北京首例比特币“挖矿”案宣判 投资者955万美元收益被认定无效

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:27 评论:0



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A bitcoin is currently marketed at more than $30,000, and an investment of 10 million can reach nearly 300 in one year... The Internet virtual currency Bitcoin attracts a large crowd of profit-seekers, and the “mining” of the production of virtual money has been initiated through a dedicated “mine machine.” However, promises are not honoured, and the lack of returns has led investors to panic and hope to sue back tens of millions of damages. On 15 December, the Beijing court opened a public hearing and sentenced the first case in Beijing in which Bitcoin was found, while the court also sent a judicial recommendation to the Sichuan Development and Reform Commission at the site of the miner, providing feedback clues and recommending clean-up of the mining operations.

北京首例比特币“挖矿”案宣判 投资者955万美元收益被认定无效



  投资1000万挖矿 说好的296个比特币只兑现18个

"Strong" invests 10 million in mining, and the agreed 296 bitcoins cash only 18."


A marketing company in Beijing (the “marketing company”) claims that in 2019, a block chain technology company (the “block chain company”) sold a Bitcoin mining project to it, stating that it had the capacity to operate a miner. On 6 May 2019, the marketing company, acting as the first party (buyer), entered into a contract with the sector chain company for the purchase of computer equipment, under which it agreed that the goods were described as computer equipment, with 1542 mini-storage space servers of T2T-30T specifications (hereinafter referred to as the “miner”), with a single price of 5040 units; the contract was $777,1680. The parties also signed a service contract, the Cloud Data Server Hosting and Data Value Added Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Value Added Service Agreement), which further clarifies their rights and obligations.


Following the conclusion of the above-mentioned contract, block chain companies purchased and commissioned the physical operation of the “mine machines” at third-party mines.


The marketing company paid RMB 10 million under the contract. Under the terms of the Value Added Service Agreement between the parties, the revenue from the value-added data service was settled on the same day, 7 per cent of which was allocated to the block chain company as the proceeds of its entrusted management and operation of the cloud data server, while the remainder was transferred to the receiving address provided by the marketing company for the period from 30 June 2019 to 30 June 2020. In the course of the implementation of the Value Added Service Agreement, the block chain company did not provide the marketing company with the original record of the profits from the Bitcoin mine during the period of service, and paid only 18.3463bits.


After several reminders by marketing companies, the price of bitcoin, as shown by the well-known Bitinfocharts, was calculated by reference industry, and the company was able to obtain 296,51,177,976 bitcoins during the period of service as agreed under the Value Added Service Agreement (VSA). The block chain company was still to pay 278,165,4976 bitcoins, other than those already collected. At the same time, the block chain company did not return bitcoins to the marketing company after the expiration of the value added service agreement (VSA) service period.


For this reason, the marketing company sued the court for a court order to deliver 278,165,497 bitcoins or $9550,812.36 at a price of $34,335 per bitcoin on 25 January 2021, and for damages for the loss of the miner that was occupied after the end of the service period.


Block Chain argued that the corresponding obligations had been performed in accordance with the contract between the parties, but that the marketing company was not liable for its failure to pay the electricity bill in a timely manner, which resulted in the server being rendered unwieldy and that the fault was not with the block chain.

北京首例比特币“挖矿”案宣判 投资者955万美元收益被认定无效



  称每个币价值34335美元 讨要955万美元收益却被驳回

"strong" says it's $34335 a currency for $9.55 million, but it's rejected.


The Court considered that the facts of the case had occurred prior to the application of the Civil Code and that the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China were therefore applicable in cases of civil disputes arising out of legal facts prior to the application of the Civil Code, in accordance with the provisions of the law of that time and the provisions of judicial interpretation.


According to the circular of the National Development Reform Commission of 3 September 2021 on the management of virtual currency “mining” activities, the virtual currency “mining” activities refer to the process of producing virtual money through dedicated “mine machines”, the high level of energy consumption and carbon emissions, their low contribution to the national economy, their limited contribution to industrial development, scientific and technological progress, and the increased risks associated with virtual money production and trading links, which have a negative impact on the promotion of high-quality economic and social development and the reduction of energy savings.


According to the performance process of the parties involved and the main elements of the three contract agreements, the transaction model actually allows the marketing company to purchase and manage a dedicated “mine machine” to calculate the “mining” of Bitcoin.


In this case, the two companies entered into an agreement for the commissioning of a “mining” relationship, knowing that there was a risk of “mining” and bitcoin transactions, and that the relevant authorities expressly prohibited Bitcoin-related transactions. The “mining” activity and transactions related to virtual currency were subject to many of the risks and hazards discussed above and interfered with the normal financial and economic development order, so that the “mining” contract was null and void for the public interest.


Since the “mining” contract was not valid from the outset, the marketing company’s claim for benefits from the performance of the avoided contract should not be protected by law and the court did not support the claim.

  法院一审驳回营销公司的全部诉讼请求,案件受理费450 892.68元,由营销公司负担,目前已交纳。对于此判决,营销公司当庭表示上诉。

The court dismissed all the claims of the marketing company in the first instance, with a fee of $450,892.68 for the processing of the case, which is now paid by the marketing company.

北京首例比特币“挖矿”案宣判 投资者955万美元收益被认定无效



  一个矿场藏有上万台矿机 法院发清理整顿司法建议

/strong's court issued judicial recommendations for clean-up.


Mr. Li Jinhui, President of the Min II Division of the Beijing Yang Court, explained that, throughout the country, jurisprudence on transactions such as lending, buying and selling bitcoin and commissioning money are more common. “This case is a case of upstream mining, and this is the first case in Beijing.” He explained that the case was considered null and void under a contract that violated the principles of the public interest. In terms of current sectoral laws and administrative regulations, it is less effective to adjust the relevant policy documents on bitcoin and mining, and there is no clear sectoral legal provision. However, these policy documents were issued at a higher level, issued by the People's Bank of China in conjunction with at least five or ten ministries.


Energy security, financial security and economic security are all important components of national security. The prevention of risks and the deepening of market disruptions are related to the country's industrial structure, the stability of the financial order, the smooth socio-economic functioning and the quality of its development, so that the socio-economic order, the financial order and so forth are of public interest.


With regard to risk prevention and management of virtual currency, such as Bitcoin, and “mining” activities, since 2013 the relevant state departments have issued various policy documents, such as the Notices of Risk Notices. According to these documents, the case involved a virtual currency on the Internet, which is not a legal currency issued by a state authority, has no legal status equivalent to that of a legal currency, has no payback, should not and cannot be used as a currency on the market, should raise awareness of risk prevention as a consumer, and the consequences and losses associated with a virtual currency for investment transactions are borne by the parties themselves.


The business model in this case is “mining” and, as virtual currency transactions develop, the dangers of “mining” are becoming more acute. The “mining” activity has a high level of energy consumption and carbon emissions, which is detrimental to the country’s industrial structure, energy conservation and reduction of carbon emissions, and the country’s achievement of carbon peaks, carbon neutrality and targets. Together with the fact that virtual currency-related transactions have no real value support, prices are highly susceptible to manipulation, and the “mining” act further generates financial risks such as false asset risks, risks of business failure, risks of investing in investment, and endangers the foreign exchange management order, financial order, and even vulnerability to illegal criminal activity and social stability.


Li Jinhui stated that the careful conclusion of the case was also based on the Court’s study of the Bitcoin Exchange decisions in some of the Eastern regions of recent years. “It is understood that mining machines are concentrated in areas such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia, where wind, electricity, water and coal are cheaper, while there are more than 1,000 mine machines in a mine, since there are a very large number of third parties that will keep the equipment together and operate in a unified manner, amounting to 120,000.”


He described the handling of more than a thousand “mine machines” in this case, since the computer equipment in question was still in the custody of the block chain company, but in the proceedings the marketing company expressly stated that it would make a separate claim, so that the court would not proceed with the case; however, it was stated in the civil judgement that the company in question could not continue to engage in “mining” activities, in compliance with the relevant national legal provisions and industrial policy.


On 10 November 2021, the National Development Commission again organized a videoconference on the theme of the governance of the virtual currency “mining”, which explicitly requested the provinces and municipalities to clean up and rehabilitate the region's virtual currency “mining” activities in accordance with the principle of territoriality.


According to the parties at the trial, the third-party address for the operation of the mine in question is located in Muri Township, Muri County, Shanshan State, Sichuan Province, and in Sand Bay Township.


In keeping with the principle of territoriality set out in the above-mentioned documents, and in order to prevent the “mine machines” involved in the case from continuing to be used for “mining”, the Beijing Dynasty Court issued a judicial recommendation to the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, namely, to examine the Bitcoin “mining” project in the case and to prohibit the companies involved from continuing their “mining” activities.


Li also warned that the Bitcoin transaction is risky and not protected by state law, and that the Supreme People’s Court has made it clear that the transaction is null and void and that the damage is self-inflicted.

  实习生 刘静怡

Intern, Jing Yi Liu.

  文/北青-北京头条记者 宋霞

Qing-Beijing headline journalist Song Xia

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