比特币BTC、以太坊EYH、XRP 链上分析:价格涨幅可能有限

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:27 评论:0



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比特币BTC、以太坊EYH、XRP 链上分析,比特币BTC、以太坊EYH、XRP价格近期的涨幅比较有限,进行投资的用户需要思考。很多用户对近期的比特币BTC、以太坊EYH、XRP走势还不是很清楚,以下小编就带来有关于比特币BTC、以太坊EYH、XRP价格相关分析分享。

BitcoinBTC, Etheria EYH, XRP, and the recent increases in BTC, Etheria EYH, and XRP prices are relatively limited, and users of investment need to think. Many users are not very clear about the recent Bitcoin BTC, Etheria EyH, and XRP trends, and the following little editor brings with it an analysis of Bitcoin BTC, Ethal EyH, and XRP prices.


随着长期 SOPR 再次回到低位,比特币正从弱手转向强手。

as the SOPR returns to its lower position in the long term, bitcoin is shifting from weak to strong.

ETH 的活跃地址数量达到了四个月以来的最低点。

The number of active addresses reached the lowest number in four months.

XRP 最近的价格上涨扭转了该代币 10 月份的跌幅。

XRP recent price increases reversed the October drop in the currency.


截至发稿时,比特币以 2% 的涨幅领涨市场。以太坊上涨 2.82%,XRP价格大幅上涨 7.16%。

By the time of the release of , Bitcoin had increased its market by 2%. It rose by 2.82% and the price of XRP by 7.16%.

由于顶级加密资产以绿色交易,全球加密货币市值为 1.03 万亿美元,较上一交易日增长 1.76% 。比特币 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH) 和 XRP 呈现可观的收益,多头乘势而上。

Because top encrypted assets are traded greenly, the global market value of encrypted currencies is US$ 1.03 trillion, an increase of 1.76 per cent over the previous transaction date. Bitcoin (BTC), Etheria (ETH) and XRP show significant returns, with many advantages.

虽然 BTC、ETH 和 XRP 都在其短期图表上呈现上涨,但代币的链上数据显示出其价格走势的有趣表现。

Although BTC, ETH and XRP have all shown increases in their short-term charts, data on the chain of tokens show interesting manifestations of their price movements.



BTC prices: short-term rise

根据CryptoQuant 的数据,比特币代币交易计数或代币转移表明 BTC 正在易手。

According to CryptoQuant, Bitcoin transaction counts or intergenerational transfers indicate that BTC is turning hands.

对累积趋势的观察进一步表明,随着长期 SOPR 再次回到低位,从弱手转向强手。

Observations of cumulative trends further indicate that, as SOPR returns to its lower position in the long term, it moves from weak to strong.

除此之外,衍生品 CDD 流入也注意到多头头寸的飙升,这支持了价格的短期上涨。

In addition to this, the influx of derivatives, CDDs, also noted a surge in multiple positions, which supported short-term price increases.

BTC 价格坚挺在 20,300 美元

BTC price strong at US$20,300

看起来,BTC 的短期价格走势受到多头情绪的支持。围绕价格的 In/Out Of Money 指标表明,比特币价格在 20,300 美元大关处得到强有力的支持,其中 179 万个地址持有 113 万个比特币。

It appears that the BTC’s short-term price trends are supported by a lot of sentiment. The In/Out Of Money indicators around prices show that bitcoin prices are strongly supported at $20,300, with 1.79 million addresses holding 1.13 million bitcoins.

627,000 个地址持有 265,000 比特币的 20,900 美元大关可能成为下一个阻力位,价格可能会出现一些摩擦。

627,000 addresses hold US$ 20,900 of 265,000 bitcoin, which could become the next resistance position, and there could be some friction in the price.


ETH 活动放缓

ETH activity slows down

截至发稿时,以太坊的交易价格为 1,572.50 美元,日涨幅为 2.35%。ETH 价格扭转了过去三天的损失,使以太坊达到 1,525 美元的水平。但 ETH 多头仍需清除一些障碍,才能使价格出现复苏。

At the time of the release, it was US$ 1,572.50 with a daily increase of 2.35%. The Ether price reversed the loss of the last three days, bringing Ether to US$ 1,525.

Glassnode 数据突出显示,ETH 活动地址数(7d MA)刚刚达到 27,908 的 4 个月低点。

Glasnode data highlight the fact that the number of ETH active addresses (7d MA) has just reached the four-month low of 27,908.

尽管如此,一些积极的长期前景来自 ETH 鲸鱼。Santiment 11 月初的数据显示,以太坊的前 10 大非交易所地址在 9 月合并后一直在积累。鲸鱼地址增加了 6.7% 的 ETH。

Nevertheless, some positive long-term prospects come from ETH whales. Statistics from early November show that the top 10 major non-exchange addresses in Taiku have accumulated since September when they were merged. Whale addresses have increased by 6.7%.

自 9 月中旬以来,顶级地址持有的 ETH 供应量也保持健康增长。IntoTheBlock 的数据突显了 ETH 在 1,596 美元大关处的巨大阻力,超过 137 万个地址持有 270 万个 ETH。

Since mid-September, the supply of ETHs held at the top address has also continued to grow in good health. IntoTheBlock data highlights the enormous resistance of ETH at the $1596, with more than 1.37 million addresses holding 2.7 million ETHs.

如果出现回调,1,547 美元大关将成为强有力的支撑,其中 154 万个地址持有 627 万个 ETH。

In the event of a return, the $1547 mark will be a strong support, of which 1.54 million addresses hold 6.27 million ETHs.


XRP 价格爆发,接下来会发生什么?

XRP price explosion, what happens next?

XRP 价格在发稿时大幅上涨,在最后一天上涨了近 8%。按市值排名第六的加密货币日交易量增至 21.5 亿美元,涨幅超过 50%。

XRP prices rose significantly at the time of publication, almost 8 per cent on the last day. The number of encrypted currency transactions in sixth place by market value increased by more than 50 per cent to $2.150 billion per day.

最近 XRP 价格上涨扭转了该代币 10 月的跌幅。XRP 的活跃地址为 30,100,但截至发稿时并没有出现大幅飙升。

The recent XRP price increase reversed the October fall. The active address of the XRP is 30,100, but there was no significant surge at the time of the release.

也就是说,在 11 月 1 日,XRP 见证了最显着的年龄消费高峰之一,超过 5500 亿个代币被转移。最近飙升背后的一个原因可能是代币的变动

That is, on November 1st, XRP witnessed one of the most significant peaks in age consumption, with more than 550 billion decins being diverted. One of the reasons behind the recent surge may be a change in the currency.

XRP 网络的一个令人担忧的趋势是,交易数量已降至极低的水平,这可能意味着尽管价格上涨,但需求仍在下降。

A worrying trend in the XRP network is that the volume of transactions has fallen to very low levels, which may mean that demand is declining despite rising prices.


The decline. It remains to be seen whether these gains will be sustainable.

因为,XRP 价格的下一个主要阻力位在 0.50 美元关口,而 0.44 美元关口仍然是一个强有力的支撑。

Because the next major resistance to XRP prices is at the US$ 0.50, while the US$ 0.44 is still a strong support.




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