
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:29 评论:0



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On May 12, an encrypt currency market hit the runoff. & nbsp;


The LUNA coin, once called “the bottom of the currency”, was bled down by 99.99%! According to Coingecko, the LUNA coin had reached a high of $119.5 on 5 April and its highest market value was $41 billion (approximately $27.86 billion). However, the LUNA coin has been falling for some time, and its latest price has been less than a cent, only $0.0001 as of the date of publication.


During the bloodbathing of LUNA coins, the crypto-money market also ran away. Coin showed that more than 370,000 offshore users exploded in 24 hours, valued at $938 million, and about $6.36 billion evaporated! & nbsp;


According to a midday announcement by the largest digital currency exchange in the world, the Terra (LUNA) network ceased at a high altitude of 7,607,789, and the Terra (LUNA) network was suspended on 13 May 2022 at 10:25 (East 8th sector time). When the Terra (LUNA) network stabilizes, the currency will reopen the Terra (LUNA) network to replenish and present operations and will not be announced separately. & nbsp;


With the collapse of the encrypt currency, the recovery of the encrypt money platform has been severely damaged, and the personal wealth of the giants in the currency circle has been severely reduced. According to the Bloomberg billionaire Index, Coinbase’s founder, Brian? Armstrong’s wealth has evaporated from about 83% to $2.3 billion. The personal wealth of the CEO, Zhao Chang-Peng, has been reduced from $96 billion to $11.6 billion, evaporating $84.4 billion (approximately $57.36 billion).

    “币圈茅台”暴跌超99% 挂钩的“稳定币”也不稳了  

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; > `banking' dropped by more than 99%   ; tied `stable currency' & nbsp; & nbsp; >


The encrypt currency LUNA, which had reached a high of $119.5 on 5 April, fell by 99.99 per cent to a roughly “zero” price during the remainder of the month and stood at 0.01 cents for one LUNA tender.



It is understood that LUNA is the platform's token for Terra, which is used to stabilize currency issuance, price stabilization mechanisms, and network governance. & nbsp;


Faced with a sharp decline in the value of the currency, the founder of Terra Kwon came out and said, “The last 72 hours have been very difficult for everyone, and I am determined to go through this crisis with everyone and find a way to save myself.” But in the currency business, UST warns that if it does not come back, try not easily to copy LUNA.


After a sharp drop in LUNA, the stable currency linked to LUNA fell down at a minimum of $0.21 per dollar. It was severely decoupled from the United States dollar. It was understood that UST was the third stable currency in the crypto-currency market, and its prices had remained constant at around $1.


“Stabilized currency” becomes normal, and why do algorithms stabilize the currency with a frequency of crashes? & nbsp;


One of the senior currency circles said to every journalist that different stable currencies are now commonly referred to as “stabilized currencies”, but that the same term should not be used, because the algorithms are very different from the stable currencies supported by the French currency. This does not seem to be important to people in the area of crypto-currency, but this information is often ignored in the area of policy.

  以UST为例,该人士进一步解释,LUNA是Terra协议的治理代币,主要功能有协议治理和质押挖矿。用户将 Luna 质押给验证者,验证者在区块链上记录和验证交易,以换取交易费用的奖励。UST则是Terra 体系内与美元挂钩的代币。Terra设计了一个算法,就是让1 UST始终能够兑换价值1 USD的LUNA,同时价值1 USD的LUNA也能够兑换回1 UST。 

In the case of UST, it is further explained that LUNA is the governing token of the Terra agreement, with the main function being to agree on governance and pledge mining. Users will   Luna  pledge to the certificationer, who records and authenticates the transaction on the block chain in exchange for reward for transaction costs. UST is Terra  a currency pegged to the United States dollar in the system. Terra has designed an algorithm that allows 1  UST always converts the value 1  USA at the same time as the value 1  USA at the same time as the value 1  USA at the same time can also convert the value of 1  and UPS & nbsp;


It is generally understood that when the UST price is higher than $1, the user can send LUNA (LUNA) with an equivalent value of $1 to the system in exchange for a UST (UST was forged) and when the UST price falls below $1, the user can send UST (UST was destroyed) to the system in exchange for LUNA (LUNA was forged) with a value of $1, thereby reducing the market supply of the UST and restoring the anchor link between the UST and the US$ 1:1; & nbsp;


In general, markets automatically arbitrage through both of the above-mentioned operations, and objectively help to maintain the UST anchoring relationship with the United States dollar. But in the event of sharp fluctuations in the encryption market, this stable mechanism of self-regulating supply and demand through the market will fail, with the possibility of a large-scale liquidation that will further collapse UST credit and then fall into a “death spiral.”


According to Daily Economic News journalists, UST broke down, not for the first time in the area of algorithmic currency stabilization. On April 1, last year, the EOS largest algorithm stabilization system, USDX, dropped to a minimum of $0.65 in its currency, USDC. The USDX was the algorithm stabilization system launched by the DFS team in January of the same year, up to 65 days, with a market value of $60 million and a global algorithm stabilization market value of ToP2. Until the fall, the annual mineralization proceeds remained at over 1,500 per cent. & nbsp;


And before that, the biggest algorithm in the court was to stabilize the currency AMPL or the biggest BDO on the BSC, and the same situation was faced.


More than 370,000 users in 24 hours & nbsp;


(a) ;


In the wake of the LUNA’s collapse, encrypted currencies, including Bitcoin and Etheria, also experienced a blood storm. On May 12, dozens of virtual currencies fell dramatically.



The market value was higher than the previous bitcoin and the Ether currency fell by more than 10% and 20%, respectively, and then stabilized.



On May 12, Bitcoin broke the $27,000 mark and fell again in the year. According to Coindisk, it fell by 13.4 per cent in 24 hours, down to $26482.15. Bitcoin broke the 30,000-dollar psychological threshold three times a week, down since December 2020. In 24 hours, the fall was 22.17 per cent, down to $1773.16. & nbsp;


By May 12, the encrypted currency market fell by 4909 currencies and rose by 804 currencies. BTC (bitcoin) had a minimum price of nearly $26,675, with a 6.17 per cent decline as of the latest publication price of $29,282. It fell by about 13 per cent, with the latest price of 1979.


Besides, hundreds of thousands of people are going through an explosion!


Coin shows that more than 370,000 offshore users explode in 24 hours, valued at $938 million, and about $6.36 billion evaporate! & nbsp;

  普通投资人经历暗淡时刻之际,5月11日,派盾(全球顶尖区块链安全公司)在推特上发文表示,波场TRON创始人Justin Sun(孙宇晨)单日将4.19亿枚USDT转入Binance,过去2小时内又从Binance转出3.19亿枚USDT。这意味着他一天内亏损了一亿! 

On May 11, when ordinary investors went through a bleak moment, Pygmy (the world’s top block chain security company) wrote on Twitter that the founder of Tron was Justin & nbsp; Sun transferred 419 million USDTs to Binance on a single day and 319 million USDTs from Binance in the last two hours. This means that he lost $100 million a day! & nbsp;


“The currency circle is at risk, and entry is prudent.” Investors are hushing. The “zero return” of Luna's currency even raises concerns about whether some investors will be zero in the future. & nbsp;


Bitcoin prices have fallen by more than 45% since this year and are now ranked first among the world’s largest asset classes. & nbsp;


The British Financial Times collated CryptoCompare's data to show that, to date, the total market value of the top 500 digital currencies has been decapitated from a record high of $1.6 trillion in November 2021. & nbsp;

  “加密市场已经承受了一段时间的压力,”AscendEx的风险合伙人Michael Rinko接受CNBC电视台采访时表示,“美联储继续加息,所以股市继续下跌,加密货币也随之下跌。” 

“The encryption market has been under pressure for some time” by Michael & nbsp, risk partner of AscendEx; in an interview with CNBC TV, Rinko said, “The Fed continues to raise interest, so the stock market continues to fall and the encrypt currency falls.” & nbsp;


In response to the shock of the crypto-currency market, Daily Economic News journalists contacted Sichuan University’s Professor of International Economics, Gong Su-Guko, via a micro-mail. Professor Gong said that the US CPI (a 8.3% increase from the previous year) was still at its 40-year high in April and exceeded market expectations, which meant that the Fed would accelerate the pace of interest-adding schedules, with financial markets falling, and the crypto-currency market, representing emerging industries, naturally bearing the brunt of the crisis.


In addition, he explained that countries, in order to preserve financial sovereignty, had also restricted or excluded encrypted currencies to varying degrees from the formal financial system, which had also led to the continued decline of encrypted currencies.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; platform

  美东时间5月10日盘后,美国最大的加密货币交易平台Coinbase(NASDAQ: COIN)公布了2022年第一季度财报。财报显示,该公司一季度收入为11.7亿美元,同比下滑27%,环比下降53.2%。财报发布次日,Coinbase收盘报53.72美元/股,较去年11月的高点已下跌85%。 

After the 10th of May, Coinbase (NASDAQ:   COIN), the largest encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, released its first quarter of 2022. The financial statements showed that the company's revenue for the first quarter was $1.17 billion, a decline of 27 per cent compared to the previous quarter, a decline of 53.2 per cent, and Coinbase collected $53.72 per unit, an 85 per cent decline over last November's high; and & nbsp;

  被称作“比特币巨鲸”,全球持有比特币最多的上市公司MicroStrategy(NASDAQ: MSTR)周三收盘报168.20美元/股,今年至今已下跌超过70%。 

Called “bitcoin giant whales”, the world’s largest listed company, MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:   MSTR), collects $168.20 on Wednesdays, which has fallen by more than 70% so far this year. & nbsp;


The real estate of the ringers also fell as the encoded currency fell.

  根据彭博亿万富翁指数,Coinbase创始人布莱恩?阿姆斯特朗(Brian Armstrong)去年11月的个人财富为137亿美元,而截至目前,其财富已经蒸发约83%,降至23亿美元。 

According to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, Coinbase's founder Brian & nbsp; Armstrong's personal wealth last November was $13.7 billion, and to date it has evaporated about 83% to $2.3 billion. & nbsp;

  《每日经济新闻》记者注意到,币安首席执行官赵长鹏(Changpeng Zhao)遭受的损失比阿姆斯特朗更大,1月份的彭博亿万富翁指数显示,赵长鹏的个人财富为960亿美元,截至5月11日,这一数字已缩减至116亿美元,蒸发844亿美元(约合人民币5736亿元),跌幅近90%。据界面新闻,赵长鹏是一位出生在江苏连云港的加拿大籍华人,今年45岁,去年底,国内媒体《财经》在一篇报道中指出,赵长鹏的身家高达900亿美元,超过了农夫山泉董事长钟睒睒,成为了华人首富。 

According to Daily Economic News, Chief Executive Officer Cheongpeng   (Zhao) suffered more losses than Armstrong, according to the Pombo Billionaire Index in January, Zhao's personal wealth was $960 billion. As of 11 May, it had shrunk to $11.6 billion, evaporating $84.4 billion (approximately $57.36 billion). According to the interface, Zhao Chang Ping was a Canadian national born in Jiang Sulian Wan, aged 45, and at the end of last year, according to a report by the domestic media, Zhao Chang Peng's home was as high as $90 billion, surpassing the Director of the Farf Springs, and became China's capital.

  加密商业银行Galaxy Digital首席执行官Michael Novogratz的个人财富则从去年11月初的85亿美元跌至25亿美元。 

The encrypted commercial bank Galaxy  Digital CEO Michael  Novogratz’s personal wealth fell to $2.5 billion from $8.5 billion at the beginning of November last year.

  Gemini联合创始人Tyler和Cameron Winklevoss今年各自损失约22亿美元的财富,降幅约为40%。另一个加密交易所FTX的首席执行官Sam Bankman-Fried的财富自3月底以来也下降了一半,至约113亿美元。

Gemini co-founders Tyler and Cameron  Winklevos lost about $2.2 billion each this year, a drop of about 40%. Sam , CEO of another encryption exchange, FTX; and Bankman-Fried, whose wealth has also fallen by half since the end of March, to about $11.3 billion.




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