USD Coin(USDC)是一个完全可抵押的对标美元的稳定币,它提供详细的财务和运营透明度,并在美国货币流通法的框架内运行,而且跟多家银行机构和审计团队合作。这是Centre的第一个稳定币开源项目。
USD Coin (USDC) is a fully mortgageable stable currency against the United States dollar, which provides detailed financial and operational transparency and operates within the framework of the United States Money Circulation Act, and works with a number of banking institutions and audit teams.
USD Coin(USDC)是Circle和Coinbase为您带来的稳定币,一个开源,基于智能合约的稳定币。
USD Coin (USDC) is the stable currency that Circle and Coinbase bring you.
2018年10月,Circle和Coinbase共同宣布成立CENTER联盟,并推出其第一款稳定币US Dollar Coin或USDC。从那时起,Circle和Coinbase一直在致力于建立和建立CENTER网络:这是一种基于会员资格的框架和治理方案,用于互联网货币的发展和增长。
In October 2018, Circle and Coinbase jointly announced the creation of the CENTER Union and launched its first stable currency US Dollar Coin or USDC. Since then, Circle and Coinbase have been working to establish and establish the CENTER network: a membership-based framework and governance programme for the development and growth of the Internet currency.
On June 13, 2019, we were pleased to announce that CENTER will be opened to expand membership and industry participation. Membership in the CENTER network gives the agency the right to issue or exchange USDC. To have this right, members must agree to the rules of operation of CENTRE and to the framework of settlement and responsibility of the issuer.
CENTER成员还共同为支持CENTER Network协议(从USDC开始)的技术标准和开源软件的开发做出了贡献。
CENTER members have also contributed jointly to the development of technical standards and open source software in support of the CENTER Network (starting with USDC).
As more goods and services are marked, the smart contracts platform will become a fundamental building block for value exchange. The CENTRE Open Source Transparency and Stability Framework allows for interaction between legal and smart contracts, thus providing developers with a workable method for using real world currencies in block chain applications.
CENTRE稳定币是由受监管和有执照的金融机构发行的,这些金融机构保留了等值法定货币的全部准备金。发行人必须定期报告其美元储备持有量,而Grant Thornton LLP每月都会发布有关这些储备的报告。
The issuer must report regularly on its dollar reserve holdings, and Grant Thornton LLP publishes monthly reports on these reserves.
USDC is a US dollar-backed and co-sponsored technical project, CENTRE, which was launched to create stability in a rapidly changing market for encrypted money, while restoring the trust lost in the encrypt community’s early dispute over Teth. The success of the USDC project may be due to these key factors.
USDC has been integrated into Circle and Coinbase, and both companies are using it to open new markets and products for their respective clients.
USDC, currently supported by deposited USD assets in the ERC-20 token on the Taiwan block chain, is about to launch additional statutory and encrypted currency support.
In addition to normal payment transactions, USDC tokens can also be used for smart contracts so that Dapp can support the category “legal currency”.