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The White Paper on the Sector Chain Game Industry 2018 was jointly produced and published by ChinaJoy, DappReview, Cocos, INB coin capital quadripartitely.


The game industry has grown at a high rate over the past 20 years as a yang industry. The industry currently has 580 million game users, of which 550 million are hand-held, 260 million are page-trip users and 160 million are end-to-end users. The market size is 250 billion yuan, of which 64.9 billion are hand-to-hand, 15.6 billion are page travel, and about $50 billion are overseas. The industry has been born to 343 listed and listed businesses, of which 151 are A, 26 are H, 8 are United States and 158 are new three-boarded.


The 20-year boom in the game industry is essentially a double volatility effect of demand-side and supply-side dividend release and change.

1.1 需求分析


From a demand perspective, three inherently interactive migrations provide demand dividends for the expansion of market demand at different stages:


endstream dividend


In 2002, the number of Internet users reached 50 million, the main Internet cafe at the time, and games and IM were the two main Internet activities of the Internet users.


page tour dividend

2007年,网民数量破2亿,Flash 9宣布支持Action Script3,用Flash开发的页游品质大大提高,非重度游戏用户带动休闲游戏市场爆发。

In 2007, with 200 million Internet users, Flash 9 announced its support for Action Script 3, the quality of the page tours developed with Flash has been significantly improved, and non-heavy game users have led to the outbreak of the leisure game market.


hand-walking dividend


In 2013, mobile phones overPC became the main Internet access device, and games met the recreational needs of people's time of fragmentation, a period during which the total number of Internet users decreased but the number of games increased over time.

1.2 供给分析


From a supply point of view, business model exploration by manufacturers, which is a major factor in the increase in user penetration, is divided into the following four phases:


Time running mode

  • 单机游戏时代,游戏公司靠销售游戏光盘获利,但盗版严重

    In the monogamous age, game companies profit from selling games CDs, but piracy is serious.

  • 网游出现后,开始按时长计费销售点卡,帮助游戏公司走出了因盗版而难以盈利的困境

    When the net showed up, it started to run a long billing spot card, helping the game company out of a situation where piracy made it difficult to make a profit.


  • 2001年,盛大用地推渗透网吧销售点卡,解决了网络支付的难题,打开了四五线地区市场

    In 2001, the huge penetration of Internet cafes for the sale of cards solved the problem of network payments and opened up the four or five-line area market.

  • 凭一款韩国的二线游戏《传奇》让中国进入了网游元年

    With a Korean second-line game called The Legend, China has entered the New Year of Cyberwalking.

  • 后来巨人将地推模式用到了极致

    Then the giants used the pattern of push to the extreme.


prop payment mode

  • 时间付费模式用户门槛高,私服泛滥

    The pay-for-time model has a high user threshold and a proliferation of private clothes

  • 2005/06年起《热血江湖》、《征途》开始道具收费,网游渗透率大幅上升

    Fees for props started in Hot Blood Rivers and Roads since 2005/06, with a significant increase in net penetration rates

  • 利用免费模式,巨人、完美时空、网龙等迅速崛起,2007年先后上市

    Using the free model, giants, perfect time and time, web dragons and so forth rose rapidly and were listed in 2007.


ARPU and cycle balance

  • 2009年后,游戏渗透率已经很高,很难再通过商业模式创新创造用户红利

    Since 2009, game penetration has become high, making it difficult to create a user dividend through business model innovation

  • 游戏周期、ARPU提高成了运营关键。20%的玩家支撑80%的收入,厂商不得不在ARPU和游戏平衡性影响的生命周期之间微妙地掌握平衡点

    The game cycle, the ARPU increase, is the key to running. 20% of players support 80% of the income, and the manufacturer has to delicately balance the impact of the ARPU with the balance of the game life cycle.


In addition, the manufacturer's game-playing innovations are equally successful in attracting players, after all, when the channel reaches, fun is a game-based competitiveness, and in 20 years the playability of the game has evolved as a result of technological innovations. The following are some typical types of games and representative games:

另外,星际争霸在局域网时代开启了电竞序幕。玩家用游戏附带的地图编辑器创作了一张自定义地图Aeon Of Strife。受它的启发,在魔兽争霸3的玩家在后者的地图上制作了DOTA地图,掀起了电竞高潮,仅在中国就创造了一个近千亿规模的行业。

In addition, Star Competitor opened the electric competition in the local area network era. Players created a custom map, Aeon Of Strife, with a map editor attached to the game. Inspired by it, DOTA maps were created on the latter's map by the Beast Competitor 3 player, which gave rise to electric competitions, creating a nearly 100 billion-scale industry in China alone.

2.1 市场特征


On the basis of the above-mentioned end-of-service dividend period, we have divided industry development into three phases: end, page, and hands-on. The following table lists some of the specific features of the three phases:



  • 活跃CP数量在显著增加,见证了整个行业从用户数量提升带来供给提升产生的巨大虹吸效应。早期红利市场中赚到钱的CP成为蜂拥而至的标杆。而随着从业人员数量的上升,开发周期也在逐渐变短,而投入成本确在显著增加。

    The number of active CPs has increased significantly, bearing witness to the huge assortment effect of supply uplifting the entire industry from the number of users. The CPs that earn money in the early dividend markets have become the bar of crowding.

  • 新游戏数量随着行业与用户群体的扩容,增长速度越来越快,而获客成本上,虽然同期互联网的逐步盛行在中期确实显著降低了流量成本,但随后在供给增多与互联网红利消逝的双重作用下,成本仍然在快速上升。

    The number of new games is growing faster with the expansion of industry and user groups, and the cost of access continues to rise at a rapid rate, owing to the twin effects of increased supply and the loss of Internet dividends, although the gradual spread of the Internet during the same period has indeed significantly reduced the cost of traffic in the medium term.

  • 同时在互联网盛行的过程中,替代性的娱乐领域(如直播、短视频等)飞速发展带来用户体验上的内容过剩,反应在游戏行业中就是周留存率指数型下跌,游戏生命周期也从魔兽世界端游时代的10年缩减为手游时代的0.5-1年。

    At the same time, the rapid development of alternative entertainment (live, short videos, etc.) in the context of the prevalence of the Internet has resulted in over-exploitation of user experiences, reflected in the falling weekly retention index in the game industry, as well as a reduction in the life cycle of the game from 10 years in the world of beasts to 0.5-1 years in the world of hand trips.

2. 2 竞争策略


At different stages, each era has given birth to the head player of the era, and the key capabilities and strategies required for the head player are different.




The market background is top-heavy, with low self-research capabilities. The number of listed games is low every year, mostly in the seller’s market.


The core competencies at this stage are those of proxy or self-employed star products, expanding their capacity with Internet cafes.




The flow of resources in the market context is key to competition, and the share of non-main business operators, such as portals, has increased significantly.


2013 - Today


In the market context, top-level firms have a strong cash flow, and high-quality firms are largely marketable, starting to compete for capital, flow resources, and multi-dimensional product strength, with the Matthews effect evident. Small- and medium-sized gamers rely on top-level players to become content providers.


At the core of this phase is the ability to seize the early hand-by-hand window for survival opportunities by becoming a content provider and working with a large platform.

3.1. 短视频等娱乐方式崛起,用户红利衰减,游戏生命周期短,除少数头部游戏外,付费率和ARPU的提升空间很小


Overall, the industry is highly competitive, with 75 per cent of the game cycles falling within six months, and head games such as the King's Glory and the Yangtze Man starting to decline after one or two years.

3.2. 寡头集中度持续提高, 中小游戏厂商生存困难


The two main oligopoly markets, 76.2 per cent in 2017 and 95.8 per cent in new markets, almost monopolizing market growth opportunities


Head games have much more room for income than small- and medium-sized players. By contrast, small- and medium-sized games are expensive for customers, have a short cycle and require a very high ARPU to make a profit.


Head games with traffic advantages are completely different from the business models faced by small and medium-sized producers. The King honours the MAU 200 million in 2017, and if the rate of payment is 10%, ARPU 50 will be able to achieve 12 billion currents of water throughout the year.


With the prevalence of small games brought about by hand trips, the life cycle of the games has been further shortened, individual product competition has escalated to the product bank, small and medium-sized producers that do not have the production capacity of the product bank have become more disadvantaged, and a growing number of small and medium-sized firms have turned to content providers.

  • 区块链形成了全球分布的有高付费意愿的用户群体,为游戏ARPU提供了更多的挖掘空间

    Block chains form a globally distributed group of high-paying willing users and provide more excavating space for the game ARPU

  • 区块链行业发展尚处于初期,尽管出现了ETH、EOS等头部项目,但最终的生态格局还远未稳定,对于新进入者是一个机会更加公平的市场

    The development of the block chain industry is still at an early stage, and despite the emergence of top-level projects such as ETH, EOS, the final ecological pattern is far from stable and represents a more equitable market for new entrants.


Globally, the number of users of the block chain has reached 30 million, and the block chain game, which began in late 2017 and which began in the wake of the rains in early 2018, will be a new globalized market, with a high-quality user base and a new and equitable start for gamemakers.


Data sources: IDC, GPC, CNG


From late November 2017, Cryptokittis (the mystery cat) emerged, and in the following six months, a block chain game was created in the Etheria, where data are used to review the performance of the block chain game in the Bay between January and May 2018.


During the last five months, DappReview monitored a total of 339 Ether game-type applications, resulting in a total of 230,000 ETH trading fluids with a total of 110,000 Etheria addresses.

1.1 用户量稳步增长,交易量受Gas价格影响


The number of game players active grew steadily from around 2000 on average in January of the year to 4,000-5,000 in April of the month. This is an increase in the number of games, on the one hand, and from the attention of more players, on the other.

以太坊上每一笔交易都需要付出一笔燃料费(Gas fee),燃料费的平均价格反映了此时以太坊上交易的数量是否拥挤,由于以太坊上除了这些游戏之外,还承载了代币之间的转移、交易等其他使用方式,在游戏中,高昂的燃料费会降低玩家的游戏意愿(比如,为了卖出一个价值0.005ETH的道具,需要花0.01ETH的燃料费,这明显是不划算的)。

The average price of fuel for each transaction in the Tai Chamber is a reflection of whether it is crowded at this time, as it carries in addition to these games other modes of use such as currency transfers, transactions, etc. In the game, the high cost of fuel reduces the willingness of players to play (e.g., it is clearly uneconomical to spend 0.01 ETH on the sale of a tool worth 0.005 ETH).


As a result, we see a negative correlation between the number of transactions in the game and the price of fuel, which fell in January and May at a time of high fuel costs, and reached a peak in April at a time of low fuel prices. In the active user trend map, it is easy to see that the May fuel bill also has a significant impact on the active activity of the users of the game.

1.2 游戏数据头部效应明显,ARPU较高

从ETH流水和用户数量分布来看,头部效应明显,超过1000 ETH流水的游戏总计只有16款,超过1000个用户的仅有24款,绝大多数的游戏流水小于100 ETH,用户数低于100.

In terms of the distribution of ETH fluids and the number of users, the head effect is clear, with a total of only 16 games with more than 1,000 ETH fluids, only 24 games with more than 1,000 users, the vast majority of games with less than 100 ETHs and less than 100.


Because of the natural nature of trading in block chain games, most of the assets in the games can be traded between players, a large proportion of the ETH fluids are traded between players, and the developers charge only between 2 and 5% of the transaction costs. ARPU calculations do not simply use ETH to remove the number of players.


While there are few players in block-chain games, these groups of players are now users of high-paying will and ability, as two examples are given below.


EtherBot.io, a robot-to-war block chain game that attracts a great deal of attention from players on the basis of its preposterous performance, pre-sold 3,900 robotic parts boxes for a two-week period or so, from 27 January to 13 February, for a total net income of 1,100 ETH. Only 3900 initial boxes are out of circulation, and players who do not take part in the presold play have to buy the built robot parts from someone else if they want to play the game.


Starting on March 4, the game's transactional and combat functions went online, and trading in props on the first day of the game reached a small peak of 169.7 ETH, which has been down since then, and now stands at less than 1 ETH per day, with an active user of less than 20. The total number of players in the entire life cycle of the game is 1,400. If we don't take into account the later amount of inter-player transactions, only the revenue from the pre-sale of the treasure box, ARPU is about 0.78 ETH (equivalent to approximately $2,400 at June ETH prices)


EtherOnline, a multi-person online RPG game based on block chain technology, was pre-saled from the beginning of April until the start of the prop exchange in mid-May, with a total income of 432 ETH, with a total of 403 full-value players, ARPU reached 1.07 ETH, with 32 large Rs above 3 ETH, with a total cost of approximately 19 ETH in the first row.


It appears that these games have a very high ARPU, but in practice a large proportion of existing block chain players have speculative ideas, and the possibility of adding value to their assets is one of the paying incentives.

1.3 付费/交易用户比例高,资深大R撑起半边天

在11万用户中,有27%的用户在游戏中付费或者购买过其他玩家的道具。其中交易流水超过 1 ETH的总计9594的用户,占总用户数8.7%,这里面超过100 ETH交易的大R用户有286个。

Of the 110,000 users, 27% paid for the game or purchased the props of other players. Of these, a total of 9594 users, or 8.7%, traded more than 1 ETH, with 286 large R users trading more than 100 ETH.


And looking at the overlap of players, there are only 440 players who have played 10 E-Thai upper block chain games, and more than 2,000 players who have more than five, the vast majority of whom have tasted fresh ones of one to three. This means that globally, they are senior block chain players, and there are fewer than 3,000 people.


Of these, the trade stream ranks top 30 big Rs, with an average of 19.6 games, which can be said to be senior big Rs in block chain games.

1.4 生命周期偏短,换皮新游居多


Most block-chain games are now relatively homogeneous, less playable, and have a shorter life cycle, with only 37 games having a life cycle greater than 2 months and more than 50% less than 7 days. The longest games are represented by CryptoKittys and Ethemon.

今年的2月-3月,大量区块链游戏出现,其中换皮类游戏居多,一种是类似于CryptoKitties(谜恋猫)的宠物交易类,另一种是借鉴CryptoCountries(加密国家)的ERC 721 Token虚拟资产交易类,但事实上,这些换皮作品虽然开发周期短、成本低,生命周期大多不超过2周。到了4月份出现的新游戏,以原创居多,包括爆款EtherOnline(以太传奇)和EtherGoo都是这个时间的代表作。

In February-March of this year, a large number of block-chain games emerged, including more leather-change games, a pet trade similar to CryptoKittys, and a virtual asset-trading ERC 721 Token based on CryptoCountries (encrypted country), but the fact is that these leather-change works, although developed in short, low cost and mostly for less than two weeks. By April, new games appeared with more original creations, including EtherOnline (in too many legends) and EtherGoo.

2017年11月横空出世的CryptoKitties(谜恋猫)成为以太坊上第一个现象级的区块链游戏,也是至今为止生命周期最长的游戏类DApp,曾创造了单日14000+日活跃地址记录(2017年12月09日),一度造成以太坊交易堵塞,截止到4月30日总交易额为43067.04 ETH。

The CryptoKittys, which emerged in November 2017, became the first-ever phenomenon-level block-link game in the Etheria and the longest-lived game type to date, Dapp, which created a single-day 14,000+-day active address record (December 09, 2017), which caused the blocking of Ether Chamber transactions, with a total transaction value of 43067.04 ETH as at 30 April.


From the point of view of traditional game players, this is not a truly complete game, but a fresh sense of the "trading attributes" and "only private attributes" of the block chain. It is also the first block chain game to be a high-achievement overall from the game mechanism to the UI design, and the other small game DApp is basically at the prototype or demo stage.


The milestone of encrypting cats is that it proves to everyone that in Etheria there is not only a token for this application, that there is much more room for imagination and landscape to play and create. The encrypting cats are still around 4,000 transactions per day, with active users between 300 and 500.


The currency market entered Bear City at the end of January, indirectly contributing to the growth of several types of games during the period February-April.


Gambling games, because of transparent intellectual contracts, the players can check the code clearly to see how well the dealer is and whether he cheats, and these games were very hot abroad in February.

虚拟资产交易类,虚拟资产以ERC 721 代币的形式在以太坊上进行发行和交易。其中最现象级的游戏莫过于CryptoCountries(加密国家),在春节期间创造了7天4.5万ETH交易流水的天量记录。

Virtual asset transactions, where virtual assets are issued and traded on the Taiku in the form of ERC 721 tokens. None of the most prevalent games is CryptoCountries (encrypted country), which creates a 7-day daily record of ETH transactions during the spring season.

加密国家中每一个国家是一个独立的ERC 721 token,任何玩家都可以进行购买,但下一个玩家必须以更高的价格(1.2倍价格)才能从上一个玩家手中买走,中间差价的收益由上家收走,开发者仅在交易中抽取2-5%的手续费。

Each of the encryption countries is an independent ERC 721 token, which can be purchased by any player, but the next player must have a higher price (1.2 times the price) to buy from the previous player, the proceeds of the intermediate difference being collected from the previous home, and the developers only charge 2-5 per cent of the transaction.


It is easy to see that it is essentially a game of drumming, and speculators are gradually discovering the shortcomings of such games, forced trading, single mechanisms, virtual assets without strong endorsements, and no long-term value. The same types of games that come out later fall off a cliff, with a life cycle of just a few days.


In a vexing environment, independent developer James Mimmer made the first set of placement games on the block chain -- EtherGoo. The innovative game mechanism crushes the already cool trades on the market, Ponzi-type games, prompting the first-time experience of game fans, once creating a crowd of Ether, completing more than 40,000 transactions in just one day.


EtherGoo has been at the top of the game class list, with daily life at close to 5,000 users. The developers have been constantly changing the balance of the game to extend its life cycle because:

  • 免费的Goo货币设定和工厂的生产逻辑降低了游戏的门槛,增加了玩家的活跃度

    Free Goo currency setting and factory production logic lowers the playing threshold and increases player activity

  • 战斗类动物的设定和PvP机制增加了游戏的可玩性、策略性和玩家的互动

    Combat animal settings and PvP mechanisms increase playability, strategy and player interaction

  • 分红机制和抽奖机制吸引了目前主流区块链游戏玩家

    The red system and the draw mechanism have attracted the current mainstream block chain players.


The EtherGoo fire succeeded in giving new hope to block-chain players, while complex, multi-playing games began to surface.


During the same period, there have been a number of games and asset exchanges for the ERC 721 Generations, including OpenSea, Rarebits and others.


The period from November 2017 to April 2018 was the 1.0 age of block chain games, with the following main features:

  • 野蛮生长

    {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}A barbarous growth

  • 开发者以个人和小团队为主

    Developers focus on individuals and small teams

  • 金融属性强,游戏属性弱

  • 生命周期普遍短

  • 玩家画像以投机者和币圈用户为主

    Player portraits are dominated by speculators and currency circle users

3. 区块链游戏2.0时代开启

3. .


Since April of this year, there has been a marked acceleration in the iterative speed of block chain games, which have officially entered the 2.0 era, with the following features being the main features compared to the 1.0 era:

  • 中小型游戏厂商跑步入场

    Small- and Medium-sized Game Factory Run-in

  • 画面精良


  • 游戏性增强,游戏种类多样化

    more games, variety of games

  • 预售先行、快速开发

    Pre-sale, fast-track development

  • 早期红利、快速盈利

    Early dividend, quick profit

  • 投融资机会逐渐出现

    investment opportunities are emerging


Representative cases:


EtherOnline, as an original RPG block chain game, brightens the players'eyes. At a time when most pet-based games are limited to reselling, breeding, and mining, the legends have begun to make some breakthroughs in play. The core logic of the game, such as treasure boxes, equipment, transactions, PVPs, etc., is all done by smart contracts, earning nearly 2 million in more than a month.

细胞进化是第一款基于区块链的去中心化的沙盒经营策略游戏,所有的玩家扮演一个细胞族群。在这个族群里,玩家需要平衡总体的适应性,生存性与繁殖性。当细胞族群的方向失衡,整体将会进化失败。该游戏在星云链的激励计划中连续获得周奖和月度大奖,并获得500万元投资,由星云生态基金领投,区块链游戏平台Cocos BlockChain Expedition和Byte Capital跟投,并由DappReview担任财务顾问。

Cellular evolution is the first strategic game of decentralised sandboxing based on block chains, in which all players play a cell community. In this community, players need to balance general adaptability, survival and reproduction. When the direction of cellular groups is unbalanced, the whole of the group will evolve and fail. The game receives successive weekly and monthly prizes and $5 million in investment from the Nebulous Ecosystem Fund, cocos Blockchain Expedition and Byte Capital, with DappReview as financial adviser.


More than two games, the core rules of the game take place in the chain, but due to the performance problems of the existing public chain and the inconvenience of payment tools, there is still a very large gap between the players' experiences in the game and the centralization of the game. As a result, many games have chosen the excess of the "intergenerational chain, rules of the game under the chain", and the following two examples are typical:


NeoWorld is a multi-person online sandbox game based on block chain technology and a 3D virtual world created by global users in a collaborative effort. The world in the game is linked by a piece of land. Users can buy or bid land through a token, Nash, and can build various types of building facilities in their own territory. Through rational layout and operation, land can continue to yield benefits to their lords; while attracting other users to work in commercial facilities in their own territories will yield greater returns. The rules logic of the game is run in a centralised server, while NASH is based on ETH's ERC-20 token, which serves as a vehicle of value in the game, as well as proof of interest. Around Nash's output, consumption and circulation, it is a more complete economic model that supports the operation of the game.

“乐块 APP”是一款沙盒向的区块链游戏。玩家可以利用“块”自由搭建出不同的“创造物”,而“创造物”也将被记录在区块链上,可进行买卖、质押与收藏。基于移动端的Dapp解决方案成熟度、用户体验流畅度、用户的操作成本等三点考量,乐块在目前阶段,使用半中心化的方式去构建乐块世界。游戏中挖矿、乐块搭建等玩法目前均运行在服务器上,代币是以太坊上的ERC-20代币,目前乐块已经与Loom合作,准备将玩法通过侧链的方式完成从中心化到去中心化的升级。

APP is a block chain game from a sandbox. Players can freely create different creations, and creations will be recorded on the block chain for sale, pledge and collection. On the basis of the maturity of the mobile Dapp solution, user experience, user operating costs, etc., the band is currently working in a semi-centralized way to build a music world. The game's game of mining, block building, etc. is now running on the server, and the tokens are ERC-20 in the family, and the music block is now working with Loom to complete the upgrade from centre to centre through side chains.


In addition to the increasing number of CPs, the developers’ incentive scheme was launched for ecological development, encouraging developers to develop the Dapp, as the main web line of the main chains became more and more available. Incentive plans for the nebula chain began two months in early May, attracting a large number of developers, amounting to nearly 30 million prizes, and cellular evolution was born in the event.


Data source: dapp.review

**1.1游戏资产的所有权和流通性 **


In the block chain, players can own the assets in the game, which in a broader sense are mobile. Scores, props, weapons, and roles in traditional games are often wholly owned by developers, and therefore central developers have greater power to make drastic changes to these assets, or even to dispose of them at will. Assets in the game are often confined to the game’s internal circulation, outside the game, appear to have no value for reuse, and it is difficult at the technical level to be assigned to the application scene again.


Under the block chain logic, once the assets in the game are in the upper chain, the points, props, weapons, roles can be attributed to the player's block chain address, and the player has ownership of the address and the assets below it. We can then imagine a number of applications:

1.1.1. 资产随时随地交易


A lot of games do not have prop-trading functions, of course, so often designed to avoid confusion about the economic mechanisms in the game, to extend the user's game time, and to increase the developer's income. Assuming that this is not the concern of the developers, then the prop-to-chain plus mobile wallet will enable two users to go online at any one time or another. You talk to your friends at dinner about a recent PC-end game, open your mobile phone wallet, see what kind of weapon you have, complete an experience of a transaction as simple as a micro-scann payment, return home at night, open the PC log-in game, and the instruments of the transaction are already in your equipment.


To be more open, transactions are not necessarily limited to a game, where players can trade a great sword in game A in exchange for a dragon knife in game B, provided that there is consensus among players on the value of the exchange. Transactions are not necessarily limited to individual items, or even to future packages of accounts, wrapping up all the assets of a game into one Token, a one-time deal to another, and disassembling the Token as a specific game asset.

1.1.2. 游戏资产复用


Once the asset is chained up, because it is attached to the address of each player, it is easy for the developer to reuse the assets of other games for a second re-engineering or cross-playing.

CryptoKitties(谜恋猫)大家都知道,游戏机制相对简单,只有猫之间的繁殖和交易。在区块链的逻辑下,游戏里中的猫咪这个资产是以ERC 721的形式储存在链上,挂在每一个用户自己的地址下。有这么几款衍生游戏,KittyHats,CryptoCuddles,和KittyRace,都是由不同开发者开发的,有意思的点在于全部都是基于CryptoKitties中猫咪资产的复用。用户只要在CryptoKitties中拥有猫咪,用同样的以太坊地址登录这三个游戏,他们都可以从区块链上直接读取到玩家在CryptoKitties里的资产信息,玩家就可以在KittyHats中给自己的猫咪带上帽子,在CryptoCuddles里用自己的猫咪跟其他人战斗,在KittyRace里面去跟别人的猫咪进行赛跑。也就是说,在这三个游戏中,游戏的角色复用了现象级游戏中的角色,但是游戏的逻辑都是各自独立的。

CryptoKittys, and KittyRace, developed by different developers, are all based on the re-use of cat assets in CryptoKittys. Users with cats in CryptoKittys, log in three games in the same tautology address, can read the player's assets in CrypyHats, CryptoCuddles, and KittyRace, all of which are developed by different developers, are interested in using their cats in CryptoKittys to fight with others, and run with cats in KittyRites from the same area. That is to say, the players in these three games can put their caps on their kittens in KittyHates, but the players in each game are the logic of their own game.


For a game under the same ecology or IP, asset reuse is the easiest, for example, if you have a number of roles in Elves Dream, and in the next game with the same IP, the developers can naturally have role assets before the player is allowed to import.


For a cross-IP game-type scenario, the reuse of assets requires complex design and the collaboration of developers, such as the city you built in My World, can it appear in a game similar to the world of monsters? Can it be imported directly into a game that opens the world to open planets?



Under traditional games, new games often need to be retraced to users, or old games can be used to guide new games. Block chains can break in this way, reducing the cost of access, such as the CryptoCuddles mentioned above, and all CryptoKitty users are potential game players that can be converted directly. If direct re-use of assets involves IP problems, developers can also design this way, so long as they have cats in CryptoKittys, they can get a direct reward in this game, which can be a role, a treasure box, props, etc.


A similar approach has been used in another national block chain game, The Trek, where users of CryptoKittys can receive pirate cats free of charge in the game -- a tool that adds attributes to the game. Such low-cost participation has attracted thousands of CryptoKitty players to receive free pirate cats during the advance phase of the Lost Sea.


In this way, a new game can easily be triggered by the user of an existing pop-up game, a game that is similar to the way in which a split currency gives candy to a split currency, a new currency is dropped by air, using the currency of ETH or EOS, which has the largest number of currency holdings, to give the holder 1:1 to his own currency, thus making it very low-cost to acquire the user.

1.2 游戏开发商与玩家之间的关系


For the most part, game players and developers tend to be on opposite sides, one seeking the unevenness of the game to earn prestige and pleasure in the game and the other to adjust the parameters over and over again and over again by modifying the game mechanism to extract the user's value.


The block chain changes the production relationship, and in the game, the developer's relationship with the player changes substantially. Traditional games run on centralised servers, developers specify rules, players try to break rules. What happens if the game runs on multiple nodes, and some nodes are run by the player and given some incentive?


Decentraland's ambition is to make developers and players in the community, to be creators of the content and applications of the game and to reap the benefits from it.


Developers and game players have the potential to form a community, a consensus. When part of the node is delivered to KOL in the game, some of the interests of the game makers will be highly aligned with the interests of the game community, and faithful players will spontaneously maintain the balance of the game, help developers access users, extend the life cycle of the game, and build entire communities together.


Do game players have any experiences with their favorite games being shut down by their servers? Many people will. Many games have to face a defunct operation because of inappropriate operation, interest problems, poor income, etc. But the game itself may have gathered a number of dead-end fans who have built their own communities and discussion groups, KOL recorded videos, and even civil races.


If, in the future, the game can be fully operated on the block chain, the result may not necessarily be that, on the one hand, node operators represent the player in the game’s own mechanism and operational strategy, they have a voice and can provide advice to developers. On the other hand, even if one day the developers send out a version of a community update that is not acceptable, community players can cast a foot vote, split from the original game, and bring the game to a new direction as the community wishes, as if it were a “privileg” run by a community node. To some extent, a block chain could bring about unprecedented freedom and democracy for the game.



It is easy to understand that when the core mechanism of the game is chained, the players can look at the rules of the game that used to be hidden only on a centralised server, creating a stronger bond of trust between the developers and the players.


Under the logic of transparency in the game mechanism, players can clearly know and believe in the probability of opening a treasure box, whether a rare weapon is really rare, and whether the developers promise to deliver. In the case of the traditional game code black box, these can be easily regulated by the game operator. "All-out of the world's oranges" may fall into the hands of the gods in the next version of the game, a situation that is no more common in traditional games.


Fair and just mechanisms, as well as the renewal of community-consensual games, provide players with a more pure experience.

1.4 新玩法新机制


So far, none of you have found the point. As in the birth of every technology change and tool in the past, there are some innovative ways and mechanisms of play that can be seen in the game. The same is true of the block chain, as in the case of a new technology, whether its characteristics can be used in the game to explore new ways and new ideas. Perhaps at this moment, a Russian prodigal teenager, or an independent developer of a software park in the capital, or you, who is reading a white paper, is developing a great idea or, in practice, it will define a whole new game of block-chain games.

2.1 新的变现方式


This is an inescapable problem, and game developers need to survive, as well as game developers need to realize the business value of the company. Perhaps the first reaction of most practitioners, after reading the four-point value above, is how to make money.


Indeed, from the point of view of the developers, these questions are real. But the problem is that we are still using the logic of traditional games to make money and apply it to something new, and the bottom of the question of thinking needs to be broken. The historical experience of the past can only serve us as a reference, not as a definitive solution.


We have experienced a baptism of free Internet access, value-added charges, flow realization, and a change from a buy-off to a subscription. Each time a new technology overlaps, more or less shocks the existing system in the mode of realization. Similarly, the chain of blocks may be no exception.

区块链赋予了游戏资产的稀缺性和可确权性,我们看到大量通过资产预售赚取到了第一笔不菲的收入,有EtherBots宝箱1100ETH的例子,也有ETH.Town预售人物超过1000ETH的例子,在最近ETherBots的开发团队的第二款游戏Gods Unchained,一款类似于炉石传说玩法的区块链卡牌游戏,依靠卡包预售在短短的2周内达成3000ETH的成绩。

The block chain gives a sense of scarcity and certainty to the assets of the game, and we see a large amount of income generated through the pre-sale of assets, the example of the EtherBots box of 1100 ETH, the example of the ETH. Town pre-sale of more than 1,000 ETH, the second game of Gods Unchained in the recent ETHBots development team, a block chain card game similar to the fables of stone, and the achievement of 3,000 ETHs in a short period of two weeks based on pre-sale of cards.

两周3000ETH预售收入的Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained of the pre-sale revenue of 3,000 ETH for two weeks


In addition to pre-sales, a long-term mode of realization that is closer to the block chain is transaction extraction. The block chain itself gives the game assets a strong liquidity, and it is mentioned earlier that the assets are traded anywhere and cross-playing IPs. When a game provides players with a strong creative space, generating a large amount of UGC content, and the value of the content itself is agreed among players, the developers provide the underlying logic of content, producers constantly build valuable content, and the players keep doing content transactions between themselves. In such a process, developers extract a certain transaction cost as a means of realization.

紫禁城 - 国家建筑师

Forbidden City - National Architect


To give one example, countless players have become architects, building one great miracle after another in My World, where railways have been built, a calculator has been made through logical circuits, and mine clearance has been achieved, and the team of “national architects” has rebuilt the Forbidden City in the game, and many want to experience it in the Mod, or even reprocess it. But the game itself does not provide the Mod's way of dealing, and it's a shame that we can only see the rest of the world via video!


If the content is simply produced by developers, it may be difficult to move in a block-chained world where players and communities need to be given a greater degree of freedom in a world of highly mobile, player and community participation to achieve greater commercial value. A card game of stone stoves can be issued by node operators and voted by the community and other nodes? A pet can be built into a game, and users can design pets themselves and share them with other players in a given space.


But, in short, whether there are more ways to realize is an issue that requires developers to spend more time thinking and, at the heart of the equation, to create a fungible carry of value.


In the data analysis plate, 230,000 ETH trade streams consist mainly of pre-sale and transactional assets between game assets, most of which are transactional participants, and the game is no longer the business model that used to be based solely on expanding the size of the user. The developers of these block-chain games receive mainly transaction fees, which are likely to be reciprocated to the user. Because users are of sufficient quality, they do not need to be fully dependent on the size of the user in the short term, as long as the patterns and mechanisms are mature and the user is willing to participate.

2.2 真正的挑战 - 数值策划碰到通证经济


Numerical planning is an inherent complication in traditional games by regulating parameters and algorithms to ensure balance in the game and prolonging the time of the game. When a block chain is encountered, the complexity is exponentially increasing. Because the economic system in the game is no longer just about a closed ecology, but about interaction with the economic system in the entire block chain.


Token’s economy needs to be designed around macro and micro, in combination with the game’s play mechanisms, token’s generation, distribution, consumption, destruction, price-fixing with game props, exchange for other ecology’s universal token, e.g., ETH?


If we compare the ETH to the United States dollar, the Token to a country's currency in a game running on the Taiku, and if the exchange rates of the two are not stable or organic, would there be an economic system like Soros doing an empty baht that could destroy a game from a secondary market?


It's possible. This double-edged sword, if well designed, can provide more incentives for players, for the circulation and appreciation of game assets and, if not, for the devastating impact of the game.


On the other hand, coupled with the above-mentioned transactions, some of the objectives of numerical planning will change, and the original strategy, from the profit side of the game, is to design as much ARPU as possible, while the goal of block chain games may become to maximize the total amount of transactions in the game, similar to the GMV for treasures.


In the numerical design of props, there may be a need for further big brain holes, and whether prop numerical design can be added to the turnover and the number of transactions as one of the parameters to stimulate transactional behaviour among players? These are all directions worth exploring and thinking about.

2.3 区块链的基础设施仍不完善

  • 底层生态不明朗,大量游戏公链侧链在路上,标准尚未统一

    The bottom ecology is unclear, a lot of games are on the way and standards are not yet uniform.

  • 性能太差,以太坊只有不到20的tps,任何交互都需要交易费,EOS的RAM成为了炒作的标的,价格居高不下

    It's too bad, Ether has less than 20 tps, and any interaction requires a transaction fee, and EOS's RAM is the subject of a campaign with a high price.

  • 目前看到的区块链游戏都不算游戏,机制简单,生命周期短

    The block chain games we're seeing are not games, they're simple mechanisms, they're short life cycles.

  • 现有的公链系统不支持内源随机数,前文提到的部分游戏使用中心服务器计算随机过程,区块链最重要的“公开公正”特性并未能体现

    Existing public chain systems do not support internal random numbers, some of the games mentioned above use central servers to calculate random processes, and the most important “open justice” features of the block chain are not reflected

  • 合约游戏没有“会话”支持,合约无法做心跳检测,没有可靠的定时器,语法亦与游戏行业差别甚大

    The contract game does not have a session support, the contract does not have a heartbeat test, there is no reliable timer, and the grammar is very different from the game industry.

  • 道具交易所有向数字货币交易所的老路发展的趋势:“中心交易所”[云1] 成为去中心游戏生态的重要节点通证经济设计是新的人才需求,懂区块链又懂游戏的人少

    The trend of prop trading all the way to the digital money exchange: "Center Exchange" [Cloud 1] is an important node economic design for the central game ecology. It's a new talent demand. There are few people who know the chain of blocks and the game.


As in the early days of the 04 handicrafts industry, ecological uncertainty, limited network performance and low installed capacity, these are a step-by-step issue and not a long-term one.

2.4 周边工具及服务不完善

由于区块链游戏中地址即账户,任何游戏都需要钱包的支持去与区块链完成交易确认和信息获取。而目前绝大多数的钱包解决方案均是在网页端完成。解决方案包括最常用的Metamask,以及中文版的兔子洞口(Clevergo),另外诸多移动端钱包加入了Dapp Browser,让玩家可以在钱包里使用的网页版Dapp,比较典型的代表包括Trust Wallet、Toshi、Cobo钱包、Imtoken、麦子钱包、Buntoy等等。

Because of the address or account in the block chain game, any game requires wallet support to complete the transaction confirmation and access to the block chain. The majority of wallet solutions are currently done at the web end. Solutions include the most commonly used Metamask, and the Chinese version of the Rabbit Hole (Clevergo), and a number of mobile wallets have been added to the Dapp Browser version of Dapp, which allows players to use in their wallets, with more typical representatives such as Trust Wallet, Toshi, Cobo wallets, Imtoken, wheat wallets, Buntoy, etc.


If you want to develop a decentralized game on the native iOS or Andre, there are a number of challenges to overcome: .

1. 如何支付?开发者可以选择在App中内嵌轻钱包的方式,这样对用户而言很难去形成信任将自己的私钥导入到某一个特定的游戏中,大部分人的选择会是穿件一个新的钱包并转移少量资产来玩游戏,同时让用户对于每一个新游戏都去导入一起钱包并不是一个理想的体验。终极解决方案应该是由第三方钱包提供钱包SDK,支持deeplink方式跳转签名交易,目前仅看到Trust Wallet和Cobo钱包支持了DApp SDK,开发者可以在原生App中直接调用钱包完成支付(就像微信和支付宝一样)

1. How do you pay? Developers can choose the way that small wallets are embedded in App, which makes it difficult for users to build trust in importing their own private keys into a particular game. Most people choose to wear a new wallet and transfer a small amount of assets to play a game, while allowing users to import a single wallet into every new game is not an ideal experience. The ultimate solution is for third-party wallets to provide a wallet, SDK, which supports the deeplink way of doing signing transactions, and only the Trust Wallet and Cobo wallets are now seen to support Dapp SDK, and developers can call for payment directly in the original App (like micro-letters and payment treasures).

2. iOS和安卓账户体系及IAP。对于游戏类App的内购充值,苹果是一律要求走苹果的支付渠道并收取30%的抽成。然而在区块链之下,一方面苹果不能阻止玩家从任何其他设备,甚至直接命令行给区块链发起签名交易完成充值,另一方面苹果和安卓的硬核联盟、应用宝也无法去要求区块链游戏做到在不同端之间账户分离。因此,短期之内在链上运行的区块链游戏恐怕无法正规的上架App Store和各大安卓分发渠道,只能通过企业版和apk下载来分发。

iOS and Andre account systems and IAP. Apples are always required to take the apples' payment channels and collect 30% of their intake for the internal purchase values of the game apps. Under the block chain, however, apples cannot prevent players from completing the mark-up from any other device, even directly ordering them to start signature transactions on the block chain, while apples and Andre's hard-core alliances, applications and treasures cannot require block-chain games to separate accounts from one account at different ends.


The development of the


1) may be paid directly by token as a settlement

这一阶段的区块链游戏使用 token 作为游戏金币产出的结算。 一些项目的数字币基于以太坊的 ERC20 标准进行制作,基于 ERC20 协议发行的 token 很容易交换和兼容可用于不同的项目和平台, Token 的持有人可以完全控制资产并且跟踪到任何地址任何数量,其流通路径可在区块链浏览器中查询。

This phase of block chain games uses token as the settlement of the gold output of the game. Some projects’ digital currency is produced on the basis of the ERC20 standard, with tokens issued on the basis of the ERC20 protocol being easily exchanged and compatible with projects and platforms that can be used differently, Token’s holders are able to fully control assets and track any number of addresses, and their circulation path can be searched in block chains browsers.

**2) 道具的去中介化、去代理交易 **

**2) De-intermediation of props, de-agentization **

以太坊的 ERC721 Token,就是一种「非同质」 token 的标准范例。而之前大火的CryptoKitties,就是非同质 token 的代表性应用。所以,不论是游戏中的道具、装备、还是任何角色,都可以用非同质 token 来表达。这个 token 代表了你对这件道具的所有权,可以脱离游戏去买卖交易。

ERC721 Token is a standard example of "non-homogeneous" token. CryptoKittys, formerly a fire, is a representative application of non-homogeneous token. So, whether the props, equipment, or any role in the game, can be expressed in non-homogeneous token. This token represents your ownership of this prop and allows you to buy and sell transactions outside the game.

该阶段解决了玩家之间道具脱离游戏在链上交易、甚至是不同游戏里交易的问题。由于这个过程是去中介的,理论上到达该阶段之后,玩家就不需要像 5173、交易猫这样的道具交易平台了。你不再需要把账号密码给到一个交易平台上的代理人,那个代理人起到平台信誉担保的作用,一边收了买家的钱,把钱给到你,然后再一边把装备和账号给到买家,中间赚取差价。

This phase solves the problem of transactions between players in chains, or even in different games. Because this process is an intermediary, theoretically, the player does not need a prop trading platform like 5173, a trade cat. You no longer need to give the account number code to an agent on a trading platform who acts as a guarantee of the platform’s credibility and collects the money from the buyer, gives it to you, then gives the equipment and the account number to the buyer and earns the difference.


3) Key rules are chained


How can I be assured that I will not be re-washed as a player? What about the rapid devaluation of next month’s operations without an orange suit? The functions that should be achieved in the third phase, such as the fall of high props, the gold-yielding rules, etc., that the game operators use these key rules as smart contracts in the block chain, and that the rules are open and transparent to players with the support of a block-chain browser.


4) The whole game runs up the chain


The brain hole at this stage is larger. In the ideal form, the final shape of the industry may be that the entire game is running in the upper chain, that all the logical codes of the game are implemented in the chain environment, and that data are carried and stored in a network of decentralised blocks, where credible, efficient and non-delayed running containers and lightweight nodes are required for the operation of the game. However, there is currently no definitive technical solution in the industry, and the performance and arithmetic of the various chains cannot be supported at this time.


At present, the first three phases have been tried and explored in Etheria, but performance problems and the use of thresholds make it difficult to attract a large number of players and, at the technical level, await better solutions.

3. 回归游戏的本质

3. Return to the essence of the game


The vectors and technologies of modern games have gone through decades, but the nature of the game has never changed; it is actually two words: fun.

上文花了很大的篇幅讲述了区块链能给游戏带来什么价值,但即便做了一款游戏这些价值全部实现了,它不好玩,那玩家也不会买单,更不用提社区的共识和游戏资产的价值。依旧会有很多声音会说区块链的基础设施太差,没法做出好玩的游戏,这点我不敢苟同,在2G手机网络时代有好玩的游戏,在Win95时代有好玩的游戏,在GameBoy掌机时代业余好玩的游戏,甚至很多放到现在,我们依旧玩得乐此不疲。 好玩体现在游戏的灵魂里,还不是外壳包装上。

It took a lot of time to tell us what value a block chain can bring to the game, but even if all these values are realized, it's not funny, and the player won't buy it, let alone the community's consensus and the value of the game assets. There's still a lot of voices that say that the block chain is too poorly built to make fun games, which I don't agree with. There are fun games in the 2G Internet age, fun games in the Win95 era, amateur games in the gameboy, and so much in the present, we still have fun.


There are also many voices that believe that the most important thing is to make money in block-chain games, so is a game where users want to make money and developers want to make money? It is possible, if the game is fun, because it is possible for the UGC content in the game to reach a consensus of values at home, the developers to set rules of the game, the people at home to produce, the people to consume, the producers to spend their time producing content, and the consumers to experience it through the consumer content of the money. A game that has no fun is possible if it is to lure players into the illusion of earning money.

对于区块链+游戏,本能的抗拒和批判在所难免,新的底层技术会赋予游戏更多的可能性和突破点,但本质依旧不变。 也只有在行业早期,每一个人都有入场的机会和入场的姿势。

Intuitive resistance and criticism are inevitable for block-chain-plus games, and new bottom-level technologies will give the game more possibilities and breakthrough points, but the nature of the game remains unchanged. Only in the early days of the industry will everyone have access and the position to enter.

除了以太坊上的那些游戏类DApp,在眼前有越来越多区块链项目投入在基础设施的完善上。典型如 Cocos-BCX,是一针对游戏需求而定制的公链,带有区块链系统互操作接口和可视化开发环境的多平台游戏运行环境 。经过多轮优化后,Cocos支持游戏行业常用的脚本语法,支持内源随机数和定时任务,允许合约在会话中执行,亦能支持同质和非同质的去中心资产交易,事务委托和即时确认特性使其具备相当高的TPS和确认速度,同时配套有跨链承兑网关 、钱包和区块浏览器套件等。

In addition to the game-type DApp in the courthouse, there are now more and more block-chain projects involved in infrastructure improvements. Typically, Cocos-BCX is a public-chain tailored to the needs of the game, a multi-platform game operating environment with interoperable interfaces of block-chain systems and visual development environments. After several rounds of optimization, Cocos supports script syntaxes used in the game industry, supports in-source random numbers and time assignments, allows contracts to be executed in sessions, and supports homogenous and non-homogenous de-centre asset transactions, entrusts services and instant confirmations of characteristics that provide them with considerable TPS and recognition speeds, accompanied by cross-link interfaces, wallets and block browser packages.


Other engines, including white quails and Laya, have moved into the military block chain, and the infrastructure of block-chain games is expected to be significantly upgraded as these public-chain projects are lined up. There is also a solution to the Loom side chain, with an Enjin+Unity prop uplink. At the CP level, there is a quick development error at the small workshop, and there are large games under the water.

**区块链的速度渗透到了各个垂直行业,第一个真正的Killer DApp有理由相信会在一年内出现,让我们拭目以待。 **

** The speed of the block chain permeates the vertical industries, and the first real Killer Dapp has reason to believe it will appear within a year, so let's see. **

1. 游戏发行平台

1. Game distribution platform

The Abyss

The Abyss是Destiny.Games公司参与开发的游戏发行平台,向玩家提供各种类型的游戏且降低它们的宣传成本。为此Abyss提供了一个激励和多层次转介系统,让玩家通过玩游戏,社交和推荐其他玩家赚取收入。这减轻了游戏开发商在传统平台上花费的巨额宣传费,把这些钱通过区块链技术给与大众玩家真实的利益。

The Abysss, a game distribution platform developed by Destiny.Games, provides players with a variety of types of games and reduces their publicity costs. For this, Abyss provides an incentive and multilayered referral system for players to earn income by playing games, socializing, and recommending other players. This reduces the huge promotional costs that game developers spend on traditional platforms, and provides real benefits to players through block-link technology.



BitGuild's platform is designed to revolutionize the global game industry and build the largest community of block-link games. BitGuild sends the game objects to the player's digital wallet through a block chain, giving the player a real prop and the right to trade in the props and trade in the props and protecting the player's rights. BitGuild has formed a partnership with Tron.



Game.com focuses on shaping the globalization of the GTC in the field of play by creating and integrating the content of the game, providing a location-based recreational service application, and helping the rapid diffusion and development of block-chain technologies. The deployment of a game-making platform is directed to global users, allowing players to use digital money for the consumption of play content. There are now Andre, the Apple mobile platform, and a pet planet game.

2. 游戏公链

2. Game Public Chain



Cocos-BCX is a platform for the production, management and trading of decentralised applications and digital assets in the face of game developers. The Dapp and the complete support system for digital content asset capitalization, management and transactional ecology in the digital asset development environment, combined with an interactive experience of graphics and block chain mechanisms, allow developers to develop at low cost and efficiently and to reap sustainable benefits under the business model of digital assets. Cocos-BCX also has a community platform for knowledge-based exchange.


Cocos, which provided LUA and JavaScript support, achieved in-line random numbers and timed tasks in the chain system that supported more types of games running on the chain in conjunction with high ingestion and validation performance resulting from transactional commissioning and instant confirmation.


Unlike some public chains, Cocos has achieved homogenous and non-homogenous decentralised asset-trading interfaces in the chain system and has designed “worldviews” and prop presentation, crossing standards that directly support deintermediated transactions and cross-playing of digital assets in the game.



Laya is a block chain engine and an ecological platform with four core business lines: the technologically leading games public chain Laya.chain; the professional game engine Laya.air, which supports the development of 2D and 3D block chain games; the low-threshold game production platform that allows ordinary players to develop block chain games; and the decentralised section chain content portal client Laya.cbox.

Egretia 白鹭

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Egretia {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Egretia

白鹭科技将已有的HTML5技术及产品工具相结合,成功孵化了区块链游戏开发工具集Egretia平台,面向开发者和终端用户开放,提供一站式开发工具流技术支持Egretia 区块链的 SDK,可以让使用 Egretia 引擎工具的 HTML5 游戏轻松接入区块链,让开发者快速打造一款提供统一的数字钱包通行证、智能合约、交易等区块链功能的 HTML5 游戏及应用。制作完成后白鹭还提供HTML5应用广告变现的一体化解决方案。

White quail technology combines existing HTML5 technology and product tools, successfully incubating the Egretia platform, open to developers and end users, and providing one-stop development tool stream technical support for SDKs in the Egretia block chain, allowing HTML5 games using the Egretia engine tool to easily access the block chain, allowing developers to quickly build an integration solution that provides uniform digital wallet passes, smart contracts, trades, and so on.


Ares致?于成?为基于Plasma技术的新?代可扩展的IP孵化型区块链游戏?络。围绕“上手开发”,“获取用户”,“如何盈利?”三个区块链游戏痛点提供了3点对应的解决方案:Ares suite,?站式开发解决?案,实现?效友好的区块链游戏跨链协作;Ares arena,?个0?续费社交休闲游戏平台Dapp ,以加密资产跨游戏的IP孵化模式,引爆区块链社交红利;Ares connect,连接全球商业资源的?态系统,帮助开发者将独?游戏升级为可盈利IP。

Are there? A new and scalable IP-incubation block chain game based on Plasma technology? Aggregation. Three corresponding solutions are provided around " Up-hand development ", " How to get a user? ", " How to earn a profit? ", three block-chain pain spots: Ares solution? Station development solution?



PlayBlock is a distributed development platform and community designed to make interactive entertainment experiences more intelligent. The platform uses the latest scientific findings of the Qinghua University distributed system research team, an advanced consensus-based block chain dedicated to the next generation of interactive entertainment platforms, with features such as high throughput, low delay, and high scalability. Supports Dapp deployments across chains, supports mainstream development tools and multiple programming languages; provides mobile, web pages, VR/AR multiple Dapp development components.

3. 电竞平台

3. Electric platform



Firstblood is an electronic playing platform based on block chains, and players can be rewarded by winning over other players. Firstblood has a global ranking against the war system, a decentralised arbitration system to address race malpractices, and witness and jury guarantees of the correctness of the results of each game.

Electronic PK Chain 电竞链

Eclectic PK Chain chain


EPC uses block chain technology and combines it with the technical characteristics of the block chain to build a fair, open and comprehensive electronic competition network. Addressing the trust and equity issues currently faced by the electronic competition industry makes the entire electronic competition industry more equitable, open and efficient.

有一套完善的方案搭载在EPC上,包括:电子竞技竞猜方案、游戏直播礼物打赏方案、 内容输出激励方案、 用户支撑方案,统一使用EPC代币进行奖励。

There is a well-developed set of programs on the EPC, including: the Electronic Competition Guessing Program, the game live gift reward program, the Content Output Incentive Program, the User Support Program, and the uniform use of EPC tokens as incentives.

4. 分发平台

4. Distribution platform



Refereum is a social promotion platform for decentralized games based on block chains. The aim is to reduce the cost of games, create open and transparent trading platforms between game developers, stream media, and game players.



ALAX is a distribution platform for block-chain mobile games designed to inject fresh blood into the global game industry. The main solution is the payment of players and the repatriation of developers. By decentralizing the traditional distribution platform to reduce the exploitation of players and developers, it reduces the cost to both sides; by providing cash-purchase card services to players who are not familiar with online/credit card payments; and by developing countries to reduce the rate of financial recovery through the ALAX Andrew SDK payment function.

5. 道具交易平台

5. prop trading platform


DMarket 是一个以区块链和智能合约为基础的全球市场。 它可对任何平台上的所有游戏中的虚拟物品实行出售、交易、评估功能,且无需任何第三方。开发者可以将游戏与DMarket相连接来实现以上功能, 这将提升游戏的本身价值,收入和玩家的游戏时长。现在已经支持DOTA2和CS:GO,玩家通过Dmarket能够把自己在这些游戏中花费的时间精力与金钱转化成金钱或物品收益。

Dmarket is a global market based on block chains and smart contracts. It can sell, trade, and evaluate virtual items in all games on any platform without requiring any third party. Developers can connect games to Dmarket to achieve these functions, which will enhance the game’s own value, income, and player time.



Gameflip’s block chain game trading platform was set up by Gameflip, a company that has had several years of virtual prop trading experience (on a non-block chain) and operates a market with millions of users. The newly developed Gameflip block chain platform uses FLP tokens to allow players to buy, sell, and deal with game tools directly with other gamers, allowing players to derive great value from hard-earned games. Good mobility and market freedom and security greatly encourage players to buy more instruments, and allow gamemakers to make huge profits.

6. 区块链硬件

6. Block chain hardware


BOX.WIN平台系统是软硬一体的GCS全球游戏生态入口,旨在为广大游戏厂商和玩家群体提供一个去中心化的分布式CDN与游戏推广网络。BOX.WIN提供的Game Store是集分发、推广、留存、社区、贡献变现于一体的强大游戏发行渠道,用户可以在Game Store上消费各种游戏以及相关服务。

The BOX.WIN platform system is a soft and hard GCS global game ecological portal designed to provide a decentralised distributed CDN and game promotion network for a wide range of players and players. The Game Street system offered by BOX.WIN is a powerful distribution channel for distribution, promotion, retention, community, contribution to integration, and users can consume games and related services on Game Street.




The Bounty Cloud is a new generation of block chains sharing economic intelligence hardware, officially designated as a “private cloud” and, in addition to its functionality, the Bounty Clouds can dig for money (and then change the name to the chain) and is a product of a rapid minefield chain, which, as a result of its efficiency and associated up-and-upwidth, online duration etc., can be well combined with a rapid-wielding download operation, which is the hardware product of the most extensive and practical chain users currently in use.


about the publisher

本文转载自《2018年区块链游戏产业白皮书 - 新的市场 新的机遇》, 版权归属原作者。本文已获得授权转发。

reproduced in , copyright belongs to the original author.




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