6种常见的数字货币诈骗 新手如何防范数字货币诈骗?

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With the rise of digital money, many outlaws have begun to create the idea of encrypted money, creating various currency traps. At present, there are not a few of those who are victims of digital currency fraud, and how should they be identified and protected effectively as newcomers?


This article will introduce you to six common methods of digital currency fraud. Let's take a look!


The Virtual Currency, also known as the Digital Currency, is a world-wide, non-entity currency that is issued and controlled by non-state government developers. Most of today’s encrypted money is based on block-chain technology, usually not issued by countries or government units, and it exists only in the online world or in the virtual world.

最早期的加密货币为「比特币」,它是由一个叫「中本聪」的人/ 团体( 因为这是一个笔名,所以我们无从得知他是一个人,还是一个团体。) 在2008 年所提出的概念。

The earliest encrypt currency is "bitcoin," which is a concept put forward by a person/group called "medium-breathing" (because it's a name, so we don't know if he's a person or a group.)


Unlike other currencies, the greatest feature of encrypted currency is decentralisation.


In traditional currency markets, banks that store money are monitored by government units to ensure that money is not abused and embezzled, and that there is no such regulator in the world of block chains. At the same time, information transmitted on block chains is stored on different cloud ends, without relying on a common focal point.


In general, decentralisation offers three advantages for digital currency, namely:


(1) The information on the block chain is open and transparent, (2) the transaction is anonymous and confidential, and (3) third parties and access is not required.


But this advantage of encrypting currency is precisely its disadvantage, and the absence of regulators makes it easier to apply encryption currency fraud techniques in the market.


So we can often see digital currency fraud in news reports, and that fraud does not stop because people blame it. So, as a newcomer to currency circles, how should it be effectively prevented?


First, we can first learn about the following five common types of digital currency fraud.

如果你在PTT 或社群媒体上搜寻「虚拟货币」或「加密货币」,一定会看到有经验者在分享自己的投资经验,或有人利用加密币大赚的。

If you search for "virtual currency" or "encrypted currency" on PTT or social media, you will see experienced people sharing their investment experience or people making a lot of money using encrypted currency.


In fact, these may be frauds, because when you put them in a virtual currency, while the website may show that your investments continue to be profitable, you are actually asked to invest more in a virtual currency if you want to return the money, collect the money, and eventually you can't get anything back.


Usually, these frauds have some clues, and almost all of them are frauds if there are signs of:


Fraudsters guarantee that you will make money: if they promise that you will make money, it is a fraud, even if a celebrity speaks out or recommends it (it is easily forged).


The fraudster promises you to pay a large sum of money in a way that guarantees remuneration: no one can guarantee a certain amount of remuneration, even how much your money doubles & Hellip; these are all lies.


You're going to transfer virtual money to an address, and then you're going to double the amount: there's no such thing as good in the world, believe it's a fraud.


Friends known by social software (FB, LINE, IG… etc.) ask you to use a new exchange: these exchanges may be fake, and it is recommended that they not be traded easily.

ICO(Initial Coin Offering)即首次公开发行虚拟货币,类似股票IPO。在加密货币中,任何人都可以发起ICO,而从ICO获得的资金可以支付项目的营运,投资人的汇报则为虚拟货币。币圈中不乏有人通过投资了一个好的项目而大赚一笔,但受到数字货币诈骗的人也不在少数。

In an encrypted currency, anyone can initiate an ICO, while the funds obtained from the ICO can pay for the operation of the project, and the investor’s report is a virtual currency. There is no shortage of people in the currency circle who make a large sum of money by investing in a good project, but there are no fewer people who have been defrauded by digital money.


It is important to note that the ICO’s launch is open-ended and insecure, so when investing in ICO, you need to determine whether it is a viable project.

常见的ICO 诈骗模式:有人会跟你说某个新的虚拟货币很好很棒、之后会涨,要你去参与ICO或者去买进。

Common ICO fraud pattern: someone will tell you that some new virtual currency is good and will rise, and you'll be asked to join the ICO or buy it.


ICO fraud characteristics: lack of viable business models, lack of detailed white papers, use of headlines for marketing


All ICO projects that need to be met, social software chats, site descriptions, etc., are highly suspicious. The market now has some sort of regulated projects, including through the STO, but this leads to higher process costs, few new projects, and everything remains to be seen.


There are also problematic projects that will not last more than two years, so it is also a filter without touching the new virtual currency that will be issued in two years. It is also a filter that can be found on the Internet, either in a full white paper, or in a well-known exchange where the ICO will be put on board and the exchange will be cleared first.

OTC(Over the Counter)指的场外交易。加密货币一般会透过各种交易所进行交易,但交易所会收取手续费,有些人为了省下手续费,会选择在场外进行交易。这种场外交易缺乏监管和第三方的认证,也极容易出现数字货币诈骗。

The encrypted currency is usually traded through various exchanges, but the exchange will charge fees, and some will choose to do the transaction out of the room in order to save fees. Such off-site transactions are poorly regulated and certified by third parties, and digital currency fraud is highly likely.


An off-site transaction fraud model: a course of dealing with a virtual currency and a French currency, under the guise of buying or selling a currency, but not paying afterwards.


Off-site transaction fraud: The information is usually posted in non-exchange locations such as social media, FB, Line, forums, you cannot verify the identity of the other party, and the transaction process lacks third-party regulation.


An off-site transaction fraud identification method: a vendor's or counterparty's reputation must be reviewed or conducted through a third-party trading platform.


In fact, the problem can be addressed to a great extent (not to say completely reduced, but mostly reduced) through a third-party trading platform, which is currently a larger exchange.

AirDrop(Initail AirDrop Offering)称为空投,指的是开发商为了推广新货币,会免费赠送一些加密货币或NFT给一些投资人,这在币圈中是十分常见的,主要是为了吸引更多的新用户。

AirDrop (Initail AirDrop Outering), known as airdrops, means that developers, in order to promote the new currency, will give some encrypted currency or NFT to some investors free of charge, which is very common in the currency circles, mainly to attract more new users.


During the drop, you just have to provide the location of your wallet to receive the encrypt currency or NFT.


There are two main ways of fraud through airdrops. One is for you to install a false wallet and direct you to transfer the money into the wallet. The other is to use a false web link to obtain authorization for the wallet, so that the fraudster can transfer the money from the wallet completely by authorizing it.

近期轰动币圈的Azuki NFT黑客事件就是透过发布虚假连结从而盗取了很多Azuki NFT持有者的资产。

Recently, Azuki NFT hackers, who have been bragging about currency circles, stole many of the Azuki NFT holders’ assets by issuing false links.


This type of digital currency fraud often manifests itself in the abandonment of the project by the developer and the flight of the investor's funds.


Sometimes you find a lot of people around you talking about a new type of investment, as if a lot of people actually made money, but the profit principle of this investment doesn't seem to understand that what you do is share the opportunity to invest. If that is the case, what you might encounter is a pontoon scam.


The terrible part of the pontoon scheme is that all those who have joined have a very large incentive to attract newcomers into the game, because when you get down to the bottom, you get more profits, and so spread much faster than any other form of fraud. And you may see that many people actually make money through this pool, and if the scheme continues, you can really profit, but there is a day when a sophisticated, bigger pontoon scheme collapses, and eventually we usually find ourselves the last one to join, the bloodless loser.


A pontoon scheme can disguise itself with a variety of packagings, a new type of encrypted currency, a new high-paying fund, a new investment AI strategy, etc.


The classic case is squid coins (SQUID). As the Korean squid game triggered a global surge, the platform quickly issued squid coins.

此外,去年台湾发生的T-SET 骗局也备受关注。该项目号称「高频智能AI 量化交易平台」,为虚拟货币代操机器人,民众只需在平台上投入虚拟货币,就可以享有高额获利,以质押USDT 为例,该平台号称月报酬率可上看30% 至105%。然而T-SET 项目却在火热时突然无预警无法提领,所有用户帐户资金归零。

In addition, the T-SET scam that took place last year in Taiwan is a matter of great concern. The project, known as the HF Smart AI Quantified Trading Platform, is a virtual currency for robotics, and people simply need to put a virtual currency on the platform to enjoy high profits, for example by pledging USDT, which can be seen at 30% to 105% per month.


In virtual currency transactions, it is also important to choose a good exchange. A fake exchange usually lures you into it through a variety of social software and leads you to put money into the exchange and to not make money.


Unlike the general exchange, however, the functions offered by the fake deal are false, and the money put in it is simply not available. More often, the words “tax payments to be paid” and “unlawful transactions to be frozen” and “accounts to be upgraded” are used to make you aware that you are currently being defrauded as much as possible.


Fake exchange fraud: There are people on the Internet who mix with you through dating software or communities and then recommend you to an exchange where you can buy and sell virtual money.


Fake exchange fraud: an unknown exchange or Logo imitate a well-known exchange.


Fake Exchange Fraud Identification: A well-known exchange can look at the virtual money exchange’s ranking, not all of which are not well-known, but whether or not to copy is to look at the web interface. Moreover, a fake exchange usually freezes an account when funds are transferred, does not allow you to transfer them, or requires you to add a few more % of taxes. But any formal exchange, a virtual currency can be transferred between different exchanges and wallets.


If you are a newcomer, it is suggested that you can look through CoinMarketCap at several exchanges with higher volumes, or choose a trust exchange to do business.


When we learn about five common digital currency frauds, we can take effective precautions. In investing in encrypted currency, we need to keep in mind three points.


When investing in digital money, we need to avoid playing with currency first. In the currency circles, the number of encrypted currencies issued each year is not small, but some of them are brought into the eyes of people by relying on popular culture or pretenses, which have no intrinsic value and are easily exploited by the project side, thus piling away investors’ digital assets.


Skins refer to new or low-volume encrypts. Newcomers can easily slip into the trap of scaffolds, invest in them without any return, and even cause huge losses to themselves.


It is therefore necessary to verify the legitimacy of a currency before investing in a new currency.


Many of the digital currency frauds occur as a result of insufficient attention by investors to the security of their encrypted monetary assets.


Therefore, whether you choose an exchange for a transaction or an off-the-shelf transaction, it is important to confirm the security and reliability of the parties to the transaction, and it is recommended that the newcomer select as far as possible a well-known, high-volume exchange.


At the same time, in the face of unknown connections, vigilance should be exercised to avoid the disclosure of personal information and wallet addresses.


Block chain technology is an innovative data-recording technology whose openness, de-centralization, and unlicensed features are changing the way the Internet is made. Virtual currency (encrypted currency/digital currency) is an important application of block chain technology, but it is also misconstrued by its high volatility and incentive to pay, which leads many to believe that "bitcoin seems to be profitable" or "mining mining seems to be profitable."


In fact, the vast majority of virtual currency fraud has nothing to do with block chain technology, virtual currency, and crypto-currency, but rather with criminal groups taking advantage of the misunderstanding of emerging technologies by their victims, using virtual currency as a cover to cheat on their money.


Virtual money and block chain technology are therefore neutral in themselves. If the virtual currency is unpackaged, its fraudulent methods are similar to those of other traditional frauds, exploiting the greed, panic, and fear of losing opportunities of the deceived, making people irrationally willing to hand money over to the perpetrator.


With the development of the crypto-currency industry, fraud syndicates have also begun to call for virtual currency, attracting investors. And, because many investors are not currently familiar with the crypto-currency/virtual money industry, many victims can find out that they have been tricked when they have invested a large amount of money.


In addition, in order to ease investors'vigilance, the methods used by the fraud syndicates have become more numerous, and many people have become victims of them.


To avoid fraud, it is necessary to raise awareness of virtual currency and acquire relevant knowledge of virtual currency fraud, and at the same time, not to easily believe that any lie that can generate short-term profits is the best way to hold a purse.

以上就是6种常见的数字货币诈骗 新手如何防范数字货币诈骗?的详细内容,更多关于数字货币诈骗介绍的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!

These are six common types of digital currency frauds. How do newcomers protect themselves from digital currency fraud?

Tag:数字货币   诈骗  



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