比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

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这些珍贵史料带你回顾比特币 12 年发展历程。

These landmarks provide you with a review of the 12 years of development of bitcoin.

撰文:Vanessa Cao

: Vanessa Cao

比特币是第一个加密电子货币,其特色是使用密码学来控制货币的制造和管理,而非依赖特定的中央机构。我们希望探索自比特币诞生以来,发生的重要事件,人物,国家及相关的价格波动对其发展的历史回顾。 比特币背后的科技和概念并非皆为新创;其推测的幕后发明人中本聪结合了许多来自数位朋克社群的既有想法,创造了比特币。本文回顾了比特币发展 11 年至今,整个与比特币发展相关的重要事件与全球合规的发展。

Bitcoin is the first encrypted electronic currency, characterized by the use of cryptography to control its manufacture and management, rather than relying on specific central institutions. We would like to explore the history of important events that have taken place since Bitcoin’s birth, with figures, countries, and associated price fluctuations.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图片来源于网络

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development


The key element of Bitcoin:

  • 比特币是第一个基于区块链诞生的虚拟货币。它被认为是至今为止最成功且在全球范围内传播最广泛的新事物。
  • 2009 年,当第一个比特币被挖出时,比特币的价格仅为几美分,趋近于为零。
  • 2020 年,比特币诞生 11 年后,其价格已超过 23000 美元。
  • 比特币第三次减半(2020 年 5 月)以后,整个虚拟货币市场开始逐渐成熟,机构不断增加兴趣开始投资比特币,华尔街对冲基金经理「唱多」比特币来对抗美元贬值已成为不可避免的趋势。

2008 年 8 月 18 日:bitcoin.org 域名被注册。

August 18, 2008: bitcoin.org domain name registered.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2008 年 10 月 31 日:中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在 metzdowd.com (密码朋克)网站的邮件列表中发表了一篇论文,题为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System),即:比特币白皮书。
当时比特币价格 0.00076 美元。

October 31, 2008: Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper entitled Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System in a mailing list on the metzdowd.com (passcode punk) website, namely: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electric Cash System.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2009 年 1 月 3 日:中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在芬兰赫尔辛基的一个小型服务器上挖出了比特币的第一个区块——创世区块(Genesis Block),并获得了 50 个比特币的奖励。创始区块计入公开账簿,比特币交易的价值由 bitcointalk 论坛上的使用者彼此协商,区块链时代正式开始。

January 3, 2009: Satoshi Nakamoto dug up the first block of Bitcoin on a small server in Helsinki, Finland – Genesis Block – and received 50 Bitcoin awards. Founding blocks were entered into the public books, and the value of Bitcoin transactions was taken from bitcointalk forum, where users consulted each other at the block chain age.

注:比特币创世区块地址 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa

Note: Bitcoin Founding Block Address 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7Divfna

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图片来源于当年 Bitcointalk 论坛

bitcoin general history: 97 pictures detailing bitcoin 12 years of development from the same year's Bitcointalk forum

2009 年 1 月 12 日:中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在区块 170 高度向哈尔·芬尼(Hal Finney)发送了 10 个比特币。完成了比特币第一笔交易。

January 12, 2009: Satoshi Nakamoto sent 10 bitcoins at 170 altitude to Hal Finney. The first bitcoin transaction was completed.

2009 年 12 月 16 日:小规模的加密社区为比特币开发创建了一个 IRC (互联网聊天室)频道:#bitcoin-dev,出现了比特币 0.2 版本。

December 16, 2009: Small encrypt communities created an IRC (Internet chat room) channel for Bitcoin development: #bitcoin-dev, with a Bitcoin 0.2 version.

2010 年 5 月 22 日:佛罗里达州的一名程序员 Laszlo Hanyecz 发布使用 10,000 个比特币购买了两块披萨,没想到与一位名叫 Jercos 网友达成了交易。作为使用比特币购买实物的首次交易,比特币爱好者将这一天称为「比特币披萨节」。按照今天的价格来算,价值 2.2 亿美金。这是在比特币发展历史上第一次被当成货币使用。

May 22, 2010: Laszlo Hanyecz, a Florida programmer, published two pizzas using 10,000 bitcoins, and did not think that a deal had been made with a friend named Jercos. As the first trade in bitcoins for physical purchases, Bitcoin fans called the day "bitcoin pizza festival." At today's prices, the value was $2.2 billion. For the first time in the history of Bitcoin, it was used as a currency.

注:披萨钱包地址 1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4

Note: Pizza wallet address 1xPTgDrhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2010 年 7 月 11 日:比特币被著名新闻网站 Slashdot 报道:比特币发布 0.3 版本,因此比特币用户数量急速增长;

July 11, 2010: Bitcoin was reported by a well-known news website, Slashdot: Bitcoin released a 0.3 version, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of Bitcoin users;

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/07/11/1747245/bitcoin-releases-version-03

 Bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link:

2010 年 7 月 16 日:比特币价格从 0.008 美元升值 0.08 美元,价格上涨了 10 倍,第一次价格的剧烈波动,显示新生事物的崛起。

July 16, 2010: Bitcoin prices rose from US$0.008 to US$0.08, prices rose 10 times, and first price volatility showed the rise of new things.

2010 年 7 月 17 日:第一个比特币平台是由 Jed McCaled 创立的 MT.Gox(门头沟),位于日本东京都涩谷区的比特币交易所。

July 17, 2010: The first Bitcoin platform was created by Jed McCaled, the MT.Gox (door ditch), at the Bitcoin Exchange in Tokyo, Tokyo.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2010 年 8 月 6 日:比特币协议被发现重大漏洞,交易在登录到记录或「区块链」(block chain)之前并没有经过完整认证,让使用者可以绕过比特币的经济限制设定,并制造出无上限的比特币。

August 6, 2010: The Bitcoin agreement was found to be a major gap and the transaction was not fully certified before it was entered into the record or into the Block chain (block chain), allowing users to bypass the Bitcoin economic restrictions and create an unlimited bitcoin.

2010 年 8 月 15 日:这个漏洞被恶意利用;一笔转账交易过程中产生了 1.84 亿比特币,并分别转送到比特币网络上的两个地址。在不到一小时内,这笔异常交易就被发现,并在漏洞修复后被从交易记录上删除,整个网络也更新为新版的比特币协议。

August 15, 2010: The leak was used maliciously; when a transfer transaction was made, it generated 184 million bits of bitcoins, which were transferred to two addresses on the Bitcoin network. In less than an hour, the unusual transaction was discovered and removed from the transaction records after the bug was repaired, and the entire network was updated to the new version of the Bitcoins protocol.

2010 年 10 月 16 日:比特币论坛由会员 Diablo–D3 和 Nanotube 于 2010 年 10 月 16 日进行了第一笔有记录的托管交易,托管人为 theymos。

October 16, 2010: The first recorded trust transaction between members Diablo-D3 and Nanotube was carried out by the Bitcoin Forum on October 16, 2010 and was hosted by themmos.

2010 年 11 月 6 日:比特币价格 0.5 美元,市值超过 100 万美元。

6 November 2010: Bitcoin at a price of $0.5 million and a market value of more than $1 million.

2010 年 12 月 12 日:中本聪最后一次发帖。

December 12, 2010: The last post sent by Chinese Ben-Sung.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2010 年 12 月 16 日:首个比特币矿池 Slushpool(Slushpool.com) 出现,公司成立于于捷克 SatoshiLabs,创世人为 Marek Palatinus。

December 16, 2010: The first bitcoin pond Slushpol (Slushpool.com), founded in Satoshi Labs, Czech Republic, created Marek Palatinus.

注:当时用户正用自己的电脑挖矿,然后意识到独立挖矿的方式将会很快无利可图。于是想到了一个解决方法,让挖矿者们联合起来,集中资源和按比例分享利润的系统,这个方法叫做 pooled mining,即联合挖矿。

Note: Users were digging with their own computers, and then realized that independent mining would soon be unprofitable. So there was a solution that brought miners together to pool resources and a system of proportional profit-sharing, known as co-mining.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 2 月 9 日:比特币价格首次突破 1 美元,与美元等价。该标志性事件造成一股比特币热潮,比特币官方网站短时间因流量过大而瘫痪。

9 February 2011: Bitcoin prices were first broken by $1, equivalent to the dollar. The landmark event caused a bitcoin boom, and Bitcoin’s official website was paralysed for a short period of time by excessive traffic.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹截图为 Slashdot 媒体对比特币交易对的报道

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 2 月 9 日: 比特币以兑美元 1:1 在门头沟交易所(Mt.Gox) 交易。

February 9, 2011: Bitcoin to the dollar 1:1 at Mt.Gox.

2011 年 3 月 27 日:比特币开启与英镑的互兑交易。

March 27, 2011: Bitcoin opened an exchange deal with the pound sterling.

2011 年 3 月 31 日:比特币开启与巴西币的互兑交易。

March 31, 2011: Bitcoin opened exchange with Brazilian currency.

2011 年 4 月 5 日:比特币开启与波兰币的互兑交易,交易所为 Bitmarket.eu

April 5th 2011: Bitcoin opened an exchange with Polish currency for Bitmarket.eu

2011 年 4 月 16 日:《时代》杂志报道比特币。

April 16, 2011: Times magazine reports on Bitcoin.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://techland.time.com/2011/04/16/online-cash-bitcoin-could-challenge-governments/

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link :

2011 年 4 月 20 日:美国福布斯(Fobes)报道虚拟货币。

April 20, 2011: Fobes, USA, reporting on virtual currency.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接 :https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2011/0509/technology-psilocybin-bitcoins-gavin-andresen-crypto currency.html?sh=6ca055f353ee

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link: ?

2011 年 5 月:BitPay 于美国奥兰多成立,创始人为 Tony Gallippi 和 Stephen Pair.

May 2011: Bitpay was founded in Orlando, United States, by Tony Gallippi and Stephen Pair.

注:BitPay 是面向收取 Bitcoin 商户的支付解决方案公司,商户收到消费者的 Bitcoin,通过 BitPay 把钱转成自己使用的货币。

Note: BitPay is a payment solution company for receiving Bitcoin merchants, who receive Bitcoin from consumers and transfer money through BitPay into their own currency.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 6 月 2 日:比特币于门头沟交易所(Mt.Gox)触达最高价 10 美元。

2 June 2011: Bitcoin reached the highest price of $10 at Mt.Gox.

2011 年 6 月 8 日:比特币于门头沟交易所(Mt.Gox)触达最高价 30 美元。

June 8, 2011: Bitcoin reached the highest price of $30 at Mt.Gox.

2011 年 6 月 9 日:比特币中国(BTC China),是中国第一家也是全世界最大的比特币交易平台成立,创始人 Bobby Lee。同日比特币中国价格达到 150 元。

June 9, 2011: Bitcoin China (BTC China), the first and largest trading platform for bitcoin in China, was founded by Bobby Lee, the founder of the world. Bitcoin Chinese prices amounted to 150 yuan on the same day.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 6 月 11 日:《经济学人》报道比特币题为「Bits or Bob」(译:七零八落)。文中提到目前的交易所会像大宗商品一样面临监管的问题,人们的观念需要很长的时间来接受这种虚拟货币。

June 11, 2011: The Economist reports that Bitcoin is called Bits or Bob. It mentions that the current exchange will face regulatory problems like large commodities, and that people’s perceptions will take a long time to accept this virtual currency.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://www.economist.com/babbage/2011/06/13/bits-and-bob

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link :

2011 年 6 月 12 日:比特币于门头沟交易所(Mt.Gox)跌落至 10 美元,造成当日最大跌幅。

June 12, 2011: Bitcoin fell to $10 at the Mt.Gox, causing the largest fall on the day.

2011 年 6 月 19 日:门头沟交易所被黑客入侵,6 万用户信息包括邮箱密码遭窃取,有用户丢失 2000 比特币,当日比特币价格由 17.5 美元跌为 0.1 美元,几乎归零。

June 19, 2011: The Door Gap Exchange was hacked and 60,000 users, including mailbox codes, were stolen, users lost 2,000 bitcoins, while the price fell from US$ 17.5 to US$ 0.1 on that date, almost nil.

2011 年 6 月 22 日:Room 77 酒吧开始接受比特币支付,这是第一家实体店接受比特币作为支付方式。

June 22, 2011: Room77 the bar began to accept Bitcoin payments, the first entity store to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment.

2011 年 7 月 28 日:Kraken 交易所于美国旧金山成立,创始人为 Jesse Powell。

July 28, 2011: The Kraken Exchange was founded in San Francisco, United States of America, by Jesse Powell.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 8 月: Bitstamp 于斯洛文尼亚成立由 Nejc Kodri?和 Damijan Merlak 创办。

August 2011: Bitstamp founded in Slovenia by Nejc Kodri? and Damijan Merlak.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 8 月 20 日:第一个关于比特币的论坛会议在纽约举行,共有 75 人参加。

August 20, 2011: The first forum on Bitcoin was held in New York with 75 participants.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻报道:https://observer.com/2011/08/bitcoin-enthusiasts-gather-in-nyc-to-meet-irl-and-show-off-bitcoin-start-ups/

 Bitcoin general history: 97 graphs detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoinnews:

2011 年 8 月 30 日:Blockchain.com 于美国旧金山成立,创始人 Ben Reeves, 也是 Coinbase 联合创始人之一。

August 30, 2011: Blockchain.com, founded in San Francisco, United States, by Ben Reeves and one of the co-founders of Coinbase.


Note: Bitcoin block chain browser site with access to block, Hash, transaction log, etc.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2011 年 10 月 7 日:莱特币Litecoin)通过 Github 上面的开源客户端进行发布 , 创始人为 Charlie Lee。

7 October 2011: Letcoin (

注:Charlie Lee 曾于 2013 年 6 月在 Coinbase 任职,莱特币为比特币的分叉币

Note: Charlie Lee served in Coinbase in June 2013 and Lightcoin was a bitcoin fork

2011 年 10 月 9 日:Charlie Lee 于 BitcoinTalk 发布了莱特币白皮书的内容。

9 October 2011: Charlie Lee published the contents of the White Paper on Lettco in BitcoinTalk.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=47417.0

Bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link:

2011 年 11 月 1 日:Casascius 比特币 POS 机(销售终端)研制成功。

1 November 2011: development of the Catascios Bitcoin Pos machine (sales terminal) was successful.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Casascius_Bitcoin_POS_system

bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link:

2011 年年底:巴比特由长铗、吴忌寒创建成立。同月吴忌寒发布 中文版比特币白皮书

End of 2011: Babbitt was created by Chang Xiao and Wu Xiaoqing. The Chinese version of the Bitcoin White Paper was released the same month by Wu Xiaoqing .


Note: Babbitt's oldest China Block Chain Information Community Portal

2011 年 12 月 12 日:某笔比特币 转账 产生了 171 个 BTC 的奖励。

December 12, 2011: The transfer of a bitcoin .

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 1 月 15 日:美剧傲骨贤妻 ( 片名:The Good Wife )第 3 季 13 集播出「傻瓜的比特币」。(Bitcoin for Dummies)

January 15, 2012: "Bitcoin for Dummmies" by the 3rd season 13th of The Good Wife.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 2 月:比特币回升至 2 美元。

February 2012: Bitcoin up to $2.

2012 年 5 月:Bitcoin Magizine 成立于美国,创始人为 Vitalik Buterin 和 Mihai Alisie

May 2012: Bitcoin Magizine was founded in the United States by Vitalik Buterin and Mihai Alisie

2012 年 5 月 9 日:比特币中国交易所日交易量突破 2000BTC

May 9, 2012: Bitcoin China Exchange daily trading out of 2000BTC

2012 年 5 月 27 日:比特币中国交易所(BTC China)注册用户突破 8000 人,日交易量跃居全球第 2

May 27, 2012: Bitcoin China Exchange (BTC China) outperformed 8000 subscribers and traded daily to the second largest in the world

2012 年 05 月 29 日: 比特币中国交易所(BTC China) 30 天交易量世界排名第 8。

29th of 05th of 2012: Bitcoin China Exchange (BTC China) ranked 8th in the world for 30 days of trading volume.

2012 年 6 月:Coinbase 于美国旧金山成立,创始人为 Brian Armstrong (前 Airbnb 工程师)和 Fred Ehrsam (前高盛交易员)。

June 2012: Coinbase was founded in San Francisco, United States of America, by Brian Armstrong (former engineer Airbnb) and Fred Ehrsam (former trader in Goldman Sachs).

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 6 月:OpenCoin (ripple 前身)成立与美国旧金山,由三位程序员 Schwartz, McCaleb 和 Britto 完成第一版的代码开发。

June 2012: OpenCoin (former) was founded in San Francisco with three programmers, Schwartz, McCaleb and Britto, to complete the first version of the code development.

注:OpenCoin 当时被定义为比特币的竞争对手。

Note: OpenCoin was then defined as a competitor of Bitcoin.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 6 月 3 日:以 1322 个交易创建的区块 181919。这是迄今为止最大的区块(block)。

3 June 2012: Blocks 181919 created with 1322 transactions. This is the largest block (block) to date.

2012 年 9 月 15 日:伦敦比特币会议召开,此时比特币价格为 11.8 美元。

September 15, 2012: The London Bitcoin Conference was held at a Bitcoin price of $11.8.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 9 月 27 日:比特币基金会 Bitcoin Foundation 成立。比特币价格为 12.46 美元。

27 September 2012: Bitcoin Foundation, Bitcoin Foundation. Bitcoin at $12.46.

注:BitMex 研究院报道了比特币基金会的 秘密往事

Note: BitMex Institute reported on the secret past of the Bitcoin Foundation

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 10 月 8 日: BitPay 发布报告公布全球超过 1100 家商户通过他们的支付系统来接收比特币的支付。

8 October 2012: Bitpay released a report that announced that more than 1,100 businesses worldwide received Bitcoin payments through their payment systems.

2012 年 11 月 15 日:WorldPress.com 宣布接受比特币支付。

November 15, 2012: WorldPress.com declared its acceptance of Bitcoin payments.

注:WordPress 是使用 PHP 语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持 PHP 和 MySQL 数据库的服务器上架设属于自己的网站。

Note: WordPress is a blog platform developed in PHP languages where users can set up their own websites on servers that support PHP and MySQL databases.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹公告链接:https://wordpress.com/blog/2012/11/15/pay-another-way-bitcoin/

Bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing the 12-year development trajectory

2012 年 11 月 28 日:比特币第一次减半, 此时比特币价格为 12.35 美元。

November 28, 2012: For the first time, Bitcoin was halved, at a price of $12.35.

注:亦称奖励减半,英文为 Halving,奖励减半是指开采比特币的回报以一个确定的但不断衰减的机制在每 210000 个区块被挖出来后矿工的奖励减半。

Note: Incentives are also reduced by half in English to Halving. Incentives are reduced by half in return for the extraction of bitcoin by a defined but declining mechanism, and by half in the case of miners once every 210,000 blocks have been excavated.

2012 年 12 月: Bitfinex 于中国香港成立,创始人为 Giancarlo Devasini 和 Raphael Nicolle。

December 2012: Bitfinex was founded in Hong Kong, China, by Giancarlo Devasini and Raphael Nicolle.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2012 年 12 月 6 日:第一个比特币交易所(Bitcoin-Central.net)于欧洲获得「银行」牌照。

December 6, 2012: The first Bitcoin-Central.net was granted a "bank" license in Europe.

当月比特币价格为 13 美元。

Bitcoin for the month was 13 dollars.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹2011 年 8 月-2012 年比特币走势图

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development August 2011 - 2012 Bitcoin movement

2013 年 1 月 23 日:第一台 ASIC 矿机阿瓦隆 Avalon 面世,开启了专业矿机挖矿时代。此时比特币价格为 265 美元(总值超过 10 亿美元)。

January 23, 2013: The first ASIC miner, Avalon Avalon, opened the era of a specialized miner. Bitcoin at a price of US$ 265 (with a total value of more than US$ 1 billion).

当时 V 神(Vitalik Buterin)对其进行了 报道 并发布于 BitcoinMagazine。

Vitalik Buterin reported at in BitcoinMagazine.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 2 月 17 日:著名社交新闻网站 Reddit 宣布接受比特币付款。TechCrunch 对其进行了报道。

February 17, 2013: The famous social news website Reddit announced its acceptance of Bitcoin payment. TechCrunch reported on it.

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bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 2 月 28 日:经过 601 天后, 比特币于门头沟交易(Mt.Gox)所交易重新回到 31.5 美金,创历史新高。

February 28, 2013: After 601 days, the Bitcoin deal in Mt.Gox returned to a record high of $31.5.

2013 年 3 月 BitGo 于美国旧金山成立,创始人为 Mike Belshe。

In March 2013, BitGo was founded in San Francisco, United States of America, by Mike Belshe.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 3 月 1 日:Bittrex 交易所于美国华盛顿成立,创始人为 Bill Shihara, Rami Kawach 和 Richie Lai,曾为微软的同事。

March 1, 2013: The Bittrex Exchange was founded in Washington, D.C., by Bill Shihara, Rami Kawach and Richie Lai, former Microsoft colleagues.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 3 月 25 日:塞浦路斯经济危机爆发,储户希望寻找一种能够避开纳税的保值方式,由于比特币本身的优势,成为了储户挽救自己财富的手段,一个月内比特币身价增长了 130%,塞浦路斯政府也就此以比特币代替本国货币获取储户的信任。各大银行的 ATM 机旁多出了一台崭新的机器,这也成为世界上第一款比特币 ATM 机。

March 25, 2013: In the wake of the economic crisis in Cyprus, savers want to find a way to avoid taxes. By virtue of the advantage of Bitcoin itself, it has become a means for savers to save their wealth, increasing by 130% in a month, and the Government of Cyprus has used bitcoin to gain the trust of depositors in lieu of its own currency.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 3 月 5 日:比特币的价格大约为 40 美元,月底便飙升至 92 美元,一周之后快速上涨至 266 美元。

March 5, 2013: Bitcoin prices amounted to approximately $40, rising sharply to $92 at the end of the month and rapidly rising to $266 a week later.

2013 年 3 月 18 日:美国财政部金融犯罪执法系统 FinCEN 发布《金融犯罪执法网络法规在个人管理、交换或使用虚拟货币中的 应用条例》(FIN-2013-G001)首次阐明了虚拟货币,FinCEN 法规定义货币(也指「实际」 货币)为:美国或者其他国家的硬币或纸币,它们被指定为法定货币,可流通,通常由国家发行,作为交换的媒介 被使用和接受。与实际货币相比,虚拟货币作为一种交换的媒介,在某些环境中像真实货币一样运转,但并不具备 实际货币的全部属性。尤其是,虚拟货币在司法权上不具有法定货币的地位。本指引阐述了具备「可转换」性的虚 拟货币。这种类型的虚拟货币具有实际货币的同等价值,或是实际货币的替代品。

March 18, 2013: FinCEN published Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Regulations in Personal Management, Exchange or Use of Virtual Currency (FIN-2013-G001) for the first time set out the virtual currency, which is defined by FinCEN (also referred to as “real” currency) as a legal currency or paper currency, which is designated as negotiable, usually issued by the State, and used and accepted as a medium for the exchange. Virtual currency as a medium for exchange, in some environments does not have all the attributes of real currency.

2013 年 3 月 28 日:比特币总市值突破 10 亿美元。

March 28, 2013: Bitcoin's total market value exceeded $1 billion.

2013 年 4 月 1 日:比特币于门头沟(Mt.Gox)交易所突破 100 美元。

April 1, 2013: Bitcoin breached $100 on the Mt.Gox exchange.

2013 年 4 月 10 日:比特币中国(BTC China) 日交易量达到 28600 BTC。

April 10, 2013: Bitcoin China (BTC China) recorded 28600 BTC transactions per day.

2013 年 5 月: Brandon Chez 创建了 CoinMarketCap,迅速成为全球访问量最大的虚拟货币信息网站。

May 2013: Brandon Chez created CoinMarketCap, which quickly became the most accessed virtual currency information website worldwide.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹截图于 2013 年 CoinMarketCap 网站

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development in 2013 on CoinMarketCap

2013 年 5 月:李笑来在深圳、广州、上海等地路演,募集国内首个比特币基金 Bitfund.PE。该募资计划显示,基金总额为 2000 万元,采用有限合伙的形式募集。个人投资者最低出资额为 10 万元。

The fund-raising program shows that the total amount of the fund is 20 million yuan, in the form of a limited partnership. The minimum amount for individual investors is 100,000 yuan.

2013 年 5 月 1 日:数字货币交易平台火币网于中国北京成立,创始人为李林。在创办火币之前,李林先生曾就职于 Oracle 亚洲研究中心并担任研发工程师。

1 May 2013: The Digital Currency Trading Platform (DMT) Fire money network was founded in Beijing, China, by Li Lin. Prior to its creation, Mr. Li Lin worked as a research and development engineer at the Oracle Asian Research Centre.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 5 月 7 日: 美国商品期货交易(CFTC)委员会理事 Bart Chilton 认为 比特币需要被监管,可被仍做为可交易的期货商品。

7 May 2013: Bart Chilton bitcoins needed to be regulated and could still be used as tradable futures.

2013 年 5 月 16 日:美国国土安全部 (United States Department of Homeland Security,缩写:DHS)通告 称电子货币交易网 Mt. Gox 首席执行官馬克·卡普利斯(Mark Karpeles),没能如实告知他在富国银行开设的账户是用作货币兑换,并查封比特币交易账户。随后,Mt. Gox 公布交易认证机制——用户需提供政府承认的身份证和债务信息。比特币价格再次跌至 70 美元左右。

16 May 2013: The United States Department of Homeland Security (United States Department of Homeland Security) referred to the Electronic Currency Exchange Network as the Chief Executive Officer of Mt. Gox, Mark Karpeles, failed to properly inform him that the account he opened in a rich country bank was used for currency exchange and seized the Bitcoin trading account.

2013 年 6 月:数字资产交易服务平台 OKCoin 币行成立,创始人为徐明星。在创办 OKCoin 之前,徐明星曾任职于豆丁网 CTO。

June 2013: Digital asset trading service platform OKCoin, founded by Xu Sing. Prior to the creation of Qui Coin, Xu was employed in the soybean web CTO.

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bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 6 月:Pantera Capital 于美国旧金山成立,是美国第一个专注于比特币和区块链技术投资的风险投资基金,创始人为 Dan Morehead。

June 2013: Pantera Capital, founded in San Francisco, United States of America, was the first venture capital fund in the United States to focus on technology investment in Bitcoin and block chains, founded by Dan Morehead.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 6 月 2 日:杨曜睿(前人人网联合创始人)组建了 ASICME 团队,专注矿机销售,按照 ASICME 团队公布的矿机参数,一台售价 3000 元的最低配置挖矿机,按照比特币挖矿速度,30 多天便可以回本。从 2013 年 6 月 2 日上线到 6 月底,其销售出去的矿机总价已达数百万元。

2 June 2013: Yang Xiaoji (former co-founder of the Network for All) formed an ASICME team to focus on the sale of mine machines, a minimum-positioned miner with a selling price of $3000, which can be returned for more than 30 days at Bitcoin speed, according to the parameters of the mine machine published by the ASICME team. From 2 June 2013, when the mine went online, to the end of June 2013, the total cost of the miner sold was already millions of dollars.

2013 年 7 月 1 日:貔貅交易所(后改名为云币网)成立,由李笑来管理的比特币基金(BitFund.PE)投资。

1 July 2013: The Trade Exchange (subsequently renamed the Yunn Network) was established with the BitFund.PE investment managed by Li Xiaoling.

2013 年 8 月 7 日:美国德州联邦法官 Hirsh 把 比特币裁为合法货币,受《联邦证券法》SEC 监管。

7 August 2013: bitcoin is regulated by the Federal Securities Act SEC.

注:当时 Pirateat40 发起了至今为止最大的比特币旁氏骗局,骗走了用户 507,148 万枚比特币,当时价值 5 百万美金。

Note: At that time, Pirateat40 launched the biggest bitcoin pontoon scheme to date, defrauding users of 5071.14 million bitcoins, valued at $5 million at the time.

2013 年 8 月 19 日:德国成为首个 承认 比特币的国家,比特币将可用于缴税和其他合法用途。消息公布后,比特币兑美元触及 123 美元的高位。

August 19, 2013: Germany became the first country to recognize that Bitcoin would be used for tax and other legitimate purposes. After the news came out, Bitcoin reached a high of $123 against the United States dollar.

2013 年 9 月 13 日:Barry Silbert 辞去了 SecondMarket 的首席执行官职务,并成功地说服 SecondMarket 董事会从公司拿出 300 万美元的资金来购买比特币,并用其中部分投资仓位孵化出一支名为 「Bitcoin Investment Trust(代码:GBTC)」 的比特币投资基金(灰度基金),在 SecondMarket 内部运营。

13 September 2013: Barry Silbert resigned from the post of CEO of Secondmarket and successfully convinced the Board of Directors of Secondmarket to pay $3 million from the company to buy bitcoins and to incubate a Bitcoin Investment Fund (GBT) with part of its investment warehouse called Bitcoin Investment Trust (code: GBTC) operating internally in SecondMarte.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 10 月:Circle 钱包于美国波士顿成立,创始人为 Jeremy Allaire 和 Sean Neville 。A 轮融资为 900 万美元。

October 2013: Circle Wallet was founded in Boston, United States of America, by Jeremy Allaire and Sean Neville.

注:作为一个支付平台,Circle 想让商户和消费者使用比特币等数字货币时变得更容易。该公司受美国财政部金融犯罪执法网络(Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,FinCEN)的监管,是第一家拿到了美国 Bitlicense 以及欧盟 E-moneylicense 的跨境支付/汇款公司。

Note: As a payment platform, Circle wants to make it easier for traders and consumers to use digital currency such as bitcoin. The company is under the supervision of the United States Treasury Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, FinCEN, the first to receive a cross-border payment/remittance company in the United States, Bitlicense and E-Moneylicense.

2013 年 10 月: Cointelegraph 成立于美国纽约,创始人 Brandon Chez。

October 2013: Founded in New York, USA, by Brandon Chez.

2013 年 10 月 22 日: 比特币中国(BTC China)日交易量突破 5 万个 BTC。

October 22, 2013: BTC China made a breakthrough of 50,000 BTCs on a day-to-day basis.

2013 年 10 月 26 日:中国交易所 GBL (期货交易所)突然宣布关闭,负责人跑路。成为「中国首例交易平台卷款跑路的虚拟币诈骗案件」。

October 26, 2013: China Exchange GBL (Foreigns Exchange) suddenly declared closed and the person in charge ran off. It became "the virtual currency fraud case in China's first trading platform."

2013 年 10 月 28 日:比特大陆 (BitMain) 于中国北京成立,创始人为吴忌寒与詹克团。

October 28, 2013: BitMain was founded in Beijing, China, and was founded by the Wu Xiaoqin and Jank Regiment.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 10 月 29 日:世界第一台比特币 ATM 机在加拿大温哥华问世,由 Robocoin 公司所推出,允许使用者把比特币兑换成为加元提取,每天最高上限为 3 千加元;另一方面,使用者亦可以透过存入现金购入比特币。

October 29, 2013: The world's first Bitcoin ATM was launched in Vancouver, Canada, by Robcoin, which allows users to convert bitcoin into Canadian dollars, up to a maximum of $3,000 per day; on the other hand, users can purchase bitcoin through cash deposits.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 11 月 : 比特大陆发布第一枚 55nm 芯片 BM1380,蚂蚁 S1 矿机量产销售。

November 2013: First launch of the 55nm chip BM1380, sale of the ant S1 mine.

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bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 11 月 4 日:纽约州金融服务局(The New York Department of Financial Services )开始聆听如何监管比特币。

November 4, 2013: The New York Department of Financial Services began listening to how to regulate Bitcoin.


According to the paper published at the hearing, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke argued that Bitcoin’s “or long-term commitment” could one day also “promote faster, safer, and more efficient payment systems.” There is no need for direct intervention and regulation of virtual currencies.

2013 年 11 月 9 日:BBC 中文报道《分析:比特币为何在中国市场异军突起?》,此时比特币中国(BTC China)的日交易量已经超过 9 万比特币,超过老牌网站门头沟交易所 (MT.GOX)和 Bitstamp 成为全世界最大的交易所,中国成为比特币交易量最大的市场。

November 9, 2013: BBC Chinese reported “Analysis: why did Bitcoin clash in the Chinese market?”, when Bitcoin China (BTC China) had more than 90,000 bitcoins per day, and over the old website MT.GOX and Bitstamp became the largest exchange in the world, and China became the largest market for bitcoin.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹报道链接:https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/china/2013/11/131119_ana_china_bitcoin

 Bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin report link:

2013 年 11 月 10 日:V 神发布以太坊白皮书,說明了建造去中心化程式的目标。

10 November 2013: was published by God to explain the objectives of the decentralised program.


Note: There will be a detailed presentation on the development history of Tai Hwan.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 11 月 10 日:澳大利亚 18 岁青年用自己的电脑开设了一家比特币银行 Tradefortress,网站被盗 4100 个比特币 , 价值 110 万美元,他声明无法向警察报案因为需要提供比特币的密码,这会使他失去比特币的所有权。

10 November 2013: Australia's 18-year-old opened a bitcoin bank, Tradefortress, with his own computer. The website was stolen by 4100 bitcoins, valued at $1.1 million. He stated that he could not report to the police because of the need to provide a bitcoin password, which would deprive him of Bitcoin's ownership.

2013 年 11 月 29 日:比特币在热门比特币交易所门头沟 Mt.Gox 的交易价格创下 1242 美元的历史新高,而同时黄金价格为一盎司 1241.98 美元,比特币价格首次超过黄金。

November 29, 2013: Bitcoin recorded a record high transaction price of $1242 in Mt.Gox at the gate of the popular Bitcoin exchange, while gold prices were $1241.98 per ounce, and Bitcoin prices exceeded gold for the first time.

2013 年 12 月 3 日:中国央行发布了《关于防范比特币风险的通知》,指出比特币不具有合法货币地位。比特币快速大跌至 1000 美元附近。中国市场对比特币对投资热情逐渐增加。

December 3, 2013: The Central Bank of China issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, stating that Bitcoin does not have legal monetary status. Bitcoin fell rapidly near $1,000.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2013 年 12 月 7 日:比特币价格跌至 760 美元左右,跌去了一半的币值。

December 7, 2013: Bitcoin prices fell to around $760 and fell by half.

2013 年 12 月 10 日: CoinDesk 于美国纽约成立,创始人 Shakil Khan。

December 10, 2013: CoinDesk was founded in New York, United States of America, by Shakir Khan.

2013 年 12 月 16 日:中国央行又召集十多家第三方支付公司的负责人谈话,要求不得为比特币交易平台提供支付和清算的服务。

December 16, 2013: The Central Bank of China convened another meeting with the heads of more than a dozen third-party payment companies to demand that payment and liquidation services not be provided to the Bitcoin trading platform.

2013 年 12 月 18 日:BBC 中文对中国限制比特币交易做了报道。

December 18, 2013: BBC reported in Chinese on China's restrictions on Bitcoin transactions.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/china/2013/12/131218_bitcoin_china

 Bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link:

2013 年 12 月:Xapo 于美国旧金山成立,创始人为 Casares 和 Federico Murrone。

December 2013: Xapo was founded in San Francisco, United States of America, by Casares and Federico Murrone.

注:Xapo 是早期是灰度基金的托管平台

Note: Xapo is the hosting platform for the early Greyscale Fund

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为 2013 年比特币走势图数据来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of developmentem> graphs are derived from TradingView for 2013

2014 年:Bithumb 于韩国首尔创立,是韩国最具影响力的数字货币交易所,拥有 800 万注册用户,100 万移动应用程序用户,目前的累计交易额已超过 1 万亿美元。

2014: Bitimb was founded in Seoul, Korea, as the country's most influential digital currency exchange, with 8 million registered users and 1 million mobile applications, with a current cumulative turnover of more than $1 trillion.

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bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2014 年 1 月:Poloniex 交易所于美国费城,创始人 Tristan D'Agosta。

January 2014: The Poloniex Exchange in Philadelphia, United States of America, founder of Tristan D'Agosta.

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bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2014 年 1 月 23 日:Gemini 交易所于美国纽约成立,创始人 Tyler Winklevoss 和 Cameron Winklevoss 兄弟,曾为 Facebook 的创始成员。

23 January 2014: The Gemini Exchange was founded in New York, United States of America, and its founders, Brother Tyler Winklevos and Cameron Winklevos, were founding members of Facebook.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2014 年 2 月 7 日:全球龙头比特币交易平台 Mt. Gox 方停止运作,用户存入的 75 万比特币和 Mt. Gox 所持的 10 万比特币,均遭骇客透过系统漏洞窃取,比特币最大的交易平台「Mt. Gox」在二月底确认损失了接近 75 万属于客户的比特币以及约 10 万左右属于公司自身的比特币,两者合计约占世界比特币总量的 7%,按当时汇率估计约值 4.73 亿美元。

7 February 2014: Global Dragon Bitcoin trading platform Mt. Gox ceased to function, users deposited 750,000 bitcoins and Mt. Gox held 100,000 bitcoins, stolen by hackers through systemic loopholes, and the largest Bitcoin trading platform, Mt. Gox, confirmed at the end of February the loss of close to 750,000 bitcoins belonging to clients and about 100,000 bitcoins belonging to the company itself, which together accounted for about 7 per cent of the world’s bitcoins, estimated at about $473 million at the current exchange rate.

2014 年 2 月 8 日:俄罗斯政府 宣布 全面禁用比特币。

February 8, 2014: The Russian Government a total ban on Bitcoin.

2014 年 2 月 10 日:比特币价格闪电般跌至 102 美元,跌幅 80%。Mt.Gox 发布声明表示,比特币挖矿和协议机制存在根本缺陷,因此出现用户故障、提现延时和失败的情况。

February 10, 2014: Bitcoin prices fell as fast as $102, a drop of 80%. Mt.Gox issued a statement stating that Bitcoin mining and protocol mechanisms were fundamentally flawed, resulting in user failure, delay and failure.

2014 年 2 月 27 日:日本监管机构开始研究比特币监管问题。

February 27, 2014: Japanese regulators began studying the issue of Bitcoin regulation.

2014 年 2 月 28 日:总部位在日本东京的「Mt. Gox」公司向东京地方法院声请破产保护之外,执行长「卡伯列」不久之后,也公开出面道歉。Mt.Gox 因无法弥补客户损失而申请破产保护。

February 28, 2014: In addition to filing a petition for bankruptcy protection with the Tokyo District Court, Mt. Gox, based in Tokyo, Japan, and shortly after the executive president "Cabree" publicly apologized. Mt. Gox applied for bankruptcy protection because he was unable to make up for the loss of his client.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://money.cnn.com/interactive/technology/dhs-mtgox-bitcoin/

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link:

2014 年 3 月 2 日:知名银行 Flexcoin 遭黑客洗劫 896 枚比特币,市值达 60 万美元,被迫关门。

March 2, 2014: Flexcoin, a well-known bank, was robbed 896 bitcoins by hackers with a market value of $600,000 and forced to close.

2014 年 3 月 25 日:美国国税局税务局(Internal Revenue Service,IRS)称比特币将作为财产而非货币来征税

March 25, 2014: The United States IRS Tax Office (International Review Service, IRS) .

2014 年 3 月 27 日:中国央行 研报 警示比特币五大风险。

March 27, 2014: Central Bank of China warns of five major risks in Bitcoin.

2014 年 4 月 15 日:中国大陆首台比特币 ATM 也将出现在上海张江高科技园区的一家名为 IC 咖啡的咖啡店内,而上海《第一财经日报》的记者于 2014 年 4 月 14 日率先体验这台比特币 ATM,并且完成了这台机器在中国大陆的第一笔购买比特币的交易。

April 15, 2014: China's first Taiwan bitcoin ATM will also appear in a coffee shop called IC in the Zhang Gang High Technology Park in Shanghai, while a journalist from Shanghai's First Financial Daily News took the lead on April 14, 2014 in experiencing this bitcoin ATM and completed the first purchase of bitcoin by the machine in mainland China.

2014 年 6 月 1 日:美国加州通过法案允许比特币使用和消费。

1 June 2014: California, USA passed a bill to allow Bitcoin to be used and consumed.

2014 年 6 月 17 日:Ghash.io 全网算力接近 51% 引起社区担忧,并迅速引发比特币价格的大幅下跌。

June 17, 2014: >Ghash.io's full Web capacity is close to 51% causing community concern and rapidly triggering a sharp drop in Bitcoin prices.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹截图源自:Blockchain.info

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of developmentfrom : Blockchain.info

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 diagrams detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

注:所谓 51% 的攻击,就是利用比特币网络采用 PoW 竞争记账权和「最长链共识」的特点,使用算力优势生成一条更长的链「回滚」已经发生的「交易行为」。51% 是指算力占全网算力的 51%,比特币网络需要通过哈希碰撞来匹配随机数从而获得记账权,算力衡量的是一台计算机每秒钟能进行哈希碰撞的次数。算力越高,意味着每秒钟能进行越多次的哈希碰撞,即获得记账权的几率越高。在理论上,如果掌握了 50% 以上的算力,就拥有了获得记账权的绝对优势,可以更快地生成区块,也拥有了篡改区块链数据的权利。

Note: The so-called 51% attack is the use of the Bitcoin network to use the characteristics of PoW competitive bookkeeping and “the longest chain consensus” to generate a longer chain of “roll back” transactions that have taken place. 51% is the 51% of total network computing, the Bitcoin network needs to match random numbers with Hashi collisions in order to obtain rights to account. The higher the calculus, the higher the probability of obtaining rights to account, if more than 50% of the computing power is acquired, the greater the ability to generate blocks more quickly, and the right to tamper with district chain data.

2014 年 6 月 23 日:矩阵元(JUZIX)于中国上海成立,创始人为孙立林,曾任职于中国银联。

June 23, 2014: The Matrix (JUZIX) was established in Shanghai, China, by

2014 年 7 月:RealCoin (Tether 的前身)由 Brock Pierce, Reeve Collins 和 Craig Sellars 创办。

July 2014: RealCoin (the predecessor of Tether) was founded by Brock Pierce, Reeve Collins and Craig Sellars.

2014 年 7 月 2 日:风险投资家 Tim Draper 拍下「丝绸之路」扣押的 3.2 万个比特币,拍卖金额 2000 万美元。

July 2, 2014: The venture capitalist Tim Draper took a picture of 32,000 bitcoins seized by the Silk Road at an auction of $20 million.

注:丝绸之路 Silk Road 是一家专注于在线非法销售商品的初创企业。有一段时间,它是购买毒品、枪支和杀手的 eBay,在这个匿名市场中使用的货币是永远可靠的比特币。

Note: Silk Road is a start-up business that specializes in the illegal sale of goods online. For some time, it buys drugs, guns and killers eBay, and the currency used in this anonymous market is always reliable bitcoin.

2014 年 7 月 9 日:波兰确认比特币为一种金融工具。

July 9, 2014: Poland recognized Bitcoin as a financial instrument.

2014 年 7 月 14 日:美国纽约州金融服务部(NYSDFS)公布 了一项拟议的「BitLicense」的详细信息,「BitLicense」对任何使用加密货币的居住在纽约的公司或个人进行了规定。

14 July 2014: NYSDFS

2014 年 7 月 18 日:戴尔宣布接受比特币支付,服务商为 Coinbase。

July 18, 2014: Dale announced acceptance of Bitcoin payments and the service provider was Coinbase.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2014 年 9 月 12 日:美国衍生品交易所 TeraExchange 正式 推出 了全球首个比特币掉期合约,这也是首个获得美国监管机构批准的基于比特币的金融产品。

September 12, 2014: The U.S. Derivatives Exchange, TeraExchange, officially the first Bitcoin-based financial product to be approved by U.S. regulatory bodies.

2014 年 9 月 12 日:西班牙政府 将比特币视为电子支付系统

September 12, 2014: The Spanish Government .

2014 年 9 月 24 日:PayPal 宣布与三大比特币处理商 BitPay,Coinbase 以及 GoCoin 建立合作关系。

September 24, 2014: PayPal announced a partnership with the three main BitPay processors BitPay, Coinbase and GoCoin.

2014 年 9 月 29 日:比利时宣布免征加密货币交易增值税。

29 September 2014: Belgium announced a waiver of the value added tax (VAT) on encrypt currency transactions.

2014 年 10 月: ConsenSys 于美国纽约成立,创始人为 Andrew Keys 和 Joseph Lubin。

October 2014: ConsenSys was founded in New York, United States of America, by Andrew Keys and Joseph Lubin.

2014 年 10 月 1 日:Chainlysis 成立,创始人 Jan Moller, Jonathan Levin 和 Michael Gronager。

1 October 2014: Chainlysis, founded by Jan Moller, Jonathan Levin and Michael Gronager.


Note: The company provides businesses and governments with block chain transactions monitoring tools to assist governments in monitoring anti-money-laundering offences using Bitcoin. The company has cooperated with a number of United States Government agencies, including the United States National Revenue Service (IRS), the Drug Control Service, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2014 年 10 月 6 日:RealCoin 代币发布,运行于 Omni 协议层。

October 6, 2014: The RealCoin Currency was published and operated on the Omni Protocol Layer.

2014 年 10 月 12 日:戴尔成为比特币矿业数据中心供应商。

October 12, 2014: Dale became a supplier to the Bitcoin Mining Data Centre.

2014 年 11 月 17 日:台湾「全家便利商店」 (Family Mart) 宣布,与台湾比特币平台-币托科技公司(BitoEX)合作导入「BitoEX 比特币钱包」,消费者只要使用比特币(BitCoin)就能在全台湾近 3000 家分店消费。

November 17, 2014: The Taiwan "family convenience store" announced that, in cooperation with Taiwan's Bitcoin platform-BitoEX, the "BitoEX Bitcoin wallet" would be imported and consumers would be able to consume nearly 3000 branches of BitCoin across Taiwan.

2014 年 11 月 20 日:Reeve Collins 宣布由 RealCoin 改名为 Tether,USDT 诞生。

November 20, 2014: Reeve Collins announced the birth of RealCoin, renamed Tether, USDT.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2014 年 12 月 11 日:美国科技巨头微软(Microsoft)接受比特币支付。

December 11, 2014: U.S. tech giant Microsoft accepted Bitcoin payments.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为比特币 2014 年走势图,来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of developmentem> diagrams from TradingView.

2015 年 1 月 5 日:Bitstamp,一次性被黑客盗取 19000 个比特币,价值 540 万美元,比特币价格跌至 152 美元的低点。

5 January 2015: Bitstamp, one-time hacking of 19,000 bitcoins valued at $5.4 million, dropped to a low of $152.

2015 年 2 月 15 日,黑客将比特儿交易平台(Gate.io) 冷钱包中所有比特币盗走,总额为 7170 个比特币。
2015 年 3 月:Digital Currency Group (DCG) 于美国纽约成立,创始人 Barry Silbert。

On February 15, 2015, hackers stole all of the Bitcoins from the Gate.io's cold wallet, amounting to 7170 bitcoins.
March 2015: Digital Crisis Group (DCG) was founded in New York, USA, by Barry Silbert.

此时比特币价格为:252 美元

At this point, the Bitcoin price was $252

2015 年 3 月 17 日:日本电子商务巨头乐天集团美国商城开始接受比特币支付。

March 17, 2015: The Japanese e-commerce giant Lotten Group, American Businesstown, began to accept Bitcoin payments.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2015 年 4 月:3M 庞氏骗局进入中国。12 月,大部分用户发现自己已经无法获得资金,3M 这个金融互助盘正式走向终结。

April 2015: The 3M Ponzi scheme entered China. In December, most users found that they no longer had access to funds, and the 3M financial solidarity scheme was officially closed.

注:「MMM」一词在世界上出现已有二十余年,曾经被定性为世界上最大的金融骗局。早在 1994 年,俄罗斯人谢尔盖·马夫罗季创建 MMM 公司,注册资金 10 万卢布(当时约合 1000 美元),其对外称是「非盈利性组织,不是网上业务,不是高收益投资项目,是一个互相帮助的社区」。

Note: The term MMM has been in existence in the world for more than two decades, and has once been characterized as the world’s largest financial fraud. As early as 1994, Sergei Mavroty, a Russian, founded MMM company with a registered capital of 100,000 rubles (at that time about US$ 1,000), referred to externally as “non-profit organizations, not online businesses, not high-yield investment projects, and a helping community.”

2015 年 6 月:纽约州金融服务厅(NYDFS)发布数字货币公司监管框架 BitLicense。这是最重要的加密货币法规之一。

June 2015: The New York State Financial Services Office (NYDFS) issued a regulatory framework for digital money companies, BitLicenense. This is one of the most important encrypted currency codes.

2015 年 8 月:微软必应搜索推出比特币奖励游戏。

August 2015: Microsoft should search and launch the Bitcoin reward game.

2015 年 8 月 1 日 : 前 Mt.GoxCEO 长马克·科尔佩勒斯被日本警方逮捕。警方指控该公司社长对系统进行非法操作,虚增虚假账户的比特币余额,以盗取比特币。

1 August 2015: former Mt. GoxCEO Chief Mark Corpeles was arrested by the Japanese police. The police accused the director of the company of illegally operating the system by inflating the bitcoin balance of the false account in order to steal bitcoin.

2015 年 8 月 25 日: 比特币价格跌破 200 美元。

August 25, 2015: Bitcoin prices fell by $200.

2015 年 9 月:万向区块链实验室成立,是中国首家专注于区块链技术的非盈利性前沿研究机构。

September 2015: 10,000 block chain laboratories were established as China's first non-profit front-line research institution focused on block chain technology.

2015 年 9 月 17 日:美国商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) 裁定比特币为商品。

17 September 2015: United States Commission on Commodity Futures Trading (CFTC) found Bitcoin to be a commodity.

2015 年 10 月:由万向控股出资 5000 万美金发起,分布式资本成立,是中国最大的区块链投资基金。

October 2015: The largest block-chain investment fund in China was launched with $50 million from 10,000 equity holdings and distributed capital.

2015 年 10 月 22 日:欧盟最高法院宣布比特币交易将免增值税(VAT)。

October 22, 2015: The EU Supreme Court declared Bitcoin transactions exempt from VAT.

2015 年 10 月底:比特币价格回升至 500 美元。

End of October 2015: Bitcoin price rebounded to $500.

2015 年 11 月 8 日:中本聪被提名诺贝尔经济学奖。

November 8, 2015: Nakamoto was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Economics.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2015 年 12 月 31 日:纳斯达克首支区块链创业公司 Chain,第一家使用 Linq 技术来完成并记录私募证券交易的公司,这一举措被看做是区块链行业的重大进展。

31 December 2015: The first NASDAQ block chain start-up company, Chain, the first company to use Linq technology to complete and record private securities transactions, was seen as a significant advance in the block chain industry.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为比特币 2015 年走势图,来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development diagrams from TradingView

2016 年 1 月 20 日:中国人民银行在北京召开数字货币研讨会,进一步明确数字货币的战略目标。

20 January 2016: The People's Bank of China held a seminar on digital currency in Beijing to further define the strategic objectives of digital currency.

2016 年 3 月 7 日:日本国会批准比特币监管新法案。

March 7, 2016: The Diet of Japan approved a new bill to regulate Bitcoin.

2016 年 4 月 28 日:著名游戏平台 Steam 宣布接受比特币支付。

April 28, 2016: The famous game platform Steam announced its acceptance of Bitcoin payments.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2016 年 5 月 25 日:日本认定比特币为财产。

May 25, 2016: Bitcoin was recognized as property in Japan.

2016 年 6 月 28 日:中华人民共和国民法总则明确虚拟财产属于民事权利保护范围。

June 28, 2016: The General Civil Law of the People's Republic of China makes it clear that virtual property falls within the protection of civil rights.

2016 年 7 月 9 日:比特币第二次减半,此时比特币价格为 650.63 美元。

July 9, 2016: Bitcoin was halved for the second time, at a price of $650.63.

2016 年 8 月 2 日 : Bitfinex 因为安全漏洞,遭受网络黑客的 DDOS 攻击,总计有 119,756 枚比特币(价值约 6200 万美元)被盗。

2 August 2016: Bitfinex was hit by a cyber hacking DDOS due to a security breach, and a total of 119,756 bitcoins (valued at approximately $62 million) were stolen.

2016 年 8 月 25 日:Tapscatt 于 TEDTalk 发布 演讲 题为「对未来产生影响最大的科技将是区块链」的演讲,影响深远。

25 August 2016: Tapscatt released at TEDTalk

注:Don Tapscott,数字经济之父,《区块链革命》作者,Blockchain Research Institute 创始人兼执行主席。

Note: Don Tapscott, father of the digital economy, author of the Block Chain Revolution, founder and executive chairman of Blockchai Research Institute.

2016 年 9 月 1 日:Polychain Capital 于美国旧金山成立,创始人为 Olaf Carlson-Wee,曾任职于 Coinbase。

September 1, 2016: Polychain Capital, founded in San Francisco, United States of America, was founded by Olaf Carlson-Wee, who served in Coinbase.

2016 年 9 月 2 日:比特币交易总额首次突破 1000 亿美元。此时比特币价格为 610 美元。

September 2, 2016: For the first time, the total amount of Bitcoin transactions went up by $100 billion. At this point, the price of bitcoin is $610.

2016 年 9 月 2 日:金色财经于中国北京成立,创始人为杜均。

September 2, 2016: The Golden Book was founded in Beijing, China, by its founder, Doun.

2016 年 11 月 11 日:瑞士国家铁路服务开始提供使用售票机购买比特币的服务。

November 11, 2016: Swiss national railway service began to provide services using ticket machines for the purchase of bitcoin.

2016 年 12 月 2 日,俄罗斯联邦税务局 宣布 比特币「并非违法」。

On December 2, 2016, the Russian Federal Tax Administration bitcoin "is not illegal".

2016 年 12 月 28 日:区块链列入中国国务院「十三五」国家信息化规划。

December 28, 2016: The block chain is included in China's State Council's “13th Five” National Informatization Plan.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为比特币 2016 年走势图,来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development diagrams from TradingView

2017 年 1 月 2 日:比特币突破 1000 美元。一度创造了 160% 的惊人涨幅。美国微软宣布支持比特币支付。

2 January 2017: Bitcoin broke 1,000 dollars. At one time, 160% of the increase was created. US Microsoft announced its support for Bitcoin payments.

2017 年 1 月 29 日:中国人民银行正式成立数字货币研究所。

29 January 2017: The People's Bank of China officially established the Digital Monetary Institute.

2017 年 2 月 4 日:波兰中央统计局(GUS)正式承认虚拟货币交易和挖矿属于一种正式的经济活动。

4 February 2017: The Polish Central Bureau of Statistics (GUS) officially recognized virtual currency transactions and mining as a formal economic activity.

2017 年 4 月 1 月,日本政府正式宣布比特币支付合法化 ((改正资金决済法) Payment Services Law),同月,韩国知名加密货币交易所 Yapizon 被盗 3,831 枚比特币。相当于 3,849,515 英镑 (价值约 55 亿韩元),占其大约 37% 的业务总资产。

In April 2017, the Japanese government officially declared the legalization of Bitcoin payments (correction of funds laws) Payment Services Law. In the same month, the Korea-renowned secret currency exchange Yapizon was stolen 3,831 bitcoins. The equivalent of 3,849,515 pounds sterling (approximately 5.5 billion won), representing about 37 per cent of its total business assets.

2017 年 4 月 10 日,根据俄罗斯财政副部长阿列克谢·莫伊耶夫(Aleksey Moiseev)的 说法,到 2018 年俄罗斯可能会承认包括比特币的加密货币。

On April 10, 2017, according to the Russian Deputy Minister of Finance, Aleksey Moiseev, , Russia may recognize encrypted currency including Bitcoin by 2018.

2017 年 5 月 4 日,比特币价格首次突破 1,500 美元,市值达 250 亿美元以上。

On May 4, 2017, Bitcoin made its first breakthrough of $1,500, with a market value of over $25 billion.

2017 年 5 月 15 日,由于其他加密货币山寨币快速崛起,比特币市值占有率首次低于一半。

On 15 May 2017, for the first time, the market value of Bitcoin was less than half as a result of the rapid rise of other encrypted currencies.

2017 年 5 月 20 日,比特币价格首次突破 2,000 美元,市值达 328 亿美元以上,但市值占有率下跌到 45%。

On May 20, 2017, the price of Bitcoin for the first time exceeded $2,000, with a market value of over $32.8 billion, but the market value ratio fell to 45 per cent.

2017 年 5 月 30 日:日本乐桃航空宣布接受比特币购买机票。比特币价格 2,000 美元。

May 30, 2017: Leatten Air, Japan, announced its acceptance of Bitcoin for air tickets. Bitcoin has a price of US$2,000.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2017 年 6 月:加密货币总值突破 1000 亿美元。Bithumb 在 2017 年遭遇两次黑客攻击,约 3.6 万名客户的资料被泄露,被盗的账户之中,发现有 266 个账户提现,大约 3 万名客户的个人信息遭泄漏。而这次黑客入侵导致投资者损失数十亿韩元。

June 2017: The total value of encrypted money was over $100 billion. Bithumb was hit by two hacking attacks in 2017, where about 36,000 clients were leaked, 266 accounts were found to be cashed, and some 30,000 customers’ personal information was leaked. This hacker invasion caused investors to lose billions of won.

2017 年 6 月:历史新高 2980 美元,是黄金价格的 2 倍多。

June 2017: An historic high of $2980, more than two times the price of gold.

2017 年 7 月 14 日: 首家币币交易所币安(Binance)上线,创始人赵长鹏(CZ)。

July 14th, 2017: First currency exchange, Binance, founder of Zhao Chang Peng (CZ).

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2017 年 7 月 21 日:在 BIP 91 的 336 个区块锁定期中,超过了锁定所需要的 269 个区块信号支持(80%),BIP 91 扩容提案被正式锁定。BIP 91 将在接下来的 352 个区块内激活。一旦有超过 51% 的算力执行「Bit 1″信号支持,Segwit 将会被激活,比特币将不会出现分叉。矿工需要在此期间升级自己的节点。Segwit 激活之后,没有信号支持 BIP141 (bit 1) 的区块将被拒绝。

July 21, 2017: In the 336 block locks of BIP 91, 269 block signal support (80%) exceeded the locking requirements for regular periods, and BIP 91 expansion proposals were formally locked. BIP 91 will be activated in the next 352 blocks. Once more than 51% of the computing power is implemented to support the "bit 1" signal, Segwit will be activated and Bitcoin will not be split. The miners will need to upgrade their nodes during this period. When Segwit is activated, the blocks without signal supporting BIP141 (bit 1) will be rejected.

2017 年 7 月 25 日:比特币期权交易首获 CFTC 批准。

July 25, 2017: Bitcoin options deal first approved by the CFTC.

2017 年 8 月 1 日:比特币区块被正式硬分叉,创造了一个新版本的比特币货币,称为比特币现金(BCC 或 BCH,Bitcoin Cash)。

1 August 2017: Bitcoin blocks were formally hard-forked, creating a new version of the Bitcoin currency called Bitcoin Cash (BCC or BCH, bitcoin Cash).

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2017 年 8 月 13 日,比特币价格首次达到 4000 美元。

On August 13, 2017, the price of Bitcoin was for the first time $400.

2017 年 9 月 4 日 :中国央行等七部委全面叫停 ICO 将其定性为非法集资。

September 4th, 2017: Seven ministries, including the Central Bank of China, called a total stop to the ICO, which characterized it as an illegal collection of funds.

2017 年 9 月 8 日:中国监管当局决定关闭中国境内虚拟货币的法币交易所。

8 September 2017: The Chinese regulatory authority decided to close the French currency exchange for virtual currency in China.

2017 年 9 月 14 日:波场(TRON)是由中国企业家孙宇晨创立的全球最大的区块链去中心化应用操作系统。透过 首次代币发行 (ICO)融到 7000 万美元。

September 14th, 2017: Tron is the world’s largest block chain decentralised operating system created by Chinese entrepreneur Sun Woo-jung.

2017 年 9 月 20 日:云币网宣布永久关闭所有虚拟货币交易业务。

20 September 2017: The Yunn Network announced the permanent closure of all virtual currency transactions.

2017 年 9 月 30 日:比特币中国(BTC China)宣布关闭所以虚拟货币交易业务。

30 September 2017: Bitcoin China (BTC China) announced the closure of its virtual currency transactions.

2017 年 10 月 11 日:比特币价格突破 5,000 美元,随后快速上涨至 5500~5700 美元。

October 11, 2017: Bitcoin made a breakthrough of US$ 5,000, followed by a rapid rise to US$ 5,500-5700.

2017 年 10 月 15 日:维基解密阿桑奇:比特币回报超 500 倍。

October 15, 2017: WikiLeaks Assange: Bitcoin returns over 500 times.

2017 年 10 月 20 日:比特币价格在 6,000 美元上下徘徊。

October 20, 2017: Bitcoin prices hovered over US$ 6,000.

2017 年 10 月 24 日:Upbit 在与美国 Bittrex 的合作下于韩国上线,创始人为 Song Chi-Hyung 其母公司为 Dunamu。

October 24, 2017: Upbit went online in Korea in cooperation with Bittrex of the United States and was founded by Song Chi-Hyung, his parent company, Dunamu.

注:Upbit 可以于 KaKao Talk (韩国最大的免费聊天软件)连接直接 Upbit 交易所进行虚拟币兑韩元交易,后成为韩国最大的交易所之一。

Note: Upbit can be linked to the direct Upbit exchange by Kakao Talk, the largest free chat software in Korea, and become one of the largest exchanges in Korea.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2017 年 10 月 31 日:芝加哥商品交易所 (CME)上线 比特币期货交易合约。

October 31, 2017: Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) Bitcoin futures deal.

2017 年 10 月 31 日:链闻(ChainNews)成立于中国北京,创始人廖锦有,资深媒体人。

October 31, 2017: ChainNews was founded in Beijing, China, by its founder, Liao Jinxing, a senior mediaman.

2017 年 11 月 3 日:比特币价格首次突破 7000 美元。

November 3rd, 2017: Bitcoin made the first breakthrough of $700.

2017 年 11 月 19 日:比特幣的美元計價價格首次突破 8000 美元大關,比 7000 美元只相差 16 日。

November 19, 2017: For the first time, the dollar price of Bitcoins crossed the $8000 mark, 16 days apart from $7000.

2017 年 11 月 26 日,比特幣價格快速上漲,美元兌比特幣价格首次突破 9000 美元,比 8000 美元只相差了更短的 7 日,比上月增長了 50%,今年來已升值 8 到 10 倍。

On November 26, 2017, the price of the Bitcoins rose rapidly, and the dollar bill broke out for the first time by $9000, which was only a shorter seven days than the $8000, a 50 per cent increase from the previous month, and has appreciated by 8 to 10 times this year.

2017 年 11 月 28 日:比特币价格首次突破 10,000 美元。

November 28, 2017: For the first time, the price of bitcoin broke by $10,000.

2017 年 12 月 5 日:CNBC 报道称 Winklevoss 兄弟于 2012 年比特币以 120 美元购入 11 万美元比特币,约占比特币总量的 1%。

5 December 2017: CNBC reported that Winklevos brothers purchased $110,000 in Bitcoin in 2012 at $120, or about 1 per cent of the total Bitcoin.

2017 年 12 月 7 日:挖矿服务器 Nicehash 被黑客入侵,超过 4,736.42 个比特币被盗,当时价值 6200 万美元。此时比特币价格首次突破 15000 美元。

December 7, 2017: Nicehash, a mining server, was hacked and more than 4,736.42 bitcoins were stolen, valued at $62 million. At this time, Bitcoins made the first breakthrough of $15,000.

2017 年 12 月 8 日:币安注册用户突破 100 万,成为全球成交量最大的数字货币交易所。

December 8th, 2017: Currency security registered users outperformed 1 million, becoming the largest digital currency exchange in the world.

2017 年 12 月 17 日:比特币价格达到历史新高 19,780 美元。

December 17, 2017: Bitcoin prices reached an all-time high of $19,780.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为比特币 2017 年走势图,来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development graphs from TradingView

2018 年 1 月:比特币已经开采 80%,由于 2018 年加密货币市场崩溃导致价格下跌比特币价格 16,448 美元。

January 2018: 80 per cent of Bitcoin has been mined and prices have fallen by $16,448 as a result of the collapse of the crypto-currency market in 2018.

2018 年 1 月:Messari 于美国纽约成立,创始人 RyanSelkis,Ryan 曾任职于 CoinDesk 董事总经理,早期任职于 DCG。

January 2018: Messari was founded in New York, United States of America, by Ryan Selkis, who served as Managing Director of CoinDesk and early in DCG.

2018 年 1 月 10 日,币安宣布用户数突破 500 万。

On January 10, 2018, the currency announces a breakthrough of 5 million users.

2018 年 1 月 16 日:比特币跌落至 15000 美元。

January 16, 2018: Bitcoin dropped to $15,000.

2018 年 1 月 22 日 : 张首晟发表《区块链技术是互联网世界新的分合转折点》

January 22nd, 2018: Zhang Hae-suk published The Block Chain Technology as a New Junction of the Internet World.

注:张首晟,斯坦福大学终身教授、美国三院院士、中科院外籍院士、富兰克林奖章获得者、中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖获得者,于 2018 年 12 月 1 日去世。

Note: Zhang Hae-sheng, Life Professor at Stanford University, Member of the Three Colleges of the United States, Foreign Member of the Middle School, winner of the Franklin Medal and winner of the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China, died on 1 December 2018.

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2018 年 2 月 8 日: 火星财经成立于中国北京,创始人王峰

8 February 2018: Founded in Beijing, China, by

2018 年 2 月 19 日:瑞士金融市场监管局 (FINMA) 颁布 ICO 指导方针。代幣被定義為 3 個種類:支付代幣、功能代幣、資產代幣。

19 February 2018: The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) issued the ICO guidelines.

2018 年 3 月: Bybit 数字资产衍生品交易所成立,创始人 Ben Zhou。

March 2018: Founded by Ben Zhou, founder of the Bybit Digital Asset Derivatives Exchange.

2018 年 3 月 8 日:比特币跌落至 1 万美元。

March 8, 2018: Bitcoin dropped to $10,000.

2018 年 3 月 9 日:中国央行行长首次提出央行研发的法定数字货币的名字是「DCEP」。

March 9, 2018: For the first time, the Governor of the Central Bank of China introduced the name "DCEP" as the legal digital currency developed by the central bank.

2018 年 4 月:The Block 于美国纽约成立,创始人为 Jake McGraw 和 Mike Dudas。

April 2018: The Block was founded in New York, USA, by Jake McGraw and Mike Dudas.

2018 年 5 月 21 日:FCoin 正式上线。

21 May 2018: FCoin is officially online.

注:Fcoin 首家开启交易挖矿的交易所,仅用了半个月,FCoin 市值 600 亿,24 小时交易量超过 288 亿。不仅雄踞全球榜首,还超过了第二到第七名的总和,100 天后交易所陨落。

Note: For only half a month, Fcoin’s first trade opened a mining exchange with a market value of 60 billion and a 24-hour trade volume of more than 28.8 billion. Not only is it the top of the global list, but it also exceeds the sum of the second to seventh rankings, and 100 days later the exchange crashed.

2018 年 6 月 20 日: Bithumb 被黑客攻击 偷取价值 3 千万美金虚拟币。

June 20, 2018: Bithumba .

2018 年 7 月 6 日:新华社记者从中国人民银行 获悉,人民币参与交易的比特币,其全球占比从之前的 90% 以上,已经降至 1% 不到,基本实现无风险退出。

6 July 2018: Xinhua journalist from the People's Bank of China

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2018 年 7 月 27 日:Winklevoss 兄弟的比特币 ETF 申请再次被拒,比特币跌超 200 美元,跌破 8000 美元;其他主流数字货币也有不同程度的下跌。在对 ETF 产品过审的期待下,比特币近日涨回两个月高点。

July 27, 2018: Winklevoss' brother's Bitcoin ETF application was rejected again, with Bitcoin falling by over $200 and down by $8000; other mainstream digital currencies also fell to varying degrees. In anticipation of an ETF review, Bitcoin has risen back to two months.

注:ETF 即 Exchange Traded Fund,是在交易所交易的基金,其锚定的标的有可能是指数、商品或是一篮子商品。

Note: ETF, Exchange Trade Fund, is an exchange-trading fund with possibly indexes, commodities or a basket of commodities anchored.

2018 年 8 月 31 日:BTX Capital 成立。

August 31, 2018: BTX Capital established.

2018 年 9 月 13 日:加密货币价值比 2018 年 1 月的峰值下跌了 80%,使得 2018 年加密货币的看跌状况比点空泡沫的 78%下跌还要糟糕。

September 13, 2018: The value of encrypted money fell by 80% from its peak in January 2018, making the look-down of encrypted currency in 2018 worse than the 78% drop of empty bubbles.

2018 年 9 月 20 日,Paxos 宣布推出 Paxos Standard?,这是世界上第一个受监管的加密资产。Paxo 稳定币发布。

On September 20, 2018, Paxos announced the launch of Paxos Standard, the world's first regulated encryption asset.

2018 年 9 月 25 日:Circle 宣布发行稳定币 USDC USD Coin (USDC),是一个完全抵押美元的稳定币,并基于 CENTER 开发的开源法币稳定币框架。

25 September 2018: Circle announced the issuance of USDC USD Coin (USDC), a stable currency with total collateral for the United States dollar and a framework for currency stability based on the open-source French currency developed by CENTER.

注:Circle Internet Financial, Inc. 获得 FinCEN 颁发的 Money Services Busines 牌照。

Note: Circle Internet Financial, Inc. obtained Money Services Business license plates issued by FinCEN.

2018 年 10 月 31 日:比特币成立 10 周年。此时比特币价格为 6341.28 美元。

October 31, 2018: the tenth anniversary of Bitcoin. At this time, the price of Bitcoin is $6341.28.

2018 年 11 月 15 日:比特币的价格 6296.79 美元,市值自 2017 年 10 月最高点以来首次跌破 1000 亿美元。

November 15, 2018: the price of Bitcoin was $6296.79, and the market value fell by $100 billion for the first time since its peak in October 2017.

2018 年 11 月 16 日 00:40,比特币现金(BCH)社区迎来一轮硬分叉,分为 Bitcoin ABC 和 Bitcoin SV,比特币跌落至 4800 美元。

On November 16, 2018, at 0040, the Bitcoin cash (BCH) community received a round of hard splits between Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV, which fell to $4,800.

2018 年 11 月 27 日:比特币跌落至 4000 美元。

November 27, 2018: Bitcoin fell to $4000.

2018 年 12 月 3 日:比特币创下历史新低 310 美元。

December 3, 2018: Bitcoin was a historicly low $310.

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2019 年 2 月 14 日:摩根大通宣布将推出加密货币「JPM Coin」。

February 14th, 2019: Morgan Chase announced that an encrypted currency "JPM Coin" would be introduced.

2019 年 5 月 1 日:灰度基金发布投放 Drop Gold 电视广告。

May 1st, 2019: The Greyscale Fund launched Drop Gold TV ads.

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2019 年 5 月 8 日:币安公告称,黑客在区块高度 575013 处从币安热钱包中盗取 7000 枚比特币。

8 May 2019: The currency announcement states that the hacker stole 700 bitcoins from the currency's heating wallet at the height of block 575013.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2019 年 5 月 25 日:FTX 交易所上线,创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried,Sam 曾经是一名 Jane Street 资本国际 ETF 柜台交易员。

May 25, 2019: FTX Exchange online, founder Sam Bankman-Fried, Sam was a Jane Street Capital International ETF dealer.

2019 年 6 月 18 日:Facebook 发布 Libra 白皮书。计划于 2020 年发行,但由于还有许多争议所以目前这个计划暂时暂停发行。

June 18th, 2019: Facebook publishes the Libra White Paper. It is planned to be released in 2020, but it is now suspended due to a lot of controversy.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2019 年 6 月 22 日:比特币重新回升至 1 万美元。

June 22, 2019: Bitcoin reverted to $10,000.

2019 年 7 月 12 日:特朗普发于推特:「我不喜欢比特币和其他不是货币的加密货币,它们的价值极易波动且基于稀薄的空气。不受管制的加密资产可以助长非法行为,包括毒品交易和其他非法活动。此时比特币价格为:11637 美元。

July 12, 2019: Trump tweets: "I don't like bitcoins and other non-currency encrypted currencies, which are highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated encryption assets can fuel illegal acts, including drug trafficking and other illegal activities.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2019 年 9 月 11 日:瑞士金融市场监管局 (FINMA)颁布 稳定币指导方针。

September 11, 2019: The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) .

2019 年 10 月 24 日:中国将「区块链」正式上升为国家战略,中国高层对这一新兴技术的关注前所未有,此时比特币单日涨幅 40%,从 7,200 美金飙升到 10,300 美金。

October 24, 2019: China officially elevated the "block chain" to a national strategy, and China’s high-level attention to this emerging technology was unprecedented, when Bitcoin rose by 40% per day, from US$ 7,200 to US$ 10,300.

2019 年 11 月 21 日:比特币矿机商嘉楠耘智(代码:CAN)于美国纳斯达克上市。

November 21st, 2019: The Bitcoin Miner Kanaji (code: CAN) was listed in NASDAQ, USA.

2019 年 11 月 27 日:Upbit 被黑客窃取了 34.2 万个价值(5,000 万美元)的以太坊。

November 27, 2019: Upbit was stolen by hackers from 34.2 million houses (US$ 50 million).

2019 年 12 月 4 日,比特币链上交易创下了每小时 89 亿美元的交易记录。

On December 4, 2019, transactions on the Bitcoin chain created a record of $8.9 billion per hour.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2019 年 12 月 16 日:比特币价格较一年前上涨了 127%,此时比特币价格维持在 7100 美元。

December 16, 2019: Bitcoin prices increased by 127 per cent from a year ago when they remained at $7100.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为比特币 2019 年走势图,来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of developmentem> graphs from TradingView

2020 年 1 月 2 日: 联合广场风投(USV)创始人、著名风险投资家 Fred Wilson 发布 博客 称:「亚洲加密货币交易所在未来十年将成为金融工具的主要资本市场。」

2 January 2020: blog by Fred Wilson, founder of the United Square Winds (USV), a well-known venture investor, said: .

2020 年 1 月 8 日:彭博社 预测 比特币将跟随黄金价格在 2020 年继续攀升 。

8 January 2020: Bloomberg bitcoin will continue to climb with gold prices in 2020.

2020 年 1 月 13 日:芝加哥商品交易所(CME)上线比特币期权交易。此时比特币价格 8127.23 美元。

January 13, 2020: Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) frontline Bitcoin period trading . Bitcoin prices at this time US$8127.23.

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bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 1 月 21 日:美国首例确诊 2019 冠状病毒病病例,此时比特币 8600 美元。

21 January 2020: The first case of 2019 coronary viral disease was diagnosed in the United States, at $8,600 in Bitcoin.

2020 年 2 月 18 日:FCoin 交易所关闭,未能向用户支付高达 7000 至 13000 个 BTC (约 6700 万至 12500 万美元)。此时比特币价格为 9809.33 美元。

February 18, 2020: FCoin Exchange closed and failed to pay users up to 7000 to 13,000 BTCs (approximately 67 million to 125 million US dollars). Bitcoin prices at this time were US$ 9809.33.

2020 年 2 月 27 日:美国麻省理工学院创办的《麻省理工科技评论》评选出「2020 年度全球十大突破性技术」榜单,「数字货币」入选,针对数字货币领域,该杂志指出数字货币的意义在于,「随着实体货币使用频率的下降,没有中介的交易自由也随之减少。与此同时,数字货币技术可以用来分裂全球的金融体系」。数字货币技术的主要研究者包括中国人民银行、Facebook,预计该技术成熟期为 2020 年,并预测「中国有望成为世界上第一个发布其货币数字版本的经济体,以替代实体货币」。

February 27, 2020: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched the MIT Review of Technology and Technology (MIT). Major researchers in digital currency technology include the People’s Bank of China, Facebook, which is expected to mature in 2020, and predict that “China is expected to become the world’s first economy to publish a version of its monetary figures as an alternative to the real currency.”

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2020 年 3 月 12 日:比特币 30 分钟内暴跌从 7300 美元跌至 5500 美元。

March 12, 2020: Bitcoin dropped sharply from US$ 7,300 to US$ 5,500 in 30 minutes.

2020 年 3 月 13 日:比特币暴跌至 3800 美金,24 小时内下跌去 40%。

March 13, 2020: Bitcoin fell to $3800, down to 40% in 24 hours.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 5 月 7 日:传奇投资人 Paul Tudor Jones 称中央银行印钱引发的通胀即将到来,而公司旗下的 Tudor BVI 基金可能会买入少于小比例的比特币期货 (个位数比例,不超过 5%) 作为对冲。

May 7, 2020: Legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones claims that inflation caused by printing money from the Central Bank is coming, and that the company-owned Tudor BVI fund may buy less than a small percentage of the Bitcoin futures (number ratio, not more than 5 per cent).

2020 年 5 月 10 日:比特币跌破 8500 美元,24 小时跌幅为 11%。

May 10, 2020: Bitcoin fell by $8,500, with a 24-hour drop of 11%.

2020 年 5 月 11 日:第三次比特币减半,此时比特币价格为 8,821.42 美元。

May 11, 2020: For the third time, Bitcoin was halved at a price of US$ 8,821.42.

2020 年 5 月 16 日 哈利·波特(Harry Potter)小说的作者 JK 罗琳(JK Rowling)回应了记者的推文,并要求解释这种著名的数字货币。此时比特币价格 9451.55 美元。

On May 16, 2020, the author of Harry Potter's novel, JK Rowling, responded to the journalist's tweets and asked for an explanation of this famous digital currency. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was $9451.55.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 6 月 6 日:BitWell 数字资产衍生品服务平台上线,创始人为 Jeff Young 曾任职于币安。

June 6th, 2020: Bitwell Digital Asset Derivatives Service platform online, founded by Jeff Young.

2020 年 6 月 27 日:比特币矿机公司亿邦国际上市(代码: EBON)。

June 27, 2020: Bitcoin Miner Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc. (code: EBON).

2020 年 6 月 27 日:日本金融巨头 SBI Holdings 将在日本推出首个加密基金。

June 27, 2020: The first encryption fund will be launched in Japan by the Japanese financial giant, SBI Holdings.

2020 年 7 月 3 日:区块链支付提供商 BitPay 宣布已支持采用隔离见证(SegWit)以减少比特币交易费。4 月处理 100718 笔支付,其中 91.93% 是比特币交易。

3 July 2020: The block chain payment provider Bitpay announced its support for SegWit to reduce Bitcoin transaction costs.

2020 年 7 月 14 日:美联储承诺无限量购买金融资产,以保持市场流动性,该央行的资产负债表规模因此从 2 月的 4.2 万亿美元急剧膨胀至今天的 7 万亿美元。

July 14, 2020: The Fed committed itself to purchasing financial assets in unlimited quantities in order to maintain market liquidity, and the size of the central bank’s balance sheet rose sharply from $4.2 trillion in February to $7 trillion today.

2020 年 7 月 25 日:Coinbase 的审查情况 报告 显示,Coinbase 的客户群规模已达到 3500 万,包括零售用户和机构客户,该数字相比年初的 3000 万有所增加。

July 25, 2020: Coinbase review shows that Coinbase's client base has reached 35 million, including retail users and institutional clients, an increase from 30 million at the beginning of the year.

2020 年 8 月 2 日:公安机关破获了首起以比特币等数字货币为交易媒介「PlusToken 平台」,自称是「币圈余额宝」,打着「全球第一款区块链应用」的幌子,曾于 2018 年、2019 年期间,对外宣布提供「数字货币增值服务」。的网络传销案,涉及参与人员 200 余万人,层级关系复杂,竟然多达 3000 余层。涉案金额逾 400 亿元。

2 August 2020: Public security organs discovered the first PlusToken platform to use digital currency, such as Bitcoin, as a trade medium, claiming to be a “bill on the balance of the currency”, under the guise of “a global first block chain application”, which announced a “digital value-added service” between 2018 and 2019. Internet distribution involved more than 2 million participants, with complex hierarchical relationships amounting to more than 3000 yuan.

2020 年 8 月 11 日:美国上市公司 MicroStrategy 购买超 2.5 亿美元比特币作为资产配置。

August 11, 2020: U.S. listed company MicroStrategy purchased over $250 million in bitcoins for asset allocation.

2020 年 9 月 2 日:币安智能链主网上线(Binance Smart Chain)。

September 2, 2020: Binance Smart Chain.

2020 年 9 月 3 日:韩国 Bithumb 董事长 Lee Jung Hoon 被韩国警方带走。此时比特币价格 11346.81 美元。

September 3, 2020: Lee Jung Hoon, President of Bitumb, Korea, was taken away by the Korean police. Bitcoin was priced $11,346.81.

2020 年 9 月 16 日:美国 Kraken 交易所 宣布获得美国虚拟货币银行牌照。Kraken 也成为自 2006 年来美国首家获得许可证的新型银行。「拿到牌照后 Kraken 就可以直接访问联邦支付系统,与银行业务和提供给客户的基金项目无缝对接。此时比特币价格 10875.30 美元。

September 16, 2020: The United States Kraken Exchange . Kraken also became the first new bank licensed in the United States since 2006. "According to the license plate, Kraken has direct access to the federal payment system and has no seamless interface with banking operations and fund projects offered to clients.

2020 年 9 月 26 日: Kucoin 交易所被盗,涉及 BTC、ETH、USDT 等总金额约 1.5 亿美元。此时比特币价格 10732.17 美元。

September 26, 2020: The Kucoin Exchange was stolen, involving a total amount of about $150 million for BTC, ETH, USDT, etc. At this time, the price in Bitcoin was $10732.17.

2020 年 9 月 27 日: 灰度旗下比特币信托基金 GBTC 已累计购入 68395 枚 BTC。此时比特币价格为 10,780.86 美元。

27 September 2020: GBTC of the Bitcoin Trust under the Greyscales has accumulated 68,395 BTCs. Bitcoins at this time are valued at $10,780.86.

2020 年 10 月 2 日 BitMEX 的 CTO Samuel Reed 已经在美国马萨诸塞州被捕。

On October 2, 2020, CTO Samuel Reed of BitMEX was arrested in Massachusetts, United States of America.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 10 月 8 日:Square 购买了大约 4709 枚比特币,总购买价格为 5000 万美元,占公司总资产 1%。

October 8, 2020: Square purchased about 4709 bitcoins at a total purchase price of $50 million, or 1 per cent of the company's total assets.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹新闻链接:https://squareup.com/us/en/press/2020-bitcoin-investment

 Bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing the 12-year development trajectory of Bitcoin news link:

2020 年 10 月 16 日:OKEX 决定暂停用户提币,因 OKEx 私钥负责人徐明星配合公安机关调查。

October 16, 2020: OKEX decided to suspend the user's currency withdrawal because the person in charge of the OKEx private key, Xu Sing, cooperated with the investigation by the public security organs.

2020 年 10 月 21 日:PayPal 宣布将支持比特币等虚拟货币的买卖和购物服务。

October 21, 2020: PayPal announced that it would support the purchase and sale of virtual currency such as Bitcoin.

注:PayPal 目前全球有 2.77 亿 Paypal 活跃用户,其中 2.55 亿为消费者帐户,2,200 万个为商用帐户。

Note: PayPal currently has 277 million active users worldwide, of which 255 million are consumer accounts and 22 million are commercial accounts.

2020 年 11 月 6 日:美国政府从暗网市场 Silk Road 查获了 10 亿美元的比特币。

November 6, 2020: The U.S. government seized $1 billion in bitcoin from Silk Road.

2020 年 11 月 6 日: 比特币突破 15,000 美元 。

November 6th, 2020: Bitcoin breached $15,000.

2020 年 11 月 18 日:墨西哥富商、零售业巨头 Grupo Salinas 创始人 Ricardo Salinas Pliego 发推向网友推荐比特币相关书籍《The Bitcoin Standard》,并称这本书对可以加深对比特币的理解,自己已将 10%的流动资产投资于比特币。

November 18th, 2020: Ricardo Salinas Pliego, founder of Mexico's rich and retail giant, Mexico, recommended the Bitcoin-related book The Bitcoin Standard to the online community, stating that the book had a better understanding of Bitcoin and had invested 10 per cent of its liquid assets in Bitcoin.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 12 月 2 日:全球最大的资产管理公司之一贝莱德(BlackRock)首席执行官 Larry Fink 表示:比特币引起了华尔街的注意,可能会演变成全球性市场资产。

2 December 2020: Larry Fink, Chief Executive Officer of Black Rock, one of the largest asset management companies in the world, said that Bitcoin had attracted the attention of Wall Street and could turn into a global market asset.

2020 年 12 月 3 日:路透社报道,比特币的交易出现从东亚流入北美市场的趋势。从主要为北美用户提供服务的加密货币交易平台的数据来看,这些平台每周比特币净流入在 2020 年增长了 7,000 倍,总数超过 21.6 万枚比特币。

3 December 2020: Reuters reported a trend of Bitcoin transactions flowing from East Asia into North American markets. According to data from encrypted currency trading platforms, which mainly serve North American users, the weekly net inflow of bitcoins increased by 7,000 times in 2020, to a total of more than 216,000 bitcoins.

2020 年 12 月 11 日:新加坡 DBS 银行上线数字资产交易所(DBS Digital Exchange),只面向机构投资者参与交易。 此时比特币价格 18165.57 美元。

December 11, 2020: DBS Online Digital Assets Exchange (DBS Digital Exchange), Singapore Bank, deals only with institutional investors. Bitcoin prices are $18,165.57.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing Bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 12 月 16 日:比特币有史以来首次突破 20,000 美元。

December 16, 2020: for the first time in the history of Bitcoin, $20,000.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 12 月 17 日:英国资产管理公司 Ruffer Investment Company 已在其多策略基金(Ruffer Multi-Strategies Fund)中将约 2.5% 的份额投资于比特币(约 4.5 万枚比特币)。

December 17, 2020: Ruffer Investment Company, UK Asset Management, has invested approximately 2.5 per cent of its multi-strategy fund in Bitcoin (approximately 45,000 bitcoins).

注:Ruffer Investment Company 管理约 200 亿英镑资产规模。

Note: Ruffer Investment Company manages approximately Pound20 billion in asset size.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 12 月 17 日:Block. one 首席执行官 Brendan Blumer (BB)发布推称拥有有 14 万个比特币(价值约为 28 亿美元)。

December 17, 2020: Block. one CEO Brendan Blumer (BB) posted possession of 140,000 bitcoins (valued at approximately $2.8 billion).

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 12 月 18 日:美国 Coinbase 在官网宣布,已向美国证券交易委员会 SEC 保密提交注册文件 S-1 表格草案,正式申请 IPO。如果 IPO 成功,Coinbase 将成为首家公开上市的主要加密货币交易所。

December 18, 2020: U.S. Coinbase announced on the Web that a draft registration document S-1 form had been submitted confidentially to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission SEC, formally applying for an IPO. If IPO succeeds, Coinbase will become the first major publicly available encrypted currency exchange.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

2020 年 12 月 21 日:美国上市公司、商业智能软件提供商 MicroStrategy 宣布 再次购入 29646 枚比特币,总价值 6.5 亿美元,单个 BTC 平均价格为 21925 美元。这也就意味着 MicroStrategy 目前持有 70470 个比特币,总价值约 11.25 亿美元,平均购买价格为 15964 美元。

21 December 2020: MicroStrategy 29646bits, with a total value of $650 million and a single BTC average price of $21925. This also means that MicroStrategy currently holds 70470 bits, with a total value of approximately $11.25 billion, with an average purchase price of $15964.

2020 年 12 月 21 日:比特币 创历史新高 24,161.65 美元。

December 21, 2020: Bitcoin has reached an all-time high of US$ 24,161.65.

2020 年 12 月 25 日:加密货币支持者 Elad Roisman 当选美国 SEC 主席。

December 25, 2020: Elad Roisman, an encoded currency supporter, was elected President of the United States SEC.

2020 年 12 月 25 日:最后我们附上这 11 年伴随着比特币减半的价格走势图,此时比特币价格为 23530 美元。

December 25th, 2020: Finally, we attach the 11 years with the price of the bitcoin in half, which is $23530.

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图片来自于:BTX Capital

bitcoin general history: 97 pictures detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

bitcoin general history: 97 maps detailing bitcoin 12 years of development

比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹图为比特币 2020 年走势图,全年涨幅 224%,来源于 TradingView

bitcoin general history: 97 charts detailing bitcoin 12 years of development is Bitcoin 2020, with 224% annual increase from TradingView

后记:希望此篇文章对每一位希望了解比特币的读者有所启示,随着时间的推移,伴随着比特币与区块链的发展,从事于该领域的从业者都相继获得了财富与自由,区块链技术得到了全世界前所未有推动,每个新事物的发展都会伴随着乱象与争议,就如 2000 年互连网的兴起那般,我们坚信区块链技术和加密货币是新金融基础设施的基础,就像互联网是新信息基础设施的基础一样。但它既不是,也不会,在一夜之间建成。最后以此篇文章献给在为区块链技术做出贡献的 DAO 组织,创新不止,未来可期。

Remark: It is hoped that this article will inspire every reader who wants to know bitcoin. Over time, with the development of bitcoin and block chains, practitioners in this field have gained wealth and freedom, and block chain technology has been promoted by the world as never before. Every new development has been accompanied by chaos and controversy. As with the rise of the Internet in 2000, we firmly believe that block chain technology and crypto-currency are the foundation of a new financial infrastructure, just as the Internet is the foundation of a new information infrastructure.




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