imToken:打造 Layer2 生态中最安全好用的钱包

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:27 评论:0



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Transparency, freedom and equity are the technical guarantees that the chain of blocks brings to us and the foundations of future digital life. And this identity and desire brings us together to build a safe, easy-to-use digital wallet that allows everyone to enjoy meaningful digital life on an equal and free basis.


. The boom is backed by a massive influx of new people and a surge of demand. The no-threshold and free-to-competition of the block chain, due to its network performance limitations, allows the transaction costs on the chain to become a high threshold and to be kept out of the chain.

Layer2 由此应运而生,通过将 Layer1 上多样丰富的需求转移到 Layer2,进一步拓展了以太坊的性能,且不失安全性。这让那些曾因为高企的矿工费望而生畏的人,能够重回或来到以太坊生态,自由参与其中,不因资产多少而被区别对待。

Layer2 was born to further expand Ether's performance and safety by transferring the diverse and rich needs of Layer1 to Layer2. This allows those who used to be frightened by the high costs of miners to return to or join Ether ecology freely, without discrimination on the basis of their assets.

Rollup 是当下最为流行的 Layer2 方案。这类方案通过将以太坊主网(即 Layer1)上交易的计算和存储转移至 Layer2 处理并压缩,再将压缩后的数据上传至以太坊主网以拓展以太坊性能。

Rollup is the most popular Layer2 program in the world. These programs are transferred to Layer2 by calculating and storing transactions on the Taimin Network (i.e. Layer1) and compressed, and then uploading compressed data to the Ether Main Network in order to expand its performance.

Rollup 主要可分为 ZK Rollup 和 Optimistic Rollup 两类。

Rollup can be divided into ZK Rollup and Optimistic Rollup.

  • ZK Rollup?
    • 优势:采用零知识证明确保数据有效性,在安全性上更有保障
    • 劣势:与 EVM 兼容性欠佳,同时零知识证明的生成相对耗时
    • 代表项目:zkSync、StarkWare
  • Optimistic Rollup
    • 优势:兼容 EVM,对于 DApp 开发者和用户来说更友好
    • 劣势:采用欺诈性证明确保数据有效性,也因此当用户将资金提取回主网时,需要等待七天挑战期
    • 代表项目:Arbitrum、Optimism?

imToken 作为最早期的以太坊钱包之一,长期致力于以太坊生态。而 Layer2 围绕以太坊生态提供解决方案,继承了以太坊的开发者和用户群体,无论是从生态发展角度或是从 imToken 使命视角,着力于 Layer2 都是更为自然和健康的选择。

imToken, as one of the earliest Ethermin wallets, has a long-term commitment to Etherworld ecology. Layer2 provides solutions around Etherwood ecology, inheriting Ether developers and user groups, whether from an ecological development perspective or from an imToken mission, investing in Layer2 is a more natural and healthy option.

因此,imToken 早早便参与到了 Layer2 生态之中。

so imToken became involved early in the Layer2 ecology.

  • zkSync 1.0 上线不久,imToken 即深度集成了 zkSync,为用户提供 Layer2 生态的第一站体验,即便当时离普及尚早。
  • 而后,imToken 支持了自定义节点功能,让用户能够一键切换 Layer2 网络,并随着 Layer2 项目的测试网 / 主网的上线而持续跟进支持。现在,你可以随时切换 Optimism、Arbitrum 等主流 Layer2 网络。
  • 我们同样也积极加入 Layer2 生态建设,参与 zkSync、Aztec、StarkWare 等优秀项目融资,从钱包角度,为 Layer2 项目发展提供支援。

imToken 对于 Layer2 的支持将不止于此。

imToken supports Layer2 more than that.

我们看到越来越多 Layer2 项目有更多进展,生态发展也日益加速。作为钱包,我们需要进一步深度参与,让每一个有 Layer2 需求的用户不仅能够使用 Layer2 网络,更有流畅、好用的 Layer2 体验。

We see an increasing number of Layer2 projects that are progressing and ecological development accelerating. As wallets, we need to be more deeply involved so that every user with Layer2 needs can not only use the Layer2 network, but also have a more fluid and useful Layer2 experience.

在各类 Layer2 方案中,Optimistic Rollup 兼容 EVM 的优势使其脱颖而出,在基于以太坊安全性的前提下,成为最具落地可能性的方案。

in various Layer2 programmes, the advantages of Optimistic Rollup compatible EVM have made it the most likely solution to be landed, based on the safety of the taupulega.



与此同时,我们也看到,Layer2 虽然有着极大提升用户体验的潜力,但作为一个新概念,它也为用户带来了新的理解成本。为了抹平这一门槛,使 Layer2 真正好用好理解,我们投入长达数月的专注和精力,最新版 imToken 即将与大家见面。

At the same time, we see that Layer2 has the potential to greatly enhance user experience, but as a new concept, it also imposes a new cost of understanding on users. In order to close this threshold, Layer2 is truly well understood, we have devoted months of attention and energy, and the latest version of ImToken is about to meet you.

这一版本中,我们不仅将 Layer2 的基础教育渗透在产品体验中,也将从当前最大的 Layer2 生态 Arbitrum 开始,上线全新功能,帮助你如流水一般、顺畅自然地体验 Layer2 世界。敬请期待!

In this version, we will not only penetrate Layer2's basic education into the product experience, but we will also start with the largest Layer2 Eco Arbitrum, which will help you experience the world of Layer2 as a flow of water. Please look forward to it!



同样基于 Optimistic Rollup 的 Optimism 也将是我们的关注点,此外,我们也会对 ZK Rollup 保持关注,尤其是 zkSync,对于其 2.0 测试网 zkEVM,我们有十分的兴趣成为第一批支持者。

Optimism, also based on Optimistic Rollup, will also be our focus, and we will also keep an eye on ZK Rollup, especially zkSync, for its 2.0 test network kEVM, which we are very interested in becoming the first supporters.

从更长远的角度看,我们也期待 StarkEx(由 StarkWare 开发)可以在未来的钱包支付场景中有更广泛的应用。

in the longer term, we also expect StarkEx (developed by StarkWare) to have wider application in future wallet payment scenes.


通过更多更好地支持 Layer2 方案,我们希望真正帮助用户降低门槛。从更现实的角度考虑,当交易所普遍支持 Layer2 后,从交易所到钱包将成为用户从中心化到去中心化的第一步转变。

We really want to help users lower the threshold by more and better supporting the Layer2 program. More realistically, when the exchange generally supports Layer2, the exchange to wallet will be the first step from centralization to decentralization.

而当越多人得以进入区块链世界,体验更高速更规模化的 Layer2 生态,涌现更多创新想法也就成为必然,这将加速区块链发展的飞轮,让更多人能够进入这个由技术保障透明、自由、公平的区块链世界。

and it becomes inevitable that more innovative ideas will emerge when more people are able to enter the world of the block chain and experience a more rapid and larger Layer2 ecology, which will accelerate the development of the block chain and allow more people to enter the world of the technology-guaranteed, transparent, free and equitable sector.

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downloads imToken: 美化布局示例



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