证券之星消息,宣亚国际涨停收盘,收盘价 17.38 元。该股于 9 点 59 分涨停,未打开涨停,截止收盘封单资金为 4121.56 万元,占其流通市值 1.49%。
Securities Star News, Sinyan International's closing and closing prices, $17.38. The Unit stopped at 9:59, unopened, and collected 41,125.56 million as of the date, representing 1.49 per cent of the market value of its circulation.
2 月 23 日的资金流向数据方面,主力资金净流入 7809.52 万元,占总成交额 24.46%,游资资金净流出 4650.52 万元,占总成交额 14.57%,散户资金净流出 3159.0 万元,占总成交额 9.89%。
In terms of financial flows, as at 23 February, net inflows of major funds amounted to $7,809.52 million, or 24.46 per cent of total transactions, net outflows of venture capital amounted to $46,505.2 million, or 14.57 per cent, and net outflows of bulk funds amounted to $31,590.0 million, or 9.89 per cent of total transfers.
近 5 日资金流向一览见下表:
The financial flows as at the end of the five-year period are summarized in the table below:
该股为快手概念股,字节跳动概念股,web3.0 概念热股,当日快手概念股概念上涨 5.31%,字节跳动概念股概念上涨 5.17%,web3.0 概念上涨 4.94%。
The Unit is the Shorthand Concept Unit, the Byte Jump Concept Unit, the Web3.0 Concept Hot Unit, where the Fast Hand Concept Unit concept increased by 5.31 per cent, the Byte Jump Concept Unit concept by 5.17 per cent and the Web3.0 concept by 4.94 per cent.
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