
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:29 评论:0



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南方财经全媒体记者 冯恋阁 广州报道

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}That's why I'm here.


In mid-June, what new developments have occurred in the area of compliance this week (06.12-06.18)?


With regard to the digital economy and platforms, the Directorate-General of Market Supervision has announced a special five-month exercise to optimize the rules of the Platform's agreement; the Directorate-General of Market Supervision has issued Regulations on Procedures for the Remediation of Credits for Serious Violations of Letters and Administrative Sanctions (on a trial basis) to establish sound mechanisms for the management of credit restoration; and the Code of Conduct for the Operation of Blind Boxes (on a trial basis) has been issued with a view to regulating blind box operations and maintaining a fair and competitive market order.


In the area of data security and personal information protection, the Pen God's dictation doctrine and the think-AI model stole data from its website; the Zhejiang Province Standard Departure Contracts Guidelines were published, setting out the scope of application of the Standard Departure Contracts for Personal Information, the manner of filing, the filing process, etc.


With regard to the protection of intellectual property rights, the Universal Awakening vs. Commanders “records” in the first instance, and the Second Chamber of the Eastern Central Court of Justice ruled that the private downloading of the business source code by the company's employees constituted a crime against commercial secrets.

目光转向海外,联合国秘书长宣布支持成立人工智能行业的“国际原子能机构”;欧盟通过人工智能法案的谈判立场;推特遭 17 家音乐公司起诉侵犯版权。?

Looking abroad, the Secretary-General of the United Nations announced his support for the establishment of the “International Atomic Energy Agency” for the artificial intelligence industry; the European Union's negotiating position on the adoption of the artificial intelligence bill; and Twitter, which was prosecuted for copyright infringement by 17 music companies?




Today, the Directorate-General of Market Supervision has put in place a five-month initiative to optimize the rules of agreement for the Platform (hereinafter referred to as the special initiative), to urge the Platform's enterprises to comply strictly with the rules of law and order, to play a role as a model guide, and to further optimize the rules of agreement of the Platform in order to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, platform operators and platform enterprises are safeguarded and to promote the high-quality development of the Platform's economy. The initiative is divided into mobilization, self-examination of the Platform, territorial guidance, and evaluation by the Directorate-General.



It is noteworthy that, technically, the Platform's protocol rules are closely related to data and algorithms, and at the regulatory level, the Platform should be urged to further optimize algorithms and to build a system of pre-, inter- and post-process, multi-dimensional algorithm governance.



On 16 June, the Directorate-General of Market Supervision published the Regulations on Procedures for the Restoration of Information Credits for Serious Violations of Letters and Administrative Sanctions (the " Rules " ) recently issued by the Directorate-General of Market Supervision in order to encourage support operators to correct their own mistakes and restore credit and create a favourable business environment.


The Regulations establish sound mechanisms for the management of credit restoration in three areas: first, by adhering to the rules of the law and strictly respecting the standards, procedures, time limits, etc., and second, by clarifying the division of responsibilities and working mechanisms of the relevant directorates of the Directorate-General, in accordance with the principle of “Who determines, who fixes” and, third, by means of such measures as issuing guidelines for work and strengthening information-based construction, by providing efficient and easy services for business owners to apply for credit restoration.


Credit regulation is an important part of the construction of the social credit system and the basis for new regulatory mechanisms. As early as 30 July 2021, the Directorate-General of Market Supervision issued three sectoral regulations and regulatory documents, such as the Measures for Management of Market Supervision and Management of Serious Infringements of Untrust Lists, the Regulations on Administrative Sanctions for Market Supervision and Regulation, and the Measures for Management of Credit Repairs for Market Supervision and Management, which became effective on 1 September of the same year.



On 15 June, the Directorate-General of Market Supervision issued the Code of Conduct for the Operation of Blind Boxes (the " Guide " ), which aims to regulate the operation of blind box operations, maintain a fair and competitive market order, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and safeguard the public interest. The Guide also specifies the operation of blind box operations in terms of the establishment of negative marketing lists and the improvement of mechanisms for the protection of minors.


Following the issuance of the Guidelines, a number of relevant domestic manufacturers responded, noting that the Guidelines were of long-term benefit to the industry and had a positive impact on the promotion of business regulation and the orderly and healthy development of the enabling industry, and that enterprises would continue to fulfil their responsibilities in the future by actively cooperating with the regulatory authorities in the implementation of the relevant regulations.


One of the main expectations of the publication of the Guide is to guide operators in reducing information asymmetry in transactions and effectively safeguard consumers' right to know and choose. As a result of the non-refundable sales model of the blind box, the sale of an unreasonable puncture attribute may result in the seller buying and paying very unmatched or low-valued product. Failure to regulate it may encourage traders to remove stocks, excess low-value goods in the form of “blind boxes” and thereby disrupt market order for profit or even fraud. Consumers may also be unable to defend themselves by purchasing “blind boxes” of very low value, creating a sense of insecurity in consumption, which may lead to the failure of the Consumer Protection Act in the field of “blind boxes”.



6月13日,笔神作文发布“关于‘学而思’ AI大模型侵权事件的声明”。声明称,4月13日至17日,学而思通过“爬虫”技术非法访问、缓存笔神作文APP服务器数据多达258万次。严重侵犯了笔神作文APP的数据权益。

On 13 June, the pen god's essay issued a “Statement on the violation of the `Study for A' AI model.” The statement stated that, from 13 to 17 April, as many as 2.58 million times, the data from the APP server of the pen god's essay had been illegally accessed through the “crawling” technology.


In response to this, it learned that official tweets responded that the AI model MathGPT was a self-research model focused on mathematics, and that there were no essay-related data; and that the “Speech Assistant” was currently in development and had not yet been released, and that the service did not use any data from the pen Gods.


On 14 June, the handwriting of the pen god was retransmitted, stating that “we believe that what was said is not true” and setting out the relevant evidence.




In recent days, the Zhejiang Internet Information Office has issued the Guidelines for the Recording of Standard Contracts for the Departure of Personal Information from Zhejiang Province (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).


The circular of the Network indicates that the Guidance is based on the Standard Scheme for Contracts for the Exit of Personal Information, which was introduced on 1 June, and the Guidelines for the Recording of Standard Contracts for the Departure of Personal Information (first edition), issued by the National Internet Information Office, with a view to guiding and assisting the personal information processor in the regulation and orderly filing of standard contracts for the departure of personal information.




Recently, the Shenzhen City Intermediate People's Court handed down a first-instance judgement in the case of "Hong Kong Awakening " v. " Commander ", in the case of copyright infringement and unfair competition dispute: the "Commander" of the accused, who operated under the banner of the 99th Company, constituted a violation of the "change of the skin" of the "Hong Kong Awakening", and was required to compensate the plaintiff, Lilith and Lotte, for the economic loss of 10 million yuan and for the reasonable cost of stopping the violation, and publicly apologized.


In this case, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court clearly defined the game's “change-of-skin” behaviour: “change-of-script” usually means that the later game uses different artistic images of the first game, but the specific design of the game mechanism, such as the structure of the system, numerical setting, operating interfaces, playing rules, etc., is exactly the same or the same as the first game.


It is worth noting that in the present case, the Court also noted that the same intellectual result, depending on the view, can be attributed to both types of work and protected by copyright law. The Court found that the Universal Awakening picture as a whole constituted an audio-visual work under article 3, paragraph 6, of the Copyright Act, and also identified the specific expression of the rules of play such as the structure of the Universal Awakening game, the system, numerical planning and correspondence as other intellectual results (types of works) that fit the characteristics of the work.



In the recent past, the Second Chamber of the Dongjung Central Court sentenced one case of violation of commercial secrets.


A chip company works in partnership with a technology company to share research and development data in the server.


In May 2022, a technology company discovered the theft of the company’s source code and then reported it to the public security authorities and the civilian police arrested it. At the time of the incident, no technical information was disclosed, used or allowed to be used by others.


The company was only responsible for programming, and the reproduction, downloading and transmission of the company's technical secrets without the company's lawful authorization constituted an offence against commercial secrets, in particularly serious circumstances, and was sentenced to three years'and six months'imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 yuan. The second judge issued a letter of understanding, which reduced the sentence from a light sentence to three years'and two months'imprisonment.




On 12 June, local time, according to media reports, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Guterres, publicly expressed support for the establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the area of artificial intelligence to regulate artificial intelligence technology?


At the same time, Guterres announced that a scientific advisory committee of artificial intelligence experts and chief scientists from United Nations agencies would be formed in the coming days. In addition, by the end of the year, the United Nations would launch a high-level artificial intelligence advisory body to regularly review artificial intelligence governance arrangements and make recommendations on how governance arrangements could be aligned with human rights, the rule of law and the common good.


On the one hand, there are precedents in the field of science and technology governance, such as the International Organization for the Distribution of Internet Names and Addresses (ICAAN), which has helped to maintain the global Internet order. On the other hand, GPT-4 and similar “massive” artificial intelligence models have shown the ability to make people aware that artificial intelligence technologies may exceed the scope and limits of future human control.


But unlike atomic energy, large models of artificial intelligence have a very deep embedding relationship with commercial ecology, and companies, developers, etc., regardless of their size, would like to use and call on the relevant services. So, to what extent, even when similar institutions are in place, “nuclear non-proliferation” in the AI field is a matter of reflection and concern.


当地时间6月14日,欧洲议会以 499 票赞成、28 票反对和 93 票弃权通过了关于人工智能法案的谈判立场。?

On 14 June, local time, the European Parliament adopted a negotiating position on the artificial intelligence bill by 499 votes in favour, 28 against and 93 abstentions.

最新的人工智能法案再次强调,将全面禁止对人类安全造成不可接受风险的人工智能系统的侵扰性和歧视性使用。违反相关义务将被处以最高 4000 万欧元或上一财年全球年营业额的 7%的罚款。?

The latest artificial intelligence bill once again emphasizes that the intrusive and discriminatory use of artificial intelligence systems that pose unacceptable risks to human security will be completely prohibited.


The Act also sets out a range of obligations to be met by providers of basic artificial intelligence models. For providers of generating artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT, the Act states that if the data used for training is protected by copyright, the provider must disclose the relevant detailed summaries; for the content generated, the Act requires that it comply with transparency requirements and mark and disclose the content of artificial intelligence generation.

推特遭 17 家音乐公司起诉侵犯版权


Specific media reports indicate that in recent days, 17 music companies have jointly sued Twitter for unauthorized use of music on their platforms, violating the copyright of nearly 1,700 music pieces, and demanding that Twitter pay $250 million, or approximately 1.8 billion yuan.


The Association of American Music Publishers, a group of 17 music publishers such as Sony, Global, and others, filed a lawsuit against Twitter in the Nashville Federal Court of Tennessee. Since December 2021 alone, the lawsuit has involved some 300,000 tweets using tort music.




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