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编者按:对于加密货币用户来说,钱包是很重要的。但是,目前加密货币钱包的体验却不是很好。不同的链有不同的钱包,钱包的使用对普通用户极不友好。有没有一个一体万用的钱包,让普通用户可以跨多区块链使用,体验如黄油般顺畅?Phantom 就有这样的梦想。只是,谁都说不准加密钱包未来会变成什么样子。文章来自编译。

Editor: Wallet is important for encryption money users. But the current experience with encryption money wallets is not very good. Different chains have different wallets, and their use is extremely unfriendly to ordinary users. There is no single wallet that allows ordinary users to use them across multi-block chains and experience it as butter. Phantom has this dream.

如果你只有几分钟的空闲时间,关于 Phantom,以下是投资者、运营者与创始人应该了解的相关信息。

If you have a few minutes of free time, the following is about Phantom, the relevant information that investors, operators and founders should know about.

  • 。这家钱包公司最近分享了一条重大消息:他们即将登陆以太坊和 Polygon。这不仅能从根本上扩大 Phantom 的机会规模,还会让该公司与加密货币最大的钱包:MetaMask 展开正面交锋。

    The wallet company recently shared a major message: they are about to land in Ether and Polygon. Not only will it fundamentally expand the opportunity for Phantom, but it will also allow the company to start a frontal confrontation with the largest encoded wallet: MetaMask.

  • 。自 2021 年推出以来,Phantom 的发展速度惊人。异常流畅的产品对公司的增长至关重要。用过这款优雅的钱包之后,你就会明白为什么它会是一种“黄油般”的体验。

    Since its launch in 2021, Phantom has been growing at an alarming rate. An unusually fluid product is vital to the growth of the company. With this elegant purse, you'll see why it is a "butter-like" experience.

  • 。公司首席执行官布兰登·米尔曼(Brandon Millman)已经培养出一种注重意图和直觉的文化。Phantom 不惧怕凭直觉行事,但只有在仔细比较过不同的选择之后才会这样做。这种平衡帮助这家初创企业总能做出好的非共识决策。

    The company’s CEO, Brandon Millman, has developed a culture of intent and intuition. Phantom is not afraid to act intuitively, but only after careful comparison of different options. This balance helps the start-up firm to make good non-consensual decisions.

  • 。现在每一家加密货币公司都在问自己这个问题:我们现在在哪里?我们这个行业在采用曲线上走了多远?运用 Carlota Perez 的那个分析伟大技术成熟度的框架,加密货币似乎正处在转折点。该行业需要采取明智行动才能迎来“黄金时代”。

    Now every crypto-currency company is asking itself the question: Where are we now? How far has our industry gone on the curve? Using Carlota Perez's framework for analysing the great technological maturity, crypto-currency seems to be at a turning point. The industry needs to act wisely to usher in the “gold age”.

  • 。尽管已经有数百万人使用,但我们仍然不知道加密钱包会变成什么样子。加密钱包会吸收哪些功能?目前,它们在生态体系当中占据着主导地位,拥有众多扩张的机会。

    And even though millions of people are already using it, we still don't know what the encryption wallets will look like. What will the encryption wallets absorb? At present, they dominate the ecosystem and have many opportunities for expansion.

2021年,很少有初创公司的表现能比 Phantom 更出色。在 2021 年春推出之后,这款加密钱包继续展示着真正炙手可热的产品与市场契合的样子,它积累了数百万的客户,获得了来自 Paradigm 与 Andreessen Horowitz(a16z) 等公司 1.18 亿美元的融资,以及独角兽级别的估值。对于一家历史比大多数巴马干酪还年轻的公司来说,这是真正的奇迹之年。

In 2021, few start-ups performed better than Phantom. After the spring of 2021, the encoded wallet continued to show a true match between hot and hot products, accumulated millions of customers, secured $118 million in financing from companies like Paradigm and Andreasn Horowitz (a16z), and unicorn-level valuations.

虽然 2021 年 Phantom 可能更引人注目,但我怀疑 2022 年对于 Phantom 来说也许更加重要。随着加密货币市场急剧降温,创始人 Brandon Millman、Chris Kalani 和 Francesco Agosti 继续推出实质性改进并为消费者钱包的功能和感受设定新基准。它既是一款优雅、直观的产品,又具备了旨在更好保护客户的安全功能。我猜这些保护措施有很多会适时成为标准,就像垃圾邮件过滤器一样无处不在。

Although Phantom may be more visible in 2021, I suspect that 2022 may be even more important for Phantom. As the crypto-currency market cooled sharply, the founders Brandon Millman, Chris Kalani and Francesco Agosti continued to introduce substantial improvements and set new benchmarks for consumer wallet functions and feelings.

这些都不是小打小闹,但 Phantom 的最新发布会让它们都相形见绌:这款钱包即将登陆以太坊和 Polygon。任何用过 Phantom 和生态体系标准MetaMask 的人都会认识到它所代表的改进程度。虽然加密货币社区应该感谢过去几年 MetaMask 提供的服务,但很多人认为这已经是钱包的过去式。为了吸引和维系主流的采用,加密货币需要一个跨生态体系的消费级钱包,支持链上活动。它需要一个加密货币钱包,一个数字化的、无限量的背包,可以跨整个互联网承载身份、信息与财产。

These are not minor, but Phantom’s latest release will dwarf them all: this wallet is about to land in Ethio and Polygon. Anyone who has used Phantom and the eco-system standard MetaMask will recognize the extent of the improvements it represents. While the encrypting monetary community should be grateful for the services it has provided over the past few years, many consider it to be a wallet’s past. In order to attract and sustain mainstream adoption, the encrypt currency needs a multi-ecological consumer wallet to support chain activities. It needs an encrypted currency wallet, a digital, unlimited backpack that can carry identity, information and property across the Internet.

这就是 Phantom 的终极目标:成为万物的存货。取得这种至高无上的地位绝非易事,但它确实在努力。很少有钱包能提供如此流畅的产品; Phantom 所培育的那种深度生态体系的合作伙伴关系就更少见了;没有一个玩家能在多个生态体系当中具有这些优势。

This is the ultimate goal of Phantom: to be a stock of everything. It is not easy to get this supremacy, but it is working. Few wallets provide such fluid products; partnerships of deep ecological systems like Phantom are less visible; and no player can have these advantages in multiple ecosystems.

许多创始人都梦想着能像 Phantom 那样取得看似不可能的成功。他们是如何做到在不到一年的时间内从零发展到拥有数百万活跃用户的?一个反叛的钱包提供商是如何主宰生态体系的?

Many founders dream of achieving seemingly impossible successes like Phantom. How do they move from zero to millions of active users in less than a year? How does a rebel wallet provider dominate the ecosystem?

回答这类问题绝非易事。有太多的小决定、隐藏的因素以及无法识别的时刻会带来微妙但重要的差别。但让我们接受挑战吧。如果我们必须提炼 Phantom 的突破轨迹,我们可能会说这是对的人在对的时间到对的生态体系内开发了对的产品之必然结果。

Answering such questions is not easy. There are too many small decisions, hidden elements, and unidentifiable moments that bring subtle but important differences. But let us accept the challenge. If we have to refine the trajectories of Phantom, we may say that this is the inevitable result of the development of the right product by the right person in the right time to the right ecosystem.

先说人。在与 Phantom 的创始人呆了一段时间之后,也许最值得注意的收获是,这是一支你可以信赖的团队,押注在他们身上去开发别的产品他们也一样能行——比如交易市场、 SaaS 平台或超级 app。事实上,在创立 Phantom 之前,公司首席产品官 Chris Kalani就曾为设计初创公司 Wake 筹集过资金——最终那家公司被 InVision 收购了。大家对加密货币创始人一个普遍的诟病是他们往往有点理想主义,缺乏强烈的商业意识。但 Millman、Kalani 和 Agosti 不一样。尽管相信加密货币的潜力,但他们都很务实,拥有建立实质性业务所需的智慧。

Indeed, before Phantom was created, the company’s chief product officer, Chris Kalani, had raised funds for the design of the start-up company Wake – and eventually the company was bought by InVision. A common obsession with cryptographic currency founders is that they often have some idealism and lack of strong business sense. But Millman, Kalani, and Agosti are different.

至关重要的是,他们还把这种战略意识与专业知识结合到一起。三人是在 0x 工作的时候相识的,0x是一家知名的,专注于去中心化交易所(DEX)加密货币基础设施公司。在 0x 任职期间,Millman 和公司学会了从协议层到面向消费者产品的技术栈不同层面做开发。比方说,Millman 帮助推出了 Matcha ,这是一款流行的 DEX 聚合平台,可以让消费者轻松找到跨交易所的最佳定价。

It is essential that they also combine this strategic awareness with expertise. Three people know each other when they work at 0x, and 0x is a well-known decentralised de-exchange encryption money infrastructure company. During their tenure at 0x, Millman and the company learned to develop at different levels from the protocol layer to the technology store for consumer products. Millman, for example, helped launch Matcha, a popular DEX convergence platform that allows consumers to easily find the best pricing across the exchange.

投资者 Arianna Simpson 评论道:“这支团队的实力非常突出”。这位 a16z 的普通合伙人补充说:“一般来说,我们在刚刚起步的创始人身上是看不到那种程度的产品思维的。”其他消息来源对 Simpson 的看法也做出了回应,他们都提到该公司领导层在技术上的诚意、执行方面的技巧以及对产品的敏感性。

Investor Arianna Simpson commented: “This team is very strong.” The general partner of a16z added: “In general, we do not see that level of product thinking in the start-up founders.” Other sources also responded to Simpson’s views, referring to the company’s leadership’s technical sincerity, implementation skills and sensitivity to products.

正是在 0x 期间,Phantom 的创始人意识到需要有更好的钱包。Kalani说:“我们发现了开发者和用户的痛点。在开发 Matcha 时,我们一直受制于没有一个可用的钱包。在当时,我们的选择是 MetaMask 。”无论 Kalani 付出了多大努力,力图让 Matcha 成为一种美丽、无缝的体验,可一旦消费者被迫使用一个不那么直观的钱包,他们的努力马上前功尽弃。这不是孤例,已经成为整个行业越来越明显的现象。只要钱包还是那么复杂,客户的采用就会受到阻碍。Kalani 说: “很显然,需求很大。”

It was during 0x that the founder of Phantom realized that there was a need for a better wallet. Kalani said, "We found the pains of developers and users. We were subjected to no useful wallet when developing Matcha. At that time, our choice was MetaMask." No matter how hard Kalani was trying to make Matcha a beautiful, seamless experience, but once consumers were forced to use a less intuitive wallet, their efforts went away. This was not an exception, and it became increasingly evident to the entire industry. As long as the wallet was so complex, client adoption was impeded. Kalani said, "It is clear that there is a great need."

其他人也认识到了这种需求。在 2021 年 Phantom 出现之前,已经有一波钱包初创公司闯入市场,他们的目标是简化新客引导流程并取代 MetaMask。但这些初创企业中罕有真正爆发的。Simpson 将钱包领域描述成“墓地”,许多可靠的产品连拓展到数千或数万用户之外都很困难。很多人都在努力想办法如何分销,怎么提供足够的差异化。如果 Millman、 Kalani 和 Agosti 想要进来分一杯羹的话,他们就得采用正确的分销模式去打造一款深思熟虑的产品。

Before Phantom appeared in 2021, there had been a wave of wallet start-ups breaking into the market, whose goal was to simplify the new customer-guiding process and replace Metamask. There was little real outbreak in these start-ups. Simpson described the wallet as a “graveyard”, and it was difficult for many reliable products to reach out to thousands or tens of thousands of users. Many people were trying to figure out how to distribute it and how to make enough difference. If Millman, Kalani, and Agosti wanted to break in, they would have to use the right distribution model to build a well-thought-out product.

正如后面将更详细讨论的那样,产品已被证明是 Phantom 的核心优势之一。该公司开发出了一个美观、直观且具有迷惑力的钱包。钱包也许给人感觉很简单,但它的安全和隐私功能让这款产品在竞争中处于领先地位。

As will be discussed in more detail later, the product of

至关重要的是,Phantom 在早期避免了产品陷阱。比方说,这家公司一开始先是做 web 扩展而不是移动 app。尽管 app 可以提供更全面的体验,但 Millman 的团队认识到这种做法想要蓬勃发展还为时过早。Web3 以高级金融交易或开发者活动为主——这两者都不适合在移动设备上进行。以太坊网络的交易速度慢且成本高,这些也更适合桌面环境。但这在当时并不是一个显而易见的决定。Millman 说: “很多人看到已经有 MetaMask 了就认为开发 Chrome 扩展不是出路,很多人直接转向了移动设备。”

It's vital that Phantom avoids product traps at an early stage. For example, this company started out doing web extensions instead of moving an app. Although app offers a more comprehensive experience, it's too early for Millman's team to realize that this is the way to flourish. Web3 focuses on advanced financial transactions or developers' activities — neither of which is suitable for mobile devices. These are more suitable for the desktop environment because of the slow pace and high cost of dealing with the Taiwan network. This was not an obvious decision at the time. Millman said, “Many people already saw Metamask and thought that developing Chrome extensions was not a way out, many turned directly to mobile devices.”

随着像 Solana 这样的高速区块链越来越受欢迎,并且 web3 扩展到 NFT 和其他更加以消费者为中心的 app 上,Phantom 也适时推出了移动体验。但用浏览器大头阵显然是公司的正确决定。

As high-speed block chains such as Solana become more popular, and web3 expand to NFT and other more consumer-centred apps, Phantom has also introduced mobile experiences in due course. But it is obviously the right decision of the company to use a browser.

不过,Phantom 的最佳决定是在合适的时间融入到到合适的生态体系里面:2021 年初的 Solana。这是一个特殊赌注,团队做出这个决定经过了仔细考虑。Kalani 说:“我们不想与 MetaMask 正面对抗,所以一开始做的功能较少,我们想占据主导地位,弄清楚该做什么,然后再拓展。”

But Phantom's best decision is to integrate into the right ecological system at the right time: early 2021, Solana

这种考虑把以太坊排除在外,但它并没有缩小可能性,而是扩大了可能性。在选择 Solana 之前,Millman 还考虑过比特币(“我们很早就排除了这个选项,因为我们想要推动去中心化 app——dapp ”)、Cosmos、NEAR 和 Polkadot。

This consideration excludes the Etherm, but it does not narrow the possibility, but expands the possibility. Before choosing Solana, Millman also considered Bitcoin (“we ruled out this option early because we wanted to drive decentralisation”, Cosmos, NEAR and Polkadot.

有几个因素促使团队最后选择了 Solana。

There were several factors that prompted the team to finally choose Solana.

首先是该链有着令人惊讶的稳定币流动性。当 Millman 深入挖掘时,他发现 USDC (一种稳定币)的第二大部署就是在 Solana 上,仅次于以太坊。在 0x 的时候,他了解到稳定币的流动性是 DeFi(去中心化金融)活动的“命脉” 。 Solana 的实力让它更有机会促进使用率,形成势头。

When Millman dug deep, he found that the second largest USDC deployment was in Solana, after Etheria. At 0x, he learned that the liquidity of the stable currency was the “blood” of DeFi’s activities.

其次,Solana 团队对加密货币市场有着不一样的看法,并愿意支持新兴钱包。那时候,这个 Layer 1 的项目规模还很小,价格只有几美元。(之后,该 Layer 1 就经历了一次大肆炒作周期,情况跟加密货币行业其他领域差不多,但最终仍是一个比 24 个月前更加突出的生态体系玩家。)因为它的规模相对较小,所以讨论 Phantom 与 Solana 建立真正的合作伙伴关系更容易。Millman 说:“他们对生态体系有不同的看法。它商业拓展导向很强。他们想从一开始就推动生态体系的发展。”

Second, the Solana team had a different view of the crypto-currency market and was willing to support the new wallets. At that time, the Layer 1 project was small in size and priced only a few dollars. (The Layer 1 then went through a high-profile cycle, similar to other areas of the crypto-currency industry, but ultimately remained a more prominent player in the ecosystem than it was 24 months ago.) Because of its relatively small size, it was easier to discuss a genuine partnership between Phantom and Solana. Millman said, “They have different views about the ecosystem.

最终,Phantom 还是被技术本身所左右了。Solana 很快。这不仅看起来像是可以赢得用户的价值主张,而且还影响了 Phantom 可以开发出什么样的产品。Kalani 说:“UX 就从你开发的区块链开始。我们喜欢 Solana 的速度,快得令人难以置信,而且价格也低到令人难以置信。我们在想,‘加密货币就应该是这样的。软件就应该是这种感觉。’”

In the end, Phantom is still influenced by technology itself. Solana is fast. Not only does it look like a value proposition that can win a user, but it also affects what Phantom can develop. Kalani says, "UX starts with the block chain you've developed. We like Solara at an incredible speed, and the price is so low. We think, 'Classification money should be that way.' That's what software should feel."

并非所有人都认同 Phantom 的理念。Millman 回忆道:“很多投资者都说,‘这个 Solana 是挺不错,但你们什么时候才上以太坊啊?’”就连作为 Phantom 首批出资人之一的 Simpson 也没能被说服。她说:“我不太确定。如果你选错了区块链的话,就算产品很棒,也没人会用。”

Not everyone agrees with Phantom’s idea. Millman recalls: “Many investors say, ‘This Solana is good, but when did you go to Ethio?’” Even Simpson, one of Phantom’s first donors, was not convinced. She said, ‘I'm not sure. If you choose the wrong chain of blocks, the product is good, and no one will use it.”

但结果证明,Phantom 选择的时机再合适不过了。2021 年,Solana 出现了指数式的增长,其代币升值了 14875% ,达到了 239.60 美元的高位。尽管数字更为温和,另外一些投机性较低的指标也有了重要增长。周活跃开发者的数量从 2020 年 12 月的 26 增加到一年后的 2000 多名。协议收入也从每周 1800 美元增加到 787000 美元。

But the results prove that the timing of Phantom’s choice is most appropriate. In 2021, Solana experienced exponential growth, with the appreciation of its tokens by 14875%, reaching a high of $239.60. While the numbers are milder, other less speculative indicators have increased significantly. The number of weekly active developers increased from 26 in December 2020 to more than 2,000 a year later.

甚至在自己的产品面世之前,Millman 就感受到了活力的不断增长。每当 Phantom 发布工作过程的屏幕截图或视频时,反响都非常热烈。 他说:“感觉就像我们跳过了找到产品市场契合的阶段。大家对我们的原型确实非常兴奋。”

And even before their product came to life, Millman felt that the dynamism was growing. Every time Phantom released a screenshot or video of the work, it was very lively. He said, "It was like we were skipping the stage of finding a market fit for the product. Everyone was really excited about our prototype."

2021 年 3 月,Phantom 推出了测试版;到 7 月全面开放时,它已经拥有 20 万用户。然后,有趣的才真正开始。在接下来的那几个月里,Phantom 每周都吸引到数万名新用户——有时候甚至超过了 10 万。一个重要的催化剂是 Degenerate Ape Academy 的铸造。该 NFT 项目受到的关注吸引了许多人进入 Solana 生态体系,他们使用 Phantom 自然也不可避免。很快,Solana 就变成了 Millman 所说的“仅次于以太坊的第二大生态体系”。

In March 2021, Phantom launched the test version; by July, when it was fully open, it had 200,000 users. Then, interestingly, it really started. In the following months, Phantom attracted tens of thousands of new users every week — sometimes more than 100,000. An important catalyst was the casting of Degenerate Ape Academy. The NFT project attracted attention to many people entering the Solana ecosystem, and their use of Phantom was inevitable. Soon, Solana became what Millman called “the second largest ecological system after the Etherm”.

Phantom 成功地成为了这个不断扩大的生态体系的标准。Millman 指出,对于自己的社区拥有超越以太坊等区块链所提供的最佳产品,许多 Solana 圈的人似乎都很“自豪”。

Phantom has succeeded in becoming the standard for this growing ecosystem. Millman has pointed out that many Solana circles seem to be “proud” for their communities to have the best products beyond the chain of blocks such as Ether.

与 Solana 一样,Phantom 的团队在寻找合作伙伴方面表现出了敏锐的洞察力。正是这些合作伙伴关系加速了他们的发展轨迹并巩固了他们的地位。其中一个合作关系是 NFT 交易市场 Magic Eden,这个交易市场的运营者是加密货币行业的老玩家了。事实上,Magic Eden 的联合创始人Zedd Yin 指出,他跑到 Solana 上做东西在一定程度上也是受到了前者的启发。 “当我看到他们在 Solana 上做的东西时,我想,‘哦,该死,我们早该注意到这一点。’”Magic Eden 现在将 Phantom 作为用户的首选,而 Phantom 则提供了丰富的 NFT 功能以及与 Magic Eden 的强强联合。比方说,客户可以在不离开 Phantom 钱包的情况下直接在该交易市场上架 NFT。

Like Solana, Phantom’s team has shown keen insight in finding partners. These partnerships have accelerated their development trajectory and consolidated their position. One such partnership is the NFT trading market, Magic Eden, which is run by an old player in the crypto-currency industry. Indeed, the co-founder of Magic Eden, Zedd Yin, said that he was inspired to some extent by what he was doing on Solana. “When I saw what they were doing on Solana, I thought, ‘Oh, damn it, we should have noticed it.” Magic Eden now uses Phandom as a user’s first choice, and Phantom now provides a rich NFT function and a strong association with Magic Eden.

虽说 Phantom 在2021 年的增长很大程度上要归功于 Solana,但反过来说也可能是正确的。 Variant 联合创始人, 同时也是 Phantom 投资者的Jesse Walden 说:“可以认为, Phantom 与 Solana 的增长有很大关系。Solana 生态体系非常容易上手。Solana 和 Phantom 之间存在共生关系,它们相互为对方提供动力。” Magic Eden 的 Yin 也表示同意:“吸引到这些极其正统、以太坊原生的开发者到生态体系内做开发,这是 Solana 生态体系的一个转折点。”

While Phantom’s growth in 2021 was largely due to Solana, it may be correct. The Varian co-founder, and Jesse Walden of Phantom, also an investor, said, “It can be argued that Phantom has a great deal to do with the growth of Solana. Solana’s ecological system is very easy to do.

尽管 Phantom 仅在几个月前刚刚筹集了 900 万美元的资金,但他们在夏季的崛起引起了风投的强烈兴趣。与此同时,该钱包也开始创造收入,并通过应用内代币交换轻松获利。Millman 回忆道: “主流投资者各个都想跟我们聊聊。”

Although Phantom just raised $9 million a few months ago, their rise in the summer gave rise to strong interest in the wind. At the same time, the wallet started to generate revenue and to easily profit from the use of internal currency. Millman recalls, "Major investors want to talk to us."

Paradigm 就是其中之一。尽管传统上侧重以太坊,但该基金指出,他们总体上看好 Solana 生态体系,尤其是 Phantom。与 Coinbase 联合创始人 Fred Ehrsam 合作的机会对 Millman 来说具有很强的吸引力。 Millman 指出:“没有比这更好的合作伙伴了。他是给主流开发加密货币最重要的专家之一。” Paradigm 给 Phantom 开出了 12 亿美元的估值,领投了后者 1.09 亿美元的 B 轮融资——对于一年前还不存在的一家初创企业来说,这个数字已经不错了。

The opportunity to work with Fred Ehrsam, co-founder of Coinbase, was very attractive to Millman. Millman said, “There is no better partner than this. He was one of the most important experts in the mainstream development of encryption money.” Paradigm gave Phantom a $1.2 billion valuation of the latter's $109 million B-round financing – a good figure for a start-up business that did not exist a year ago.

你能给予 Phantom 产品最高的评价,也许就是它能如你所愿地工作。这在 web3 世界是不小的壮举。通常情况下,钱包属于那种令人费解的产品,需要很长时间才能掌握。像传输代币、购买 NFT 或货币兑换这样简单的事情似乎令人费解,对新手而言更是如此。我仍然记得第一次用加密货币钱包时的经历,当我看到下拉菜单上面写着“Ropsten”、“Rinkeby”以及“Goerli”之类的名字时,感觉仿佛一定是我什么地方搞错了;要是我能弄明白就好了。

You can give Phantom the highest rating of a product, and perhaps it can work as you wish. This is not a small feat in the world of web3. Usually, wallets are one of those inexplicable products that take a long time to master. Simple things like transmitting tokens, buying NFTs or currency exchange seem confusing, especially for newcomers. I still remember the first time I used an encrypted currency wallet, and when I saw the drop-down menus with names like “Ropsten”, “Rinkeby” and “Goerli”, it seemed like something had been wrong with me; if only I could figure it out.

对于许多消费者来说,使用钱包不仅令人困惑而且令人恐惧。大量的加密货币欺诈让每笔交易都感觉都像是一场赌博。鉴于由字母和数字组成的字符串的交易确认不是人类能看懂的那种,这一点尤其正确。点确认会不会钱就没了?自己的 NFT 会不会就被偷走了?

For many consumers, the use of wallets is not only confusing but frightening. A lot of encrypted currency fraud makes every transaction feel like a gamble. This is all the more true, given that a string of letters and numbers confirms that transactions are not something that humans can understand.

大家知道,Union Square Ventures 是我最欣赏的基金之一。近二十年来,该公司在赢得非凡回报方面一直都非常成功,在这个过程中他们选择的对象和时机都非常令人印象深刻。该公司有一条“不成文”的投资筛选法则,也就是所谓的“黄油理论”。 USV 普通合伙人 Nick Grossman 解释说:“我们用‘黄油’来描述互动和体验的顺畅。丰富,简单,美味。很难给出官方定义,但一旦你看到/感觉到时,你就知道了。” Grossman 举的例子包括 Stripe 的 API、Splice 的软件以及 Airtable 的数据库。

As you know, Union Square Ventures has been one of my favorite funds. For the last two decades, the company has been very successful in winning extraordinary returns, and in this process it has been very impressive in terms of the objects and timing it chooses. The company has a “unwritten” investment selection code, the so-called butter theory. USV general partner Nick Grossman explains: “We use the word butter to describe the smoothness of interaction and experience.

Phantom 是加密货币的黄油。该团队创造了一个功能丰富、考虑周到、使用直观且如丝般顺滑的钱包。你可以轻松地在代币、NFT(按藏品组织)、交易程序以及智能通知列表之间切换。Chris Kalani 说: “我们明确针对普通用户设计,刻意不公开每个原始组件。”其结果是一种完美的体验——就像制作精良的移动 app 一样很容易使用。Kalani 在建筑设计初创公司 Wake 的经验这时候派上了用场。在 Solana 上进行交易的速度也增加了体验的流畅。

Phantom is the butter of an encrypted currency. The team created a wallet that is functional, thoughtful, intuitive and silky. You can easily switch between tokens, NFTs (based on collections), transaction procedures, and smart notice lists. Chris Kalani says, “We are clearly designed for ordinary users, deliberately not to disclose each original component.” The result is a perfect experience -- as easy to use as a fine move can be made. Kalani is used at this time in the experience of the architectural start-up company Wake. The speed of trading on Solana also increases the flow of experience.

说实话,这就是我对这家公司如此兴奋的主要原因之一。从我第一次使用 Phantom 开始,就感觉它比我习惯的使用方式向前迈出了一大步。加密货币产品往往给人过于古怪、设计不足或难以使用的感觉。Phantom 却没有那种感觉。使用它很愉悦,证明探索 web3 未必就得费力。

To be honest, that's one of the main reasons why I'm so excited about this company. From the very first time I used Phantom, it feels like it's a big step forward than I'm used to. Encrypted money products tend to be too weird, poorly designed or hard to use. Phantom doesn't have that feeling.


相对于优雅的设计和用户体验,更重要的是它对安全的承诺。尽管加密货币钱包未必就得是牢不可破,但 Phantom 的团队已经表现出要让自己成为市场上最值得信赖钱包的愿望。迄今为止,困扰别人的黑客攻击还没有发生在他们身上。

More important than elegant design and user experience is its commitment to security. Although encryption money wallets may not have to be impregnable, Phantom’s team has shown a desire to make themselves the most trusted wallets in the market.

那么,Phantom 都做了些什么呢?一方面,Phantom 的整个代码库均已经过 Kudelski Security 等顶级公司的审计。该公司 2021 年的报告任何人都可以看。此外,Phantom 还运作着一个漏洞赏金计划,谁能及时发现漏洞的话,最高奖励可达 50000 美元。

So, what does Phantom do? On the one hand, Phantom's entire code library has been audited by top companies like Kudelski Security. The company's 2021 report is available to anyone. Moreover, Phantom operates a leaky reward scheme, and the maximum reward can be up to $50000 if anyone discovers it in time.

“网络钓鱼”这个词你也许会比较熟悉。在 web2 世界中,这通常是指诱使互联网用户泄露个人信息,比方说电子邮件帐户的密码、儿时宠物的名字或信用卡的 PIN 码。 在 Web3 上的网络钓鱼有点不同。加密货币欺诈者一般不会获取你的个人信息,其目的是想窃取你钱包的秘密助记词,或诱使你批准一桩破坏性交易。

The word "phishing" may be familiar to you. In the web2 world, it is usually used to induce Internet users to divulge personal information, such as the password for e-mail accounts, the name of children’s pets, or the PIN code for credit cards.

针对网络钓鱼,Phantom 的第一道防线是一份全面的“黑名单”,这份名单会不断更新。本质上,黑名单是参与网络钓鱼的站点记录。通常,这些网站会设计得跟像你信任的品牌——比方说 Coinbase ——一样,URL 略有不同是唯一明显的区别。当 Phantom 把那些网站添加到黑名单时,整个客户群的安全性都会得到提高,比方说确保用户不会被“”欺骗到。目前,这份黑名单已经纳入了 2000 多个地址并且还在增加。 Phantom 还帮助关闭了 1000 个欺诈网站,以及 250 个从事网络钓鱼的垃圾邮件社交媒体帐户。

The first line of protection against cyberfishing is a comprehensive blacklist, which is constantly updated. In essence, blacklists are sites that are involved in cyberfishing. Usually, these sites are designed to differ slightly from your trusted brand -- for example, Coinbase -- the only obvious difference between URLs. When Phantom adds those sites to blacklists, the whole client community becomes safer, ensuring, for example, that users are not deceived by

另一道防线是 Phantom 的 NFT“销毁”功能。不良行为者有时会向客户发送“免费”的 NFT 供铸造,但只能通过访问他们的网站来领取。一旦用户访问他们的网站,用户的钱就会被盗走。客户只需在 Phantom app 中销毁不需要的垃圾邮件 NFT 即可避免这种风险。自今年 8 月推出以来,用户已经销毁了超过 600000个 NFT——清理钱包之后就可以免于被骗。

Another line of defense is Phantom’s NFT “destruction” function. Bad actors sometimes send their clients “free” NFTs for casting, but only by accessing their websites. Once users visit their websites, the user’s money is stolen. Clients can avoid this risk only by destroying unwanted spam NFTs in Phantom app. Since its launch in August this year, users have destroyed more than 600,000 NFTs – free of deception after cleaning their wallets.

最近,Phantom 还帮助孵化出 Blowfish,这是一家将交易预览转换为可读语言的加密货币安全初创公司。实际上,它的作用是将难以辨认的、混乱的文本和数字转化为一条消息,告诉消费者将要做什么,并在检测到风险时发出警告。

Recently, Phantom also helped hatch Blowfish, an encrypted money security start-up company that converts trade previews into readable languages. In fact, its role is to translate hard-to-understood, confusing words and numbers into a message, telling consumers what to do, and warning when risks are detected.

到目前为止,Blowfish 已经扫描了超过 8500 万笔交易,并阻止了 18000 笔“会榨光钱包的交易”。这意味着 Blowfish 的技术已经 18000 次避免了某人的资金被盗。在集成 Blowfish 功能的钱包里面,Phantom 是目前最大的一个,所以最有可能从其日益复杂的功能中受益。Solana 基金会沟通主管 Austin Federa 指出:“在用户保护方面,他们遥遥领先于所有人。”

So far, Blowfish has scanned more than 85 million transactions and stopped 18,000 "trading wallets." This means that Blowfish technology has prevented someone's money from being stolen 18,000 times. Phantom is currently the largest in the combined Blowfish wallet, so it is most likely to benefit from its increasingly complex functions. Solana Foundation Communication Manager Austin Federa says: "They are far ahead of everyone in user protection."

1/过去一周,我们阻止了 1386 位Phantom 用户 4828 笔可能会导致钱包被掏空的交易! 有个骗子甚至针对 50 多个 NFT 社区建立了 97 个钓鱼网站,其中包括 @okaybears 、@SharkyFi 和@GalacticGeckoSG 等。

如果客户遇到问题,他们可以联系 Phantom 的支持团队。该初创公司提供了 24/7 全天候的客服,平均解决时间仅为 14.8 小时。任何以前被迫向加密货币公司寻求帮助的人都会知道这样的可用性和速度是不寻常的。 Phantom 的 7 人支持团队已经处理了 30000 多张工单。为了让用户更加安全,Phantom 还将课程传授给 Blowfish,帮助训练其专有的检测引擎。

If the client has problems, they can contact Phantom’s support team. The start-up company provides 24/7 round-the-clock service, with an average resolution time of only 14.8 hours. Anyone who has been forced to seek help from encryption money will know that such availability and speed is unusual.

Phantom 还将隐私放在优先考虑的位置。客户的资金或私钥 Phantom 是动不了的,因为这些在客户的设备上经过了加密。它还通过隐私代理路由所有请求,外部(比方说 RPC 提供商)是看不到用户 IP 地址的。

Phantom also gives priority to privacy. The client’s funds or private keys, Phantom, cannot move because they are encrypted on the client’s device.

在 MetaMask 和 Infura 的所有者 ConsenSys 透露自己会收集用户数据之后,这个已经变成了热门话题。MetaMask 会收集包括联系方式在内的用户身份信息。通过 MetaMask 与 Infura 交互时,ConsenSys 会收集钱包和 IP 地址。因为用户的强烈反对,ConsenSys 正计划更新其政策。

This has become a hot topic since the owner of MetaMask and Infoura ConsenSys revealed that they would collect user data. MetaMask will collect user identification information, including contact information. When using MetaMask to interact with Infoura, ConsenSys will collect wallets and IP addresses. ConsenSys is planning to update its policy because of the user's strong opposition.

归根到底,Phantom 的产品实力是因为他们致力于打造尽可能最好的钱包——并尽一切努力在技术栈的各个层面去实现这一目标。从它开发的区块链到所引入的功能,Phantom 创造出了像黄油一样顺畅的产品,这在加密货币世界是很罕见的。

At the end of the day, Phantom’s product strength is because they are committed to building the best possible wallets – and making every effort to achieve it at all levels of the technology store. From the grid it develops to the functionality it introduces, Phantom creates products like butter, which is rare in the world of encrypted currency.

Phantom 不仅仅想成为 Solana 生态体系最大的钱包。它还想成为加密货币领域最重要的钱包,就这样。几周前,该团队发布了一条消息,朝着成为真正的多链冠军迈出了自然的下一步。在一篇名为《万能钱包》的博客文章里, Phantom 指出自己正在加大对以太坊和 Polygon 的支持。

Phantom does not just want to be the biggest wallet of the Solana ecosystem. It wants to be the most important wallet in the area of encryption money, that's all. A few weeks ago, the team released a message that was the next natural step towards becoming a true multi-chain champion.

这是一个重大举措,可从根本上扩大 Phantom 的市场规模和竞争力。尽管 Solana 现在已经算是一个主要的生态体系,但以太坊仍然要大得多。在撰写本文时,其市值为 1480 亿美元,而 Solana 的市值为 2.85 亿美元;前者锁定的总价值为 240 亿美元,而后者为 2.96 亿美元;前者周活跃开发者总数为 2357,相比之下后者为 343。以太坊的 NFT 交易量也拥有绝对优势。如果再考虑 Polygon 这样的 L2 的话,这些数字还会增加。

This is a major initiative that could fundamentally expand the market size and competitiveness of Phantom. Although Solana is now considered to be a major ecological system, it is still much larger. At the time of writing, the market value of Solana was $148 billion, compared with $285 million; the total value of the former was set at $24 billion and the latter $296 million; the total number of weekly dynamic developers was 2357, compared to 343. The NFT trade volume in Soya also has an absolute advantage.

对于 Solana 来说,这也没什么。以太坊已经苦心经营多年,但 Solana 在过去两年的崛起令人印象深刻。在日交易数量上 Solana 优于以太坊(约1600 万 vs 950000),在日活跃钱包的指标上也显示出高吞吐量产品的价值。而以太坊的规模则展现出 Phantom 所面临挑战和机遇的规模。可以说,它现在正在争夺的是加密货币最有影响力的社区至高无上的地位。

In terms of the volume of transactions in the day, Solana is better than the value of products in the daily active wallets (approximately 16 million vs 950,000). In terms of the size of the neighbourhood, the scale of the challenges and opportunities that Phantom faces is illustrated.

Phantom 的发展不会没有竞争。Jesse Walden 指出, Millman 从 Solana 起步是明智的,因为以太坊的用户“至少有一些解决方案”。 Phantom 现在需要击败那些解决方案,其实就是 MetaMask。它需要相信,自己的黄油产品、强大的安全功能以及跨链功能会为它蚕食市场提供一切机会。

Phantom's development is not without competition. Jesse Walden points out that it is wise for Millman to start from Solana, because the user of Etherwood “has at least some solutions.” Phantom now needs to defeat those solutions, actually Metamask. It needs to believe that its butter products, its strong safety functions and its cross-linkage functions provide every opportunity for it to encroach on the market.

当然,它不需要赢得市场份额也能茁壮成长。如果你相信加密货币可能还会增长,并且以太坊和 Polygon 可帮助推动它向上走的话,那么 Phantom 就可以在不说服用户切换的情况下取得成功。相反,它可以专注于赢得净新用户,那些可能不想或不需要了解 Rinkelby 是什么、更喜欢直观体验,并发现通过浏览器和移动 app 进行交易会很有价值的用户。 Phantom 似乎非常适合接收这些新来者;我怀疑它还会让大量现有用户切换过来。

If you believe that encrypt currency may grow, and that the Taiwan and Polygon can help drive it up, Phantom can succeed without convincing users to switch. Instead, it can focus on winning a net new user, who may not want or need to understand what Rinkelby is, who prefers to see intuitively, and who finds it valuable to trade through browsers and mobile apps. Phantom seems well suited to receive these newcomers; I suspect it will also allow a large number of existing users to switch over.

Phantom 用了一种典型的系统化方法来进行扩张。虽然还没有正式发布,但团队已经花了相当多的时间来确保能够维持产品的体验。

Phantom uses a typical systematic approach to expansion. Although it has not yet been officially released, the team has spent a considerable amount of time ensuring that the product experience can be sustained.

作为拓展的一部分,Phantom 还将与 Polygon 合作。Polygon Studios 首席执行官 Ryan Wyatt 指出:“对我们来说,与他们接触是很自然的一件事。钱包的使用阻力是一个非常大的障碍,但 Phantom 的团队素质非常高。”当 Polygon 在寻找赢得 web3 的用例时,它们认识到了世界级钱包体验的价值。

As part of the outreach, Phantom will also work with Polygon. Polygon Studios CEO Ryan Wyatt says, "It's natural for us to get in touch with them. The resistance to wallet use is a big obstacle, but Phantom's team is very good." When Polygon looks for examples of winning web3 they recognize the value of world-class wallet experience.

尽管我们了解的细节不多,但 Phantom 和 Polygon 表示他们渴望推动建立深入的合作伙伴关系。Wyatt 表示: “我们有一个非常雄心勃勃的路线图。”鉴于 Polygon 卓越的业务发展履历——它已促成与星巴克、 Instagram、Stripe、迪士尼和其他公司建立起合作伙伴关系——双方联手也可能会采取一种引人注目的形式。

Although few details are available to us, Phantom and Polygon indicate that they are eager to promote a deeper partnership. Wyatt says, “We have a very ambitious road map.” Given Polygon's excellent business development history — which has led to partnerships with Starbucks, Instagram, Stripe, Disney and other companies — it is also likely to take a dramatic form.

其中一种可能性是双方合作开发游戏相关的钱包功能——这是 Polygon 的关注重点。Wyatt 评论道:“我们看到下一代 web3 游戏即将出现。我们想让它成为一种无缝体验。”

One of the possibilities is to work together to develop the wallet function associated with the game -- this is the focus of Polygon. Wyatt commented: "We see the next generation of web3 games coming up. We want it to be a seamless experience."

Phantom 的团队是我相信这家公司的主要原因。正如我们所讨论的那样,这家初创企业的创始人拥有打造品类领导者的专业知识、执行能力与战略意识。这在很大程度上似乎来自团队的权衡取舍,以及转化成这家公司的运营之道。

Phantom’s team is the main reason I believe in this company. As we discussed, the founder of the start-up business has the expertise, implementation capacity, and strategic awareness of creative leaders.

尽管 Phantom 的创始人个个单打独斗都很高效,但三人组的效率甚至更高。Millman 说:“我真的很喜欢我们三位联合创始人。总会有平局决胜的时候,如果其中一人需要休养,另外两人仍然可以扛起重担。”

Although Phantom's founders were very effective in fighting one by one, the three groups were even more efficient. Millman said, "I really like our three co-founders. There's always a draw, and if one of them needs rest, the other two can still bear the burden."


Millman 还指出,Phantom 的设置让分治变得得容易,每一位创始人都可以处理独立的功能。CTO Agosti 负责工程,确保数百万人使用产品时的可靠性。Kalani 负责产品、设计和营销——按照 Millman 的说法,他在这些方面拥有“令人难以置信的直觉” 。事实上,Millman 认为,是 Kalani 看到了 NFT 浪潮的到来,并迅速对产品做出调整,从而站在了这股浪潮的风头浪尖。至于 Phantom 的这位首席执行官,他把重点放在“确保 Chris 和 Francesco 不必关心其他任何事情上。”也就是运营、财务、融资和招聘方面。Millman 似乎特别擅长为团队招募精英人才,并给他们提供发展空间。

Millman also pointed out that Phantom’s set-up made it easier to divide, and that every founder could handle independent functions. CTO Agosti was responsible for engineering, ensuring the reliability of millions of people using products. Kalani was responsible for products, design and marketing – according to Millman, he had “incredibly intuitive” in these areas. In fact, Millman believed that it was Kalani who saw the rise of the NFT wave and quickly adjusted the product, thus standing at the top of it. As for Phantom’s chief executive officer, he focused on “ensure that Chris and Francesco did not have to care about anything else.” That was in the areas of operations, finance, finance, and recruitment.

除了分工明确之外,Phantom 的创始人还拥有截然不同但又互补的个性。 Kalani 说:“我们互相平衡。” CPO 往往表现更积极,推动公司走得更远、更快。 Agosti 则表现出保守的一面,注重风险。Millman 的风格介乎两者之间,用 Agosti 的一丝不苟调和 Kalani 对速度的追求。

In addition to a clear division of labour, the founder of Phantom has a very different but complementary personality. Kalani says, “We balance.”

Phantom 似乎是这些不同观点的一种表达,糅合了快速爆发的直觉以及有条不紊的意图。其结果是企业总能用惊人的频率做出正确、非共识的决策。当然,Phantom 在 2021 年选择全力投入 Solana 有一些运气的成分,但也有深思熟虑的分析。而且,这款钱包当然也受益于去年的 NFT 热潮,但该公司能够抓住这股浪潮并非偶然。听起来很简单,但这正是伟大公司的要素:一次又一次做出正确决策的能力。

Phantom seems to be an expression of these different points of view, combining the intuitions of the rapid eruptions and systematic intentions. The result is that firms can always make the right, unconsensual decisions with surprising frequencies. Of course, Phantom chose to invest heavily in Solana in 2021 with some elements of luck, but also with considered analysis. And, of course, the wallet benefited from last year’s NFT boom, but it was not accidental that the company was able to capture it.

除了领导层之外,Phantom 还拥有一支强大的团队。比方说,今年早些时候,Millman 聘请了 Kevin Jacobs 担任总法律顾问——这是一个关键角色。Jacobs 之前曾在Robinhood Crypto 负责过监管事宜。Ron McKown 也被认为是重要的人力补充。这位安全主管曾在 Casa、Voyager 和 BitGo 等公司担任过业内的类似职务。其他的员工则来自 ConsenSys、 Coinbase 和 Ledger,以及 Facebook 和 Lyft 等 web2 巨头。Millman 说:“有来自 web2 圈的人很有帮助。这可以确保我们开发的东西适合主流受众。”

In addition to the leadership, Phantom has a strong team. For example, early this year, Millman hired Kevin Jacobs as General Counsel -- a key role. Jacobs was previously in charge of regulation in Robinhood Crypto. Ron McKown was also considered an important human complement. The head of security held similar positions in Casa, Voyager and BitGo. Other employees came from Consensys, Coinbase and Ledger, as well as Facebook and Lyft.

保持高门槛对公司很重要,做事主动为人谦逊也是优先考虑的素质。 Kalani 说: “我们十分喜欢黑客与修补匠,我们想要那些只想创造伟大事物的人。”频繁的“展示和讲述”会让团队成员有机会展示他们的工作并获得反馈。Kalani 对此评论道:“交付是 Phantom 的社交货币”。

Keeping the high threshold is important for companies, and it is a priority to be modest. Kalani says: “We love hackers and tinkers, and we want those who want to create great things.” Frequent “shows and talk” gives team members an opportunity to show their work and get feedback. Kalani comments on this: “delivery is the social currency of Phantom.”

按照 Millman 的说法,Phantom 文化最后一个重要方面也许是希望避免零和游戏以及“把馅饼做大” 。当我问 Kalani 从长远来看他对 Phantom 有什么期望时,他谈到了想要推动加密货币圈超越部落主义。他说:“加密货币的东西太多了。我们希望我们能够成为将不同的 web3 生态体系整合到一起的领导者。我们想要一种让你不必选择立场的产品。”为所有东西做同一个钱包对于阻止加密货币圈的内斗大有裨益。

According to Millman, the last important aspect of Phantom culture may be the desire to avoid zero-sum games and “making pies big.” When I asked Kalani what he expected of Phantom in the long run, he talked about trying to push encryption money circles beyond tribalism. He said, “There are too many things to encrypt money. We want to be leaders in integrating different web3 ecosystems. We want a product that prevents you from choosing positions.

Carlota Perez 在她的《技术革命与金融资本》(Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital)一书中曾概述了伟大技术的周期是什么样的。

Carlota Perez outlined in her book Technology Revolutions and Financial Capital what the cycle of great technology is.



The first was the “import period”, during which enthusiasm for new technologies attracted attention and capital, resulting in financial returns and asset bubbles.


As enthusiasm grows, this emerging industry has reached a turning point, at which time it must decide to mature or risk extinction. Regulation is usually part of this phase, with the aim of curbing excess behaviour and laying the foundation for wider adoption.


If properly managed, a “deployment period” has been reached. Although less exciting than the import period, this phase will witness technology fulfilling its original commitments and being adopted, ushering in a “golden age”.

那么加密货币位于这条曲线的什么位置呢?我们也许已经到达转折点。第一个十五年以显著增长与猖獗投机为标志。尽管加密货币泡沫从膨胀到破灭已经反复过好几次,但目前因 FTX 倒闭引发的崩溃似乎可能会迫使大家做出关键决定。那种决定了一个转折点是否能管理好,导入是否能变成部署的决定。

The first 15 years have been marked by significant growth and speculation. Although the encrypt currency bubble has been repeated several times from expansion to collapse, the current collapse caused by the collapse of FTX seems likely to force critical decisions. That kind of decision determines whether a turning point can be managed well, and whether imports can become deployment decisions.

最重要的是,这似乎是 Phantom 面临的最大风险,这种风险用几个问题来概括最合适:我们能发展壮大吗?加密货币技术会不会超越炒作,拥有更广阔的前途?数千万或数亿人会不会将加密货币技术用于投机以外的用途?这个风险不仅对 Phantom 而言,对这个领域的每一家公司来说都是如此。

Most importantly, this seems to be the greatest risk to Phantom, which is most appropriately summarized in a few questions: can we grow stronger? Will cryptographic money technology go beyond speculation and have a wider future? Will tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people use it for purposes other than speculation? This is a risk not only for Phantom, but for every company in this field.

确实,我之所以如此喜欢 Phantom,原因之一就在于它专注于这些核心问题。这家企业的使命很明确,就是要让更多的人使用这项技术,推动我们更接近部署。如果我们要步入区块链的黄金时代,就得让最好的建设者专注于这些基本问题。

Indeed, one of the reasons why I like Phantom so much is that it focuses on these core issues. The firm’s mission is clear: to get more people to use this technology and push us closer to deployment. If we are to enter the golden age of the block chain, the best builders must focus on these fundamental issues.

尽管加密货币不确定的未来是 Phantom 面临的最大风险,但风险并不只有这个。钱包代表了一种新的互联网语言——银行账户、在线身份以及浏览器的混搭。这种包容性意味着可以对产品做出不同诠释,而我们当前的思维框架可能会被证明是错误的。比方说,浏览器有可能引入钱包功能,或者供应商会围绕不同的用例垂直化。我们可能拥有一堆用于音乐 NFT、游戏、DeFi 等的通用钱包,而不是可随身携带的一个通用钱包。Jesse Walden 指出:“最终可能会看到应用更加专业化的钱包”。

Although the uncertain future of encrypted currency is the biggest risk for Phantom, the risk is not the only one. The wallet represents a new Internet language — bank accounts, online identities, and a mix of browsers. This inclusiveness means that products can be interpreted differently, and our current thinking framework may prove wrong. For example, the browser may introduce wallet functions, or the supplier can verticalize around different cases. We may have a bunch of generic wallets for music, NFT, games, DeFi, etc., rather than a general wallet that can be carried with us. Jesse Walden says: “It may eventually be possible to see a more specialized wallet.”

虽然重大转变几乎总能为新贵打开大门,但 Phantom 看起来更能经受住波动。它资金充裕,做产品很细心,合作伙伴关系的选择很有战略眼光,且对于取悦消费者诚意满满。

Although a major shift can almost always open the door to new treasures, Phantom appears to be more able to withstand volatility. It is well-funded, product-friendly, partnership-selected, and good-faith for consumers.

Millman 说:“我们所处的设计空间与 web3 本身一样大”。当我想到 Phantom 时,这就是最让我感到兴奋的地方。虽然钱包这类产品的萌芽会带来一些风险,但也提供了非凡的可能性。钱包会变成什么样?它们有什么用途?它们会变得有多重要?

Millman says, "We're in design space as big as web3 itself." When I think about Phantom, this is the most exciting part of me. While there are some risks associated with the emergence of such products as wallets, it also offers extraordinary possibilities. What happens to wallets? What are their uses? How important are they?

目前,钱包正处在非同寻常的核心地位,是消费者与开发者之间的纽带。这样的地位可以提供很多机会。交换、质押、借贷、购买、拍卖、灵活使用——如果 Phantom 能看到机会的话,所有这些都是消费者行为。他说:“人们喜欢做的任何行为都是我们直接内置进钱包的机会”。这可能涉及到为音乐 NFT 做一个好看的媒体播放器,或者基于钱包地址做一个社交网络。

At present, wallets are at an extraordinary core, the bond between consumers and developers. Such a position offers many opportunities. Exchanges, pledges, loans, purchases, auctions, flexible use -- all of which are consumer behaviour if Phantom can see it. He said, "Any action that people like to do is an opportunity for us to enter our wallet directly." This could involve making a beautiful media player for music, NFT, or a social network based on a wallet address.

预计游戏将会成为 2023 年的特殊焦点。Solana 和 Polygon 都在投资游戏用例,尽管像 Axie Infinity 这样的玩家在 2022 年遇到了麻烦,但仍有许多人认为该领域对于让 web3 进入主流至关重要。Phantom 与相关生态体系的紧密联系、与 NFT 交易市场的合作伙伴关系,以及对数字藏品的大力支持,这些都能够让 Phantom 借东风。

The game is expected to be a special focus in 2023. Solana and Polygon are both investing in games for example, and despite the trouble experienced by players like Axie Infinity in 2022, there are still many who believe that this area is essential for bringing the web3 into the mainstream. Phantom’s close connection with the associated ecological system, partnership with the NFT trading market, and strong support for digital collections can all lead to Phantom borrowing.

开发者这一端也有很多类似的机会。比方说,Phantom 可以让 dapp 开发者更好地与用户互动,消费者只需点击一个按钮即可接收来自该项目的电子邮件。

There are many similar opportunities for developers at this end. Phantom, for example, allows dapp developers to interact better with their users, and consumers simply click on a button to receive e-mails from the project.

更有趣的是其作为发现和分发来源的潜力。未来,消费者可能会通过 Phantom 的界面发现并使用新的 dapp。在物色质押提供商或加密货币游戏时,你可以用 Phantom 的应用商店或搜索控制台,而不是求助于谷歌,这样加载和运行可以更轻松,甚至还可以将自己已有的交易和余额结合考虑。随着 Phantom 跨网络的拓展,这种交互可能会变得越来越无缝,用户甚至都不需要知道他们用的是 Solana、 Polygon 、NEAR 或者其他。Chris Kalani 承认:“这可能还有很长一段路要走。但我们的愿景是钱包应该适用于每一个网络,可以在不同网络之间切换,就像手机可以自动在 5G 和 LTE 之间切换一样。”

What is even more interesting is its potential as a source of discovery and distribution. In the future, consumers may discover and use new dapps through the Phantom interface. In searching for pledge providers or encrypt currency games, you can use the Phantom application shop or search controller instead of turning to Google, so that loading and running can be easier and even take into account their existing transactions and balances. As Phantom expands across the network, this interaction may become increasingly seamless, and users may not even need to know that they use Solara, Polygon, NEAR, or others. Chris Kalani admits that: “There may be a long way to go.” But our vision is that wallets should apply to every network and can be switched between networks, just as mobile phones can automatically switch between 5G and LTE.”

假以时日,Phantom 可能会让这一切成为现实。它可能会成为加密货币的多链冠军,一个可以在任何地方做你在 web3 所需要的一切的应用。但是,他们不会匆忙行事。虽然了解市场趋势——并愿意乘势而为——但这不是一家刻意寻找亮点的公司。Millman 表示:“我们不会无缘无故看见什么火就集成什么区块链。我们希望下注的时候有很高的确定性,并与该生态体系密切合作,开发出特殊的功能。”

In time, Phantom may make all of this a reality. It may become a multi-chain champion of encrypted money, one that can do everything you need on the web3. But they won't be in a hurry. While understanding market trends -- and willing to take advantage of them -- this is not a company deliberately looking for bright spots. Millman says, "We don't have no reason to see fire that can be built into a chain of blocks. We want to be highly certain when it comes down and work closely with the ecosystem to develop special functions."

小说家约翰·福赛斯(John Forsythe)曾经说过,“一个人离问题越远,就越容易理想主义”。

The novelist John Forsythe once said, “The further a person gets away from the problem, the easier it is to be idealistic

Phantom 给人印象最为深刻的,正是它打破了这条定律。尽管 Millman、Kalani 以及 Agosti 在加密货币技术栈的各个层面都拥有丰富的建设经验,但他们仍然相信,在欢欣沉醉之中仍不迷失自我是有可能的。他们在理想主义与实用主义、雄心勃勃的愿景与商业意识之间做出了很好的平衡。他们关注细节,从零开始,去解决重大问题,他们是真正的建设者。

Phantom was most impressed by the fact that it broke the law. Although Millman, Kalani, and Agosti had a lot of construction experience at every level of the cryptobank, they still believed that it was possible not to lose themselves in joy. They struck a good balance between idealism and pragmatism, ambitious vision, and business consciousness.


This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Protests 2011.




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