in the previous period, but the price of the currency is constantly rising. As the figure shows, there is an upward trend at the top, and the energy column at the bottom is below the horizontal line, forming the opposite trend. The white-line DIF and the yellow-line DAA form the dead end, which is the worst deviation, and the consequences if not the escape is not successful.


Like all other technical indicators, MACD indicators occasionally have faulty predictions, so let's just say that there is no need to believe in a technical indicator, and that we do so in a hands-on way, with analysis based on market realities and a combination of multiple technical indicators.




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