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Industry developments
01 美国SEC和CFTC联合发布了针对欺诈性加密资产交易网站的警告
On April 24, the US SEC Office of Investor Education and Advocacy and the CFTC Office of Customer Education and Promotion jointly issued this warning. The warning states that staff of both institutions have recently discovered investment scams related to encrypted money and that outlaws have promoted “digital assets or `encrypted money' advice and trading operations” and that, in some cases, they claim to be able to invest customer funds in special encryption systems or so-called mines, and that their plans can guarantee substantial returns, such as 20-50%, and do not pose any risk to customers.
02 马耳他金融服务管理局发布加密资产及诈骗指南
02 The Malta Financial Services Authority issued the Encrypted Assets and Fraud Guide
03 日本三井住友银行将推出基于Marco Polo贸易融资区块链的服务
据CoinDesk消息,日本第三大银行三井住友银行的副董事长Yasuyuki Kawasaki称,今年下半年,该行将利用贸易融资区块链平台Marco Polo,为进出口公司推出新服务。Kawasaki称,传统的贸易融资流程基于纸面文件,耗时而且非常复杂。此前消息,今年2月,三井住友完成了基于Marco Polo的概念验证,旨在提升贸易业务。该平台提供了无纸化实时联通的更便利渠道。Marco Polo网络由区块链软件公司R3和贸易融资专业机构TradelX成立,基于R3旗下企业区块链平台Corda开发,上月正式上线交易。
03 According to CoinDesk, Yasuyuki Kawasaki, Vice-President of the Tribe Bank of Japan’s third largest bank, said that in the second half of this year, the Bank would launch new services for importing and exporting companies using the trade finance block chain platform Marco Polo. Kawasaki stated that the traditional trade finance process was based on paper documents and time-consuming and complex. Earlier this year, Tris completed a concept certification based on Marco Polo, which was designed to upgrade trade operations. The platform provided more convenient access to paperless real-time connectivity.
04 再次提高DAI稳定费的提案将进行第二轮投票
04 The proposal to raise the DAI stabilization fee again would result in a second round of voting
05 加密行业关键人物将联合建立首个加密衍生品清算所
来自Circle、Coinbase和Galaxy Digital等公司的二十多名加密行业的关键人物于1月中旬在新加坡举办会议。此次会议决定成立一个名为Liquidity Offset Network的合资企业,为首个加密衍生品清算所,可以增加交易量并大幅降低交易成本。渣打银行(Standard Chartered)前亚洲外汇期权交易主管Simon Nursey正在帮助该网络融资,并表示该清算所最早会在7月份由新加坡金融管理局监管。
05 Keys in the encryption industry will jointly set up the first secure derivative clearing house
06 海尔衣联网吴鹏飞:币圈和金融行业的数据量或者数据价值可能会更为重要一些
In response to the question of “how to look at the current industry's entire life cycle with fewer segmental projects and more in logistics and content,” I think that the Hearer network cloud platform's general manager, Wu Peng Feng, said: “I've always thought it was the use of data in this sector. The amount of data in our group is the strategic transformation that we've been doing in the material network. We're now counting hundreds of millions of clothes a day, and users' visits are counting tens of millions of pieces of data in this area, and there's probably a lot of data in this area, and I think there's a lot of data in this area, and I think there's no doubt about it. There's going to be a lot of data in this sector, there's going to be some data in this sector, there's going to be a lot of value in this, and there's going to be some data in this sector, and there's going to be some data in this sector, and there's going to be a lot of value in this sector.
07 美国公司Genesis已经借出了超过15亿美元的加密货币
据Coindesk消息,加密货交易商Genesis Global Trading于4月25日表示,自2018年3月推出加密货币贷款业务以来,已经向机构借款人借出了价值15.3亿美元的数字资产。Genesis公司表示,今年第一季度,公司贷款总额达到4.25亿美元,比2018年底增长15%。
07 The United States company Genesis has already borrowed over $1.5 billion in encrypted currency
08 耐克注册的商标或与加密货币业务相关
据chepicap消息,据美国专利商标局表示,耐克最新的商标可在商标电子检索系统(TESS)中找到。通过在该系统中搜索“Cryptokicks”一词,可看到商标序列号883945295,其创建于2019年4月19日。该商标属耐克公司(Nike Inc.)名下,这或意味着这家美国跨国公司开始了一项新的加密业务。
08 Nike's registered trademark or
09 万向肖风:物联网技术要成为制度性的技术,必然需要区块链的配合
At the 5G Innovation Development Summit in Shanghai in 2019, Dr. Shaw Fung, the director and managing director of the block chain, stated in his speech entitled “Commercial Circles of Block Chains and Material Networking”, that the central business logic of physical networking is the collection of equipment-side data. Material networking has the characteristics of an institutional technology. To bring about changes in the structure of the economy, economic systems and business models, only material-networking technology cannot achieve such a historic value.
10 只要选择接受监管 法国加密创企就有开设银行账户的权力
The regulatory framework drawn up by the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) removes the contradictions between cryptographic start-ups and banks. In this framework, companies that choose to be regulated will be guaranteed a bank account. The French government and legislators are also “very supportive of this right and have the right to open a bank account as long as you are regulated.”
11 Q1底层公链的投资回报率均为正值
Tokeninsight发布2019年Q1底层公链报告,报告显示:1.2019年第一季度,底层公链在行业中的市值占比为17%,比之前略有上升;2. 底层公链项目在一季度的投资回报率均为正值,市场预期良好,其中Tezos和ONT投资回报率较高;Ethereum、NEO、Zilliqa的最大回撤率相对较小,风险相对较小;3.底层公链的头部项目中,Ethereum市值与交易量占比一直在60%以上,其它项目中,EOS与TRON上升明显,Cardano与NEO则有一定下降。
11 Q1 bottom public chain investment returns were positive
12 Visa 在二季度与四个金融科技达成合作
据fool报道,Visa Inc在2019年第二季度电话会议记录显示,本季度达成了四个与金融科技有关的合作,包括与加密货币服务商Coinbase的合作。该合作使得使用加密Visa借记卡的用户可直接从他们的Coinbase账户中使用加密货币进行支付。这是一项长期业务合同,对于目前的进展非常满意。
12 Visa entered into cooperation with four financial technologies in the second quarter of 2019
13 TRON公链技术总监:DAppChain整体技术架构是由DPoS保证的去中心化区块链
据TRON基金会官方博客文章,TRON公链技术总监Marcus Zhao接受采访表示,Sun Network是一个TRON扩展解决方案,包含一系列扩展项目,如侧链和交叉链通信;DAppChain是TRON侧链解决方案的一部分。侧链解决方案的其他细节将在稍后公布。与以太坊相比,TRON的TPS被认为非常高。然而,随着TRON DApp生态系统的快速发展,有必要继续扩展TRON智能合约交易的TPS,以便繁荣DApp生态系统并吸引更多开发者。DAppChain的整体技术架构是由DPoS机制保证的去中心化区块链。与其他扩展解决方案相比,DAppChain有两个显著特点:第一,支持智能合约交易,并专注于提高主网智能合约交易的TPS,以及降低交易费用; 第二,侧链可以支持更多可定制的要求。主要的DApp供应商联盟可以根据自己的特点定制一些侧链属性,例如侧链激励,交易费率,区块生成速度和交易确认速度。
13 TRUN Technical Supervisor: DAP Chain's overall technology architecture is part of TRUN's sideline solution. Other details of the side chain solution will be published later. TRON's TPS is considered to be very high compared to Tai's. However, with the rapid development of the TRUN DApp ecosystem, it is necessary to continue to expand the TPS of TRU's smart contract transactions in order to enrich the DApp ecosystem and attract more developers. The DAP Chain's overall technology architecture is a network of decentralized links guaranteed by the DPOS mechanism. The DAP Chain has two features that are significant in comparison with other extension solutions: first, support for smart contract trading, and focus on upgrading the TPS of the main network's smart contract trading, and reduce transaction costs; second, it can support the demand for more market-based chains, e.g., for example, for customizing links of the DPP chain.
14 美国SEC正招聘加密货币金融分析师
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)正试图通过聘请“加密货币金融分析师”(Financial Analyst Cryptocurrencies)来增强在该领域的专业能力。招聘启事显示,这位分析师需要提供有关加密及数字资产证券的专业知识。值得一提的是,该职位的年薪预计在144850美元至238787美元之间,可能需要完成一年的试用期。此前曾报道,SEC在三月末发布了“加密律师顾问”(Attorney Adviser)一职的招聘需求。
14 The US SEC is recruiting an encrypted monetary and financial analyst,
, and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is attempting to enhance professional competence in this field by hiring an “encrypted monetary and financial analyst” (Finnical Analyst Cryptocurrences). The job announcement indicates that the analyst needs expertise in encryption and digital asset securities. It is worth mentioning that the annual salary of the position is estimated to be US$ 144850 to US$ 238787, which may require a one-year trial period. Previously, it was reported that SEC had released the position of an “Atorney Adviser” at the end of March.一级市场
Level 1 market
01 UNITED将转让加密货币业务相关子公司全部股份
据日本UNITED有限公司官网公告,该公司于4月25日召开董事会,决定转让其子公司COINAGE投资有限公司全部股份。该公司于2017年10月16日成立其子公司COINAGE,旨在为进军加密货币交易相关业务做准备,但因如今加密货币业务环境的变化,决定终止进入该业务领域,因此决定转让其子公司COINAGE。01 UNITED will transfer the entire shares of its subsidiaries associated with the crypto-currency business
, which, according to the announcement of the Japanese network of officials of UNITED Ltd., convened a board of directors on 25 April and decided to transfer the full shares of its subsidiary COINAGE Investments Ltd. On 16 October 2017, UNITED established its subsidiary COINAGE to prepare for the operations associated with the encoded currency transaction, but decided to terminate its entry into the business area due to changes in the encoded currency business environment, and therefore decided to transfer its subsidiary COINAGE .02 Alt Thirty Six通过A轮融资筹得1000万美元
据Crypto Briefing报道,数字支付和合规平台Alt Thirty Six已通过A轮融资筹得1000万美元。据悉,该公司计划使用DASH在合法的大麻药房促进大麻流通和交易。02 Alt Thirty Six raised $10 million through Round A finance
. According to Crypto Briefing, the digital payment and compliance platform Alt Thirty Six has raised $10 million through Round A financing. According to the information received, the company plans to use DASH to facilitate the circulation and trade of cannabis in legal cannabis pharmacies. 03 EvenToken活动赞助平台获链杉资本战略投资
近日,基于区块链技术的EvenToken活动赞助平台获得链杉资本战略投资,双方同时将在项目孵化、应用落地等多个方面达成深度合作关系。据悉,EvenToken活动赞助平台是由亚洲活动平台“活动行”创始人谢耀辉创办,目前,该平台与灯火区块链、布洛克科技将达成合作,极豆资本、汉晨资本、泰坦资本、鼎旺资本等众多专业机构已有高度投资意向。03 EvenToken sponsored the platform has recently received strategic investment in chainwood capital
, and the EvenToken sponsored platform, based on block-chain technology, has received strategic investment in chain-wood capital, while the parties will enter into a deep partnership in many areas, such as project incubation, application sites, etc. It is known that the EvenToken sponsored the platform was founded by Xiaohui, the founder of the Asian campaign platform “Activities” and that the platform is currently working with the light-fire block chain, Brock Science and Technology, and there is a high level of investment interest in a number of specialized institutions, such as the bean capital, Hanmong capital, Titan capital, Dingang capital, etc. < /blockquate> 04 GFX打造区块链天使投资基金
数据显示,GFX在bitpoint-apec.com上线以来,已上涨10余倍。据悉,GFX将基金管理模式引入了区块链领域,通过对冲组合投资一部分实体资产进行链改,以及天使投资孵化区块链项目,综合平衡风险与收益,使得GFX获得稳定而长效的增值回报。04 GFX Building Block Chain Angel Investment Fund
data show that the GFX has increased more than 10 times since it got online in bitpoint-apec.com. It has been reported that GFX has introduced the Fund's management model into the block chain area, re-linking some of its physical assets through a hedge portfolio, and the Angel Investment Incubation Block Chain project, which combines risks and returns, allowing GFX to achieve a stable and long-lasting value-added return. 05 市场预测平台Guesser完成110万美元融资 Boost VC等参投
市场预测平台Guesser透露,该公司已获得110万美元的种子轮融资。据悉,本轮融资的投资方包括Version One、Compound和Boost VC,其中Boost VC完成了该机构利用稳定币DAI进行了第一笔风投交易。05 The market forecast platform, Guesser, completed $1.1 million in financing, Boost VC, etc., into the market forecast platform
, Gusser revealed that the company had received $1.1 million in seed rotation financing. Among the investors in the current round of financing, Version One, Compound and Boost VC, Boost VC completed the first investment transaction with the stable currency DAI. 二级市场
Secondary market
01 Kraken交易所BTC价格短时大跌,最低跌至4357美元
据Kraken数据,4月26日凌晨0:15,Kraken交易所BTC价格大跌,最低跌至4357.1美元,随后价格迅速回升至5400美元上方。At 0:15 a.m. on 26 April, the Kraken Exchange BTC prices fell sharply to $4357
, and then quickly recovered to over $5,400. 02 币安新加坡已上线,目前仅支持新币购买BTC
据Cointelegraph消息,4月24日,币安首席财务官周玮在接受采访时表示,币安新加坡交易所已经推出,但功能有限。目前该平台只支持一个交易对,用户可使用新币(SGD)购买比特币,且周玮指出,在监管允许的情况下,交易所还将增加其他加密货币交易。据悉,币安新加坡与当地支付公司Xfers合作推出加密货币交易服务,Xfers声称其提供的加密钱包服务已获得新加坡监管机构的批准。At present, the platform supports only one transaction, with users buying bitcoins using the new currency (SSD), and Zhou Xiang states that the exchange will increase other encrypted currency transactions if regulatory permission permits. According to Cointelegraph, on 24 April, the Chief Financial Officer of the Currency Exchange, Zhou, in an interview, stated that the Exchange had launched the currency exchange, but with limited functionality. Xfers claims that the encryption wallet service it provides has been approved by Singapore’s regulatory agencies.
03 BiKi.com合伙人2.0版第三期认购额度已售罄
根据官方消息,BiKi.com交易所社区合伙人2.0版第三期认购额度已售罄。用户认购锁仓3万BIKI即可成为BiKi.com的社区合伙人,可以享受锁仓金额的利息,两级邀请手续费返还最高达85%。BiKi.com成立于2018年6月,总部位于新加坡,截止目前已有近100万的注册用户,日活用户超过10万人,综合实力全球排名前20。近期杜均已向BiKi.com投资500万美元并担任联席CEO。In June 2018, BiKi.com, based in Singapore, has nearly 1 million registered users, currently over 100,000 live-day users, and is top 20 in the global ranking of combined power. Dou has recently invested $5 million in BiKi.com and co-located CEO.
04 Rockets优选项目ULAM将开放全球认购
据官方消息,COINBIG将在北京时间2019年04月26日 20:00推出优选项目ULAM认购,抢购结束后,开放ULAM/USDT交易对。据官方内容显示,认购采用先到先得的形式,当总量认购完或达到认购截止时间时认购停止。据悉,Ulam是由清华大学高等研究中心团队研发的底层共识算法创新项目,ULAM的总发行量为1414213562枚,80%用于挖矿奖励,8年挖完。According to official sources, COINBIG will open up a global subscription to
05 伦敦加密货币支付平台Wirex推出基于Stellar网络的稳定币
据福布斯消息,受英国金融行为管理局监管的伦敦加密货币支付平台Wirex宣布在恒星币(Stellar)网络上推出支持26个法定货币的稳定币。05 Wirex, an encrypted currency payment platform in London, launched a stable currency based on the Stellar network,
. According to Forbes, Wirex, an encrypted currency payment platform in London under the supervision of the British Financial Services Authority, announced the launch of a stable currency in support of 26 statutory currencies on the Stellar network. 06 Charlie Lee:IEO比ICO质量更高,流动性更好
4月25日,莱特币创始人Charlie Lee在“499Block在线访谈第19期”接受OK区块链商学院Cindy及OK Blockchain Capital Blair Teng访谈时谈及IEO表示,IEO基本上是变相由交易所审查的ICO。因此,IEO质量更高,拥有更好的流动性。从投资者的角度来看,IEO肯定比ICO更好。这也意味着项目需要做强大让交易所选中。这对每个人都有好处。IEO唯一的缺点是监管与ICO没有什么不同。当监管机构开始打击ICO时,IEO同样会受到打击。此外,Charlie Lee指出,莱特币行情没人能预测。但减半是上半年莱特币价格上涨的原因,或许减半前还会有行情,但我不能肯定。所以我总是提醒大家买卖都要考虑自己的成本。06 Charlie Lee: IEO is better of quality than ICO, and more mobile
April 25th. From an investor's point of view, IEO is certainly better than ICO. This means that the project needs to be made strong for the exchange. It's good for everyone. The only weakness of IEO is that regulation is no different from that of ICO. When regulators start fighting ICO, IEO is hit by the same thing. And Charlie Lee points out that Leiter's business can't be predicted. 07 KuCoin宣布其代币众筹平台Spotlight二期项目为Trias
KuCoin交易所CEO Michael Gan于4月25日在推特上表示,其代币众筹平台Spotlight的二期项目已确定为Trias。Trias旨在创造支持通用应用程序的新一代公链体系,构造可信赖的去中心化企业级SaaS服务合约。创始团队来自牛津大学、北京大学、中国科技大学等,已获得NGC、丹华资本、Kosmos等的投资。此前Michael还曾在推特上表示,Spotlight二期或将采用抽签的形式进行。07 KuCoin announced on 25 April that its Proponents platform, Spotlight II, was the CEO of the KuCoin Exchange, Trias
, who had announced on Twitter on 25 April that its Proponents platform, Spotlight, had been identified as Trias. Trias aimed to create a new generation of public-chain systems to support generic applications, and to construct a trusted decentralized enterprise-level SaaS service contract. Founding teams from Oxford University, Beijing University, Chinese University of Science and Technology, have received investments in NGC, Danhua Capital, Kosmos, etc. 08 V神提议转PoS后使用更高的Staking奖励,目前得到了社区正面的回应
据Unitimes报道,Vitalik Buterin提议以太坊在部署PoS后使用更高的Staking奖励指标,V神的提议列出了基于Staking的ETH 数量的不同,预计相应的回报率 (收益率) 的最大值也不同。该提案发布后Github和Reddit上收到的回应大多是正面的。此前,以太坊社区成员考虑到通过BlockFi等平台放贷款的机会成本(目前ETH存款年利率为6.2%),以及维护验证者节点所需的硬件成本,曾对以太坊最初的PoS奖励结构的吸引力表示担忧。08 V proposes the use of a higher Staking incentive after the transfer to PoS. The response received on Github and Reddit after the proposal was now positive for the community
, as reported by Unitimes, Vitalik Buterin proposes the use of a higher Staking Incentive indicator after the deployment of PoS by the Tails, and V proposes a different number of ETH based on the Staking, with a different expected maximum return (return rate). Previously, members of the Tethub and Reddit expressed concern about the attractiveness of the original PoS incentive structure in the Taikum, considering the opportunity cost of lending through platforms such as BlockFi (currently the annual interest rate on ETH deposits is 6.2%) and the hardware costs needed to maintain the Certator's nodes. 09 TRC20版USDT发行量超过1亿
波场创始人孙宇晨发布Twitter表示,当前基于波场网络TRC20协议开发的USDT总数已经超过一个亿,占比当前USDT发行总量的3.5%,据悉当前USDT的发行总量为28亿。孙宇晨表示,希望在第二季度内,TRC20版的USDT发行占比超过ERC20-USDT,2019年内达到总发行量的50%。TRC20版的USDT由Tether泰达公司发布,为此波场推出了价值1亿元人民币的早期用户激励计划。Sun Woo, founder of the 09 TRC20 version of USDDT, with more than 100 million
, tweeted that the current number of USDTs developed on the basis of the TCC20 network now exceeds one billion, accounting for 3.5% of the current release of USDT, and that the current total circulation of USDT is 2.8 billion. Sun Woo-goon expressed the hope that in the second quarter, the TRC20 edition of USDT will have more than 50% of the total distribution of ERC20-USDT in 2019. The TRC20 edition of USDT was released by Tetherteda, which launched the Early User Incentive Program for 100 million yuan People’s Dollars. 10 以太坊经典技术协调员:ETC开发团队的规模增加了75%
以太坊经典实验室的技术协调员Stevan Lohja发表一篇有关以太坊经典(ETC)2019年第一季度的几个重要变化的博客。博客中谈及ECIP-1054提案、也提到以太坊经典的开发团队规模增加了75%等。ECIP-1054提案提议ETC网络实施"亚特兰提斯"(Atlantis)硬分叉,对ETC网络进行包括EVM和协议在内的一系列升级。10 ETA Classic Technical Coordinator: The ETC development team increased by 75% by 75%
and the technical coordinator of the ETA classic laboratory, Steven Lohja, published a blog about several important changes in the first quarter of 2019 in the ETA classic (ETC). The blog talks about the ECIP-1054 proposal, as well as about the 75% increase in the size of the ETA classic development team. The ECIP-1054 proposal proposes that the ETC network implement "Atlantis" by hard splits and a series of upgrades of the ETC network, including the EVM and protocols .你是怎么看待今天的行情的呢?看多,还是看空,还是维持?欢迎留言告诉区块链早餐君!
What do you think of today's behavior? More, more, more, more, more?
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