区块链早餐3.10:比特币跌破7700美元 央行注资区块链交易平台

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:33 评论:0



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The whole block chain thing would've known. The good day starts with faith!


Industrial Development

01 标普500指数创2008年12月以来最大跌幅

01 < strong > standard 500 index hit the largest drop since December 2008 .


On Monday, 9 March (Monday), the 500 index dropped 225.90 points, or 7.60 per cent, or 274.43 points, the largest since December 2008; on Monday, 9 March (Monday), the NASDAQ index dropped 624.90 points, or 7.29 per cent, or 7950.68 points; and on Monday, 9 March (Monday), the Dow Jones index dropped by 7.00 points, or 7.79 per cent, or 23850.79 points.

02 甲骨文和IBM正努力使其区块链相互通信

02 Oracle and IBM are trying to connect their block chains to each other

一直作为竞争对手的IT巨头IBM和甲骨文(Oracle)正在努力使他们的区块链相互通信。甲骨文区块链产品管理高级主管Mark Rakhmilevich上周在Hyperledger全球论坛上表示,互操作性工作正在使用Fabric构建的区块链上进行。Rakhmilevich称,甲骨文已经与IBM和SAP进行了全面的测试。三方基本上已经对Fabric进行了跨网络测试。因此,如果有人说他们想在甲骨文上运行网络,但其部分成员希望在IBM上工作,我们可以向他们展示经过测试和认证的流程。在某种程度上,这是为了让区块链节点同时在IBM和甲骨文的云上运行,但这也为连接聚集在两个平台上的企业联盟打开了大门。

As a competitor, IBM and Oracle are trying to communicate their block chains. Mark Rakhmilevich, senior manager of the Oracle chain product management, said at the Global Forum last week at Hyperledger that interoperability was taking place using Fabric’s block chains. Rakhmilevich said that Oracle had been thoroughly tested with IBM and SAP. The three parties had basically tested Fabric across the network. So, if some of its members wanted to work on the Oracle, we could show them the process of testing and certification.

03 摩根大通John Normand:加密货币在其他资产下跌时很难升值

03 Morgan Chase John Normand: Encrypted currency is difficult to appreciate when other assets fall

摩根大通(JPMorgan)跨资产基本策略主管John Normand表示,在传统的股票对冲交易中,至少有三分之二会在主要股市缩水时升值,其中美元兑新兴市场货币的表现最好,其次是日元兑美元。Normand补充说,加密货币可能不会起作用,尽管它们“在这类风暴场景中具有概念吸引力,但实际上可能会失败。加密资产的局限性在于其是融资工具,因此在其他资产下跌时很难升值,也缺乏使他们成为核心防御性资产替代品的流动性。

John Normand, the manager of JPMorgan's cross-assets strategy, said that at least two thirds of the traditional stock hedges would appreciate when the major stock markets contracted, with the dollar performing the best against emerging market currencies, followed by the yen against the dollar. Normand added that encrypted currencies might not work, although they were “conceptually attractive in such storm scenarios, but could actually fail. The limitation of encrypted assets was that they were financing instruments, and therefore it was difficult to appreciate when other assets fell, and there was no liquidity that made them a core alternative to defensive assets.

04 经济参考报:在区块链等引领下,数字经济平台终将站在舞台中央

04 Economic Reference: Under the lead, e.g. block chains, the digital economy platform will eventually be at the centre of the stage


In the new era of the digital economy, the digital economy has gradually integrated the functions of enterprises and markets, becoming the dominant form of economic organization, and playing a more important role in resource mobilization and economic organization. The digital economy platform, led by advanced technology such as large data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, physical networking, block chains, 5G, etc., will eventually be in the centre of the stage. At the heart of the digital economy is the application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, block chains, cloud computing, large data, etc., which will lead to disruptive innovation in the economic system. Based on the fast-growing mobile Internet, large data, cloud computing, search engines, social networks, and regional economic chains, it is important that the digital economy, which is based on the new technological features of the digital economy, not just to open up the digital economy to new economic patterns, and that it will be more important to join the digital economy.

05 欧科集团李炼炫:区块链能够解决传统电子发票的痛点

05 EUCO Group Lee Snoong: Block chains can address the pains of traditional electronic invoices


In an interview, Li Xuan, Chief Researcher at the EOC Institute, a company listed in the Ports Unit, stated that the electronic invoice for the chain of blocks in many parts of the country arose mainly from the fact that the chain of blocks was capable of addressing the painful points of the existence of traditional electronic invoices. The greatest benefit of the electronic invoice chain was that the block chain technology guaranteed the authenticity, soleness and traceability of the electronic invoice, the avoidance of criminal offences such as overbilling of invoices, the over-opening of more than one vote, and the efficient management of the country's tax revenues. On the one hand, block chain technology had an inexorable character that guaranteed the authenticity of the source of the invoice; on the other hand, the block chain consensus mechanism had achieved “transaction or opening” in order to harmonize the flow of funds and invoices, all of which was recorded on the block chain and guaranteed the soleness of the invoice; and on the other hand, the retroactive nature of the block chain allowed tax authorities to trace information such as source, authenticity and reimbursement of invoices, which allowed tax authorities to monitor the source and cross-border borders.

06 Bitcoin Core 0.19.1版本正式发布


据官方消息,Bitcoin Core 0.19.1版本已正式推出。此版本包含各种bug修复和性能改进,以及更新的翻译。

According to official sources, the version of Bitcoin Core 0.19.1 has been officially launched.

07 美国国会众议员正式提出2020年加密货币法案 明确加密货币监管机构

07 the Congress of Representatives of the United States formally introduced the Encrypted Currency Bill 2020, which specifies the Encrypted Currency Regulator .

3月9日,美国国会众议员Paul Gosar提出了《2020年加密货币法案》(Crypto-Currency Act of 2020),该法案旨在明确相应的监管机构来监管一系列加密资产。Paul Gosar立法助理Will Stechschulte表示,该法案不仅要为美国的加密资产提供明确性,还要提供合法性。Paul Gosar提议将数字资产分为三类:加密商品、加密货币和加密证券。这三类机构分别由美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)、金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)监管。而在此前2019年12月,福布斯曾发布文章《国会在新2020年加密货币法案中考虑联邦密码监管机构》就该法案做了简短介绍。

On March 9, Congressman Paul Gosar introduced the Crypto-Current Act of 2020, which aims to identify the appropriate regulatory body to regulate a range of encrypted assets. Paul Gosar’s Legislative Assistant, Will Stechschulte, stated that the bill would not only provide clarity but also legitimacy for encrypted assets in the United States. Paul Gosar proposed three types of digital assets: encrypted goods, encrypted money, and encrypted securities. These three types of institutions are regulated by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

08 周小川谈虚拟货币:让人有“一夜暴富”幻想 这不是什么好事

08 Cho talk of virtual currency: making people feel like a "night rich" fantasy is not a good thing


In response to questions from Chinese and non-Chinese journalists, it was noted that our central bank practice was to stop the ICO at the end of August last year, and that we did not support direct transactions between Bitcoin and the renminbi. And, as I said, considering the new technologies, it is clear that we do not like the idea of creating a speculative product and having a “night-long” home, which is not a good thing, but rather a service entity economy.

09 Coincover推出针对在线加密钱包黑客攻击的保险业务

09 Coincover presents insurance operations for online hacking of encrypted wallets

威尔士初创公司Coincover推出针对在线加密钱包黑客攻击的保险业务。该公司已得到了威尔士开发银行(Development Bank of Wales)和Welsh Angel investorsm的支持,以为加密钱包提供防盗和其他恶意黑客攻击的保险。Coincover已正式向市场推出加密货币保险产品,并得到了以Atrium为首的伦敦劳合社(Lloyd’s of London)保险公司财团的支持,其政策是与Prospect Insurance Brokers共同制定的。

The company has been supported by the Development Bank of Wales and the Welsh Development Bank to provide security against theft and other malicious hacker attacks. Coincover has officially introduced an encrypted currency insurance product to the market, with the support of the London Lloyd's of London Insurance Corporation, whose policy has been developed jointly with Prospet Insurance Brokers.

10 央行向区块链交易平台注资470万美元

10 central bank to invest $4.7 million in block chain trading platforms


The platform was initially disclosed by the People’s Bank of China in Shenzhen in September 2018. The platform was designed to facilitate the safe sharing of information between businesses and government departments and to create an undisguised book of accounts. As of mid-January, the platform was estimated to have processed $12.4 billion worth of transactions for 38 banks and nearly 1900 companies registered to use the platform.

11 上市公司鹏博士成立区块链公司

11 listed company, Dr. Peng, formed a block chain company


On 4 March, Dr. Peng Telecommunications Media Group Ltd. (Peng, 600804.SH), a company listed in A, made a new outward investment by establishing, together with Nanjing's Third World Blocks and Technology Co. Ltd., Dr. Nanjing Ping District Block Chain Technology Ltd., with a registered capital of $5 million, the statutory representative is Yang Po, General Manager of Dr. Peng's East Data Centre. On 9 March, however, the company added: 1. The subsidiary mentioned in the above-mentioned media report was established on 4 March 2020, with a registered capital of $5 million, and the company held 51 per cent of its shares. The subsidiary has not yet been effectively financed and has not specifically agreed on the timing of the financing. 2. The subsidiary does not have a technological reserve, does not carry out any business, its future business development is unclear and currently has no impact on the company's performance.

12 分析:新冠病毒、Plustoken涉案地址抛售等三大行为导致比特币周末暴跌

12 Analysis: Three major behaviours, such as the new coronary virus, and the sale of the address in Plustoken, caused Bitcoin to crash over the weekend .

市场分析师Jacob Canfield日内整理出了影响短期市场走向的三大关键因素,分别为:1.新冠病毒的全球爆发对全球金融市场产生了严重冲击;2.比特币矿工的行为暗示市场处在熊市阶段;3.PlusToken涉案地址再度出现抛售行为导致下跌。

Market analyst Jacob Canfield documented three key factors affecting the direction of short-term markets in the following days: 1. The global outbreak of the new crown virus has had a severe impact on global financial markets; 2. Bitcoin miners'behaviour suggests that the market is at the bear market stage; and 3. PlusToken's address has been re-saled as a result of a decline.

13 福布斯:晨星对在以太坊上发行的证券进行了首次评级

13 Forbes: Morning Star gave the first rating of securities issued at Etheria

晨星信用评级(DBRS Morningstar)对 Fatburger 发行在以太坊上的证券进行了首次评级,该公司获得了 3970 万美元的注资。虽然本次评级本身是基于传统的纸质债务类证券上进行的,但晨星公司表示,由于在评级文件中使用了以太坊提高了透明度,因此可以更快的访问有关证券的数据,从而为完全原生的加密资产铺平了道路。晨星将 2000 万美元的 A 类票据评为 BB 级,将另外 1970 万美元的 B 类票据评为 B 级,这类票据为固定利率年均 7.75%,以特许使用权发给 Fatburger、Buffalo’s wings 和 Ponderosa Steakhouse。

The morning star credit rating (DBRS Morningstar) gave the first rating of Fatburger’s securities issued in Ether, which received US$ 39.7 million in investment. While the rating itself was based on traditional paper-based debt-type securities, Morningstar stated that it was possible to obtain faster access to data on securities by using it in the rating documents, thus paving the way for a fully-born encrypted asset. The morning star rated US$ 20 million in class A as BB, and a further US$ 1970 million in class B, with an average interest rate of 7.75 per cent per annum, and issued to Fatburger, Buffalo’s wings and Ponderosa Steakhouse.

14 2020胡润全球少壮派白手起家富豪榜:徐明星、李林上榜

14 2020 > > < < < < < strong > > > > > < < / strong > > > >

3月9日,胡润研究院发布《2020胡润全球少壮派白手起家富豪榜》。虚拟货币交易行业有3人上榜,其中欧科集团徐明星、火币李林均首次上榜,分别以100亿元人民币、75亿元人民币的财富位居第38位、第46位,美国Coinbase首席执行官Brian Armstrong以70亿元人民币的财富位列第49位。

On March 9, the Hu Yun Institute launched the " 2020 Book of Rich People for the World’s Young Men." The virtual money-trading industry has three people on the list, including the Euroco Group Xu Star and the Democratic Coin Li Lin, who for the first time were ranked 38th and 46th in RMB 10 billion and RMB 7.5 billion, respectively, and Brian Armstrong, United States Chief Executive Officer of Coinbase, 49th in RMB 7 billion.


Level One Market

01 加密货币托管公司First Digital Trust已筹集300万美元新资金

01 cryptographic currency custodian First Digital Trust has raised $3 million in new funds

从香港金融托管商Legacy Trust分离出来的加密货币托管公司First Digital Trust已从Telegram的投资者Nogle Capital处筹集了300万美元的新资金。First Digital Trust计划利用这些资金在5月启动“快速结算和清算网络”。

First Digital Trust, an encrypted money custodian that has been separated from the Hong Kong financial custodian Legacy Trust, has raised $3 million in new funds from Nogle Capital, an investor in Telegram. First Digital Trust plans to use these funds to launch a “quick clearing and clearing network” in May.

02 加密钱包初创公司Argent已获A轮融资1200万美元

02 Encrypted Wallet Starter Argentina has received $12 million in round A financing

加密钱包初创公司Argent已获得A轮融资1200万美元。Coinbase、Paradigm、Compound和Index Ventures等公司参与了这次融资。

Argent, an initial firm for encryption wallets, has received $12 million in round A financing. Coinbase, Paradigm, Compound and Index Ventures are involved in this financing.

03 Horizon 获 500 万美元融资,旗下游戏 SkyWeaver 将进行公开测试

03 Horizon received $5 million in funding, and SkyWeaver will conduct a public test

区块链游戏开发商 Horizon 宣布在年初获得了新一轮 500 万美元的融资,由 Initialized 资本领投,其他投资方包括 ConsenSys、CMT Digital、Regah Ventures、Golden Ventures、DCG 和 Polychain。去年夏天 Horizon 发布了首款卡牌收集竞技类游戏 SkyWeaver,有 1.2 万名用户参与了封闭测试阶段,他们将根据测试反馈平衡游戏并优化界面和用户体验。SkyWeaver 的用户可以将卡牌在内置的交易市场中交易,或者其他支持开放的 ERC-1155 标准的交易市场。Horizon 还宣布将在今年进行 SkyWeaver 的公开测试。此前报道,Horizon 曾于去年获得 Initialized 资本领投的种子轮,加上 Coinbase Ventures 和 Polychain Capital 等区块链行业的基金投资,共计 375 万美元。

Horizon announced a new round of $5 million in financing at the beginning of the year by Initialized capital, with other investors including ConsenSys, CMT Digital, Regah Ventures, Golden Ventures, DCG, and Polychain. Horizon also announced the launch of the first card-collecting game SkyWeaver, with 1.2 million users participating in the closed testing phase, which will balance the game with test feedback and optimize interfaces and user experiences. SkyWeaver users could trade cards in the trading market, or other open ERC-1155 standard trading markets.


Secondary Market

01 矿工库存数据预示了比特币暴跌

01 miner stocks foreshadows Bitcoin's fall


The recent price decline in Bitcoin has taken many investors by surprise. However, a key indicator that reflects the concerns of miners on the network was warned a few weeks ago. According to the data on miners’ inventories created by ByteTree, an encrypted market data company, to measure changes in stock levels held by major market participants (MRI), the data remained below 100% in January, implying a lack of confidence in the market’s 30% increase in January prices.

02 BTC跌破7700美元

02 BTC dropped $7,700


In the evening of March 9, BTC fell by $7,700, down to $7638.

03 Robinhood再次宕机,部分交易服务已恢复

03 Robinhood again and part of the transaction service has resumed


The investment application in support of encrypt currency transactions is Robinhaood again. It was found that, 27 minutes after Robinhaood’s official announcement of the crash and the start of the problem check, the application officially announced that part of the trading service had resumed and that the team was continuing its efforts to complete the recovery.

04 Tether公司新增发6014.9万美元USDT



According to WhaleAlert data, at 20:33 Beijing Time on 09/03, Tether issued an additional USDT of $6.0149 million for 0xc27c3325c 531930b95bb292b292d 1cbb599273b9bf0369f252de32f620a8cb37.

05 火币合约对全品种系数进行调整 阶梯强平机制正式上线

05 signage contract adjustment for full variety factor < strong > strange strange > the stair mechanism is officially online


According to the official network, the tender contract was adjusted for the full variety adjustment factor at 1800 hours on 9 March. The adjustment factor for the net stocking of the varieties was increased from 3 to 5 and the corresponding adjustment factor for the nine major distribution contracts was reduced overall. It was reported that in this adjustment factor, the BTC contract was reduced by up to 33.3 per cent and the contracts for ETH, EOS, BCH and LTC by up to 16.7 per cent; the 20-fold lever, the BTC contract adjustment factor was reduced to 10 per cent (that is, to maintain the guarantee rate of 0.5 per cent); under the other leverage multipliers, the respective adjustment factor for the varieties was also raised to the lowest level. The adjustment factor was designed to prevent users from going through the warehouse.

06 波士顿证券代币交易所BSTX向SEC提交证券代币市场申请修订提案

06 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


The original TZero-supported Boston Securities Exchange (BSTX) recently submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a revised proposal to activate the securities exchange market. The revised document significantly adjusted the BOX submission last December, increasing the number of first-time listings from two to three, and bringing the listing standards closer to those set by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

07 过去一周以太坊DEX项目总交易额合计6,400万美元

07 Total transaction amount of $64 million in the past week under the Taiyo DEX project

据DAppTotal DEX专题页面数据显示:截至目前,已统计的20个基于以太坊网络的DEX项目,过去一周链上交易额共计313,021个ETH,合计64,005,827美元。整体而言,过去一周按交易用户量排名,活跃用户量最多的DEX项目分别为:Uniswap(9,918个)、Kyber(7,817个)、IDEX(6,791个)、Tokenlon(2,277个)、ForkDelta(1,592个);按用户交易额排名,交易额最大的DEX项目分别为:Uniswap(120,770ETH)、Kyber(99,044ETH)、Tokenlon(37,910ETH)、IDEX(27,671ETH)、DDEX(24,844ETH)。

According to the DAppTotal DEX thematic page data: To date, 20 projects based on the ETA network have been counted for the past week totalling 313,021 EXH transactions in the chain for the past week, totalling $64,005,827. Overall, the largest number of active DEX projects by number of transaction users in the past week were: Uniswap (9,918), Kyber (7,817), IDEX (6,791), Tokenlon (2,277), ForkDelta (1,592); and DEX projects with the largest number of transactions by number of users: Uniswap (120,770 ETH), Kyber (99,044 ETH), Tokenlon (37,910 ETH), IDEX (27,671 ETH), DDEX (24,844 ETH).

08 OKEx CEO Jay:OKEx已上线期权简选功能

08OKEx CEO Jay: OKEx online option

据OKEx CEO Jay微博消息,OKEx已上线期权简选功能,并表示“先选趋势,再选时间,按照风险偏好选定期权并清楚盈亏平衡点,比原来简单的多,欢迎大家参与极简主义体验。”

According to OKEx CEO Jay Weibo, OKEx has a simple selection of options for online options and states that “the selection of trends, the selection of time, the selection of periodic rights based on risk preferences and a clear balance of gains and losses is much more simple than was originally the case, and the participation of all in the ultra-simplified experience is welcome”.

09 Local Bitcoin交易平台比特币交易量创下7年新低

09 Local Bitcoin trading platform has reached a seven-year low in Bitcoin trading volume

比特币交易平台 Local Bitcoin 上的比特币交易量创下自 2013 年以来的最低水平,也就是说达到了 7 年新低, 根据该交易平台数据显示,截至二月底比特币交易数目为 3,144 笔。这比前一年的交易量下降了 75%。在此期间,多达 1.3 万个比特币通过 Local Bitcoin 交易平台进行交易。在 2015 年的时候,曾有 4 万枚比特币在该交易平台进行交易,当时也是达到了历史最高的单日交易数量。Local Bitcoin 的发言人 Veruska Xavier Filgueira 认为监管对平台产生了较大对影响。1 月,有报道称,该公司暂停或关闭了用户的账户,也没有解释原因。据多名用户反应他们没有收到任何通知,也不知道他们的帐户已经被关闭,直到他们试图访问他们的资金才发现这件事。在暂停交易之后,Local Bitcoin 交易活动较 2019 年底减少了 70%。

During this period, as many as 1.3 million bitcoin traded through the Local Bitcoin trading platform. In 2015, 40,000 bitcoin traded on the trading platform, which was also the highest single-day transaction in history, reached a low of seven years, according to data from the trading platform. Veruska Xavier Filgueira, a spokesman for Local Bitcoin, believed that regulation had had a significant impact on the platform. In January, it was reported that the company had suspended or closed its user accounts without any explanation. Many users responded that they had not received any notice and did not know that their accounts had been closed until they tried to visit their funds to find out.




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    12年怎么购买比特币?买卖比特币可以通过以下交易所进行购买,分别是:欧易官网平台、ZG交易所、艾戴克斯交易所、C2CX交易软件、BaseFEX交易APP、波网交易平台、安银交易所、BitMart交易软件、紫牛币交所交易APP和澳网(AOMEX)交易平台等等十大平台下载,高效安全的数字货币交易平台。How do you buy bitcoins in 12 years? Bitcoins can be purchased through ten major platforms...
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