用太阳能挖比特币是未来的发展趋势 –

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bitcoin and its untrusted decentralized design requires a unique process known as excavation to validate each matter added to its bottom block chain. The process involves solving complex mathematical equations and usually requires some rigorous computer processing capability, even specially designed hardware, to validate each block.


According to
, the annual consumption of electricity in 2017 for the global mining of bitcoin is about 30 watt-hours, equivalent to about 0.13 per cent of total global electricity consumption, at an annual cost of about $1.5 billion. A recent study in the Cell magazine Joll, published as a focused energy material, considers that globally, the consumption of electricity by bitco mines in one year is at least equivalent to the annual consumption of electricity in Ireland, at around 24 watt-hours (100 million watt-hours); and, worse still, the article also considers that the annual consumption of energy in encrypted money mining will double every six months and reach the annual consumption of electricity in the Czech Republic by 2018 (about 67 trillion watts), which accounts for about 0.3 per cent of total electricity consumption worldwide.

随着对全球气候变化的担忧日益加剧,原始的加密货币越来越成为一个负面影响的话题 :不仅仅是因为它最近的价格变动,而且还因为它的挖矿行为对全球碳排放造成的影响。就目前来讲,专家认为庞大的电力消耗是比特币的 “致命弱点”。

Solar energy can solve the problem of carbon emissions from bitcoin mining
, and with growing concerns about global climate change, the original encoded currency is becoming an increasingly negative topic: not only because of its recent price changes, but also because of the impact of mining on global carbon emissions. For now, experts consider massive electricity consumption to be the “lethal weakness” of bitcoin.

正因为比特币挖矿耗电问题严重,目前已经有不少国家的矿商已经开始转向利用低价的能源进行挖矿,像日本熊本市当地能源生产商和供应商熊本能源公司部署更环保的大型太阳能电站解决挖比特币的耗电问题。熊本能源公司目前拥有一家数字货币挖矿子公司OZ Mining,他们计划有效利用太阳能发电厂的“多余电力”,进行数字货币挖矿。OZ Mining将会以10-19美元/千瓦的价格从熊本能源购买电力。

Chile is close to the equator, with climate and weather conditions making the country a major source of solar energy. According to the road map developed by the Ministry of Energy, Chile plans to use at least 19 per cent of national electricity by solar energy by 2050. Chile has produced too much solar energy and has given it free of charge since 2016.
, because of the serious problem of using it to dig for its own power, many of the country's miners are already turning to mine for low-cost energy, and it does not need 10 to 19 per cent of Japan's local energy producers and suppliers to deploy large solar power plants for solar power production. According to the road map developed by the Ministry of Energy, the country plans to use solar energy for at least 19 per cent of the country's electricity by 2050.


One of the better options for addressing the climate threat posed by crypto-currency mining in Australia is the use of renewable, eco-friendly energy sources. The report published by the Harvard Business Review notes that solar energy may be a sustainable option for crypto-currency mining.

太阳能发电挖矿的最大成本在于设备的搭建,目前来讲,不少公司或者是个人在澳大利亚投资搭建挖矿设备,比如在澳大利亚的一个小镇上建造了一个靠太阳能发电的比特币挖矿农场,这座太阳能发电农场建在珀斯南边大约两百公里的煤矿小镇,而这个比特币挖矿农场是由国外数据中心运营商DC Two以及它的子公司D Coin开发建设,太阳能发电厂的能源建造是由Hadouken Pty Ltd公司进行建造。
根据保守估计目前整个数据中心以及太阳发电厂的第一阶段是预计提供4兆瓦的电力供应,而这座太阳能发电的比特币挖矿农场也将在2019年正式落成。对于今后挖矿而言D Coin将作为加密采矿托管服务商,并且称:“依托完整的加密采矿配置,利用初步阶段的4兆瓦电力的供能,我们的这座数据中心每年可以开采约650枚比特币,基于当前的采矿速度和兑换汇率,总价值约600万美元。”

The greatest cost of solar power mining is in the construction of equipment. Currently, a number of companies or individuals have invested in the construction of mining equipment in Australia, such as a small town in Australia where solar power generation is expected to provide 4 megawatts in the first phase of a solar power plant, which is located in a coal mine town about 200 km south of Perth, while the mining farm is being developed by the foreign data centre operator DC Two and its subsidiary D Coin, and the solar power plant is being built by Hadouken Pty Ltd.
, based on a conservative estimate that the current data centre as a whole and the first stage of a solar power plant is expected to provide 4 megawatts of electricity, and that the solar power farm will be officially inaugurated in 2019. For future mining, D Coin will serve as an encrypted mining hosting service, and it is stated: “On the basis of a complete encrypted mining configuration, using the initial phase of 4 megawatts of electricity, our data centre will be able to mine about 650 bits per year, based on the current mining speed and exchange rate, with a total value of about $6 million.”

备注:以上内容转载自NEWSBTC,由BTCC Global新闻部编译。

Note: The above is reproduced from NEWSBTC, compiled by the Department of Public Information of BTCC Global.


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