
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:29 评论:0



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I'll read it.


A young man named Zhao Chang Peng, who made a "bitcoin" with a total personal wealth of $2 billion (equivalent to about $12.5 billion) for about 180 days. But who's going to make sure that the receiver doesn't die on the beach?


This Chinese guy, he's saved $12.5 billion!


The latest issue of Forbes magazine was covered by a young man whose name is unknown to the domestic investment community.



It is reported that at the end of January this year, the young man, Zhao Chang Peng, whose personal wealth amounted to $2 billion (equivalent to approximately $12.5 billion). Surprisingly, he was transformed from a “yard farmer” to a top rich man, only for about 180 days.



At present, there are 1,500 virtual currency assets around the globe, with a total value of $550 billion, 31 times higher than at the beginning of 2017.



Forbes magazine, in its cover article, laments that:



“In this crazy gold-rich mine last year, speed is the lifeline.



Zhao Chang Peng, a Chinese programmer, took only six months from the creation of the Binance platform to the great fortunes.”


▲赵长鹏简历 图片来源:币界网截图

Xiao Chang Ping's curriculum vitae



Born in Jiangsu, Zhao Chang Peng, who is educated in Vancouver, is a standard programmer, likes to drill technology and usually likes to dress in leisure, like Zuckerberg, Jobs and others.


根据公开资料,赵长鹏早年主业是为交易所搭建网络交易系统。2014年,赵长鹏卖掉了在上海的住房,拿全部资金押注比特币。他随后成为了当时中国最大比特币交易平台OK Coin的联合创始人和首席技术官(CTO)。

According to public sources, Zhao Jang Peng’s early business was to set up a network trading system for the exchange. In 2014, Zhao Chang Peng sold his house in Shanghai and put all his money on Bitcoin. He became a co-founder and chief technical officer of the then largest Bitcoin trading platform in China, OK Coin.


▲2014年赵长鹏参加芝加哥比特币峰会 图片来源:赵长鹏微博

Chiu Chang Peng attended the Chicago Bitcoin Summit in 2014 by Chiu Chang Peng Weibo


随后由于一系列争议事件,赵长鹏离开了OK Coin。

As a result of a series of contentious events, Zhao Chang Peng left OK Coin.



In July 2017, Zhao Jang Peng led a group of digital asset lovers to create a currency security platform, which truly opened his path to violent wealth.



Platform fire, 1.4 million transactions per second.



According to the information, the currency net is a platform for digital asset dealers, where users can trade more than 200 virtual currencies and convert them into bitcoins or dollars.



The net has also issued its own block-chain currency, the BNB, which claims a constant total of 200 million and guarantees that it will never increase. According to the network, the founding team, including Zhao Chang Peng, holds 40% of the amount.




In the early hours of 8 February, a currency worth approximately $8.76 is convertible to 0.000106 bits.




The profit model of the money net depends mainly on the platform’s transactions and the fees charged.



Surprisingly, the money net currently handles 1.4 million transactions every second, and on the busiest trading day it handles 3.5 billion transactions a day. According to statistics, on 10 January this year, the money net was worth $6.1 billion, with 240,000 people entering the register within an hour, making it impossible to suspend new users’ registration.



At present, the currency net has 6 million users and serves as the world's largest virtual consolidated currency trading platform, with about 30 per cent of the United States dollar players using the currency net.



As the income of the net depends on the dynamism of virtual currency transactions, Zhao Chang Peng is also frequently appearing in the media to “call” digitally encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin.




For example, the day before yesterday (on February 6th), Zhao Chang Peng “deeply” relayed a state on his own Twitter. The original text reads, “The US stock market evaporated $1 trillion last week, which is higher than the total value of all virtual currencies.”



Chiu Chang Peng relayed his comments.



"That's how people preach "bitcoinisfoam." I think the real question is, "The stock market and bitcoin, who's the bubble?"


But who's going to make sure the receiver doesn't die on the beach?


The two days of Bitcoin were marked by a fall of $6,000 in Beijing time at around 15:45 p.m. on 6 February, and back above $8,000 on 7 July. Remember, last year, when Bitcoin was the strongest, it had a record record of $22,550.


When I was a kid, a lot of people came up with the idea that, since the renminbi was printed on paper, the printing house was the richest. When I grew up, I realized that the renminbi was issued by the Central People’s Bank.


Now we all know that money is neither manufactured in a printing plant nor distributed by a central bank as much as it wants to, and that the total amount of money issued by a country is consistent with the level of economic development. It is certainly not impossible to print arbitrary banknotes.


Bitcoin is a perfect idea, limited to 21 million, which seems to prevent inflation. However, it has a fatal problem with its kind — a serious disconnect from the real economy.


The idea that bitcoin can replace the traditional currency is to rest for the time being. There's a good part, a company gives bitcoin, and employees give prizes: first of all, thanks to the company for giving me 630,000 bitcoins; second, I think I'm very lucky to be able to get the 590,000, and I think I've got to plan how to spend the 550,000, after all, 400,000 is not a small sum.


When you buy eggs on the market, the seller asks for $6 a pound. Do you hesitate to turn the eggs into $60 a pound?


By the way, not all of Zhao's $2 billion lies in a bank account, but it's a number. The future is going up or down, as it is not known, and he has to replace it with a real universal currency if he wants to make it happen.


Of course, Bitcoins, though not a substitute for real money, can create a wave in the capital market. The “mining plant” consumes a huge amount of electricity every day, and it is an unaffordable pain to the environment.


As a result, regulators have long been targeting virtual currencies.


On 4 September 2017, seven ministries and departments, including the People’s Bank of China, issued a bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of money in currencies, calling urgently for the suspension of ICO activities. At the same time, measures were taken to require the Virtual Currency Exchange to shut down all its transactions in China by 30 September 2017.


The ICO can be translated as “the first currency to be released publicly”, and it is clear that Zhao Chang Peng is “one-night rich” in this way.


According to the latest reports, the regulatory authorities will take a range of regulatory measures against ICO and virtual currency transactions, both within and outside the country, including banning related commercial presence, banning and disposing of the Virtual Money Exchange Platform website, both inside and outside the country.


On 1 February, Zhao Changping's network of officials ran fast and issued a “to Chinese users” announcement: “In accordance with China's relevant policy and regulations, Yuan An no longer serves users in mainland China”.


Yes, at the very beginning of life, when it comes to computer and financial terms that ordinary people don't understand, Bitcoin treats the spell “Technology is justice” as a charm, as if it were shining. In short, people who are strong as Bitcoin have repeatedly said that it is very different from the misdirected entry of ignorant mothers into distribution organizations.


In fact, a less solid bureau, even if supported by high technology, is essentially just one. The more a virtual currency that deviates from the real economy, the more hot it gets in the speculative market, the farther away from what it once preached.

中国青年报(ID:zqbcyol 编辑:张力友)综合整理自每日经济新闻 (ID: nbdnews? )、中青在线(王钟的)

China Youth News (ID: zqbcyol, editor: Zhang Jian) synthesized from daily economic news (ID: nbdnews?), China Qing Online (Wang Chung)




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