
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:28 评论:0



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As soon as it became the legal currency of the Central American country of El Salvador, Bitcoin collapsed!


At about 22.40 p.m. on 7 September, there was a sudden surge in encrypted currency. Bitcoin fell from a high of $50,000 to close to $39,818, with an over $10,000 drop in the day, with a maximum drop of over 23 per cent. After a brief drop of $40,000, Bitcoin prices went back to close to $46,000, and now reported $46926, with a 24-hour drop of over 9 per cent.


Last night, Bitcoin collapsed and prices fell sharply from nearly $53,000 to a low of around $42,600, over $10,000 and nearly 19 per cent in more than an hour. To date, even though the price of Bitcoin has recovered, it has fallen by more than 10 per cent.


At the same time, other encrypted currencies, such as the more well-known Etheria, Aidaco, experienced a fall of more than 20 per cent, and while prices have now recovered, they also experienced a decline of more than 10 per cent per day, while the currency and the Riboche fell by more than 15 per cent.


The collapse of encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, has also led to the “smacking out” of large amounts of money. According to Bitcoin Home Data, nearly 400,000 people have exploded in the past day, amounting to nearly 30 billion yuan, the largest of which is even more than $43.7 million (approximately 283 million yuan).


It is worth noting, however, that before the sudden collapse of Bitcoin, there was a lot of good news: first El Salvador became the first country to officially recognize Bitcoin as a legal currency, then bitcoin was being popularized by the American diaspora, and a number of Internet users in the camp of Reddit and others were discussing buying bitcoin to commemorate El Salvador.


But an encoded currency, such as Bitcoin, has not been helped by this profit, but rather by a wave of collapse.


According to analysts, profit repatriation was the main cause of Bitcoin's collapse at a time when the market was booming and booming, and one day before that, Bitcoin had surged to $53,000, reaching new heights in recent months.


There are also analysts who believe that it is difficult to achieve the use of bitcoin as a legal currency in other countries except El Salvador, for example, in the afternoon of 7 years, when the Kremlin indicated that it was not prepared to recognize bitcoin, and the World Bank indicated that it could not provide bitcoin assistance to El Salvador, which may be one of the reasons why the market’s increased confidence in bitcoin began to be sold.


昨日比特币大幅下探,市场也是一地鸡毛,哀嚎遍野,不想去给你们讲什么狼来了的故事,没有意义。什么大涨之后肯定会大跌,任何下跌上涨都是有依据的,不可能随意而为。昨日过山车行情击碎了大多数人的牛市梦,既然是和合约就不需要去猜测牛市与熊市对于我们而言做对了就是牛市,做错了就是熊市。大搞文字演讲好像什么都懂实际啥也不是。两周的上涨昨日一晚回到解放前,昨日白天最高触及52900上方后于晚间开始加速下跌,火币插针最低触及了四万下方,昨日我们在52000 布局的多 止盈出局,整体还有一定利润,市场闪崩,24小时总爆仓40多亿,目前为止我还没有找到下跌的原因,也没有发现系统性风险,有可能是单纯地清洗多头,市场波幅较大,大波动意味着高收益和高风险,投资者需要控制风险。

Last night, Bitcoin went down, and the market was a chicken hair, and there was no sense in not wanting to tell you the story of a wolf coming. After what went up, any fall would have been justified and could not have been random. Last night’s crash broke most of the cattle dream, and since the contract did not have to guess that the bull and bear markets were right for us, it was wrong to do it. So far, I have not found any real reason for the fall or systematic risk. Two weeks of the rise yesterday night, back before the liberation, up to 52900 before the day, starting to fall at night.


Bitcoin (BTC) contract technical face analysis:


As a result of yesterday’s sharp drop in the length of the large cycle’s solar line level, the drop in the closing line was more than 30 per cent in the lower end of the pre-period period, reaching near 42,300. After a quick rebound, prices were not flattened, prices remained low, a week’s solar slide was broken, with the indicator MACD’s fast slow line glued down and opened its mouth; the previous day’s strong trend turned to weakness and volatility. A short-cycle period, when the disc fell to the bottom, followed by a continuation of the pattern of the new low-K line, and an accompanying indicator, MACD’s gold fork, followed by a swing to repair the movement after the dawn, the price was clearly inclined.

目前来说,技术指标参考的意义并没有太大,如果单纯的洗多头,本周必须重回49000上方,不然中期看涨趋势则会被终结,这也就继本年5.19号之后的市场再次暴力洗盘,市场插针之后,价格一直窄幅震荡,那么这一次的下跌,插针,有反弹,后也会继续跌下去,短期来说 建议静观其变,比特币价格可以在47500一线,轻仓空单布局 目标42500--43000到达止盈目标,可以根据行情考虑是否多单布局。

For the time being, the reference to technical indicators is not too significant: if we wash our heads, we have to return to 49,000 this week, or the trend will end in the medium term, as the market after 5.19 of this year has again experienced violent washing of dishes, and the price has been tight after the needles, so this time falls, the needles, they have rebounded, and then they will continue to fall. In the short term, it is recommended that the price of bitcoins be kept quiet, the price of bitcoin can be 47,500 lines, lightly silod single layouts, targets 42,500-43,000 reach the goal, depending on the circumstances.


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- IP Spirit


- - to the best of times, may you have your wishes!


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