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In 2019, as the price of bitcoin rose to nearly $2W/m, the world witnessed a worldwide boom in bounties, blocks, bitcoin, mining, and BSN, the terms of which are all over the globe. What is the chain of blocks? Is Bitcoin a currency like the renminbi? What role does China play in the technology of the block chain? With these questions, let's talk about the pre-life of the chain of blocks.


People always say & & ldquao; history is always amazingly similar & & rdquao; before we talk about the block chain, let's look back at history, which has solved the problem:


The historic Byzantine Empire, located in Istanbul, Turkey today, is the capital of the East Roman Empire. During the war, the Byzantine army spread out and surrounded the cities of the enemy forces (see figure below). The generals of each army must agree on the time to attack the city, and only if more than half of them attack simultaneously can they win.


& & ldquo; General Byzantine & rdquo; extending to Internet life can be summarized as: how people can prevent deception in the broader context of the Internet when it is necessary to exchange values with their unfamiliar counterparts. Further extension to the technical field can be summarized as: how the various nodes in the network should reach consensus in the absence of trusted central nodes and trusted access.


Block chains are technical options for collective maintenance of a distributed and credible database through decentralisation (or multiple hubs) and detrusting. Participation in any number of nodes of the system, processing and recording data exchange within the system over a period of time into a data block through cryptographic algorithms, and generating fingerprints for the data block to link to the next data block and check, all participating nodes of the system to jointly determine the authenticity of the record.


Block chains are a technical solution similar to a non-relationship database, not a particular technology, and developers can achieve block chain technology through multiple procedural languages and structures.


& ldquo; 18th collective study on the current state of and trends in block chain technology in the afternoon of 24 October 2019, by the Central Political Office of the Communist Party of China (CCP). The CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, in hosting the study, stressed that integrated application of block chain technology plays an important role in new technological innovations and industrial transformations. We need to make block chains an important entry point for core technological autonomous innovation, identify the main thrusts, increase the inputs, and accelerate the development of block chain technology and industrial innovation.

- - 摘自“新华社北京10月25日电”

  • 在众多前沿科技中,我国在5G和区块链领域同其他国家处在同一起跑线上,共同制定行业标准和技术指标,壁垒较少;
  • 区块链技术是基于互联网的,中国的互联网普及率和基础设施比较领先,为区块链发展提供了良好的基础;
  • 区块链技术未来会广泛应用在几乎所有信息化业务系统中,通过大力发展区块链,真正靠创新来建设中国主导的世界级的基础设施、技术标准和应用。


Block chains are divided into public chains and licensing chains, the underlying technical logic of which is similar, but the working principles vary considerably.


Currently, all public chains around the world are used in virtual currency (e.g. bitcoin), without exception, by default in public chain & asymp; virtual currency. In China, virtual currency does not meet financial regulatory requirements (even in non-monetary public chain), and the public chain is mainly developing tracking technology to help detect criminal records.


1 public chain:

  • 对所有人开放,所有交易透明可追溯,任何人都能加入并匿名发布信息,匿名、去中心化等都是公有链的特点
  • 完全分布式,维持成本高,依赖于内建激励
  • 安全由共识机制和加密算法保证
  • 保存的数据越有价值,越要审视其安全性、交易成本和系统扩展性


Applications: Virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Etheria and others; 3-30 data per second written and inefficient; public chains, with the exception of a few financial operations, are difficult to apply at the enterprise level because of the large number of public chain users and inefficiency; for example, searching for a bitcoin takes at least 20 minutes to return to a business response; once applied to an enterprise, internal operating logic is difficult to adjust and is inconsistent with a business environment that is flexible and volatile.


2 private chain:

  • 使用范围限于一个公司范围类数据,访问受限,提供更好的隐私保护
  • 交易速度快,成本低
  • 利用区块链的不可篡改性,防止篡改数据
  • 改善可审计性,不完全解决信任问题
  • 每秒1000次以上数据写入


Application: Notarized, agency-specific internal data management and audit.


3 Union chain:

  • 授权公司和组织才能加入网络,做到很好的节点间的连接
  • 参与共识,写入和查询数据通过授权控制,满足监管需求
  • 低成本维持运行、交易处理速度快、成本低、有很好的扩展性
  • 开发者在共识下可更改协议和修改数据
  • 每秒1000次以上数据写入


Application: transactions in financial areas such as R3, superbooks, Ripple, etc.

  • 共享账本:可以在多个站点、不同地理位置或者多个机构组成的网络里进行分享的数据库,区块链网络中每个节点都有相同的账本;
  • 隐私安全:加密算法、哈希算法、非对称加密算法、P2P通信网络、高冗余存储等;
  • 智能合约:自动执行合约条款的计算机程序;
  • 基于公钥体系加解密、签名和验证机制,数字证书;
  • 共识机制——主要有四种:比特币使用POW,以太坊使用POS,比特股使用DPOS,验证池(后续介绍公有链的板块中,会有详细的共识机制介绍)。


Newly generated demand for transactions, broadcast to all nodes;

  • 每个节点把该笔交易收集到一个区块中,将账户地址、交易信息等进行hash打包,同时遍历hash值(详见PoW / PoS机制);
  • 当某节点得出的hash与系统要求匹配时,该节点将获得这一轮的记账权,并将它生成的区块广播到所有节点;
  • 全网节点对该hash和区块内容进行验证,当该区块包含的交易验证有效后,所有节点接受该区块;
  • 节点开始创建新区块,并将刚刚接受区块的哈希散列添加进去,形成链。


There must be a lot of questions about that process, and it doesn't matter, and we will answer them one at a time.


Q1: Why are the nodes involved in bookkeeping when computer resources are consumed when the transaction data are packaged?


In the Bitcoin system, the node that takes the right to account is given the power to issue the new blocks, while at the same time receiving the Bitcoin incentive provided by the system, which is in fact the process of issuing the bitcoin.


Q2: running mechanism of the Hash algorithm?


Features of the Hash algorithm: In the case of a given algorithm, it is easy to calculate the hash value from the express, whereas it is almost impossible to calculate the express from the hash.


The computer produces a random variable (expressly) to calculate a hash value, obtains different hash by constantly generating a random variable, constantly trying to meet & ldquao; conditions at the beginning of n & rdquao;


Now that the computer has to get a four-zero-start hash value, which usually takes one or two minutes, and given the large number of computers involved in mining and their great numeracy, the difficulty of mining now is to start with 18 zero nodes, which are the first to meet this condition, thus demonstrating that the node provides the network with a great deal of arithmetic and the only rights to account.


Q3: How do nodes get rights?

当前主流的是两种方案PoW(Prove of Work)和PoS(Prove of Stake)。

The two programmes currently in the mainstream are the PoW (Prove of Work) and the PoS (Prove of Stock).


1PoW: Workload Certification (Mechanism used in Bitcoin)


There is a question about calculating the hash, who first calculates who wins, and the higher probability of winning a high-caliber node, in such a way as to ensure that the winner is random and that the winning node does provide a great deal of money. The input is reflected in the Hashi value, and the malignant node can only increase the probability of success by increasing its own.


The PoW mechanism reduces malicious attacks by increasing the cost of attacks.


2PoS: Equity Certification Mechanism


Elections, in which you do not waste electricity to run arithmetic competition, are based on the amount and time of the currency held by the user (the age of the currency) in order to provide an interest programme & ldquo; elections & rdquo; and the generation of account nodes.


A malicious node can only increase the probability of a double flower attack by increasing its share and increasing its chances of being selected. To achieve an attack, it must first become a large banker, and if the price of a successful attack falls, the attacker will bear the greatest loss, binding the interests of the attacker at the institutional level and reducing the risk of a system being attacked.


Q4: What's ?


In the Bitcoin block chain, all the participating node output algorithms run through the hash values, often referred to as &ldquao; mining & rdquao; and (the more efficient the output algorithm, the greater the probability of receiving a bitcoin reward) participating nodes are also continuously validating transactional information from other nodes as they travel through hash, contributing to the operation of the block chain network.


Q5: Pow and PoS pros and cons?


1 Pow Advantage:


The mechanisms themselves are complex, such as the automatic adjustment of the difficulty of mining and the phasing out of block incentives, which are based on economic principles and can attract and encourage greater participation;


The easier it is to obtain bitcoin incentives with greater participation, which can lead to the rapid development of the initial stages of encrypting currency and the rapid expansion of the network of nodes;


Relative fairness was achieved by distributing new currency in the form of “ mining & & rdquao; and spreading bitcoin to individuals.


2PoW Shortcomings:


Arithmetic is provided by computer hardware (Cpu, Gpu, etc.), which consumes a great deal of electricity and is contrary to the human quest for energy efficiency, cleanness, and environmental protection. However, if it is necessary to give &ldquao; encrypted currency & & rdquao; search & & ldquao; monetary value & & rdquao; the meaning of this should be the strongest evidence;


To date, the provision of computing power is no longer a mere CPU, but has evolved to GPU, FPGA, or even ASIC machines. Users have also moved from individual mining to large ponds and mines, and the concentration of computing power has become increasingly apparent. This is contrary to decentralizing, moving away, and the security of the network has been threatened. There is evidence that Ghash (a pond) has launched double-poll attacks on gambling sites (two times for money);


The Bitcoin incentive is to halve production every four years, and when mining costs are higher than revenues, less incentive for miners can lead to a significant exit from the calculations and further insecurity in the Bitcoin network.


3PoS Advantage:


Energy savings. No mining, no high consumption of electricity and energy;


(a) More centralization. The encrypted currency of the PoS mechanism is basically not overly demanding on computer hardware, and everyone can mine (at interest), without fear of centralization (51% of the money is acquired by single users through purchase), and the network is more secure and secure;


Avoid austerity. The crypto-currency of the PoW mechanism, which could lead to deflation for various reasons, such as the loss of users, can effectively avoid austerity and maintain basic stability by adding a new currency at a given annual interest rate.


4PoS Shortcomings:


(a) The encrypt currency of the Pure PoS mechanism, which can easily lead to “ the minority & rdquao (usually developers) acquiring a large amount of very low-cost encrypt currency, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not sell it in large quantities in the face of the benefits;


To address this problem, many use the two-tier PoW+PoS mechanism, which distributes encrypted currency through PoW mining, and uses PoS to maintain network stability. Or the DPOS mechanism, which enhances trust through community elections.


Q6: Why do many countries ban virtual currency such as Bitcoin?

以中国为例。我国是外汇管制国家,比特币的网络匿名交易可以完美绕开央行的外汇防线,使得外汇管制这一政策形同虚设;并且比特币为国内强监管地带的洗钱交易提供极大的便利,极大的威胁了我国央行外汇政策和监管政策;随着我国加入SDR后,我国人民币国际化战略开始全力推进,人民币国际化本质是一个区域中心化货币战略,而比特币的去中心化的这一特点,和我国的人民币国际化战略正好背道而驰,这种强烈货币属性的碰撞,使得我国央行权衡再三后不得不对比特币采取“极刑”。另外,对于世界上绝大多数国家而言,货币的印制和发行普遍被掌握在国家手里,这被称为铸币权。在宏观经济中,有一个概念叫做“铸币税(Seigniorage Revenue)”,即:货币铸造成本低于其面值而产生的差额。在纸币时代,政府印制钞票的成本几乎可以忽略不计,同时政府拥有印制货币的垄断权,因此能够获得全部的铸币税。

In China, for example, we are a foreign exchange control country, where anonymous transactions on the Bitcoin network can best bypass the central bank’s foreign exchange defense, making the policy of foreign exchange control ineffective; and where the Bitcoin greatly facilitates money-laundering transactions in the country’s heavily regulated areas, threatening our central bank’s foreign exchange policy and regulatory policy. With our accession to the SDR, the internationalization of the currency of our people began to be fully pursued. In macroeconomic terms, there is a concept called & ldquo; the collapse of the currency’s decentralization strategy, a collision of such strong monetary attributes, which has forced the central bank to adopt & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, where currency is less than its face value, where the cost of currency production is virtually ignored by the government.


For example, in the last decade, the Fed has overprinted hundreds of billions of dollars a year in monetary supply in exchange for a large amount of assets, goods, and services in dollars with little printing cost. To get the government to give up this revenue, and a virtual currency like Bitcoin & ldquao; a piece of & rdquao; this is inconceivable.


Q7: How do you solve the problem of splits?


Question of the fork: More than one node across the network during the same time period can calculate the hash that meets the requirement, i.e., multiple nodes will broadcast on the network the temporary blocks (all legal) they have packed.


If a number of temporary blocks are received for the same former block, the node will establish branches on the chain of the area, and several temporary blocks will correspond to multiple branches. The impasse will be broken until the next hash is discovered, and one of the chains is confirmed to be a long one, then the nodes working on the other branch chain will be converted to a camp, starting to work on the long chain, and the other branches will be completely abandoned by the network.


Q8: How do you solve the double flower problem?


The problem of double-coloured payments means that the attackers almost simultaneously use the same amount of money for different transactions.


Solution: Whenever node is added to a block, it follows the public key of the sponsor of the transaction until the initial point of birth of the coin (the source of the block from which it is generated). Since each transaction sheet is added to the block in a certain chronological order. The area is time stamped with a Hash value, which determines the source of any transaction that can be traced back.


One bitcoin: 21 million. At the beginning of the block chain, a block is created every 10 minutes, each block is rewarded with 50 bitcoins, then halved every four years, and now each block is rewarded with 6.25 bitcoins; on the basis of the above-mentioned mechanism, a total of 10.5 million bitcoins were generated in the first four years of Bitcoins and 5.25 million in the second four years, after which the total number of bitcoins was calculated at 21 million.


The 2bitcoin network packs a block every 10 minutes, each block with a ceiling of 1M. If the block is filled, the additional transaction information within that time period will only wait for the next block. Bitcoin’s block size is different because the frequency of the transaction is not fixed.


3 Miner's Proceeds:

  • 发布新区块的奖励(上述)
  • 交易手续费收入:手续费收入来自转账的用户,用户每转账一次,需支付一定的比特币作为手续费。传统金融领域,手续费支付给银行,比特币系统中,手续费支付给矿工;
  • 比特币网络手续费可以自行设置,拥堵时可上调手续费,矿工会优先打包手续费高的交易。


Private chains: licensing chains operated, managed and controlled by individuals or organizations can be understood as a chain of alliances deployed through privatization.


Alliance chains: Through a shared accounting structure of point-to-point transmission and encryption technologies, it can serve industrial and enterprise-level applications, optimize traditional information systems and, in essence, a real-time shared database.


The block chain rises to the national strategic level and refers specifically to the coalition chain.


The chain of alliances applies primarily to multi-participating shared business, and if a company operates only internally (and not externally), the chain of blocks is essentially of little significance to the company.

※ 彩蛋:使用区块链技术的是信息化应用系统,C端用户基本是无感知的。如同云服务和互联网后台一样,区块链服务网络的直接用户就是技术公司和开发者;互联网诞生的历史背景:冷战期间,美国为了防止数据被拦截,希望通过P2P的形式将数据传输给对端,由此诞生了互联网技术。互联网发展至今已经完成且远超了历史赋予的使命。

• Eggs: Block chain technology is used by information-based applications, and C end users are largely unconscious. As with cloud services and the Internet backstage, the direct users of block chain service networks are technology companies and developers; the historical background of the birth of the Internet: during the Cold War, the United States, in order to prevent data from being intercepted, wanted to transmit data to the opposite side in the form of P2P, thereby giving birth to Internet technology. Internet development has so far been completed and far beyond what history has given it.


All data centres are connected through the TCP/IP protocol. The block chain service network BSN: Operating the environment protocol through the block chain connects all data centres (BSN-like Internet, an orphan-supported multi-portal infrastructure).


1 A combination of multiple data centres forms the line of operations, significantly reducing the transmission and operating costs of data.


2 Technical Deficiencies:

  • 可靠性低:中间一个系统宕机,整条业务线都得掉线;
  • 对接成本高:各系统的数据库是自定义的,数据和结构存在差异,两两数据系统都要进行接口开发,定制化程度高,无法应用在其他业务线上;
  • 对账成本高:1不能直接把数据给4,4也没办法保证2和3没有进行违规操作,中间出现大量对账要求,成本高且存在造假风险。
  • 共享账本:联盟链的共享账本有一个统一格式的数据库,数据标准各系统保持一致;
  • 数据可靠性:共享账本不允许删除和篡改历史记录,用户可以在获得所有节点授权的情况下修改数据,但是改动会被记录下来,任何发生的变更,参与该业务的所有节点都可以知道;
  • 实时同步:所有系统间的数据实时更新,减少时间差的漏洞。
  1. 优化对账流程:把对账成本降为0(全球每年对账市场近千亿美金);
  2. 减少接口成本:无需开发定制化接口,所有系统使用同一套数据库和数据结构;
  3. 确保数据真实:无法篡改数据,修改后会留下记录,确保数据可信;
  4. 提升容错能力:在并联关系中,即使多系统宕机,只要剩下的一个在链上仍可发生交互,链上的业务就不会停止。等宕机系统恢复了以后,系统将自动同步数据,不会出现账本的错误,系统可靠性极大增强;
  5. 便于数据获取:数据实时在各方之间同步,任意一方获取数据无需等待,也无需征得其他方的主观同意;
  6. 取消中间环节:同样的业务省去了2、3中间方,加快业务效率;
  7. 扩大监管范围:在系统中设立一个监管节点即可监管所有参与该系统的所有节点。





The block chain system is similar to a word-and-spoke game, the first word of the last word being the last word of the last word. It corresponds to the block chain, as follows:


(a) The result of the calculation (linked to content, time stamp, hash calculation) of the first block that follows the head of the latter block, once the contents of block A have been modified, the head of block A will change and it will be easy to discover from the head of block B that A has a record of the change;


Therefore, in order to achieve the purpose of the alteration, it is necessary to recalculate block A and all subsequent blocks, and in order to guarantee the credibility of the forgery, it is also necessary to maintain the consistency of the hash of B with the original hash of A, and the modification of the subsequent block is almost impossible to complete on the basis of the features of the near-reversible hash calculation.


In a block/association chain system, there are at least three to four nodes in which each node maintains a copy of the account book, one of which is invalid and will be immediately identified by the other nodes and identified as modifying the record; unless all nodes agree to and confirm the change, this is generally an official act. Even so, records are kept on information such as the time stamp, the hash, etc.


Root causes: Lack of a recognized infrastructure for the bottom of the block chain within the industry, and high cost of building a coalition chain.


Analysis: Each application and each chain of the union chain is a fully independent environment, with each of the parties involved creating a separate operating environment, buying servers or cloud resources. If a company is involved in 10 chain applications, in principle, 10 cloud services are required, and 99% of the cloud service resources are idle. Finally, resources are wasted under high investment.


In 2019, only Ali, Tetsu and Hua were able to provide block-chain cloud services, with a minimum set of four-point system rings, requiring 10W/year; block-chain architects and technologists were in short supply; bottom platform isomers: some systems were developed with different operating systems that made interconnectivity impossible; system resources were idle: when the same company was involved in multiple chain applications, resources were not shared between different applications, resulting in substantial duplication of resources, idleness and waste; and effective regulatory difficulties: different systems operated in different cloud resources environments, making effective regulation difficult.

结论:行业内急需建立一个各方认可的公共基础设施,即BSN(Blockchain-based Service Network)。

Conclusion: There is an urgent need for an all-inclusive public infrastructure, the BSN (Blockchain-based Service Network).

※ 彩蛋:92-93年搭建一个网站成本约100W美金,90年代末,同样的一个网站成本几乎为0,开网站成本的极大降低才有了后来互联网的爆发式发展。现在搭一条联盟链,类似一个局域网。互联网早期,大家也都是搭建局域网,两个局域网之间想发一封信息需要开通互联网专线,90年代拉一根专线成本将近100万美金。所以,只有把成本降到最低,一个技术才能蓬勃发展。区块链服务网络从设计、建设、运营都是在持续降低成本。只有搭建公共服务区块链网络,才能在应用阶段降低系统组建成本,推广架构的使用。

• Eggs: The cost of setting up a website in 92-93 was approximately $100-W. In the late 1990s, the same site cost was almost zero, and the cost of running a site was significantly reduced before the outbreak of the Internet. Now, a network, like a local area network, was established. Early on the Internet, everyone built a local area network, and one message between the two local area networks required a dedicated Internet line. The cost of pulling a dedicated line in the 1990s was nearly $1 million.


What is the role of mobile Chinese companies in the wave of block chains as a highly skilled company with State public service functions?

区块链服务网络BSN(Blockchain-based Service Network):由各方所有的云资源,安装了城市节点软件连在一起而形成的,旨在提供一个可以低成本开发、部署、运维、互通和监管联盟链应用的公共基础设施网络。区块链应用开发者不需要再购买物理服务器或者云服务来搭建自己的区块链运行环境,而是使用BSN提供的公共服务,按需租用共享资源。

Block Chain Service Network BSN (Blockchain-based Service Network): A network of public infrastructure that can be developed, deployed, operated, interoperable, and regulated by a chain of alliances, designed to provide a network of public infrastructure that can be used for low-cost development, deployment, wiring, and regulation, has been installed by a network of cloud resources owned by all parties. Block Chain developers do not need to purchase physical servers or cloud services to set up their own block chain operating environments, but rather use the public services provided by BSN to rent shared resources on demand.


The problem is that, as the number of users increases, the costs for individual users will be significantly reduced.


The BSN is a global infrastructure network based on block-chain technology and consensus mechanisms. It is a credible, manageable and scalable coalition of industry, enterprise, government applications, committed to changing the high cost of the local area network architecture applied in the alliance chain, providing developers with a public block-chain resource environment based on Internet concepts, and significantly reducing the development, deployment, transmission, interconnection and regulatory costs of block-chain applications, thereby enabling rapid diffusion and development of block-chain technologies.


The six units of the BSN Development Alliance: the Alliance for Development manages and operates the BSN.

  • 部署在每个城市的公共区块链环境系统,整个BSN主要由城市节点连接而成;
  • 区块链应用部署在发布者选择的N个城市节点内(当前超过60个节点,数据交互效率就会降低,后续随着算法和技术的进步,支持的节点数量会得到提升);
  • 记账节点是一个数据库,外面有自己的业务系统,业务系统通过网关与链上数据交互;
  • 城市节点主要部署的业务系统:智能网关、权限链、底层多框架、共识机制、基础能力、负载均衡等;
  • 记账节点+排序节点组合,开发者不需要自行搭建记账节点或关注共识排序机制,直接在BSN上选择所需的资源和发布应用,BSN会根据应用的TPS分配资源。


Concept: The data-processing hub of the coalition chain application, the public system that provides a consensus sequencing service for all applications within the service network, is highly demanding for co-production and data-processing efficiency.


Three types of cluster structures: a single central cluster for use in the R&D testing phase, the Kafka technology used; a parallel cluster, based on the number and application of urban nodes, with multiple Kafka combined to support different applications and different urban nodes when the urban nodes reach 50~100; and a post-commercial use of distributed urban node clusters, using ROFT techniques to deploy each sorting cluster to each city node, with excellent performance in terms of efficiency and the occupancy of public network resources.


The portal is officially on-line and in-house, and, like other cloud services, developers can select resources and set their own application privileges.


Services provided by the portal: Developers purchase resource deployment applications, application stores, application operations monitoring, various language SDKs, pre-link shops, coalition/private chain management, technical support, help manuals, learning examples.





The service network is a vast physically dispersed cloud resource and data centre, so resource allocation, node operation, node booking, cluster redistribution and data migration (the data migration of block chains is complex) require core functions of basic capacity management; all core systems are open-sourced, not only by the six sponsors, but by all cloud resources and technology companies of society as a whole.


Union chain framework: responsibility for the operational systems used in the alliance chain is vested in BSN providers.


BSN has a multi-bottom framework strategy, and China's mobile support for most of the current mainstream union chain frameworks in the country is shown in the figure above.


Fitness: A set of protocols is established at the bottom of the different systems, and the different operating systems are authorized to achieve connectivity.


Unlike the concept of operation of block-link cloud services, cloud services, as a commercial resource, provide services at the level of Iaas, PaaS, SaaS, development components, etc., based on the needs of clients and charge fees as required.


The concept of BSN is to build Internet-like public service networks, provide free, open-source urban node software, optimize development/deployment/viability flexibility, optimize network efficiency, reduce user costs, engage more developers, provide more application innovations and develop block-link technologies.

  • 无主:由各方所有的云资源,安装了城市节点软件串在一起而形成的网络,跟互联网一样,BSN不属于任何人;
  • 开放:任何拥有闲置云资源和IDC机房资源的企事业单位都可以申请加入;
  • 共赢:降低开发者的使用成本,帮云厂商盘活闲置的云资源,多方获利。
  • 大幅降低了区块链开发、部署、运维、互通和监管成本,促进区块链技术快速发展;
  • 在全球部署,是一张中国拥有自主知识产权、中国控制入网权的全球化服务网络;
  • 是中国发展数字经济、智慧城市的的核心基础设施之一;
  • 是互联网价值转型与能力升级的基础;
  • 可以作为国家全球经济战略(包括一带一路)的信息化基建设施。


China encourages technological innovation in block chains, with central banks leading the Internet Finance Association (IFA) conducting research and testing on block chains; the United States is predominantly a giant business arrangement, but government policies have a greater impact on them; European countries actively explore block chain applications, such as the management of land ownership in Switzerland with block chains, Estonia’s use of block chains to support tax collection and commercial registration systems, and the United Kingdom’s desire to use block chains to enhance public service efficiency.


In the future, the block chain will grow further into a digital economic infrastructure, and will evolve in tandem with emerging technologies such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, reshaping the digital-economic development ecology, and promoting the deep integration of the value Internet with the real economy by means of smart contracts.


[Done with 51 CTO columnist & ldquao; move Labs&rdquao; original text reproduced with original author]






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