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原创 锌刻度 锌刻度

Original, zinc scale, zinc scale.


A daily in-depth science and finance survey.


The story behind the business.


Escaping the currency may be the best strategy.

撰文/ 陈邓新

Author/ Chen Dengxin

编辑/ 孟会缘

Editor/ Meng Ribbon


Currency rings, winter has arrived.


Not long ago, Bitcoin fell through the $18,000 threshold against the United States dollar, and after that, the rebound was weak and sustained a shock of $20,000 up and down.


The collapse of bitcoin has also hit the virtual currency market as a whole, and pessimism in the currency circles is spreading.


Worse still, under the expectations of the Bear City, it appears that the Z generation, who had been drinking on the head, no longer believed in the size of the currency circle and abandoned the “bitcoins” with practical action.


The ring. No one's copying it?


"The ring of coins wants to bring home one at a time."


It is a “post-95” urban white collar with thousands of dollars a month, but the base of the original family is thin and the buying of a house becomes a luxury.


In July 2020, Huang Jin was dragged into a pool of money by a friend who talked so much that he couldn't get more than a thousand records, and “Is Bitcoin’s Cow Here” became the focus of the discussion.


From indifference to passion, it's just under six months.


After making the first barrel of gold on Bitcoin, the biggest problem for the Huang Jin was to turn people into ghosts, to pay too quickly, to lose sight of the thousands of dollars a month in hand and not to work properly, much less to think about promotions and salary increases.


In this way, the yellow vibrate has a higher promise.


The Deputy Director of the International Monetary Institute of the People's University of China stated to Matsugi on 21 January 2021 that “the price of Bitcoin today would not be so high if it could be dug up indefinitely instead of more than 21 million”.

听到专家的言论,黄振一改之前的谨慎,辞职并All IN比特币,并向女友许诺赚了大钱就买房结婚。

After hearing the expert's remarks, he was cautious before he changed his position, resigned and promised All Inbitcoin to his girlfriend to buy a house and get married.


It's hard to tell how well bitcoin was and how bad it is now.


After entering 2022, it fell into the key word of the currency circle, where the total market value of bitcoins shrinks by almost 70%, and "Open APPs, good man, this is not gonna work for bitcoins, that's what I'm gonna do!"


Bitcoin's double dome is up.


What is not good is that instead of paying for all the money that was earned earlier, Alexander was heavily indebted, from the joy of eating the pot of fire and singing songs to the sadness of singing in the shadows for less than a year.


"The coin rings make money, and they want to take them home." As the Yellow Jin said.


Huang Xin told Zinc at the same time that debt was often fought with his girlfriend and ended up in discomfort, that he could not sleep at night, and regretted that he had not been able to get out of the covetous siege sooner: “If he had not gone to war, the day would have been easy and would have been too long to go back to the county city to buy a house.”


In fact, it is not an example of what has happened to Huang Zhen.


On Twitter, the topic of “coin swings” was read 270 million times, and many people lamented the fact that their wallets were empty and the market was so sad.


A private recruit told Zini scale: “Technologically, Bitcoin has entered Bear City, escape is the best way to escape, and the copy may turn into a `dead man'.”

“已经没有人喊抄底了,Game Over”

"No one's shouting, Game Over" .


Unlike Huang Zhen, Han has a deeper understanding of the currency circles.


As an IT practitioner, Han Yong knew early on that the essence of a virtual currency was a “consensus”, with no real circulation or collection value, but this did not prevent its entry.


“Doesn't agree with the greatness of decentralisation, nor does it recognize the greatness of Hashi's algorithm, nor does it believe in the so-called scarcity.” Han Xiao, who still chooses So-ho, “knows that the odds are minimal, why does anyone buy it? One thing, whether you admit it or not, is that currency circles are never short of the one-night rich story, which is the fastest way for ordinary people to change their lives.”


In short, fools are the bottom of the currency circle.


According to encyclopedia, the theory of stupidity refers to the fact that in capital markets people are willing to buy something at a higher price because they expect a bigger fool to buy it from them at a higher price.


And Lee Hsien, the founder of the book, once said, “Investing in bitcoin is like Katada, investing in mountain coins is like running cars, airplanes, and the latter is faster and more exciting.”


As a result, Han Xin was keen to buy and sell mountain coins, licking blood for many years, with considerable experience, and predicting this virtual currency in advance, “by historical law, every time bitcoin production is reduced by half, it triggers a wave of upturns, which triggers a resonance of the currency circle”.


Top ten virtual currencies.


The beginning was struck, but not the end.


What Han didn't think was that bitcoin had fallen so fast, dragged down the virtual currency as a whole, and said, "How do you know when it's boiling when it's easy to sell when it's unattended? Isn't the industry's consensus $160,000 for bitcoin?"


With the path dependent, Han Xin did not stop in time during the fall, but instead took a number of downsides and looked forward to a return of the tide, but the fact was that he fell again and again.

韩轩祎告诉锌刻度其已斩仓蛰伏:“之前一跌,大家就喊抄底,抄底十之八九是赚的,现在被多次毒打之后,已经没有人喊抄底了,这说明什么?Game Over!”

Han Dynasty told Zindu that he was in a state of disarray: “What does it mean, that when you fall, everyone shouts, and then 10 octies are earned, and now that you've been beaten so many times, no one shouts? Game Over!”


So, why is the currency all of a sudden in the air?


In this connection, it is clear to our friends, the proud fish, that: "When the Feds pour water, they can fire anything. They dig up a rock in the ground, call it a high price, and they can fire the sky." What's important is that it's just a tool for games. Now that the Fed collects water, the money for games is reduced, and the rocks turn back to stone."


And the block chain developer, Go Fung, told Zini scale: “When things are bad, high-risk assets will be sold first, and Bitcoin will be a risky asset, and it's not a safe asset at all, it's simply a lie.”


bugs attack 100% of the chain of control and virtual currency has no future?


It is important to note that it is not just individuals who have lost money, but many institutions have not been spared.


For example, Tesla purchased $1.5 billion in February 2021, with a unit price of approximately $34,000/me, to calculate a loss of more than 40 per cent of Tesla's currency.


For example, between March and April 2021, Merit purchased a cumulative total of 31,000 in taels and 940.89 in bitcoins for a total value of $50.5 million and $49.5 million, respectively, thereby extrapolating a loss of more than 50 per cent of the United States dollar.


It's worse than the failure of the coins.


In this context, the currency circle's shrinking eyes are visible.


According to public sources, Coinbase, the largest encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, announced a global lay-off of 18 per cent on 14 June 2022, while other trading platforms, such as BlockFi, Crypto.com, Gemini and Buenbit, also have large-scale downsizing plans.


More critically, external pressures on virtual currencies are increasing.


On the one hand, central banks are studying the statutory digital currency, eager to reduce transaction costs through digital currency, improve financial efficiency, prevent illegal activities such as money-laundering, and limit the future or limit the application of virtual currency such as Bitcoin and the scope of investment, thereby reducing its consensual value.


US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen once said: “We have to look carefully at ways to encourage the use of virtual money for legitimate activities while reducing its use for malicious and illegal activities. If confirmed, I intend to work closely with the Federal Reserve Commission and other federal banks and securities regulators with a view to implementing an effective regulatory framework for these and other financial science, technology and innovation.”


On the other hand, there is a more thorough study of loopholes in virtual currencies.

知名白帽tombkeeper表示:“懂一点区块链的可能都知道‘51%攻击’,就是说除非能控制一半以上的节点,否则区块链都是安全的。2022年我们报告了某个币的 RCE 漏洞,可以在几十分钟内控制该币的所有节点——也就是说,不止51%,而是100%控制整个链,成为上帝。”

The famous white cap tombkeeper says, "A little bit of the block chain might know '51% attack', meaning that the block chain is safe unless it controls more than half of the nodes. In 2022, we reported an RCE gap in a currency that can control all the nodes of that currency in a matter of minutes -- that is, more than 51%, but 100% control the whole chain and become God."


This means that there is a risk that the underlying logic of virtual currency may be subverted.


All in all, with the virtual currency turning the corner, the more it becomes the currency circle, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the shorter it is, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes, the more it becomes.


Well, getting away from the currency may be the best strategy.


(At the request of the interviewer, Wang Jing and Han Xin are aliases)



Chen Dong-sung.


Mailbox: cdx@cpcw.com


Introduction: Investing in change of life


Areas of focus: listed companies, new energy sources


Zinc scale


A daily in-depth science and finance survey.


Original title: "Z Generation, Abandoning the Bitcoins? "





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