
资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:27 评论:0



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  ■本报记者 马方业 王宁

I'm a journalist for this newspaper, Ma Fong-yee Wang Ning.



Since the release of the White Paper on Facebook, Libra’s entry into public view has been a source of great concern for many countries and the general public, despite difficult developments. The President of the Institute of the Internet Finance Association in Beijing, the founder of the IFS, was pleased to receive a special interview with the Daily Securities Journal, beginning with the birth of Libra with the future and future of the chain.


It is to be welcomed that the 2020 block chain will enter into rapid and widespread application, that encryption digital currency + smart contracts + distributed applications (Dapps) will flourish, and that “block chains + finance” will be applied more comprehensively, especially in the financial area: stocks, loans, mortgages, products, smart assets, smart contracts, etc., will be involved. “The block chain is not just a technology, but the impact of the block chain in this technological revolution will be far greater than other technologies, and there may be subversive operations, technologies or businesses.”


On 18 June 2019, Facebook released the Libra White Paper to the world; on 17 July, the United States House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing on Facebook virtual currency; following reports that France and Germany had agreed to boycott Libra; on 5 October, PayPal had renounced its participation in Libra; and since then, the five countries of the European Union, led by France, were joining forces to boycott Libra's entry into European markets.


In a short period of six months, some people have barely figured out what the encrypt currency is, and Libra has moved from being in the public domain to the stage of resistance to development in European countries, reflecting on its side the technical secret of the block chain.


“Libra is actually a stable digital currency, but it is an anchored money basket, which is used primarily to pay for payments, especially across borders; countries will have targeted regulatory measures or risk alerts in the first half of 2020, if the current situation is to be expected.” The euphemisms say to journalists that Facebook's strategic goal of publishing Libra is to obtain new profit models, such as payment of processing fees and node access fees, with the long-term goal of becoming a super-sovereign central bank for the global digital economy until a Facebook digital economy empire is eventually established, with a large number of scenarios directly priced at Libra.


In the current context of Libra's development, central banks may be expected to take action to take the lead in the “regular army” and to upgrade encryption digital currency from ideal 1.0 to commercial 2.0, which is an irreversible trend; at the same time, TNC alliances take the lead in the process of de-nationalization of currencies and capitalist globalization enter a new phase; new battlegrounds are opened for the digital economy's big players, Libra or the extension and interest representatives of the hegemonic power of the dollar; and overseas operations that pay treasures, micro-credits and pay for them may also be hit in a significant way.


The former Governor of the People's Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, has stated publicly that it is not only an impact on traditional operations and payment systems, but that Libra's attempt to keep an eye on the idea of a basket of currencies also represents, in practice, a possible future trend towards a globalized currency. In the process of convergence and integration of the People's Currency, it is necessary to consider the pressures that this trend places on us.”


In response, it was noted that the global interest in Libra’s development was based primarily on several sources: Libra, the world’s first major network giant, launched encryption coins, with the participation of major institutions such as Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, and Uber, in addition to Facebook. In particular, Facebook, which has a 2.3 billion social network base around the world, is expected to expand Libra at a rate no less than that of the popular thinking.

  易欢欢表示,其实中国人民银行已经在数字货币领域低调研发了5年。“中国版数字货币项目称之为DC/EP(Digital Currency/Electronic Payment),即数字货币和电子支付工具,其功能属性与纸钞完全一样,只不过是数字化形态,并为中国目前已经非常先进的电子支付系统提供更多冗余性。”他说。

“The Chinese version of the digital currency project is called DC/EP, a digital currency and electronic payment tool whose functional attributes are exactly the same as banknotes, are merely digital, and provide more redundancy for China’s already advanced electronic payment system.” he said.


In 2020, the block chain will officially enter a new era, the era of smart contracts, where encrypted digital currency + smart contracts + distributed applications (Dapps), especially in the financial field, such as stocks, loans, mortgages, products, smart property and smart contracts. “The block chain is not just a technology, and its impact is far greater than that of other technological developments, and there may be subversive operations, technologies, or businesses.”




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