Mr. Kang introduced it through his network.
We'll transfer $695 million to Chen Tai, who doesn't know.
Wanted to buy Titanic USDT (Teth)
But I didn't get what I wanted.
Can you get the investment back?
Look at the case below.
According to the middleman, Hong Hsao transferred $695 million to Chen’s bank account to buy 10,000 taks. It was confirmed that Kon Hsiang’s account did not receive the corresponding taks USDT, and Chen Hsien transferred 10,000 taks to the designated account via the middleman.
Court of Justice
The court considered that the sum in question had been transferred directly to Chen's account, that the sum in question had been received, that, in accordance with the principle of the relativity of the contract, Hong's conduct had indicated to him that he had fulfilled his contractual obligations, that Chen's obligations had been performed in a comprehensive, prudent and direct manner and that he was responsible for the results of the performance of the contract, and that, in the case of Chen's offer to transmit the virtual currency through an intermediary, it was his personal commission and had nothing to do with Con's obligations.
The subject matter of the sale of the case is virtual currency. According to the Circular of the Superintendence of the Superintendency of Trade and Industry of the Central Network of the People’s Bank of China, the General Directorate of Industry and Informatics of the Central Network of People’s Banks, on the prevention of the risk of financing the issue of money in exchange, it is clear that the virtual currency, which is similar to that of Tedar, is an unauthorized act of illegal public financing, and that no organization or individual may illegally engage in the financing of the issue of money in exchange. The contractual relationship between the parties is not valid because it violates public customs such as financial security, market order, and so forth.
Depending on the extent of the fault of the parties, support is given, where appropriate, to a 60% rate of the return of the investment, i.e., 41,700 yuan.
The judge's statement.
The Central Bank, in conjunction with seven ministries, issued a Circular on the Risk of Money-Repository Financing, which clearly states that the essential attributes of the financing of money-issuing activities are: the financing of money-issuance is the so-called “virtual currency” of the financing subject through irregularities in the sale, circulation, collection of bitcoins from investors, etc. is essentially an unauthorized act of illegal public financing, suspected of illegal distribution of currency vouchers, illegal distribution of securities, illegal collection of funds, financial fraud, distribution, etc. The relevant authorities will closely monitor the developments, strengthen coordination of efforts with the judiciary and local governments, and, in accordance with the existing working mechanisms, strictly enforce the law and deal with market distortions.
Thus, any so-called money-financing platform must not engage in exchange operations between a legal currency and a token, a virtual currency, the purchase or sale of a token or a virtual currency as a central counterpart, or the provision of services such as pricing, information intermediation, etc. for a token or a virtual currency. Virtual currencies, such as tadar, are not issued by the monetary authority, have monetary attributes such as legal equivalency and mandatory nature, do not have legal status equivalent to that of a currency, and cannot and should not be used as a currency on the market. Investment transactions in virtual currency are not protected by national laws.
Civil Code of the People's Republic of China < strong>
第一百五十三条 违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定的民事法律行为无效。但是,该强制性规定不导致该民事法律行为无效的除外。违背公序良俗的民事法律行为无效。
Article 153 & nbsp; Civil legal acts that violate the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations are null and void.
第一百五十七条 民事法律行为无效、被撤销或者确定不发生效力后,行为人因该行为取得的财产,应当予以返还;不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿。有过错的一方应当赔偿对方由此所受到的损失;各方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。
Property acquired by the perpetrator as a result of an act of civil law that is null and void, revoked or determined to be ineffective shall be returned; if it cannot or is not necessary to be returned, it shall be compensated at a discount.
Source: Guangdong General Law consolidated, mainly from Shandong High Law.
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