2015年腾讯已成立区块链团队 两年多研发成果首曝光

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:32 评论:0



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At present, public-chain technology is developing slowly in the country, and future alliances will have more use scenes and commercial value.

  文|《中国企业家》记者 米娜 陈贝蕾

"The Entrepreneur of China" in Manzong, journalist & nbsp; Mina Chen Bere


The debate around the chain of blocks has not stopped from last year until this year, as its protagonists, Chen Wei-Sung, put it — “the spring of humanity”, “the cure for the global economic collapse” or, as its questioner, Zhu Yong-ho, “the chain is a pseudo-wind” and there is nothing left but currency.


On the afternoon of 8 March, Chinese Entrepreneurs in Shenzhen visited Chai Zago, General Manager of the Tsing Zone Chain Operations. Three years ago, Tseng started to build a block chain research and development team in Shenzhen, and successfully brought the block chain technology to the ground in a series of industrial scenes. During the interview, Chai Tsago told journalists, from a rational and pragmatic point of view, that “the block chain is a good technology, but it is not a unique weapon that solves all problems.


For windy block chains, he said, "The simplest thing is what kind of pain you want to solve through block chain technology. If you don't use block chain technology well, don't use it. Don't use block chains for block chains, and don't centralize them for centralization."


& nbsp; & nbsp;


Chai Jingo: Created at the end of 2015. We're the first to develop the block chain. We're the first to set up a research and development team to identify technology routes and build them from scratch.


CE: What are the main current technical classifications and commercial applications of block chain technology?


Chai Jingo: There are currently two main technological pathways to block chain technology globally:

  第一种是公有链,去中心化,To C的应用居多,如比特币、以太坊都是基于这种技术路径开发的。

The first is the public chain, decentralized, where applications such as Bitcoin and Etheria are developed on the basis of this technological path.

  第二种是联盟链,主要是机构之间的合作,机构跟机构之间的节点参与记帐,普通用户不参与记账,开发的应用也主要是To B的,也可以再进一步B to C。腾讯现在用区块链技术开发的应用场景,已经落地了的商业项目如微黄金、供应链金融、电子存证、公益寻人等,都是用的联盟链技术。现在大部分的金融机构,如银行所开发的区块链应用项目大多都是基于联盟链技术开发的,我们觉得未来联盟链会有更多的使用场景。

The second is the alliance chain, mainly inter-institutional cooperation, institutional and inter-institutional nodes involved in bookkeeping, general users are not involved in bookkeeping, and the applications developed are mainly ToB, or can be further B to C. The scenario that is now being developed with block-chain technology, and the commercial projects that are already on the ground, such as micro-gold, supply chain finance, electronic record-keeping, and public-interest searchers, are all union-chain technologies. Most of the current financial institutions, such as banks, are now developing block-chain applications based on alliance-chain technology, and we feel that there will be more use of the chain in the future.


Since the public chain is decentralized, and the question of numeracy is generally addressed by mining, but there is no economic incentive who will contribute to numeracy, it is generally used to provide economic incentives and incentives to those who provide numeracy, but Chinese digital currency is issued by the central bank and digital currency is prone to production and bubbles, so public chain technology is developing slowly in the country.


CE: How has the application of these two technologies developed overseas?


Chai Jingo: At present, the public chain is less applied in the country, but there are many companies abroad that try different kinds of things in the public chain. For example, Telegram is also a chat software that seeks to build a structure based on the bottom of the public chain, Ton, that allows others to use it for centralization.

  在联盟链方面,IBM 做了一个联盟链开源项目。IBM也是不断推这个技术的开源、社区和搭建。国内一些区块链公司将IBM的开源代码拿过来改一改,调优一下,就做成了自己的应用。

In the alliance chain, IBM makes an open-source project. IBM is also an open source, a community and a build-up of this technology. Some of the country's block chain companies take the IBM open-source code and adapt it to their own applications.


Overseas, both lines have their own different products, companies at different levels, bottom infrastructure, application layers, cross-chain performance, and vertically in a certain field, such as block chains for AI, block chains for storage, etc.


CE: What is the chain of alliances? How is the chain of alliances decentralised between institutions?


Chai Jingo: The Alliance is a partnership between business agencies and is multi-centric.


From a data point of view, the alliance is a data chain that is shared across agencies, and their data need to be consistent through consensus. For example, there are multiple decision-makers in supply chain finance, core firms, banks, insurance companies, tethers, and partners, and each participant has a node to participate in the consensus bookkeeping.


Business data are recorded on their own nodes, and the consensus of data between multiple nodes is multi-faceted, and it is not controlled by one party, so that it can be tampered with and retraceable. These characteristics enhance trust in inter-agency cooperation, reduce trust costs, increase efficiency, and trigger multi-party cooperation.


The participants in the union chain are more reliable institutions, so the nodes of their own participation are much more credible than any of the normal bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin uses workload proof algorithms, while the coalition chain has different consensus algorithms, which are generally much more efficient, like Bitcoin, which calculates seven times a second, and we now do consensus algorithms, which can reach 25,000 times a second.

  联盟链主要是To B,C端用户不参与记帐,只是作为某一个应用的用户而已。普通用户在产品层面对区块链技术的感知会偏弱一点。

Soyuz is primarily a ToB, and C-end users are not involved in bookkeeping, but simply as users of an application.


Micro-gold is the first internal tribal business scene to be experimented with in block-chain projects. Multi-agency involvement in micro-golden products, such as banking, tether, etc., involves multiple nodes in bookkeeping. In this case, it provides bottom-level technical support in the chain of alliances, safeguarding performance, safety, reliability, and ease.


In the old tradition, inter-agency operations had to be settled centrally, which took time to reconcile. But accounting with block-chain technology automatically completed the settlement without having to do the clearing exercise afterwards. Multi-participating operations require trust, and the chain of association addresses this painful point, reducing the cost of trust, making it more transparent and efficient.

  但联盟链也会面临一些困难。现在不少公司做联盟链进程较慢,一是技术问题,另一个是大家对这个技术本身的认知问题,很多机构、行业对区块链这个事情的认知不是特别够,所以还在各方面的早期,技术需要提升,概念需要普及,认知要能够一致才行,多方面因素导致联盟链技术在推行过程中还需要时间。公有链因为TO C,且有经济刺激,再加上炒币,导致更快的吸引眼球,从而引起更多人关注。

There are now a number of companies that are slow in making the chain of alliances, one that is technical, the other that are aware of the technology itself. Many institutions and industries are not particularly aware of the block chain, so technology needs to be upgraded at an early stage, concepts need to be universalized, understanding needs to be consistent, and multiple factors cause the chain of alliances to take time in its implementation. Public chains require more attention because of the TOC and the economic incentives, coupled with currency booms, that lead to faster attention.


CE: Which is the biggest problem in the chain now?


Chai Jingo: The scene breaks out. There's a need for the scene to drive the technology upscaling.


CE: What else is the layout of the tether in relation to the block chain?


Chai Jingo: We have set up a platform for building the infrastructure of the block chain, known as the block chain or service (BAAS platform), and there are many registered users currently in the process of testing and application development.


There are three layers of clouds in which the cloud's architecture, IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, is in the middle, and the platform is superimposed on the service layers of the block chain. This layer will provide the developers with access to the building blocks, and some of the supporting capabilities will be embedded. Capacity such as identification, big data, etc. will be integrated. Some of the capabilities that developers can use to build their applications more efficiently, in addition to block chain technology.


We don't have, and we don't have access to, data for commercial applications on the platform. The number of nodes on the chain is determined by the app developers themselves, the ownership of the node is also the user, the node is just the platform service, and the data are not ours.


CE: Is tweaking the country's first infrastructure application platform for block chains?


Chai Jingo: The BAAS platform, which was launched in November 2017, is now open and node purchases have been gradually refined.


It has been developed and operated from the start. The platform is now free of charge and there are no clear fee plans.


Early on, we had a lot of communication with the companies that used the platform, and we hope that they will, in turn, contribute to the development of our platform. Improvements are gradual, and cannot take place overnight. We are building a self-help, semi-self-help platform that can be applied through guidelines and manuals, without the involvement of too many research and development teams.


We also hope to form an ecology, with many partners building vertical industrial applications based on the tether block chain, which will eventually lead to a multi-point flowering situation that will jointly create an ecological platform based on block chain applications.


CE: What is the current level of block chain technology in the country? How is the accompanying development based on block chain technology?

  蔡弋戈: 整个区块链的技术和场景在快速演进的过程中,还没有达到所谓的成熟,一切才刚刚开始。

The technology and scenery of the entire block chain have not yet matured to the point where it has just begun.

  今天的区块链这么火,但真正有影响力的产品还是比特币、以太坊,主要因为是To C的,且带有投机属性。但如果一门技术只能用在投机上,这个技术就称不上颠覆。

Today’s block chain is so hot, but the real influential product is Bitcoin, Ether, mainly because it is ToC, and it has speculative properties. If a technology can only be used for speculation, it will not be subversive.


Now I'm also looking at new projects in the block chain, but I find that many of the infrastructure packages in the block chain are still being built. The block chain technology is just beginning, and it should not simply be understood as a single technology when you talk about the block chain, which requires a series of packages that eventually change something.


For example, storage, coupled with block chain projects, would also be valuable for upgrading. And, for example, payment, security of transactions, there would be many problems with currency transfers. These include privacy protection. Privacy protection at the bottom of the block chain, such as proof of zero knowledge.


CE: How do business start-ups break through chains that require not only a lot of input but also application of scenes?


Chai Jingo: It takes a lot of cost to make a chain of alliances, technology to accumulate, and scenes to look for inputs, and that is why the country’s truly good chain of alliances is a big company. Large companies have a scene where they can plan for this in the long run without having to pay off in the short term.


The better option for start-up companies is to combine the scenes, for example, to work with the troupe, to make the bottom technologies and applications, and to make the solution to the scene, which would be more practical for start-up companies.


CE: What do you think of the idea that the emergence of a large number of user applications is a sign of the real development of the block chain industry?

  蔡弋戈:这个见仁见智。区块链有To C的需求,也有To B的需求。就像联盟链不一定需要很多普通用户来用,更多是解决行业和公司的痛点,比如供应链金融等场景。To C的场景还有待各界的共同探索。

Chai Jingo: This is an insight. There is a need for ToC in the block chain, and there is a need for ToB. Just as the alliance chain does not necessarily require a lot of ordinary users, it is more to address the pains of industry and companies, such as supply chain finance. The scene of ToC is yet to be explored.

  关键还是要看区块链技术在To C领域,是否真正解决了原本的一些痛点、问题,提供了新的价值,这才是最重要的,如果只是新瓶装旧酒,套这个概念,那就没什么价值。

It also depends on whether block chain technology, in the field of ToC, really solves some of the original pains, problems and offers new values, which is all the more important, and if it is just a new bottle of old wine, the concept is of little value.


CE: Are the blocks chain applications that we have seen mostly in the financial sphere, and are they more promising in the financial sphere because of credit problems?


Chai Jingo: The chain of blocks solves the problem of trust, and the greatest financial cost is trust, so the chain of blocks and the combination of finance are the most natural, but it does not mean that it has no room in other areas.


For example, in the case of medical treatment, electronic medical records can apply block chain technology that allows users to authorize their privacy while allowing them to do so.


The prevailing situation is that a lot of personal data is stored in a centralized platform, without any privacy protection, and the platform uses your data, and the individual’s ownership of the data is weak. Using block chain technology, you can make a personal file, and you can authorize, and possibly bring, some economic gain. For example, it is possible for an AI to learn from your data.


CE: What are the criteria for a credible chain of blocks assessment?


Chei Jingo: This is China's first block chain technical standard, introduced by the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology, which is more practical.


With a credible block chain assessment, it is possible to assess whether you actually use block chain technology and whether you really have such basic block chain properties that cannot be tampered with.


We think the industry needs standards; otherwise you talk about block chains for half a day, talking about concepts that are different, even when some companies call themselves block chains and change their databases. With a credible block chain as an authoritative standard, businesses that sell dog meat with apparent goat heads can be sifted out, and companies that actually do block chain technology can get endorsement.


CE: How do we deal with the scarcity of human resources in the area of block chains?


Chai Jingo: Our skills are largely internalized, the sector is new, and few have done it. As with the arrival of mobile networks, it is difficult for you to recruit Andre and IOS, and we're all trained ourselves.

责任编辑:李兀 SF053




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