科技早报 | 盖茨离婚前清空苹果股票 马斯克与矿商讨论可持续性推动比特币价格上涨

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:31 评论:0



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凤凰网科技讯 北京时间5月25日消息,昨夜今晨,科技圈都发生了哪些故事,以下是要闻回顾:

On May 25, Beijing Time, news of what happened in the science world last night, the following is a review:


Let's focus on apples:


Apple announces the WWDC 2021 calendar starting at 1:00 on 8 June .


苹果公司今天正式公布了6月份全球开发者大会的阵容,大会将于太平洋时间6月7日星期一上午10点(北京时间6月8日凌晨1点)以主题演讲的形式拉开帷幕。 受COVID-19疫情影响,主题演讲将直接从Apple Park以流媒体的形式播放。开发者和苹果用户将能够在Apple.com、苹果开发者应用、苹果开发者网站、Apple TV应用和YouTube上观看。(cnBeta)

苹果、Epic反垄断诉讼战庭审结束 未来几个月内宣判

经过三周的举证、辩论,游戏开发商Epic起诉苹果垄断的案件在周一进入结案陈述。双方都在利用最后的机会阐述各自观点,争取赢得法官的支持。苹果辩称,Epic发起的反垄断诉讼只是为了逃避用花钱的方式接触iPhone用户。Epic则表示,解决苹果滥用其市场力量的适当方案包括允许开发者在iPhone上运营自主应用商店,在应用内使用自主支付系统。接下来,美国法官伊冯·冈萨雷斯·罗杰斯(Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers)将分析双方的证词,在未来几个月内作出判决。

爆料:新款苹果MacBook Pro将在WWDC2021上推出

根据爆料者 Jon Prosser 的说法,新的 MacBook Pro 将在 WWDC 上发布。Prosser 称有新的14英寸和16英寸 MacBook Pro 机型正在开发中,但没有提供更多信息。新的 MacBook Pro 将是自2016年以来对 MacBook Pro 阵容最彻底的重新设计。苹果计划重新引入 MagSafe 端口,2021年的 MacBook Pro 机型除了三个 Thunderbolt/USB-C 端口外,还将配备一个 HDMI 端口和一个 SD 读卡器,并且有可能有多种颜色选择。(IT之家)


马斯克与比特币矿商展开可持续性讨论 比特币价格上涨4%


特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)周一发布推文称,他已经就比特币的可持续性与北美比特币矿商进行了积极讨论。这推动比特币价格在周一下午上涨大约4%。

On Monday, Elon Musk released a tweet stating that he had actively discussed the sustainability of Bitcoin with North American miners. This prompted Bitcoin prices to rise by about 4% on Monday afternoon.

马斯克在美国东部时间周一15:42分(北京时间周二3:42分)发布推文称:“与北美比特币矿商交谈过了。他们致力于公布当前可再生能源使用情况和未来计划,并要求全球矿商这么做。”比特币投资者、美国商业情报公司MicroStrategy CEO迈克尔·塞勒(Michael Saylor)转发马斯克的推文称,他主持了马斯克与北美比特币矿商的会议,各方同意建立比特币挖矿委员会,促进比特币的可持续性。

Musk published a tweet at 15:42 a.m. Eastern United States Time (3:42 a.m. Beijing Time) stating: “He spoke to North American miners in Bitcoin. They are committed to publishing current renewable energy use and future plans and asking global miners to do so.” Bitcoin investors, the US business intelligence company MicroStrategy Ceo Michael Sylor, relayed a tweet from Masque, stating that he had chaired a meeting between Musco and North American miners, and that the parties had agreed to set up a Bitcoin mining committee to promote the sustainability of Bitcoin.


In a few minutes, the price of bitcoin jumped to over $39,500. Overall, bitcoin prices have risen by more than 17% in the last 24 hours.

马斯克食言? 特斯拉ModelY被曝正测试激光雷达技术

Tesla Modely was exposed to test laser radar technology .

虽然特斯拉CEO马斯克曾对激光雷达(LiDAR)不屑一顾,但近日却有人发现,一辆Model Y电动汽车正在测试LiDAR技术。马斯克不久前曾表示,激光雷达是一件“徒劳无益的事情”。(行业快报)

Although Tesla CEOmask had given up on LiDAR, it had recently been discovered that a Model Y electric vehicle was testing LiDAR technology. Musk had recently stated that laser radar was “no use”.

特斯拉被判限制充电速度 被判向数千车主每人支付1.6万美元

Tesla was sentenced to limit the charge speed and was sentenced to $16,000 each for thousands of car owners.


According to Electrek, Tesla has been convicted in Norwegian courts of reducing charge speed and battery capacity through software upgrades. Unless appealed, Tesla will have to pay $16,000 each to thousands of affected owners in Norway. As a result of similar legal efforts in other countries, fines may be larger. (Gold 10 data)


Other highlights:

盖茨宣布离婚前 其基金会已经抛售所有苹果、Twitter股票

Gats/a> has sold all apples and Twitter shares before their divorce.


Just a few weeks before the Gates divorce in early May, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had emptied hundreds of millions of dollars worth of apples and Twitters. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s submission to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) showed that, by the end of March, the Foundation’s trust had sold all apples and Twitters.

美ITC同意调查Apple Watch是否侵犯专利权

USD ICC agreed to investigate whether Apple Watch violated patent rights .

美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)已经同意调查苹果Apple Watch是否侵犯了医疗技术公司AliveCor的专利。ITC周一称,该委员会通过投票表决的方式决定启动这项调查。今年4月,AliveCor向ITC发起了投诉。

The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) has agreed to investigate whether Apple Watch violated the patent of the Medical Technology Company AliveCor. On Monday, ITC reported that it decided to launch the investigation by a vote. In April this year, AliveCor filed a complaint with the ITC.


The fastest Amazon to announce today is the acquisition of US$ 9 billion for Migoma .

知情人士称,亚马逊已接近完成收购米高梅工作室,交易金额在85亿美元至90亿美元之间,这笔交易有望最早在本周二公布。若亚马逊成功收购米高梅,将是该公司自2017年以127亿美元收购Whole Foods以来最大的一笔收购。(财联社)

According to sources, the Amazon is close to completing the acquisition of the MGM studio, with transactions ranging from $8.5 billion to $9 billion, which is expected to be announced at the earliest this Tuesday. If the Amazon succeeds in the acquisition of MGM, it will be the largest acquisition ever since the company acquired WHOLE Foods for $12.7 billion in 2017.


美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)周一称,拟议中的520亿美元用于半导体生产和研发的美国政府拨款可能会创造7家至10家新工厂。雷蒙多在一家美光芯片工厂附近举办的活动上表示,她预期这笔政府资金将在芯片生产和研发上创造“逾1500亿美元”投资,包括来自州和联邦政府以及私营领域公司的贡献。

The US Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, said on Monday that the proposed US government allocation of $52 billion for semiconductor production and R & D might create seven to ten new factories. Ramondo, at an event near a beautiful chip factory, said that she expected that government funding would generate “over $150 billion” in chip production and R & D, including contributions from state and federal governments and private sector companies.

谷歌、亚马逊与以色列政府签署云计算协议 价值超10亿美元

Google, Amazon and the Israeli government signed a cloud computing agreement worth more than $1 billion.


On Monday, the Israeli government indicated that it had signed an agreement with Google, Amazon Cloud Calculator AWS to provide cloud services to the Israeli public sector and military in a project worth more than $1 billion. A month ago, Google and Amazon defeated Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM, winning the four-phase project called Nimbus.

任正非:在纯软件领域 华为要敢于领先世界

: In the pure field of software, China dares to lead the world


At an internal meeting of the company, China, the founder of the company, stated that he dared to lead the world in the pure field of software; where there was a combination of hardware and software, emphasis was placed on optimizing software to make it soft and hard, while emphasis was placed on software, because future development in that area was largely outside the control of the United States, with greater autonomy, and could “grave to the roots, to the sky.” A summary of a symposium in April by Reuters, a part of the company's scientists and software experts, showed that he dared to invest strategically, create an atmosphere of openness, make powerful software, and claim that China had sufficient financial support to invest in material and human resources.

贝壳找房:彭永东任董事长兼CEO 管理层一年内不出售股份

5月24日,贝壳找房宣布,公司联合创始人、首席执行官及执行董事彭永东接替左晖先生担任贝壳董事长一职,并任命贝壳首席运营官徐万刚先生为贝壳执行董事。同时,贝壳宣布左晖先生为公司“永远的荣誉董事长”。此外,公司执行董事、高级管理人员和Propitious Global Holdings Limited(以及管理其所持股权权益的家族信托)承诺自即日起365日内,将不会出售、转让或以其他方式处置目前其持有的任何公司的普通股或美国存托股票。(澎湃新闻)

On 24 May, Shells announced that the co-founder, CEO and Executive Director of the company, Peng Yongdong, would take over the position of Chairman of the Shell and appoint Mr. Chee Wangang, Chief Operating Officer of Shell, as Executive Director of Shell. At the same time, Shells declared Mr. Kotsu to be the Company's “Emeritus Chairman for ever.” In addition, the Company's Executive Director, Senior Management and Propitious Global Holdings Limited (and the family trust that manages its equity interests) promised that they would not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the general shares of any company currently in their possession or United States stock deposits for 365 days from that date.


Consumption CEO: Bitcoin will not be classified as an asset class


HSBCCO states that, given the volatility of bitcoin, we do not treat it as an asset class, and if our customers want bitcoin, they can, of course, but we will not promote bitcoin as an asset class in our wealth management business.

快手第一季度营收170亿元 在线营销服务占比超50%


On 24 May, the fast-track company released the first quarter of 2021. The financial statements showed a net loss of 57.75 billion yuan per quarter, adjusted to a net loss of 4.92 billion yuan. On the revenue side, the fast-tracker received a total of 17 billion yuan per quarter, an increase of 36.6 per cent over the same period of the previous year, of which $8.6 billion was generated by online marketing services, an increase of 161.5 per cent over the same period of the previous year, contributing more than 50 per cent to total revenue for the first time.

第一弹App侵权2万集影视剧 非法获利3400万 创始人获刑

The first shot of App was a violation of 20,000 cinematographys, illegally profiting 34 million, and the founder was sentenced to .


In August last year, the popular second dollar community “first shot” App uploaded a large number of United States, Japanese, Korean and other countries' films and films, from which he charged members' full value fees and advertising fees, totalling over $34.18 million in illegal profits, and the App founder was arrested. On May 20, the People's Procuratorate of the Peace and Security District of Shanghai prosecuted 28 individuals for copyright violations in Shanghai, Shanghai Network Science and Technology Ltd. and Wang Yiu, and the people's court of the Putuga Region handed down a first-instance judgement, sentencing Sgan to a fine of $1.3 million for copyright violations, sentencing Wang to a three-year suspended sentence of four years' imprisonment and a fine of $240,000.


If you want to see in-depth stories, we should look for Phoenix Technologies.





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