
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:27 评论:0



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The World Science and Technology Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “West World”) of Shenzhen, an IPFS technology firm, announced an Angel Wheel to complete a 200 million-grade valuation, to be invested by the Genesis Foundation, which will be used mainly to scale up and expand brand influence.


It is important to learn about the capital of the Kingdom, which is a specialized management company set up in conjunction with the Shenzhen Investment Fund and the Fukuda Guidance Fund to attract good firms to Shenzhen. It is also responsible for attracting good firms to Shenzhen City and even to Fukuda. Its investment direction and strategy are guided by capital concessions, which have been introduced in the western world.


The funds behind its management fund, the founding fund, are the Shenzhen City Fiscal Authority, the Fukuda District Fiscal Authority, banking institutions, establishment groups, listed companies and the founder of capital concessions, Mr. Fo Chul-Kon, among others.


The Western world is currently focusing mainly on hardware development in the area of IPFS, sale of cluster cloud storage equipment, hosting of IDC machine rooms, and one-stop hardware and software services such as cloud storage dimensions.


The company’s core team has graduated from such prestigious institutions as the University of Electronic Technology, Beijing Polytechnic University, Stanford University, and many of its members have had experience in high-tech companies such as Tetsu, Ali, and Qingray on the Internet. Founding team members were miners in the Bitcoin mining industry in the early upper sector of the chain, which lasted more than six years.


IPFS Western World Main Camp


The Western world is currently focusing mainly on hardware development in the area of IPFS, sale of cluster cloud storage equipment, IDC machine room hosting, cloud storage and other one-stop hardware services.


The first is the establishment of a single cluster miner for large investment clients, the provision of a software and hardware-based package of solutions, the charging of follow-up technical services and one-stop service;


The second is a factor lease, which divides a portion of the profits from the output of the company's well-established cluster miner to the client, lowers the threshold for the user layout and earns the proceeds from mining by purchasing the proceeds;


The third is the limited partnership model, which uses the Western world as a GP for a single enterprise, and the rest of the client, which blends his funds into a limited partnership, is like the first business model, working with a company to build a cluster mine, which is not the property rights of a large client, but the property rights of a limited partnership. Thus, for an investor, he does not have to invest so much in a single fund, while at the same time he can enjoy more services and benefits than conventional arithmetic rents.


In the Western world, the profit model is mainly the cost of mining technical services, and there are two profits to be made in large clustering machines: the first is the advantage of a supply chain, with a small profit on hardware, but in the early period, in order to rapidly expand the size of arithmetic management, there will be all profits and even subsidies. The second is a share of the profits of the company that would be leased at the time of transport.


IFS West World, 200 million grade valuation angel wheel financing


After more than three years of in-depth research, 16 months of rigour, and in March 2021 the capital of the founding nation completed an angel round investment in the western world valued at 200 million.

  西部世界是一家从事区块链去中心化云存储服务的科技企业,其核心技术正是源自于斯坦福大学博士Juan Benet所带领的协议实验室所研发的新一代互联网底层技术IPFS。

The Western World is a technology firm engaged in the central cloud storage services of block chains, the core technology of which stems from the new generation of Internet bottom-level technologies IPFS developed by the protocol laboratory led by Dr. Juan Benet of Stanford University.

  “这是一个万亿美金级别的市场,西部世界的团队目前拥有业内领先的IPFS运维技术,相当于抢占了整个市场的‘施劳弗高地’。” 啟赋资本的副总裁黄炎华表示,施劳弗高地战役是二战的最后一场堑壕战,拿下这个高地等于拿稳了柏林攻势的入门票,胜利只是时间问题。

“This is a trillion-dollar-grade market, and the Western world's team now owns the industry's leading IPFS transport technology, amounting to stealing the entire market from the ‘Srauf Heights’.” The vice-president who inspired capital, Hwang Yinghua, said that Schlofer Heights was the last trench battle of World War II, and that taking the high ground would be tantamount to securing the entry ticket to the Berlin offensive. Victory is only a matter of time.


The West is a symbol of the bold spirit of adventure and wealth. The legendary American play West World, known as the West, speaks of self-awakening.


In this era of information explosion, where will the craze of data finally go? Nia sees the future on the IPFS, as well as the future in Shenzhen.


Shenzhen’s future benefits from Shenzhen’s business environment are the best in China, a more compatible financial environment, a stronger entrepreneurial climate, an efficient government in Shenzhen, and the healthiest economic structure in the country that other cities do not currently have. Business can be more market-oriented, because, after all, Shenzhen’s market size is certainly the highest in the country and even Asia as a whole.


gives capital to dig deeper blocks


“The most rapid, applied and network-based ecological development in decentralized storage appears to be IPFS, which is now the most deployed. From storage, version 3.0 of the block chain, which is understood as a computer-to-Internet development process, is not excessive. The iterative development of the block chain is very similar to that of record-keeping, operation-to-storage. Yellow Xia has been following up and studying IPFS since 2017, hoping to find a new path for the involvement of traditional start-up agencies.


Since its creation in 2013, capital start-up has accumulated more than 290 early VC projects with a total investment of more than 6 billion yuan. Since 2019, capital start-up investors have been listed successively on the market for learning, space-based plans, and excellent, and Bubura-Girl Star projects, and have won huge returns after years of incubating capital. In the 2020 First Financial Equity Investment Values Index, capital start-up is ranked among the top “ToP50” seats for the annual entrepreneurial investment agency; and in China's annual ranking of equity investment in 2020, capital start-up was ranked as the “30th best investment agency in China in 2020”.


In parallel with the two main tracks of the Deep Farming Industry Internet and New Materials, capital activation has been a constant source of concern and curiosity about new things. Starting in 2016, capital activation began with a number of block-link projects, including Bubic Technology, Babbitt, the world of coins, etc.


“In the Internet track, many of the good business model projects are `grabbing', and our investment is value-oriented, unchallenged, anti-price-grabbing projects, and we can only find a new track.” Yellow Shirt says that the current block chain is the Internet in its early years, while IPFS is expected to replace HTTP as a new-generation Internet bottom protocol, which is a subversive direction.


“This is also the most industrial place.” At the national strategic level, the National Development and Reform Commission made clear on 20 April 2020 the need to build a new technological infrastructure represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chains, and a numeracy infrastructure represented by a data centre, a smart computing centre.


What is done in the western world is tantamount to building a house for data. According to the upgrading rules of the main network, a house with data needs to be upgraded over time in order to ensure the efficiency, accessibility, security, stability and privacy of the data.


“The top 10 of the Forbes rankings were all real estate developers, and those who will be on the list in the future will be the developers of this batch of data-building houses.” Yellow Xinhua says that decentralizing block chains will lead to a new technological revolution.


IPFS interstellar filesystem


On 10 August 2017, the IPFS block chain network successfully financed $257 million within an hour, breaking the financing speed and scale of the block chain at the time, while the investment agency participating in the round was also a luxury group, including Redwood Capital, the Stanford University Foundation, the DCG Investment Group, the Vincleworth Fund, the Founder Club, the YC Incubator, the Silicon Valley Andersen Fund and the USV Initiation Fund.


According to rough statistics, the world produces 50 billion GB data per day, equivalent to 680,000 72T large-distributed storage units for the full saturation of the data generated by the day, requiring 247 million large storage units per year to meet the demand without changing the data.


Global storage capacity nearly doubles every two years, and the data generated in the last three years are the sum of all data in human history for 40,000 years. How can new data storage methods be made safer, more robust, faster, more fluid, more private, and protected?

  2015年,斯坦福大学博士Juan Benet所带领的协议实验室推出了 IPFS(The InterPlanetary File System,星际文件系统)。IPFS 是一种点对点的分布式文件系统,使用的是去中心化存储技术,将文件以碎片形式存在于多个节点之上,并行处理传输提速。

In 2015, the protocol laboratory led by Dr. Juan Benet of Stanford University launched the IPFS (The InterPlantary File System, the interplanetary file system). IPFS is a distributed, point-to-point file system using decentralised storage techniques that locate documents above multiple nodes in the form of fragments, processing transmission speeds in parallel.

  IPFS 的目标就是打造一个更加开放、快速、安全的互联网,告别传统的 HTTP 协议常见的卡顿和 404 错误,取代HTTP成为新一代互联网底层协议。

The objective of IPFS is to create a more open, fast and secure Internet that will leave the traditional HTTP protocols with the usual Caden and 404 errors, replacing the HTTP as the new generation of Internet bottom protocols.


In the circle of the block chain, there is a saying that “bitcoin brings monetary freedom, Etheria brings equity freedom, the future can be expected, and freedom of information from centralization”.






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