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A rough estimate of xff0c; the total amount of these bets is nearly $10 million.



This paper is intended to convey more market information xff0c; it does not constitute any investment proposal.

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出品 | 火星财经APP(ID:hxcj24h)

> Mars Finances APP( ID: hxcj24h)


2013 xff0c; 1 billion xff0c bet by Dong Myeong Joo and the Lui army after 5 years; finally the power wins.


On August 28th this year, Dong Ming Joo shouted at the Lui army #xff1a; 1 billion don't want #xff0c; want to gamble for another five years. The Lui army responded by calling #xff1a; "I think we can try."


You come to me to #xff0c; to open the next five-year bet #xff1b; to watch the outside world #xff0c; and to look forward to this deer death.



In fact, xff0c; the encrypt world has an interesting bet xff1a; the period of bets varies from one day to five years xff1b; the bets are not only in French, T-shirts xff0c; there are digital currencies such as BTC, ETH xff0c; up to $5.72 million xff1b; some are co-sponsored by both sides xff0c; others are presented unilaterally.

有意思的是,这些赌约中多次出现比特币耶稣Roger Ver,足见其争强好胜的性格。另外,巴菲特、李启威、赵长鹏、孙宇晨等知名人士也主动或被动牵涉其中。火星财经APP(ID:hxcj24h)根据公开报道梳理了币圈10大赌约。

Interestingly, xff0c; several of these bets appear in Bitcoin's Jesus Roger Ver& #xff0c; they have a strong and winning character. Also xff0c; prominent figures such as Buffett, Li Qiwei, Zhao Chang-pyung, Sun Woo-jin are actively or passively involved. Mars Finance & APP( ID: hxj24h&xff09; collating 10 big bets in currency circles based on public reports.




Australian gambler named Panbafet


xff1a; 5 years


bets xff1a;$8.5 million xff08; approximately $5.72 million xff09;


Participant xff1a; Buffettxff0c; Australian encrypted currency player xff08; player unilaterally launched xff09;


去年8月,博彩公司William Hill的首席执行官Tom Waterhouse发布推特称,一匿名数字货币行家豪掷850万澳元赌注,押宝2023年时比特币单价会超过巴菲特掌管的投资公司Berkshire Hathaway的股票价格。

Last August xff0c; Tom Waterhouse, CEO of William Hill, tweeting & #xff0c; $8.5 million bets by an anonymous digital banker & #xff0c; and by 2023, Bitcoin would have exceeded the stock price of Berkshire Hathaway, a Buffett-run investment company.

根据Tom Waterhouse的说法,这位神秘赌徒正在找一名中间人来打赌,赔率为1/141。

According to Tom Waterhouse & #xff0c; the mysterious gambler is looking for an intermediary to bet #xff0c; the compensation rate is 1/141.


xff0c; $8.5 million for approximately $5.72 million at the current market exchange rate. If the prophecy comes true xff0c; the stakes are $800 million.

目前Berkshire Hathaway股价为30万美元,是比特币现价的31倍。

The current share price of Berkshire Hathaway is $300,000 xff0c; it is 31 times the current price of Bitcoin.



“Dr. Apocalypse” PK Billionaire


xff1a; 7 months


bets xff1a; 1 T-shirt


Participant <#xff1a > ; “Dr. Apocalypse” Rubini, Billionaire Michael Novograds


据美国财经媒体CNBC报道,今年5月,在拉斯维加斯举办的SALT 2019大会上,美国金融业两位著名人物围绕加密货币的未来展开辩论,最后押注于一件T恤衫。

According to the U.S. financial media CNBC, xff0c; xff0c in May of this year; xff0c at the SALT 2019 Congress in Las Vegas; two prominent figures in the U.S. financial industry debating the future of encrypted money xff0c; and finally bet on a T-shirt.


One side of the debate was Rubini #xff0c, a professor of economics at New York University known as Dr. Apocalypse; he argued that Bitcoin and his kind should not be called “encrypted currency”; the other was Michael Novograds #xff0c, manager of the American legend fund; he argued that Rubini underestimated the future of the industry xff0c; and offered to gamble with the latter.


Novograds says xff1a; "Bitco is now $6,000. If Christmas is over $6,000 xff0c; you have to wear a T-shirt xff0c; it says "I love bitcoin"; if xff0c; if I don't xff0c; then I'm wearing a T-shirt xff0c; it says "Lubini is right."


Rubini did not respond directly to this challenge #xff0c; but he said he did not care about the fate of Bitcoin.


According to Mars finance, APP( ID: hxj24h) know , Rubini has repeatedly criticized the encrypted currency & #xff0c; and as a result, CoinDesk has been listed as one of the ten top cryptographers for this purpose. He called xff0c; CoinDesk has admitted that he is the main critics of encryption and block chains #xff0c; he is the top influencer in this field.



August of this year, Bitcoin prices assumed


xff1a; 1 month


bets #xff1a; 10 bitcoins


Participant xff1a; Founder Zhao Chang Peng #xff0c; a Twitter user xff08; the user unilaterally launched xff09;



On 6 August this year, #xff0c; #xff0c on Twitter, the founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Peng; it is not a good idea to be empty bitcoin now.


A user of an encoded-currency giant doesn’t agree. On Twitter, he replied xff0c; if the price does not fall by $8,000 xff0c by the end of this month; he will transfer 10 bitcoins to Zhao Changjun.



The user also performed an analysis of the position of the Bitcoin in August #xff1a;


1. Bitcoin dropped to between $7,500 and $8,000.


We will try again in mid-August to reach $9,000.


3. Last drop to yellow line position. & #xff08; here can be purchased & #xff09;


However, xff0c; as of the release xff0c; BTC remains above $9,500 xff0c; the Twitter user apparently has lost the bet.




xff1a; 4 years

☆赌注:810.8个ETH &

bets > #xff1a; 810.8 ETH &


69.74 BTC

☆参与者:以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin,比特币核心开发者Jimmy song

Participant xff1a; Founder Joseph Lubin, Bitcoin Core Developer Jimmy song


今年5月,据CoinDesk报道,在共识会议期间,以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin与比特币核心开发者Jimmy song达成对赌,就以太坊的未来下注:如果以太坊dApp四年后做的很成功,则Song付给Lubin 810.8个ETH,否则Lubin要付给Song 69.74个BTC。

xff0c in May; xff0c according to CoinDesk; xff0c during the Consensus Conference; xff0c; Joseph Lubin, co-founder of the Tai shop, and Jimmy #xff0c, the Bitcoin core developer, made a bet xff0c; bet xff1a on the future of Taipan; xff0c, if it was successful after four years, xff0c; Long pay Lubin 810.8 ETHxff0c; otherwise Lubin will pay Song 69.74 BTC.


The criteria for judging the success of dApp are xff1a; xff0c prior to 23 May 2023; and Etheria has 5 dApps that live for more than 10,000 days and 100,000 for six months in a row.


值得注意的是,波场创始人孙宇晨还趁机蹭了一波热度。他在推特上表示,愿意与Joseph Lubin也做一个对赌,赌注是100万美金等值的TRX或者ETH,赌约是2019年末波场dApp的活跃用户多于以太坊dApp的活跃用户。

It is worth noting that xff0c; Sun Woo, the founder of the waves, took the opportunity to rub a wave of heat. On Twitter, he said xff0c; he was willing to bet against Joseph Lubin xff0c; the bet was TRX or ETHxff0c, which was the equivalent of $1 million; and the bet was about more active users of dapp in the late 2019s than dapp in the Tails.



The Lightning Network at Lettcoon


xff1a; 18 months


bet #xff1a; loser wears T-shirts from each other's camp.

☆参与者:莱特币创始人李启威,比特币耶稣Roger Ver

Participant <#xff1a > ; Founder of Lettcoin, Lee #xff0c; Bitcoin Jesus Roger Ver


2018年9月,莱特币创始人李启威和BCH支持者Roger Ver(比特币耶稣)立下赌约:如果在18个月内,至少有1000家商户支持莱特币闪电网络,Roger Ver会穿莱特币闪电网络的T恤,否则李启威就要穿BCH的T恤。

September 2018 xff0c; Li Qiwei, founder of Letco and BCH supporter Roger Ver& #xff08; Bitcoin Jesus & #xff09; bet xff1a; if xff0c within 18 months; if at least 1,000 businesses support the Lightning Network xff0c; Roger Ver will wear the T-shirt xff0c of the Lightcoin Flash Network; otherwise Li Qiwei will wear the BCH T-shirt.


In addition to wearing a T-shirt, #xff0c; the losing party also needs to explain to everyone why it made a mistake.


The answer will soon come to light in February of this year. With Coingate, one of the world’s largest encrypted digital money payment gateways, the Lightning Network #xff0c was launched; Lee Qingwei won a great victory #xff0c; because the number of businesses included in Coingate alone was more than 4,500.

不过在随后的报道中,并未出现Roger Ver身穿莱特币闪电网络T恤的消息,这也为赌约本身增加了一丝悬念。

In subsequent reports, however, xff0c; there was no news of Roger Ver wearing a Lightning T-shirt from the Lettco network xff0c; this also added a glimmer of suspense to the bet itself.



the market value of and the search of dogs


xff1a; 3 years


bets >xff1a; 100 BTCs


Participant xff1a; Founder Sun Woo Morning, Search Dog Wang Xiaochuan #xff08; Sun Woo unilaterally launched xff09;



This February #xff0c; Sun Woo morning wrote in his circle of friends & #xff1a; “The New Year is a photo with friends & #xff0c; November 24, 2014 & #xff0c; and I'm recording with Wang Xiaochuan. I will never forget his look at liars, who say I'm a liar #xff0c; I'm bound to fail #xff0c; I'm going to record a show that's a shame #xff0c; and I can't even record it. After three years, my company outperformed the market value of dog searches.


Wang Xiaochuan updated the microblogging #xff1a in June; “What's a success #xff1f; What's a liar #xff1f; everyone has his own definition. Some think it's price #xff0c; others think it's market value. Put it in history #xff0c; cloudy wind is light. #xff0c, a scientist who pursues the truth with great rationality; #xff0c, an artist who pursues beauty with great emotion #xff0c; and #xff0c, a hero who contributes to the world or nation with great love; so that it will last forever.”



Sun Woo immediately relayed and commented on xff1a; “It's true for the past xff0c; I'm nothing more than a whip xff0c; I'm already in a state where I don't have an enemy. But just as scientists have a scientific discovery xff0c; artists have a work xff0c; the entrepreneur's product is a measure of the entrepreneur's market value. Let's put down our stereotypes xff0c; another three-year approximation xff0c; look at June 2022 xff0c; how low xff1f; bet 100 bitcoins.”


As of issuance xff0c; market value of the wavefield: $1,042 million xff0c; market value of dog search: $1,718 million.



1 cent BTC transaction fee


xff1a; within one day


bets >xff1a; $10,000

☆参与者:比特币耶稣Roger Ver,前摩根大通交易员Tone Vays

Participant <#xff1a > ; Bitecoin Jesus Roger Ver& #xff0c; former Morgan Chase Dealer Tone Vays


今年5月,在马耳他AI&区块链峰会上,比特币耶稣Roger Ver与前摩根大通交易员Tone Vays围绕BTC和BCH交易手续费展开辩论。

This May xff0c; xff0c at the AI& block chain summit in Malta; The Jesus Roger Ver in Bitcoin and the former Morgan Chase dealer Tone Vays debated the BTC and BCH transaction fees.

Roger Ver认为BTC当前的平均交易费用为3美元,而BCH低于1美分,BCH交易优势巨大。Tone Vays却指出,自己每天都在使用比特币,经常只需支付5美分即可发送交易。

Roger Ver considers BTC’s current average transaction cost to be US$ 3 xff0c; BCH is less than 1 cent xff0c; BCH trade has a huge advantage. Tone Vays points out xff0c; he himself uses Bitcoin xff0c every day; often he can send the transaction only five cents.

Roger Ver于是单方面提出了一个赌局:押注1万美元,赌Vays无法在一天之内将价值5美元的BTC交易以1美分的交易费用发送给他。

Roger Ver unilaterally proposed a game & #xff1a; bet US$10,000 & #xff0c; and bet that Vays would not be able to send the BTC transaction worth US$5 to him within a day for one cent of the transaction cost.


Vays then provided a relevant screenshot on Twitter @#xff0c, confirming that the transaction had been completed as required by Ver.



BCH supporters will obviously not admit the fact. Below Vays' Twitter & #xff0c; there are cyber-friends who say the deal was cheated by the SlushPool pond to #xff0c; it became a high-priority deal.




xff1a; 1 year


bet #xff1a; $10,000

☆参与者:英国加密节目主持人Peter McCormack、BSV信徒(McCormack单方面发起)

Participant & #xff1a; British encryption host Peter McCormack, BSV & #xff08; McCormack unilaterally initiated xff09;


今年8月28日,英国加密节目主持人Peter McCormack发推称,愿意与任何一个相信澳本聪持有中本聪比特币的BSV信徒打赌,赌注为1万美元,赌约为澳本聪在一年之内无法移动属于中本聪的比特币。

xff0c of 28 August this year; Peter McCormack, a British encryption anchor, presumably xff0c; bets on #xff0c with any BSV believer who believes that Austen has Bintco in it; bets of $10,000 xff0c; and bets that Austen will not be able to move bitcoins belonging to middle-sight within a year.


McCormack also offered a rate of 2:1 xff0c; i.e. only $5,000 is required for gamblers to participate.


According to Mars finance, APP( ID: hxcj24h) know & #xff0c; repeatedly claimed that he was a middle-class #xff0c; however, there was no strong evidence xff0c; McCormack called him a liar on Twitter on several occasions.


In April this year, #xff0c; McCormack received a letter of action from Austen and #xff0c accusing McCormack of “serious damage” to his reputation.


August 22nd & #xff0c; ABC uploads the Bitcoin White Paper, Bitcoin & #xff1a; Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, to the academic research library SSRN. When asked about the reasons for this approach & #xff0c; ABC responds & #xff1a; “I have publicly acknowledged that I am a middle-class #xff0c; it is time to authenticate my invention.”



How many people in the "3 o'clock" community play block chains after 1 year


xff1a; 1 year


bets #xff1a; 100 bitcoins


Participant <#xff1a > ; ; Founder of Capital, Iliva, and founder of the DG Group, Jo Dong #xff08; ex parte launch of xff0c; xff09 ;



Last February xff0c; Kanan Jianjin co-head Koo-Ping shared his views on the block chain industry in the "3 o'clock block chain" xff0c; Zhao Dong agreed xff1a; “Don't look at a lot of people now rushing in xff0c; most people must have run away soon xff0c; it's xff0c; it's xff0c; it's a cold pine.


Ilix doesn't think so; “I disagree with this”


Zhao Tung responded to #xff1a; "Well, let's go and see. I don't think it's going to be too long; you're all #xff0c who's here to cut herbs, not to pick up the dishes."


"I'm willing to bet Jo Dong 100 bits."


Zhao Dong did not agree with xff1a; “What we have to do now is xff0c; patiently do xff0c; wait for the spring of next year xff08; block chain industry xff09; I don't gamble with you xff0c; I'm happier if you're right. If I'm right xff0c; I can make sure I'm still in this business xff0c; but most people don't."


Undeniably xff0c; affected by the cold winter of the currency in 2018 xff0c; some have left xff0c; some are still holding xff0c; specific data are not available xff0c; but the movement of the industry as a whole is the consensus of the majority.



by short-lived bitcoin cash


xff1a; 2 years


bets #xff1a; $1 million

☆参与者:比特币耶稣Roger Ver、鱼池联合创始人王淳(Roger Ver单方面发起)

Participant xff1a; Jesus Roger Ver of Bitcoin; Jun Wang, Co-founder of the Fish Pool; xff08; Roger Ver unilaterally initiated xff09;



xff0c in 2017; Wang Jun, the co-founder of the fish pool, publicly stated xff0c; Bitcoin cash xff08; BCH) xff1a, a “short life”; “bitcoin cash will soon be abandoned xff0c; xff0c by November at the latest; and after another hard fork.”

这引起了比特币耶稣Roger Ver的不满,于是对王淳隔空喊话:“你认为比特币现金是短命的,那它能持续多久呢?你敢不敢和我打赌?我愿意拿出一百万给你赌,时间就以两年为限,以此来看比特币现金是否真的是短命的。”

This caused the displeasure of Bitcoin Jesus Roger Ver xff0c; so he shouted xff1a; “You think Bitcoin's cash is short-lived xff0c; how long it lasts xff1f; you dare to bet me xff1f; I am willing to bet you a million xff0c; the time limit is two years xff0c; and to see if Bitcoin's cash is really short-lived.”


Now that the two-year limit has passed xff0c; BCH has not only not been abandoned xff0c; it is also in the fourth xff0c ranking of encrypted currency; Wang Sun has clearly lost. But in the course of the process, BCH has not developed well xff0c; the community was once divided xff0c; and eventually evolved into a big battle of calculating power.


interactive momentsxff1a;


and a future bet on xff0c; how much do you think bitcoin prices can go up to xff1f; welcome little partner to leave a message below


640?wx_fmt=png. This paper only represents the author's view xff0c; it does not represent the official position of Mars finance.


640?wx_fmt=png? Add micro-letterbefabing, join the Mars financial and economic audience #xff0c; let us generate more valuable interaction and connectivity.











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