
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:28 评论:0



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俄州美警枪杀非裔案 市政府出千万美元与家属和解!

the U.S. police shot Africans.


US police in Columbus, Ohio, shot and killed an unarmed black man last year.


White Columbus City police officer Koji, who shot 47-year-old African man Hill on 22 December last year, was dismissed by the police and faced multiple murder charges. Videos at the time of the shooting showed that he was coming in the direction of the police and had a mobile phone on his left hand.


In the video taken after the police opened the law enforcement camera, it was heard that Koji gave a loud order to Shir, who was lying on the ground crying in pain, asking him to put his hands on his side. After that, he was taken to hospital, where he was seriously injured and died. No weapons were found at the scene.


Focus News


1; US CDC relaxes its quarantine regulations and Homeland Security warns that terrorists may take advantage of the opportunity to attack large-scale gatherings

【FOXNEWS】美国国土安全部当地时间14日发布新“全国恐怖主义咨询系统公告”(National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin)警告称,随着一些州放松新冠防疫限制,恐怖分子可能会趁机再次袭击大规模集会。此前,美疾控中心13日建议,完成新冠疫苗接种者参加活动时可不戴口罩。

[FOXNEWS] The United States Department of Homeland Security issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin on 14 local days, warning that as some states ease their new coronary rules, terrorists might take the opportunity to attack mass gatherings again.



According to the United States Department of Homeland Security, following earlier restrictions on public capacity that reduced the chances of deadly attacks, violent extremists may now take advantage of deregulation across the United States to attack broader targets.

2、拜登撤销强前政府移民规定 取消签证申请医保要求

strang>2; Beden withdraws the immigration regulations of the former government and cancels the application for a visa for medical insurance


“The government is committed to expanding access to quality, affordable health care.” According to Biden, “We can achieve this without prohibiting non-citizens who seek legal immigration to the country but who lack financial means or have not yet purchased limited health insurance schemes.”



According to the information received, Biden has ordered the leaders of the Department of State, the Department of Health and the Department of Homeland Security to “review any statutes, orders, guidance documents, policies and any other similar institutional actions based on the 2019 Proclamation” and issue revised guidelines.

3、加州遭遇历史级旱灾 恐超去年创纪录野火季

3, California is suffering from an historical drought that threatens to hit the record wildfire season last year.


is aware that California as a whole is currently being hit by the worst drought since 2014, with regions in different drought situations, ranging from medium (D1) to unusual (D4), and that the most severe drought levels now cover 14 per cent of the State's land area, up from 5 per cent last week, an alarming increase.



Scientist Swing at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Nature Conservancy Association warned that the next wildfire season would be an exceptionally high-risk year for California and the West Bank as a whole. It was reported that California was only last year that was the worst wildfire season ever, but US government officials and experts have continued to say that this year is likely to be worse than last year.

4、美媒:受到疑似炸弹威胁 美国安德鲁斯联合基地被关闭


local time 14 local time, the United States Joint Base in Andrews, Maryland, was urgently closed under the threat of a suspected bomb, and a suspect is currently being arrested. On the evening of the 14th night, Andrews Base reportedly confirmed that “security forces personnel are dealing with the incident.” The Base officials stated that “the gate will remain closed until the problem is resolved”.



According to the information received, the local law enforcement authorities installed an explosive ordnance disposal robot near a car parked in front of the base. There are no further reports of this incident.

5、“天问一号”探测器在火星成功着陆 NASA发来贺电

5, ; NASA sent a message .


On May 14, local time, following the successful landing of the `Store One' probe on Mars, NASA forwarded on official Twitter the tweets of Thomas Zubachin, Deputy Director of its Scientific Tasks Bureau. The tweets read: “China's first Mars probe, `Hallowing', congratulates the Chinese National Space Agency's `Stoke One' team! Together with the global scientific community, I look forward to this Chinese mission to Mars, making an important contribution to human understanding of this red planet.”


据悉NASA此前也多次主动寻求中美火星探测器合作,NASA代理局长史蒂夫·尤尔奇克(Steve Jurczyk)曾表示,由于中美在太空探索领域缺乏交流,他们无法获取“天问一号”的数据,这也让项目成员“感到沮丧”,但该局正在主动寻求与中国展开更多的交流。

It was known that NASA had also taken the initiative to seek cooperation with the Sino-American Mars probe on several previous occasions, and that the Acting Director of NASA, Steve Jurczyk, had stated that the lack of communication between the United States and the United States in the field of space exploration had prevented them from obtaining the data for the “Apocalypse One”, which had also caused project members to be “disturbed”, but that the Bureau was actively seeking more communication with China.

6、美民众继续恐慌抢购 华盛顿近九成加油站“无油可加”

6; US people continue to panic and buy.


(Fox News) A major United States oil pipeline was suspended for six days due to hacking attacks and although it resumed full-line operations on 13th, as of 14th day, the population was still panicking to buy gasoline, causing fuel stations in various parts of the country to be “oil-free”, even in the capital, Washington, D.C., where nearly 90 per cent of the gas stations were fuel-free.



According to the American petrol price tracking company, Gas Partners, on 14 days, there were about 141,000 fuel stations in the United States, a slight reduction from the peak of 16.2 million. The Dark Face hackers’ servers were shut down for 14 days, and it is not clear who or which agency was responsible.


strong>7; the 737 MAX, which has been suspended again, or will resume soon

【华盛顿邮报】波音737 MAX机型早前因电气接地问题被再度被停飞,现在,事情又有了转机。据路透社报道,波音公司近日获得FAA的批准,可以对造成100余架737 MAX飞机停飞的电气接地问题进行维修,为这些于4月初停飞的737 MAX飞机快速复飞扫清了道路。

[Washington Post] The Boeing 737 MAX, which had been suspended earlier due to electrical land problems, has now been re-opened. According to Reuters, Boeing has recently obtained FAA approval to repair the electrical ground that caused the shutdown of more than 100 MAX aircraft, clearing the way for the 737 MAX aircraft, which were grounded in early April.



Boeing said, "We have issued service announcements to the affected fleet after the final approval of FAA. As we prepare to resume the delivery of the aircraft, we are also in the process of completing (maintenance) work."


strang>8; large-size models without fear of the world, bravely on the cover of Playboy, calling for inclusiveness

【综合讯】作为《海滩游侠》主演大卫·哈塞尔霍夫的女儿,海莉·哈塞尔霍夫(Hayley Hasselhoff )近日登上了德国版《花花公子》杂志的封面,成为了首位登上该杂志欧洲封面的大码模特。

As the daughter of David Hasselhoff, starring the Beach Ranger, Hayley Hasselhoff has recently entered the cover of the German magazine Playboy, becoming the first large-size model to appear on the European cover of the magazine.



Hailey has been active in the field of health promotion to enhance women's satisfaction with their bodies. She says that my satisfaction with my body stems from my healthy mental attitude. I hope to inspire more women to confront their fears of the unknown and lead a life of purpose, rather than defining themselves by their body.


【AP】加拿大国防部当地时间5月14日发表声明宣布,负责加拿大全国新冠疫苗分发工作的丹尼·福廷(Dany Fortin)少将因接受内部调查,不再履行这一职责。不过,声明没有透露福廷调查原因。

[AP] Department of Defense Canada, local time, issued a statement on 14 May declaring that Major General Danny Fortin, who is responsible for the distribution of Canada's new crown vaccine nationwide, was no longer in charge of this function as a result of an internal investigation. However, the statement does not disclose the reasons for the Fortin investigation.



The statement states that “Today, Major General Danny Fortin is no longer carrying out his mandate at the Canadian Public Health Agency, awaiting the results of the military investigation. The Acting Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Ayer, will review the next steps with Major General Fortin.” Fortin was proposed by the Canadian Health Service in December 2020 as Deputy Administrator to assist in the procurement and distribution of new crown vaccines, as well as in the logistics and operation of new crown vaccines.

10、美国加州2600万美元彩票无人认领 中奖者误将彩票清洗损坏

10; $26 million in unclaimed lottery in California, United States of America.


[CNN] The California Lottery in the United States of America was won without a big prize worth $26 million (approximately RMB 160 million). The lottery was reportedly sold at a convenience store in Novak County, Los Angeles. The convenience store staff revealed that the winning lottery was bought by a woman who came to the store recently to claim that her lottery was accidentally washed in a washing machine and is now destroyed.



The California Lottery spokesman, Cathy Johnston, states that lottery buyers usually have copies or photographs of winning lottery tickets to prove their authenticity. If the woman does not intend to complain, $19 million of the lottery awards will be donated to state schools.


strong >11, with $1.2 billion worth of wood canine coins donated by the founder of the Tai family to help India fight the epidemic


, the world’s youngest encrypted money rich, has recently donated some $1.2 billion worth of firewood to India’s charitable foundation, as the founder of the Tahrir Club, Butrin, to help combat the epidemic in India. It was also because of his massive sale that the price of firewood dog coins fell by almost 40%.



The Foundation stated that it did receive a donation of firewood canine coin from Buttlin and that it would be carefully calculated and converted to ensure that the money could be used to respond to the Indian epidemic.


strong >12, over $100 million. Picasso's painting "The Woman at the Window" shows .


This is the first time in two years that a global art auction has been awarded more than $100 million, highlighting Picasso's special position in the arts field.



According to the report, the painting was completed by Picasso in 1932, in which the woman was his mistress. Jiast indicated that the painting was sold at the auction for only 19 minutes at $90 million, plus commission and so on, at a final price of $13.4 million.


strang >13, 3-year-old Down syndrome boy, awarded honour cleaner


was awarded an honorary cleaner before Noah, a three-year-old boy in West York County, United Kingdom, who reportedly named her as a boy with Down syndrome, and Noah Lawrence named her truck.



During the blockade, the most important thing in Little Noah’s week was to see a bunch of cleaners pick up garbage on Wednesday, and every time that time, Little Noah would be excited to put his nose on the window. The cleaners said that Little Noah’s enthusiasm was a pleasure to them, and they thanked Little Noah for making them feel better.

14、奇葩!俄罗斯举办挖坟竞赛 坟坑要深过1米6 还需整洁

strang >14 !

【每日邮报】全俄挖坟大赛“挖坟无极限”14日在新西伯利亚举行。根据比赛规则,参赛的各地区选手以小组形式参加,两人一组。各小组需竞速挖出一个长 200 厘米、宽 80 厘米、深 160 厘米的坟坑。

[The Daily Post] The All-Russian Cemetery Excavation Competition, “Secrets Without Limits” 14, is held in New Siberia. In accordance with the rules of the game, the regional contestants take part in a team of two. Each team has to race to dig a mass grave 200 centimetres long, 80 centimetres wide and 160 centimetres deep.

冠军用时 38 分钟 创造了俄罗斯挖坟大赛的新纪录
赢得了 3 万卢布(约 2615 元人民币)的奖金 图源:每日邮报


Once the grave has been dug, the staff will put the prepared coffins in the pits and check for their suitability. Videos show that the competition is hot, and the contestants will fly and work hard. The purpose of the competition is to raise the profile of the funeral industry, enhance the level of work of grave diggers, and attract younger generations into the funeral industry.


strang >15, creepy! A woman in America wakes up from a red drip in her sleep, police: body water / span >

【Global news】美国得克萨斯州一女子近日在凌晨被楼上渗漏的水滴声惊醒。这名女子刚开始以为是雨声,开灯后才发现竟是从吊扇上滴落的血水。

[Global news] A woman in Texas, United States, was woken in the early morning by the sound of leaking water from upstairs. The woman began to think it was rain and turned on the light and found blood drops from the ceiling fan.

图源:Global news


When the firemen arrived, they opened the upstairs door and found a rotten male body lying on the floor. The property reportedly refused to pay compensation for it, and the woman did not purchase a rental insurance policy and would move in the near future.


监 制 / 俊 州

Monitoring / State

责 编 / Derrick

Addendum / Derrick

主 播 / 紫 璇

Main / Purple

编 辑 / Derrick、Zavia、Amo、文马、文卓、三闰

Compiled / Derrick, Zavia, Amo, Manma, Mandra, Sanzo

联合 · 出品

joint. & nbsp;


Radio Seattle, USA


Vancouver Chinese Radio, Canada




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