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最近历史记录,请查看Taylor Gerring博客发帖。

Recent history & #xff0c; see Taylor Gerring blog post.


2013年末Vitalik Buterin第一次描述了以太坊,作为他研究比特币社群的成果,不久后,Vitalik发表了以太坊白皮书,他在书中详细描述了以太坊协议的技术设计和基本原理,以及智能契约的结构。2014年1月,Vitalik在美国佛罗里达州迈阿密举行的北美比特币会议上正式宣布了以太坊。

Vitalik Buterin described for the first time in late 2013 Etheria & #xff0c; as a result of his study of the Bitcoin community & #xff0c; shortly afterwards & #xff0c; Vitalik published the Etheria White Paper & #xff0c; in his book he described in detail the technical design and rationale of the Etheria Accord & #xff0c; and the structure of the Smart Contract. January 2014 & #xff0c; Vitalik officially announced Etheria at the North American Bitcoin Conference, held in Miami, Florida, United States.

与此同时,Vitalik开始和Gavin Wood博士合作共同创建以太坊。2014年4月, Gavin发表了以太坊黄皮书,作为以太坊虚拟机的技术说明。按照黄皮书中的具体说明,以太坊客户端已经用7种编程语言实现(C++, Go, Python, Java, JavaScript, Haskell, Rust),使软件总体上更加优化。

At the same time, xff0c; Vitalik started working with Dr. Gavin Wood to create the Etherm. In April 2014, xff0c; Gavin published a technical note for the Ethermium Yellow Book xff0c; as specified in the yellow paper xff0c; Etherm client has already done xff08; C43; #43; Go, Python, Java, JavaScript, Haskell, Rust) xff0c; making the software more optimized overall.

  • 以太坊发布加密货币2.0网络 —— 2014年1月初 Coindesk文章
  • 在bitcointalk上宣布以太坊—— Vitalik首次向比特币社群宣布以太坊。论坛帖子收到5000回复。


除开发以太坊软件外,要发布新的加密货币和区块链,需要大量的辅助程序努力来组装启动和运行所需要的资源。为了快速建立一个包括开发者、矿工和其他利益相关方的大型网络,以太坊宣布了一个以太币(以太坊货币单位)预售计划。通过预售筹募基金的法律和金融复杂性导致了几个法律实体的诞生,包括2014年6月在瑞士楚格建立的以太坊基金(Stiftung Ethereum)。

xff0c; publishing new encrypted currency and block chains xff0c; requiring a great deal of support program effort to assemble the resources needed to start and run. To quickly build a large network of developers, miners and other stakeholders xff0c; Etheria has announced an xff08; xff09; pre-sale scheme. The legal and financial complexity of pre-sale funds has led to the birth of several legal entities xff0c; xff08; Stiftung Etherum)

从2014年6月开始,以太坊借助42天公开的以太币预售活动对第一批以太币进行了分配,净赚31,591比特币,当时价值 18,439,086 美元,交换出大约60,102,216以太币。销售所得首先用于偿还日益增加的法律债务,回报开发者们数月以来的努力,以及资助以太坊的持续开发。

Starting in June 2014, xff0c; the first batch of xff0c was distributed by Ether with 42 days of open e-Ten pre-sale activity; net profit was 31,591 bitcoin xff0c; at that time, the value was $18,439,086 xff0c; about 60,102,216 tayats were exchanged. The proceeds of the sale were first used to repay the increasing legal debt xff0c; the efforts of the Retributors over the months xff0c; and the financing of the continued development of Ethio.

  • 启动以太币销售——在以太坊博客上第一次官方公告
  • Ether.Fund上关于预售的简明统计页面(此后停用)
  • 概览:以太坊的首次公开销售 —— slacknation博客发帖 ——关于以太币预售的所有统计数字
  • 关于预售的条款声明


以太币预售成功之后,以太坊的开发在非营利组织ETH DEV的管理下走向正式化,它依据Ethereum Suisse的合约管理以太坊开发 ——Vitalik Buterin,Gavin Wood和Jeffrey Wilcke作为组织的3个主管。2014年间开发者对以太坊的兴趣持续稳定增长, ETH DEV团队发布了一系列概念验证(PoC)供开发者社群进行评估。ETH DEV团队在以太坊博客频繁的发帖也保持了以太坊对公众注意力的持续吸引和强劲的发展势头。以太坊论坛和以太坊reddit分支上渐增的访问量和用户基础证明平台正在引起一个快速增长和热衷于此事业的开发者社群的兴趣,这一趋势一直延续至今。

xff0c, after a successful sale in tusks, xff0c; xff0c, under the management of the non-profit organization ETH DEV; xff0c, under the contract management of Etheeum Suisse, Valk Buterin, Gavin Wood and Jeffrey Wilcke as the three heads of the organization. During 2014, developers’ interest in Taipan continued to grow steadily xff0c; Eth DEV team released a series of conceptual validations (PoC) for the benefit of the developer community.


2014年4月, ETH DEV组织了DEVCON-0活动,世界各地的以太坊开发者聚集在柏林,讨论各种以太坊技术议题。DEVcon-0的一些陈述和会议后来驱使以太坊向更加可靠、更安全和更加可扩展的方向发展。总体来说,这一活动激励了开发者为发布以太坊这一目标继续努力。

In April 2014, ETH DEV organized the DEVCON-0 campaign & #xff0c; the world's e-Team developers gathered in Berlin & #xff0c; and discussed various e-Team technical issues. Some presentations and meetings of the deVcon-0 led the e-Team to move towards more reliable, safer and more scalable. On the whole, xff0c; the event inspired developers to continue their efforts to publish the e-Team goal.

  • DEVCON-0演讲youtu播放列表
  • DEVCON-0 reddit发帖
  • Gav’s DEV关于DEVCON-0的更新
  • DEVcon-0 博客发帖概要



April 2015 xff0c; DEVgrants project release xff0c; this project provides funds for all contributions to the ETA platform and the ETA-based project. Hundreds of developers have contributed time and wisdom to the ETA project and the Open Source project. The project aims to reward and support the efforts of developers. The DVgrants project is still in operation today xff0c; the latest update of the project fund was in January 2016.

  • DEVgrants首次发布
  • DEVCON-1宣布新基金
  • DEVgrants公开gitter room
  • Youtube上Wendell Davis在DEVCON-1关于DEVgrants的演讲



The development in 2014 and 2015 went through a series of concept validation launches xff0c; brought with it the ninth POC Open Test Network xff0c; known as Olympic. The developers’ community was invited to test network limits xff0c; a large amount of incentive money was allocated to people who maintained different records or managed to break the system in some way. One month after the launch, xff0c; the award was officially announced.

2015年早期,以太坊奖励项目启动,给那些发现以太坊软件栈任何弱点的人提供BTC奖金。这无疑有利于以太坊的可靠性,安全性和以太坊社群技术上的自信。这一奖金项目至今仍然活跃, 并没有结束的计划。

Early in 2015, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; BTC prizes for those who find any weaknesses in the xyt's software. This certainly benefits the reliability of the xff0c; safety; and technical self-confidence of the xff0c community. This bonus project is still active. xff0c; there are no plans to end.

以太坊安全审查开始于2014年末,持续到2015年上半年。以太坊请了很多第三方软件安全公司对所有协议关键的组成部分(以太坊 VM,网络,工作量证明)开展端对端审查。审查发现了很多安全问题,问题提出并再次检测后,带来了一个更安全的平台。

The ETA security review began in late 2014 & #xff0c; it lasted until the first half of 2015. Ether invited a number of third-party software security companies to work on all key components of the agreement & #xff08; Etheria VM, network & #xff0c; workload proof & #xff09; and an end-to-end review. The review found a number of security issues & #xff0c; questions were raised and tested again & #xff0c; and brought about a safer platform.

  • Olympic测试网预发布 —— Vitalik的博客发文具体介绍了olympic奖项
  • Olympic奖项发布 —— Vitalik博客发文具体介绍了获奖者和奖品
  • 漏洞报告奖励项目启动
  • 以太坊奖励项目网站
  • Least Authority 审查博客发文 —— 附审查报告链接
  • Deja Vu 审查博客发文


以太坊Frontier 网络于2015年7月30日启动,开发者开始编写智能合约和去中心化应用以部署在以太坊实时网络上。此外,矿工们开始加入以太坊网络以帮助保障以太坊区块链的安全并从挖矿区块中赚取以太币。尽管Frontier的发布是以太坊项目的第一个里程碑,开发者们只试图将其作为测试版本,但结果它比任何人预期得都更有用且可靠, 开发者们立即开始建立解决方案,改进以太坊生态系统。

In addition, & #xff0c; miners started joining the Ether network to help secure the Ether block chain and earn taut currency from the diggers. Although Frontier's release was the first milestone of the Tether project xff0c; developers tried to use it only as a test version xff0c; it resulted in more useful and reliable than anyone expected xff0c; developers immediately started to build solutions xff0c; and improvements to the ecosystem in the ether.


See also #xff1a;

  • Vinay Gupta最初的发布流程通告
  • Frontier要来了—— Stephan Tual的Frontier发布通知
  • Frontier启动最后一步 —— 发布之后的增补发帖
  • Frontier发布带来的以太坊上线
  • Frontier网站


第二次开发者会议DEVCON-1于 2015年11月初在伦敦举办。5天的会议进行了100多次陈述,专题讨论会和快速讨论,吸引了400多名参会者,包括开发者,企业家,思考者和业务主管。所有的演讲都录了像并可免费观看。

The second Developer Conference, DEVCON-1, was held in London in early November 2015. The five-day conference featured over 100 presentations & #xff0c; symposiums and quick discussions & #xff0c; attracted over 400 participants & #xff0c; included developers & #xff0c; entrepreneurs & #xff0c; thinkers and business managers.

像UBS, IBM 和微软这样的大公司明确表示了公司对这一技术的兴趣。微软宣称将在它的新的区块链上提供以太坊以作为微软Azure云平台上的服务。这一公告标志着以太坊为中心的区块链技术成为主流的时刻,将和DEVCON-1一样被铭记。

Large companies like UBS, IBM and Microsoft have made clear their interest in this technology. Microsoft has announced that it will provide a service on its new block chain with Tairy to serve as a Microsoft Azure cloud platform. This announcement marks the moment when the technology of the #xff0c block chain centred on Tailing will become mainstream; it will be remembered as DEVCON-1.

  • DEVCON-1演讲Yoube播放列表
  • DEVCON-1网站陈述展示全列表,有些可链接到幻灯片


  • 简单的时间表图解


文章中的列表对应的链接可以参考《Ethereum Homestead Documentation》第8页1.1.5 History of Ethereum Taylor Gerring博客:https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/02/09/cut-and-try-building-a-dream/

Links to the list in the article can be found on page 8 of “Etheium Homestead Documentation”, at 1.1.5 History of Etheum Taylor Gerring blog & #xff1a;




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