推特史诗级漏洞 欧科云链OKLink带你追溯被骗的比特币

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:25 评论:0



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北京时间2020年7月16日凌晨三点左右,推特上多位大V账户遭到黑客入侵,这些账号包括比尔·盖茨、特斯拉 CEO 马斯克、前美国副总统拜登和苹果公司官方推特等。

On 16 July 2020, at about 3 a.m. Beijing time, several large V accounts on Twitter were hacked, including Bill Gates, Tesla CEO Mask, former United States Vice President Biden and Apple official Twitter.


Interestingly, all of these hacker-invaded accounts posted the same bitcoin fishing information on Twitter, “to give back to everyone, you will get a double reward for sending bitcoin to the bitcoin address (bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlhh) for 30 minutes”.

据欧科云链 OKLink 浏览器显示,黑客的交易地址共计收到 12.85 BTC, 且这些BTC现已基本完成转移,转移期间,多次运用了混币手段进行交易混淆。

According to the OkLink browser of the Ocowin chain, a total of 12.85 BTC has been received by hackers, and these BTCs have largely completed the transfer, during which several operations were carried out using monetized means.

截至发稿,该钱包内的余额为 0.0083 BTC,在24小时内该地址共计进行376次交易,在该地址共计的交易中,目前有366笔交易向该地址转账比特币。

As of the issuance, the balance in the wallet was 0.0083 BTC, with a total of 376 transactions carried out at that address within 24 hours, and of the total number of transactions at that address, 366 transactions are currently transferring bitcoin to that address.

通过浏览器查询发现,黑客将12.85 BTC拆分成了5笔额度大于1 BTC的转账和若干笔额度不到1 BTC的的转账。这几笔额度大于1 BTC的转账分别为4.64 BTC、2.03 BTC、1.5BTC、1.24 BTC以及1.048 BTC。

Through a browser query, the hacker splits 12.85 BTC into five transfers of more than 1 BTC and several transfers of less than 1 BTC. These transfers of more than 1 BTC were 4.64 BTC, 2.03 BTC, 1.5 BTC, 1.24 BTC and 1.048 BTC, respectively.


Through this layer splitting, hackers gradually transfer BTC.



在OKLink官网中,输入4.64 BTC的交易哈希(45ee84e6b43c3fff796aa5d1686f7bdf1ae91d57650f106e5f025bbcde26d87c),可以看到BTC的流向。

In the OKLink network, input 4.64 BTC transactions Hashi (45ee84e6b43c3fff796a5d1686f7bdf1ae91d5765f106e5f025bbcde26d87c) can see the flow of BTC.

通过追溯发现,黑客将4.299 BTC先转至地址(bc1qjjcc4ylp9yfn04m34wzlscp5q2rpyu89rmqslf),随后连同所获的其他 BTC(共计4.64 BTC)拆分为2笔资金,一笔金额为3 BTC,另一笔金额为1.64 BTC,并将它们转移至更多的其他地址。

By retroactive discovery, the hacker first transferred 4.299 BTC to the address (bc1qjjcc4ylp9yfn04m34wlscp5q2rpyu89rmqslf) and then split it into two funds with other BTC received (total 4.64 BTC) in the amount of 3 BTC and 1.64 BTC in the amount of 1.64 BTC and transferred them to more other addresses.


It is worth noting that OKLink provides a more practical small feature on the page, clicking on the arrow on the right side of the input address to trace the flow of the UTXO (funds).

其次,继续追踪金额为3 BTC的交易地址(bc1q82sucw6kcf2rlklg8myf2fpkrg0rtduguddyxw),它被继续拆分至交易地址3JMfBVJbaeh9pxMXMERS7wFDNqZZghb8fx(1 BTC)和交易地址bc1q7u0s59n4ke8d7qdmmlnpcx4xk9ddhnmtjpxtat(1.99 BTC)。

Second, the transaction address in the amount of 3 BTC (bc1q82sucw6kf2rlkllg8myf2fpkrg0rtduguddyxw) continued to be traced to the transaction address 3JMfBVJbaeh9pxMXMERS7wFNDNZghb8fx (1 BTC) and the transaction address bc1q7u0s59n4k8d7ddmlmlpx4xk9dhmtjpxtat (1.99 BTC).

同样地,在OKLink官网上输入交易哈希053fe44233d8e8a625d509f0dcf6aef672f297b4c2c7d7bd989d377027888b56,发现黑客将2.03 BTC先拆分至两个地址,再转移至更多的其他地址。

Similarly, by entering the deal 053fe 443d 8e 8a625d509f0dcf 6aef 672f297b2c2c7c7d7d7d977027888b56 on the website of the OKLink officer, the hacker was found to have removed 2.03 BTC first to two addresses and then moved to more other addresses.

实际上,这就是一个拆分的过程,这种拆分会给追回这12.85 BTC的工作带来更多困难。一般情况下,最终黑客会将被拆分的BTC逐步转至交易所来进行套现。

In fact, this is a process of splitting, which makes it more difficult to recover these 12.85 BTCs. Normally, the ultimately split BTCs are gradually transferred to the exchange for their release.

近期黑客入侵大V社交网络账号骗取比特币事件频发,今年5月,有诈骗者利用知名人士的影像,在 Youtube 平台直播,同时放出比特币地址进行诈骗。这些知名人士包括Social Capital 的创始人兼 CEO Chamath Palihapitiya 、微软总裁 Brad Smith,以及小米创始人雷军。

The recent hacking of Big V social network accounts has led to frequent cases of Bitcoin. In May of this year, fraudsters used images of prominent individuals to broadcast live on YouTube and to release the Bitcoin address for fraud. These prominent figures include the founder and founder of Social Capital, CEO Chamath Palihapitiya, Microsoft President Brad Smith, and Mi’s founder, the Mine Army.

此外,1个月前,有人在YouTube上利用特斯拉创始人Elon Musk及其公司SpaceX的名字进行比特币诈骗,骗取价值超200万美元的比特币。

In addition, a month ago, on YouTube, the name of Tesla's founder, Elon Musk, and his company SpaceX, was used to defraud Bitcoin to obtain bitcoins worth more than $2 million.


This series of bitcoins can be traced back through block-chain browsers to assist the authorities in gaining access to fraudulent funds. As users and markets mature, the reference role of data tracking on the chain becomes more evident, and the volume and complexity of data on the chain is increasing, so industry demand is increasing beyond the basic function.


The use of block-chain browsers in different areas has given rise to more use of scenario imaginations in the future, with block-chain browsers extending from a basic query tool to full-scale service landing applications such as chain tracking.




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