
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:26 评论:0



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Thanks to the central spirit of the speech on the block chain and the expectation of the third halving of Bitcoin, the variety of investments in the block chain started to blow the market in the early hours of Saturday. China’s block chain concept, which was listed in the United States stock market, rose significantly by 107% overnight, with Bitcoin rising by 40% in just 12 hours at a price of over $10,000, and kept its market value close to 1.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 63.2% of the total value of the global digital currency.


There is a general view that President Xi’s message on the block chain is one of the highest-level endorsements of block chain technology that the world has seen so far. At the same time, with local learning to implement the central spirit, it can be expected that block chain news will continue to be painted.


Considering that the first halving of bitcoin triggered an 80-fold increase in prices, the second halving of bitcoin triggered a more than 30-fold increase, the third halving of bitcoin is expected to take place some time in May 2020, and given that the higher the price base, the more difficult it will be to finance the increase, the third halving of the price of bitcoin, against a background of $10,000 already, is also a serious question as to whether it could trigger another surge.


The highest global specification supports block chain development

人民日报10月26日头版头条报道了习近平关于区块链的讲话,标题为《主持中央政治局第十八次集体学习 习近平:把区块链作为核心技术自主创新重要突破口》,与此同时央视新闻联播也对此次讲话进行重点报道。习近平主持会议以及中共中央政治局集体学习,其规格之高突显了中央对区块链的重视程度,随着各地学习落实中央精神,可以预计区块链新闻将会持续刷屏。

Xi Jinping’s speech on the block chain, entitled “Sitting the 18th session of the Central Political Bureau Group Learning Xi Jinping: Using the block chain as an important breakthrough in core technological autonomy and innovation”, was featured on the front page of the People’s Daily on October 26th, while focusing on the news broadcast. Xi’s conduct of the meeting and the collective learning of the Central Bureau of Political Affairs of the Central Communist Party highlighted the central importance of the block chain, which can be expected to continue to be painted as a result of local learning.


According to the report, President Xi Jinping has stressed the need to strengthen basic research, upgrade original innovation capabilities, and try to get my country on the cutting edge of the theory in the emerging area of the block chain, occupy high innovation points and gain new advantages in the industry. It is important to promote concerted efforts to speed up core technological breakthroughs and provide secure and manageable technological support for the application of block chains. It is important to strengthen research on the standardization of block chains and to enhance international voice and rule-making. It is important to accelerate industrial development, make good use of market advantages, further connect innovation chains, application chains and value chains. At the same time, it is important to build the sector chain ecology, accelerate the in-depth integration of cutting-edge information technology, such as block chains and artificial intelligence, big data and material networking, and promote integration and innovation.


President Xi Jinping noted the need to seize the opportunity of block chains for technological integration, functional expansion, industrial segmentation, and their role in promoting data sharing, optimizing business processes, reducing operating costs, enhancing synergies, and building credible systems. The use of block chains to explore digital economy model innovations provides an incentive to create an easy and efficient, level playing field and a stable and transparent business environment that provides services to advance supply-side structural reforms, to achieve effective supply and demand interfaces across sectors, and supports the acceleration of old and new dynamic energy continuity and to promote high-quality economic development.


The use of block-chain technology is needed to promote greater inter-city connectivity in terms of information, finance, talent and trust, and to guarantee an orderly and efficient flow of factors of production within the region.


It is important to explore the use of block chain data-sharing models to achieve cross-sectoral and cross-regional co-maintainment and utilization of government data, promote operational synergies, deepen “up to one run” reforms, and bring about a better experience of government services for the population. It is also important to strengthen the guidance and regulation of block chain technologies, strengthen research and analysis on the risks of block chain security, follow developments closely, and actively explore development patterns. It is important to explore safety and security systems that can be adapted to block chain technical mechanisms, guide and promote industry self-regulation and security responsibilities among block developers and platform operators.


According to Xi Jinping, the relevant departments and their leaders need to pay attention to the current state of and trends in the technological development of the block chain, to improve the technical capacity to apply and manage the block chain, and to increase the role of block chain technology in building network powers, developing the digital economy and contributing to economic and social development.


The full price of the digital money market skyrocketed


There is a general view that Xi’s speech on the block chain is the highest-level endorsement of block chain technology that the world has seen so far. At the same time, with local learning to implement the central spirit, it can be expected that block chain news will continue to be painted.


And just a few days before this central address, Beijing time on October 23, 22:00, at the request of the United States House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, the Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, a US-owned listed company, Zuckerberg, attended the Libra Digital Currency Project hearing in person, saying that China’s payment infrastructure was much more advanced than in the United States, especially considering that the Central Bank of China might launch the central bank’s official digital currency.


On this occasion, China's policy support in the area of block chains was undoubtedly at a global high point, influenced by China's policies, and the digital currency market began to explode in the early hours of 26 October.


The data show that by 9 a.m. on 26th of the morning, the market value of the top 100 digital currencies had increased by more than 15 per cent in some 90 per cent and by more than 30 per cent in more than 15 varieties, with an increase of over 40 per cent in Bitcoin, a price of over $10,000, a price of $10,500 in the Bitcoin price plate, a market value of more than RMB 122 trillion and a 24-hour turnover of RMB 123.9 billion and a hand exchange rate of about 10 per cent.


To date, there are about 17 digital currencies with a market value of more than RMB 5 billion, including Sun Woo's morning wave currency, which has recently rebounded slightly, with an increase of more than 15 per cent on 26 days and a market value of more than RMB 8 billion, although Sun Woo's morning lunch was controversial.


To some extent, Sun Woo’s morning wave currency has reached the top ten digital currency list of the world, which is less than RMB 900 million short of the 10th-ranked star currency.


At present, the top three of the top 10 digital currencies are Bitcoin, Etheria, and Ribot, respectively. The market values are 1.2 trillion yuan, 141.2 billion yuan, and 91.2 billion yuan, respectively.


Can the third half of the strong stimulate a 30-fold jump in bitcoin?


It is worth mentioning that another major factor in the surge in Bitcoin was the “half-half” of Bitcoin.


Bitcoin, as the core of the block chain, the founder of virtual money, will grow in a certain amount of new bitcoin every 10 minutes, until the total is 21 million. Bitcoin has now been dug out about 85.68%, and bitcoin has been halved every four years, meaning a reduction in the supply end, which is broadly understood in the A share market as limited to sales.


The first bitcoin digs, each block can be rewarded with 50 bitcoins, and now the bitcoin miners will be rewarded with 12.5 bitcoins for every block they dig up. After halving, there are 6.25 bitcoins in a block, 900 bitcoins in a day, half the bitcoins in a day, and the amount of bitcoins in a secondary market will be less in demand, and bitcoin prices will increase more easily.


The first halving of Bitcoin took place on 28 November 2012.


Six months before the halving, the price of Bitcoin had risen from $5 to $12 when it had been halved. Indeed, if one goes further, the wave of Bitcoin had been triggered by a minimum price of $2. After the halving event, 369 days had passed, that is, on 2 December 2013, the price of Bitcoin had soared from $12 to a historicly high of $994, and prices had increased by nearly 8,000 per cent, creating a lot of bitcoin richness on the mainland of China before and after the first halving.


The second half of Bitcoin, on 9 July 2016, and the second half, was close to $650. After the halving event, which took place on 16 December 2017, a new price was created in Bitcoin in less than 530 days, at an alarmingly high price of $19,500 per bitcoin, with a price increase of about 3,000 per cent.


It is now widely accepted in the market that the third halving of bitcoins will generally take place some time in May 2020. At that time, the current block reward of 12.5 bitcoins per 10 minutes will be halved to 6.25 bitcoins.


According to market analysts, considering that the number of bitcoins that have been mined is currently 18 million, about 15% of them are in “unknow where they are” – forgetting passwords, stolen, or lost. With the rule of halving the third time, the number of new bitcoins generated by mining is further reduced, increasing the scarcity of bitcoins in secondary markets.


However, according to analysts, the difficulties of increasing bitcoin from US$ 1 to US$ 100, from US$ 100 to US$ 10,000, and from US$ 10,000 to the US$ 100,000 advocated by some analysts are quite different.


The data also show that the first halving of bitcoin triggers an increase of about 80 times in bitcoin, while the second halving of bitcoin triggers an increase of 30 times, because the money ammunition required for a multi-fold increase in different price bases is completely different, but the expectation of halving does increase the confidence of some investors to enter, and can bitcoin replicate once again the 80-fold and 30-fold increases in the first and second halves?




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