
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:26 评论:0



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The Central Bank, among others, has issued guidance that it will promote the application of block chain technology in rural finance; the 100% launch of the BBE platform of the Block Chain Operating System; the IBM launch of the Cloud Services Block Chain platform in Melbourne; and the Moscow government will launch an IT innovation cluster based on the block chain in the summer of 2019.

  来源 | 数据观(转载请注明来源)

Source Dataview (reproduced with reference to source)

  整理 | 孙永慧

Let's go, Sun Yong-hye.

  编辑 | 方茶云

Edit Fong Tea Clouds

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Central Bank, etc. issues guidance: promoting the application of block chain technology in rural finance


Previously, the People's Bank, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the Certification Supervisory Board, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development had jointly issued the Guidance on the Revitalization of Financial Services Villages (hereinafter referred to as the Guidance), which indicated the promotion of the application of new technologies, such as block chains, in the area of rural finance.


The Guidance refers to the need to strengthen innovation in financial products and services and to better meet the needs of rural diversification financing, in addition to actively expanding the scope of agricultural rural mortgages, improving the system of “three-farm” green financial products and services, and promoting credit management mechanisms within innovative financial institutions, as well as promoting the application of new technologies in the area of rural finance, regulating the development of in rural areas, using technology such as large data, block chains, and increasing the level of identification, monitoring, early warning and disposal of agricultural credit-related risks.



100-degree roll-out of Block Chain Operating System BBE platform


Recently, 100-degree cloud officials released microblogging to launch their BBE platform, which is a business block chain operating system that helps businesses to quickly embrace blocks. On the basis of this system, developers can develop block chain applications like the development of mobile App.


In the area of , it was with an open operating system as the basis for attracting the various Apps developed by many developers around the application landscape. In the area of block chains, the Dapp ecology is gradually taking shape, which is also seen as a sign of the block chain entering phase 3.0.


The 100-degree block grid engine, BBE, is known to function as a terminal platform for DApp and is a portal for users to discover and use DApp. Developers can quickly create and publish their own DApp through the 100-degree block chain engine BBE. Today, the 100-degree block chain engine BBE-enabling DApp developers are able to fully embrace the capabilities of the enterprise by building lower-level ecology and creating business closures.



Recruiting of the Model Plan for the Application of Block Chains in Huang Po District, Guangzhou City, Development Area


In recent days, according to the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government Network, in order to actively encourage block chains and application sites, and to promote the full application of block chains, the Guangzhou City Wong Po District and the Development Area have launched a special plan for the application of the 2018 block chain. The deadline for the call is 28 February 2019, the construction cycle is 6 months, and the project will be completed by 30 August 2019.


The range and areas of the application include:


1. Block chains + powers of authentication. Use of blocks chains for indeterminate, retrospective features, registration and search applications of information based on open-source public chains, union chains and private chain development of autonomous intellectual property rights; intellectual property rights and management applications; and various trading scene applications. Emphasis is placed on supporting multi-application landscape integration projects for intellectual property rights determinations + transactions.


2. Block chains + open-source communities. Based on the public chain of block chains, open-source communities are built to combine blocks under line lines. More than 10 open-source tools or application codes, such as asset management tools, smart contracts/block-chain browsers, are developed and made available, along with block-chain training and education, and community networking platforms are promoted in the process of block-chain application. Emphasis is placed on supporting the development of block-chain industries around the sector, building community-based technological open-source communities, and creating embedded and experience-readable technical ecological landscapes of block-chains.


Block chain + logistics traceability. Block chain technology is applied to the logistics and traceability of commodities, providing transparent mechanisms for the flow of information, logistics and finance for commodities, addressing the industry's “information silo” problem, optimizing logistics management, improving logistics efficiency and improving traceability quality assurance. Emphasis is placed on supporting cross-border logistics and traceability applications for the Bay of Australasia region of Hong Kong.


4. Block-chain + finance. Apply block-chain technology, focusing on addressing traditional supply chain financial information asymmetries, the inability to transmit credit among multiple suppliers, the high cost of financing, improving the efficiency of fund allocation, optimizing the core business procurement environment, creating a multi-win business environment for core enterprises, financial institutions and SMEs, and providing a full range of supply chain financial services through the development of supply-chain financial products such as receivables financing, order financing and inventory financing. Emphasis is placed on supporting e-information procurement upstream of the core enterprise + industry chain, especially with multi-tier upstream suppliers, with more than 20 upper-chain suppliers.

  5.区块链+人工智能。将区块链的技术特点与人工智能相结合,为人工智能提供安全可信的数据,增加机器间的互相信任,更好地发挥机器学习和人工智能辅助决策的功效,降低获得创新技术的门槛,提升深度感知和智能化水平,实现关键环节的优化创新,助力产业升级。重点面向先进制造业,建设基于区块链+人工智能的先进制造业生态融合智慧平台,利用区块链技术整合行业内需求、研发、采购、制造、交付、售后服务数据集,结合人工智能实现企业画像、需求分析、精准营销等赋能 ,建设共享共治的先进制造产业生态圈。

5. Block chains + artificial intelligence. The technical characteristics of block chains are combined with artificial intelligence to provide safe and reliable data for artificial intelligence, increase trust among machines, improve efficiency in machine learning and artificial intelligence-assisted decision-making, lower the threshold for acquiring innovative technologies, raise the level of in-depth awareness and intelligence, optimize innovation in key links, and help the industry upgrade. Emphasis is placed on advanced manufacturing, building smart platforms for advanced manufacturing eco-integration based on block chains + artificial intelligence, integrating industrial demand, research and development, procurement, manufacturing, delivery, after-sales service data sets using block chain technologies, combining artificial intelligence to enable enterprise graphics, demand analysis, precision marketing, etc., and building an advanced manufacturing ecological circle for shared co-management.

  6.区块链+政策兑现。应用区块链技术,通过政府部门信息系统与区块链平台对接,将重要节点信息存储上链,实现数据在多部门间的安全共享,创新政府业务审批模式,实现政策兑现事项申报全程电子化、智能合约自动审核、多部门并行审核、企业信息可信共享、申报审核状态公开透明等特性,将政策兑现从企业注册、在线申报到政府业务主管部门审核等每个兑现环节全流程上链,解决企业重复提交材料、业务主管部门实质审核难度大、数据篡改、重复申报、监管难度大等堵点痛点问题 ,提高政府部门业务审批效率和依法执政的水平。

6. The application of block-chain technologies, interlinking of key node information through government sector information systems with block-chain platforms, the safe sharing of data across multiple sectors, the innovation of government business approval models, the electronicization of declarations of policy delivery, automatic audit of smart contracts, multi-sectoral parallel audits, credible sharing of business information, open transparency of declaration clearance status, etc., the implementation of policies through the integration of the entire compliance chain from the registration of enterprises, online declarations to the audit of government operational authorities, the resolution of the problem of repeated submissions by enterprises, the difficulty of substantive review by operational authorities, data manipulation, duplication of declarations, difficulties in monitoring, etc., and the improvement of the efficiency of the approval of government departments'operations and the level of authority in accordance with the law.


7. Block chains + electronic prescription flow. Use of technical features such as the integrability, traceability and decentralisation of block chains, smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, P2P communications, electronic flow flow platform-type applications based on known open-source public chains, alliances with autonomous intellectual property rights; medical data management and search applications; and various medical data flow and traceability applications. Emphasis is placed on supporting applications such as electronic prescription flow platforms and medical data sharing to promote medical facilitation and digitization.


8. Block chains + human training. Building on specialized block chain training institutions, building a block chain training base. Developing an online educational training platform using block chain technology, achieving digital copyright protection for educational training courses, building a credible archive of education trainers, etc., while establishing a systematic block chain education training system, compiling block chain education training materials, training up to 1,000 people, training more than 50 high-end members of the block chain, and establishing a professional, high-level block chain training platform.



Senior Secondary Students Block Chain Project for International Science and Technology Exchange for Young Chinese Science and Technology


Recently, in 2019, China's Young People's International Science and Technology Exchange Selection Training and IntelISEF Winter Camp selected 26 projects on behalf of China to travel to Arizona City to participate in the 70th Intel International Science and Engineering Award.


He innovatively combines the consistency Hashi algorithm and block chains, using distributed storage, collaborative verification, data stratification, etc. to improve the efficiency of the algorithm while safeguarding data security.


Su said: “In order to do a project in its entirety, it must not only be innovative, but also take into account the many aspects of scientific regulation, in which it is possible not only to upgrade combined capabilities, but also to gain experience and open horizons by participating in competitions.” He also said that he would plan to continue to refine the project, for example by matching optimized block chain models with the latest foreign research.


The Intel International Science and Engineering Award is an international competition founded by the American Science and Public Society and the world's largest and highest-ranking science and technology competition for students in grades 9-12, covering 22 disciplines such as zoology, behavioural and social sciences, biochemistry, Earth and environmental sciences, mechanical engineering and environmental engineering.



Chinese enterprises publish the world's leading block chain master network overseas

  2019年新年伊始,在韩国首尔召开的“链+ 2019”大型区块链峰会上,来自中国的一家企业发布了所谓“并行区块链”的全新主网——“Paralism”,受到业内普遍关注。

At the start of the New Year in 2019, at Seoul, Korea, , an enterprise from China released a new main network, “Paralism”, known as the Parallel Block Chain.


The focus on Paralism, the new block chain backbone announced by Chinese enterprises in South Korea, was due to the use of parallel technologies to address three of the most deadly deficiencies facing the current block chain industry: efficiency, expansion and cross-linkage.


The basic chain structure of Paralism was described as a completely new data structure with both “parallel” and “coherent” data structures that would allow multiple independent subchains to coexist, allowing for parallel processing, parallel creation of previously high-volume transactions, and as the volume of system services increased, the number of subchains could increase dynamically, allowing the system to truly support large-scale data processing in practical applications, thus creating an expansion that could not be expected by industry. Indeed, an increase in the dynamics of the chain in parallel Paralism would be a fractional function to which Asper’s system has been dedicated.

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IBM launched the cloud service block chain platform in Melbourne

  2 月12日,据cointelegraph消息,IBM已经在澳大利亚墨尔本的数据中心发布了其区块链主网络,这将允许他们的客户在该公司的云上运行他们的应用程序。

On 12 February, according to the cointelegraph, IBM has released its section chain master network at the data centre at Australia Melbourne, which will allow their clients to run their applications on the company's cloud.

  据悉,IBM区块链平台建立在Hyperledger结构之上。总部位于悉尼的IBM数据中心将于3月底开放,并与东京、伦敦、达拉斯、圣保罗和多伦多的其他数据中心一起开放。IBM在澳大利亚和新西兰的区块链主管Rupert Colchester表示,第二个中心将使该技术更加广泛的可用。

The IBM block chain platform is known to be based on the Hyperledger structure. The IBM data centre, based in Sydney, will be open by the end of March, together with other data centres in Tokyo, London, Dallas, São Paulo and Toronto. The IBM sector chain manager, Rupert Colchester, in Australia and New Zealand, said that the second centre would make the technology more widely available.


IBM has been actively expanding its use of block chain technology. On 31 January, IBM completed a block chain experiment, transporting 108,000 oranges from China to Singapore, which allegedly reduced document processing time and transport costs.



The US Food and Drug Administration pilot project will test block chains to help contain counterfeit drugs


According to Foreign Media SlashGear, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States is exploring innovative ways to help the agency track drugs, including block chains, and plans to launch a new pilot project to test these innovations. The agency recently published its pilot scheme, explaining that pharmaceutical manufacturers, stakeholders, repackaging agents and others can test “emerging methods” for authenticating and tracking prescription drugs in the United States.


The pilot scheme aims to increase accountability for medicines entering the United States, which ultimately helps to ensure the required quality and safety. Of particular concern is the counterfeit drugs, which may be produced overseas and then enter the U.S. supply chain.

  根据《药物供应链安全法案》(Drug Supply Chain Security Act),用于监测药物的可互操作的跟踪和追踪系统将于2023年生效。市场上符合条件的参与者可申请成为FDA新试点计划的一部分,这将有助于塑造电子追踪系统。这些公司将试用不同的技术,但并非所有这些技术最终都将成为最终系统的一部分。

According to the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (Drug Supply Chain Security Act), an interoperable tracking and tracking system for monitoring drugs will come into effect in 2023. Eligible participants in the market can apply to become part of the new FDA pilot scheme, which will help shape the electronic tracking system.

  在讨论新的试点计划时,FDA专员Scott Gottlieb医学博士表示,区块链就是这样一种潜在的技术。

In discussing the new pilot scheme, FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb indicated that the block chain was one such potential technology.



  2月13日讯,韩国釜山市已与区块链公司Hyundai Pay签署谅解备忘录,明确将Hyundai Pay总部迁至釜山的计划,以及创建必要的金融科技基础设施的计划。谅解备忘录还旨在通过“与相关初创企业共同成长,为本地信息通信技术产业的发展作出贡献”,振兴区块链产业。

On February 13, the city of Busan, Korea, signed a memorandum of understanding with Hyundai Pay, a block chain company, setting out plans for the relocation of Hyundai Pay headquarters to Busan, and for the creation of the necessary financial science and technology infrastructure. The memorandum of understanding is also aimed at revitalizing the block chain by “developing with relevant start-ups and contributing to the development of the local ICT industry”.


As previously reported, the Republic of Korea announced its plan to create a block chain centre, focusing on “South Korea's (encrypted) industry, specifically in Busan.



The Moscow government will launch an innovative IT cluster based on block chains in the summer of 2019

  据cointelegraph消息,莫斯科市政府计划在2019 年夏天之前推出一个基于区块链的城市创新集群平台。

According to cointelegraph, the Moscow municipality plans to launch an innovative urban clustering platform based on block chains by the summer of 2019.

  莫斯科商业和创新部部长Alexey Fursin表示,即将推出城市IT创新集群平台将使参与者能够找到潜在的合作伙伴,并了解他们的产品和设备。Fursin还指出,该平台的参与者也将能够通过莫斯科政府的资助获得财政支持。

The Minister of Commerce and Innovation of Moscow, Alexey Fursin, stated that the forthcoming launch of the Urban IT Innovation Clustering Platform would enable participants to identify potential partners and understand their products and equipment. Fursin also noted that participants in the Platform would also be able to obtain financial support through funding from the Moscow Government.


  三菱日联合资创办Go-Net公司 旨在明年推出区块链支付平台

"Strong" Mitsubishi Day co-financed Go-Net to launch the block chain payment platform next year.

  Finance Magnates2月13日报道称,日本最大的金融集团东京三菱日联银行(MUFG)与Akamai Technologies携手合作,计划在明年推出基于区块链的在线支付平台。

On 13 February, Finance Magnates reported that the largest financial group in Japan, the Tokyo Mitsubishi Japan Federation Bank (MUFG), in partnership with Akamai Technologies, was planning to launch an online payment platform based on block chains next year.


According to the February 12 announcement, the two companies have been cooperating since the last three years, and a joint venture, Go-Net, was set up to launch the platform in the first half of 2020. MUFG is very optimistic about the platform and has indicated the possibility of processing up to 10 million transactions per second.

  据了解,这已经不是MUFG的第一个区块链计划,因为该金融巨头已经与许多其他合作伙伴共同探索该技术。去年11月,MUFG与西班牙银行业巨头BBVA和法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)一起参与了一项试点项目,即向区块链平台提供1.5亿美元的银行贷款。

It is understood that this is no longer MUFG's first block chain plan, because the financial giant has been exploring the technology with many other partners. Last November, MUFG participated in a pilot project with in Spain and BNP Paribas (BNP Paribas) to provide US$ 150 million in bank loans to the sector chain platform.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:季丽亚 HN003)



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