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比特币(Bitcoin)是一种基于区块链技术的数字货币,也是目前最为知名和广泛使用的加密货币。比特币的概念最早由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在2008年提出,并于2009年正式推出。比特币是一种去中心化的数字货币,没有中央银行或政府机构控制和发行。它通过一种称为区块链的分布式账本技术来实现交易记录和验证。比特币的单位为BTC,可以用于购买商品和服务,也可以作为投资资产进行交易。

Bitcoin is a digital currency based on block chain technology and is currently the most well-known and widely used encrypted currency. The Bitcoin concept was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and officially launched in 2009. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that is not controlled or issued by central banks or government agencies.


The central principle of links form a chain to make an unalterable historical record of transactions. Participants in the Bitcoin network validate and add new blocks by calculating complex mathematical questions, a process known as mining. Mining is not only a distribution mechanism for bitcoin, but also a key element in ensuring network security.


Bitcoin has the following salient features:

  • 去中心化:比特币没有中央银行或政府的控制,所有的交易由网络中的节点共同验证和维护账本,这使得比特币系统更加公正和透明。

    Decentralized : Bitcoin has no central bank or government control and all transactions are jointly validated and maintained by nodes in the network, which makes the bitcoin system more fair and transparent.

  • 匿名性:比特币交易可以在保护用户身份的同时进行,不需要透露真实姓名和个人信息,这在一定程度上保护了用户隐私。

    Anonymous : Bitcoin transactions can take place while protecting the identity of the user without the need to disclose real names and personal information, which to some extent protects the privacy of the user.

  • 无需第三方机构:比特币交易完全基于点对点技术,不依赖于传统金融机构的中介,这意味着交易速度更快、手续费更低。

    does not require a third-party agency : Bitcoin transactions are based solely on point-to-point technology and are not dependent on intermediaries from traditional financial institutions, which means faster transactions and lower transaction costs.

  • 通货膨胀控制:比特币系统设定了一个上限,预计总量为2100万枚,这意味着比特币的发行是有限的,不会像传统货币那样无限制地增加。

    Inflation control: The Bitcoin system has set a ceiling of 21 million, which means that the distribution of bitcoins is limited and does not increase as unlimitedly as the traditional currency.


Bitcoin can be used to purchase goods and services, and a growing number of businesses are beginning to accept bitcoin payments. In addition, bitcoin can be an investment asset through which participants can buy and sell through exchanges and speculatory transactions.


The emergence and development of Bitcoin have far-reaching financial and social implications. First, the decentralized nature of Bitcoin makes transactions more liberal and borderless, helping to solve some of the problems in the traditional financial system. Second, Bitcoin’s block-chain technology is considered to have a wide range of applications that can be used to improve efficiency and security in areas such as finance, logistics, supply chains, etc. Moreover, Bitcoin’s value is highly volatile and attracts the attention of many investors and traders.


Bitcoin is a digital currency based on block chain technology, characterized by decentralisation, limited supply, anonymity, security, speed and low cost. It can be used to purchase goods and services, or traded as an investment asset. Bitcoin’s emergence and development have far-reaching financial and social implications, as well as challenges and risks.


how the Bitcoin block chain technology secures transactions


Bitcoin’s block chain technology guarantees the security of transactions through a complex set of mechanisms. The following are key points:

  • 分布式账本

    Distributed books


Bitcoin uses distributed booking techniques, which means that transaction records are not stored on a single central server, but on thousands of computer nodes around the globe. Each node holds a copy of the block chain and can verify the validity of the transaction. This distribution significantly reduces the risk of a single point failure and makes it extremely difficult to tamper with the entire block chain.

  • 加密技术

    Encryption technology


Bitcoin transactions depend on cryptography, especially public key encryption and digital signature techniques. Each bitcoin address corresponds to one public key and one private key. Public keys can be shared publicly to receive bitcoins, while private keys must be kept secret to sign transactions. Only with the right private key can transactions be validated and executed online. This design ensures that only legitimate owners can transfer bitcoins and prevent unauthorized transactions.

  • 工作量证明(PoW)

    Workload certification (PoW)


The Bitcoin network uses a workload proof mechanism to determine who has the right to add new trading blocks to the block chain. The miners compete for this right by resolving complex mathematical problems, a process that consumes a significant amount of computing resources. Once a miner has found a solution, he will broadcast the block and the transactions it contains to the network, and the other nodes will agree to join the block chain. Such a mechanism ensures the order and security of the transaction and prevents double payment.

  • 共识机制

    Consensus mechanism


The consensus mechanism for block chains requires that most nodes agree to new blocks in order to be added to the block chain. This means that, even if there is an attempt to tamper with transaction records, more than half of the computing power in the network needs to be controlled, which is almost impossible in practice. This democratic decision-making process ensures the stability and security of the block chain.

  • 交易确认

    Transactions confirmed


Bitcoin transactions require a certain amount of confirmation before they are considered safe. Normally, a transaction is considered safe after six confirmations, because the last six blocks of the Bitcoin network are essentially irreversible. This reduces the risk that the transaction will be reversed.


Bitcoin’s block chain technology, by means of distributed books, encryption technology, workload certification mechanisms, consensus mechanisms and transaction recognition, together ensures the security and non-diversion of transactions. The combination of these technologies makes bitcoin a decentralised, secure and reliable digital monetary system.


Reason for the limited amount of bitcoins


The amount of bitcoin is limited, mainly because of its design principles and algorithms. Benz of Bitcoin’s creators set a rigid cap on the design of bitcoin, that is, a total of only 21 million bitcoins. The cap is implemented through the Bitcoin consensus rule, which means that no amount of bitcoins will exceed that number, regardless of technological advances.


The supply of bitcoin is controlled by the mining process. In the Bitcoin network, a new block is created every once in a while (about every 10 minutes) and diggers compete for rights to account for new blocks by solving complex mathematical problems, and successful diggers get a certain amount of bitcoins as an incentive. However, the reward is not constant, but is gradually reduced in accordance with the pre-set plan of halving. Initially, each block produces 50 bitcoins, halving the incentive for each block after every 210,000 blocks. According to this pattern, in 2140, Bitcoins will produce nearly 21 million pieces of them, and no new bitcoins will be produced.


This design ensures the scarcity of bitcoins, similar to the extraction of precious metals. Scarcity is one of the important sources of bitcoins value, as it limits the availability of bitcoins, thereby ensuring some degree of stability in their purchasing power. Moreover, bitcoins supply is open and transparent, and anyone can verify current supplies and future production rates, which increases the predictability and transparency of the Bitcoin market.


The limited size of Bitcoin is determined by the algorithms and consensus mechanisms it designs, a feature that makes bitcoin scarce and helps to maintain its value stability, and one of the reasons why bitcoin is seen as a potential storage tool for value.


Bitcoin's advantage in international remittances


Bitcoin, as an encrypted currency, has multiple advantages over traditional forms of international remittances:

  1. 低成本:比特币交易几乎没有任何手续费,而传统的国际汇款往往涉及多个中介机构,每个机构都会收取一定的手续费,导致交易成本高昂。

    Low Cost : Bitcoin transactions have virtually no handling fees, while traditional international remittances often involve multiple intermediaries, and each agency will charge a certain handling fee, resulting in high transaction costs.

  2. 快速交易:传统的国际汇兑通常需要几天甚至更长时间才能完成,而使用比特币进行跨境交易,只需要几分钟到几个小时即可完成。

    Fast Transactions: Traditional international exchange rates usually take days or even longer to complete, while the use of bitcoin for cross-border transactions takes minutes or hours to complete.

  3. 去除中间商:传统的国际汇兑常常涉及多个中介机构,如银行、支付机构等。比特币的去中心化使得交易过程直接在买方和卖方之间进行,去除了中间商的影响,使交易更加简化和高效。

    Removal of middlemen: Traditional international exchange rates often involve multiple intermediaries, such as banks, payment agencies, etc. The centralization of Bitcoin allows the transaction to be conducted directly between buyers and sellers, excluding the influence of intermediaries and making it simpler and more efficient.

  4. 安全保障:比特币基于区块链技术,使用密码学算法加密并验证交易的合法性。这使得比特币具有高度的安全性,几乎不可篡改。与此同时,比特币的匿名特性也保护了交易的隐私和安全。

    Security : Bitcoin, based on block chain technology, uses cryptography algorithms to encrypt and verify the legitimacy of transactions. This makes bitcoin highly secure and almost unalterable. At the same time, Bitcoin's anonymity protects the privacy and security of transactions.

  5. 全球可接受:比特币是一种全球性的加密货币,它没有国界限制。这意味着无论是从哪个国家向哪个国家进行跨境交易,比特币都能被广泛接受。

    Globally Acceptable : Bitcoin is a global encrypted currency that has no borders. This means that Bitcoin is widely accepted regardless of the country from which it is traded across borders.

  6. 减少资本要求:比特币交易可以立即交易和结算,无需批量支付和对冲汇率风险,这意味着公司可以单独转移每个单独的交易,而不需要持有大量的头寸,从而降低了资本要求。

    Reduce capital requirements: Bitcoin transactions can be traded and settled immediately without bulk payment and hedge exchange rate risk, which means that companies can move each individual transaction separately without having to hold a large number of positions, thereby reducing capital requirements.

  7. 外币货币定价的效率:比特币在世界各地每天24小时交易,可以直接进行货币兑换,避免了传统的繁琐流程和高昂成本。

    Efficiency of foreign currency pricing : Bitcoins are traded 24 hours a day around the world and can be exchanged directly, avoiding traditional cumbersome processes and high costs.

  8. 减少新公司的开销:使用比特币作为中介机制的汇款公司可以有效地降低成本,不需要处理昂贵的银行基础设施和外汇经纪商,这意味着更多的新公司可以进入这个领域,并提供有竞争力的替代品。

    Reduce the cost of new companies: Remittance companies using bitcoin as an intermediary mechanism can effectively reduce costs without having to deal with expensive banking infrastructure and foreign exchange brokers, which means that more new companies can enter the field and provide competitive alternatives.


Bitcoin’s advantages in international remittances lie in its low-cost, fast-trading, decentralisation, high security, global acceptability, reduced capital requirements, more efficient foreign currency pricing, and lower spending by new companies. These advantages make bitcoin an attractive international remittance option, especially for individuals and businesses seeking more efficient and economical solutions to cross-border payments.




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