What's the price of the bitcoin today? What's the rate of the bitcoin on Wednesday for 比特币价格周三(4月19日)亚盘震荡回落,回吐昨日部分升幅。据最新公布的报价显示,比特币/人民币昨日见高于7145后震荡回撤,本交易日亚盘交投于7070附近。午盘后币价回落,比特币今日价格当前报价7014.25元。昨日早盘币价震荡上行,但涨幅有限。晚盘时分,币价加速下挫,抹掉早盘的涨幅,比特币行情日线图上最终收出一个上影线较长的阴线。 比特币小时图 比特币行情1小时图,均线系统呈现空头排列格局,MACD指标下穿零轴进入弱势区域运行,同时币价跌破本级别MA60,随机指标和强弱指标均快速向弱势区域。短期币价跌势动能足,下一步支撑在7000整数关口。 The one-hour picture of the Bitcoins, where the flat-line system shows an empty lined pattern, with the MACD indicator running through zero axes into vulnerable areas, while currency prices fall below their level MA60, and random and weak indicators move quickly to vulnerable areas. Short-term currency declines are robust, and the next step is sustained at 7,000 whole levels. 比利时司法部长Koen Geens宣布其倾向于一项新规,加强政府对比特币和其它数字货币的管控。 The Minister of Justice of Belgium, Koen Geens, announced his preference for a new regulation that would strengthen the control of the Government over the currency of the bitcoin and other digital currencies. Geens认为,随着虚拟货币在网络犯罪、诈骗和恐怖主义活动中应用的滋长,应该为虚拟货币设立严格的管理规则。另外,他还提出建议,加密货币公司有义务和法院合作。 Geens argues that, as the use of virtual currency in cybercrime, fraud and terrorism grows, strict regulations should be established for virtual currency. In addition, he suggests that cryptographic money companies have an obligation to cooperate with the courts. 他说:犯罪活动会随着新技术的发展而变化,立法工作也应如此。 He said that criminal activity would change with the development of new technologies, as should legislative work. 据Geens所说,比利时司法部目前正和中央没收和充公办公室(COSC)以及检察官委员会合作,研究处理被没收的数字资产的程序化解决方案。 According to Geens, the Belgian Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Central Office for Confiscation and Confiscation (COSC) and the Public Prosecutor's Board, is currently studying procedural solutions for handling confiscated digital assets. 这一计划获得了该国税务部门的支持。比利时税务办公室的电子审计专家Dirk Dierickx说,短期内加密货币的人气会越来越高: The project has the support of the country’s tax authorities. Dirk Dirickx, an e-audit expert at the Belgian tax office, said that encryption money would become more human in the short term: 我们的研究结果显示,越来越多的比利时人将虚拟货币视为除银行账户之外的另一种选择,因为银行账户无法承诺他们任何回报。 Our research shows that an increasing number of Belgians view virtual currency as an alternative to bank accounts, which cannot promise them any return. 经比利时税务局调查发现,加密货币用户可以分为三类。第一类属于改革者和加密学极客,在经历了一系列金融危机之后,他们再也不想支持现有的银行系统。第二类是处于资本流动管制较为严格的国家的用户。第三种则是骗子和犯罪分子。Dierickx引用了其荷兰同事提供的例子:加密货币在恐怖主义活动中的频繁使用。 目前,比利时已经有两起比特币没收案,都是和毒品的非法交易有关,一共没收了1,050个BTC。然而,比利时政府仍然没有合法的渠道售卖这些数字资产。 There have been two cases of Bitcoin confiscation in Belgium, all related to the illicit trade in drugs, with a total of 1,050 BTC confiscated. However, the Belgian Government still does not have legal channels for the sale of these figures. Geens解释道:我们所有的反滥用规定都是基于对我们熟悉的金融领域和网络中间人的问责,比如说银行。在制定这类法律规则的时候,虚拟(货币)领域并不存在,因此这一领域也就缺乏相应的管理体系。我们应该修改法律,这样才能有效应对比特币的滥用。 Genes explains that all of our anti-abuse provisions are based on accountability to our familiar financial and cybermediators, such as banks. The virtual (currency) sphere does not exist at the time of the development of such legal rules, so there is no corresponding regulatory system in this area. 4月19日2017各大银行存款利率一览表 农业银行外汇牌价查询——链接
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