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The currency spins the "trade is mining": self-reform or new routing?

  ◎ 记者 黄希

Reporter, Huang Xi.


“The Virtual Currency Exchange is still in its 1.0 stage: brand awareness, quality awareness, service awareness, and there are too many loopholes in policy mechanisms. Because households are still simply running for traffic, not exchange-based high-quality assets and services.”


“Easing me from my grief, from my misery, from my displacing me, from my ability to thrive.” This is a promise for a virtual currency exchange made by a small chord.


Today, the currency circle is rife with the bear market. Without the currency price, the story of the money-rich is not so easy to tell. The newcomers are well-developed, the next pickles are not yet “fertilized” and the flow is as valuable to the dry season’s exchange as a kryptonum.


The recent announcement of a “trading or mining” scheme by currency security, OKEx, and a gun price has been a bit of a stupendous.


It's just, is “trade or mining” the exchange's self-reform or is it a trickle-down?


The Exchange's “mixed war”


The reason why the exchange was playing the “trade is mining”, perhaps starting with a move by FCoin more than two months ago.


On 24 May, the Fcoin Exchange, launched by the former CTOC Zhang Jian, officially opened the FT/ETH deal.

  据FCoin官网介绍,FT(FCoin Token)是FCoin交易平台发行的通证,是交易平台自身所有权益的代表。FT的发行是依据“交易即挖矿”的原则逐步释放,上限为100亿个,永不增加。作为平台权益的代表,平台会将80%的收入分配给FT的持有者,同时,FT持有者还有参与重大决策及社区管理的权利。

According to the FCoin network, the FT (FCoin Token) is a pass issued by the FCoin trading platform and represents all the rights and interests of the trading platform itself. The distribution of the FT is a step-by-step release based on the principle of “trading is mining” with a ceiling of 10 billion, never increasing. As representatives of the platform’s interests, the platform distributes 80% of its revenues to the FT holders, while the FT holders have the right to participate in major decision-making and community management.


FCoin’s so-called “trading is mining” model is a distribution rule modelled on bitcoin mining. Fifty-one percent of the FTs give back gradually to the trading users by “trading is mining” and once 51 percent of the FTs are fully returned, the “mining” is automatically terminated.


In short, “trading is mining” is a mechanism for the return of personal transaction fees based on trading platform money. In fact, a similar scheme existed long before FCoin was established, such as Bibox’s previous mechanism for returning a percentage of the fee income to platform currency holders.


In mid-June, Fcoin issued a press release stating that it had lasted 15 days and that the volume of transactions exceeded the sum of six exchanges, namely, currency security, OKEx, and military currency, and that it was “high on the top of the global list”.


The mainstream trading platform, which was “shocked” by Fcoin, responded.


On 19 June, OKEx took the lead in launching a “Digital Assets Exchange Open Winner Scheme”, stating that the first phase would open up 100 places, targeting 500,000 OKB teams eligible to participate in the creation of a self-governing, transparent digital asset exchange. At the same time, OKEx also mentioned that “the mining component of each exchange will be rewarded to trading users on a daily basis through the `trade or mine mining' model”.


Then, on 21 June, the announcement also announced that the Digital Assets Exchange Open Alliance initiative would be launched on a pilot basis in local parts of the world. The plan is similar to the OKEx win-win plan. The difference is that the initial opening was 1,000 places, and that teams that targeted 100,000 BNBs could apply.


On August 8, it announced that the first phase of partners, including the DBNK Group, the Russian VEB Bank, the Taiwan Gifu Group, and the Asia-Pacific International Holdings Group, would be officially launched. It was also announced that it would open up one or two partners with opening conditions every day.


It's the intention of the currency.


There is a particularly interesting scene in this intense war.


On June 20, the day before the announcement of the above-mentioned coalition plan, the founder of the union, Zhao Chang Peng, was “throwing” on Twitter, referring directly to “the ICO, not only a disguised ICO, but also a high price ICO.” In his view, there are no barriers to this model and everyone can do it, but the lower the threshold, the lower the professionalism of the model; there are now 100 chains on other exchanges, increasing the speed of cutting vegetables by 100 times.


The day before the shelling, the day after that, was it a blow to the face?


“Don't worry, the money won't do it, but we have to mess with the money tray to get this model over quickly. Otherwise, too many users will get hurt and work against the industry.” On June 21, Zhao Chang Peng once again showed his attitude to the “trade is mining” model on Twitter.


According to an interview with the International Finance Journal in recent days, the announcement of the aforementioned coalition program was not actually implemented. According to the insider, the model is simply not working, and the announcement is more “satisfying” than “satisfying.”


An insider told the reporter of the International Journal of Finance that “the plan, which was not published on the official website, had sent a message on Twitter, and that it would be largely unreal and more diametrically implied”.


On 21 July, Zhao Changping, in an interview with the relevant media, also stated that he had no intention of trading in the future, i.e. mining, and that “such a model would not exist for a further period of one to three months”.


Indeed, Fcoin was born in a vacuum, the most affected being Yuan. “Cho Chang Poon’s pattern of slamming the trade in mines is not merely due to a lack of approval of the model, but primarily because commercial interests were affected, because Fcoin had taken away at least 14% of the amount of money at the time.”


To date, in the face of statements such as “mass-manufacturing exchange cutting of vegetables”, “Is publishing a win-win plan a backlash against Fcoin”, the coins and OKex remain silent and reluctant to respond positively to the topic.


A brush game on the back


In addition to the “trading or mining” of Zhao Changji's disease, which is a “highly priced ICO”, a number of practitioners have pointed out that this pattern has evolved into a “painting game”.


Previously, it had been questioned that Fcoin's turnover was a “false boom”, and that its true volume of transactions could be much lower than those presented on the data.


In Fcoin's cable collection, there was a public discussion of how to bill the platform, and some users have also developed procedures for the automatic billing of fees. It is alleged that the founder of Fcoin, Zhang Jian, was also in the wiretape, but did not react in any way and appeared to acquiesce in such acts.


In response to a question about the volume, Zhang Man argued that the billing was a market act. He said, "I did not acquiesce in the billing, but that it was our distribution mechanism. The most important stakeholders in the trading platform are the traders, and FCoin simply distributed the FT in this way to community members."


An investor who endorsed the FCoin idea also posted an open letter to FCoin online. The letter said: “The platform may need to be traded in the early stages of its development, but it cannot be used to stop thirst, and it is in overdrafting the future that the malicious billings are allowed!”


According to the investor, if this situation (the billing) continues, it will affect the construction of the entire ecology and the future of the FCoin, because the total circulation of the FT is 640 million, which, at the current rate of mining, may take more than 100 days to excavate and release the future FT. After the benefits disappear, these speculators, the scalding robots, are bound to stop making false transactions, and the volume of transactions may face a sharp decline.


The former Chief Engineer of the Shanghai Stock Exchange said to the International Journal of Finance that this needed to be seen in two separate ways: on the one hand, “trading or mining” was a promotion, but not a long-term solution; and, on the other hand, the model was an evolution of governance structures that deserved recognition.


At present, there is no doubt that the saliva battles between several platforms have not yet been completed. However, the recent “trade or mining” model has lost the momentum to start with the “highest global ranking.”


In recent days, two exchanges that have been on the line for less than a week and tell the story of “trade is mining” 86 BeX and CATTLEEX have not been able to get through this summer because investors have been closing down for divestiture and operating losses; prices of 100-fold FT have also fallen to the altar after they have jumped to $1,2567, and prices have continued to fall, reaching a price of 0.0929776 as far as journalists have written.


The way of the future.


Indeed, there are a number of problems with the virtual currency exchange, leaving aside the “trade or mining” model.


One block chain, VC, told the International Journal of Finance journalist that, overall, the virtual currency exchange is still in its 1.0 stage: brand awareness, quality awareness, service awareness, and too many loopholes in policy mechanisms. Because households are still simply running for traffic, rather than exchange’s high-quality assets and services.


On August 10, Japan’s Financial Services Agency officially published its mid-term inspection report on the digital currency exchange. The report states that the total assets of the digital currency exchange have grown rapidly compared to the previous fiscal year, by an average of 553%.


So, what will the future exchange look like?


Decentralization seems to be a general consensus in the current industry.


Recently, Zhao Chang Peng posted on his Twitter page a rough version of the decentralised exchange (DEX) of the currency. The version shows the process of issuing, placing and trading money.


But we also believe that a centralized exchange and a decentralized exchange could coexist for a long time.

  早在今年 6 月,火币已宣布将为即将启动的 Huobi Chain 项目提供大约1.66 亿美元的资金建立一个去中心化的自治组织(Decentralized Autonomous Organization,DAO),并将最终整合火币的部分业务。

Earlier this year, in June, it was announced that some $166 million would be allocated to the soon-to-be-launched Huobi Chain project to establish a decentralised self-governing organization (Decentralized Autonomous Organization, DAO) and eventually integrate some of its operations.


It is not yet known whether a decentralised exchange would be another “set-a-way”.






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