
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:23 评论:0



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问题一:乌冬是什么意思 乌冬(日文:うどん,英文:udon,在日文汉字中写为:饨),又作乌龙。是一种以小麦为原料制造的日本面,在粗细和长度方面有特别的规定。

Question one: What does U-Tung mean, U-Tung?

问题二:乌冬是什么东西啊? 白驹过隙,光阴苦短。不觉三个月的学习就要结束了。回想起来,国内很多人都知道日本的乌东面,曾经有人问我们单位的韩建武同志,乌东面是什么意思,老韩回答:乌东就是面,面就是乌东。我当时也觉得只能这么回答了,到了日本以后才发现,日本人爱吃面,并且面有很多种。

Question two: What is U-Tun? The white war is too short. Three months of study is about to come to an end. In retrospect, many people in the country know Japan's U-dong side, who once asked our unit's comrade Han Jianwu, what does U-Tung mean by the U-Tung side, who replied: U-Tung is the face, and U-Tung is the face.


The first is the so-called “uton” face, which is actually translated into audio, and is often written in Japan, but in more famous old characters, it is written in two other Chinese characters: birconium. In the course of the production, rice flour is often added to the flour, with a softer face between the cutting and the flour, with a more refined soup, and with a more palatable face. Of course, the Udong surface is now largely machine-processed, and sometimes with vegetable juice, with a variety of flowers.


The second one was a “pea” and was passed from China. In 2000, I ate Lanzhou without having seen it. By that time, the chef had pushed the car to our bun, picked up a piece of it, and picked it up as he wished. I ordered it as wide as a strap. This time I went to Japan to look at it, and it was a very thin face, so it was not as thick as a dragon, it was not as thick as a dragon, it was not as thick as a dragon. According to the Japanese, Japan's pull was as good as it was, it was not as good as a powder, but it was as good as a piece of cake, but it was as good as a piece of fabric, and it was not as good as a large as a piece of fabric.


The third side is barley noodles, which are written in Japanese as "roasted wheat." The first two sides are distinguished from raw materials. I ate those noodles once in Shanxi. This time in Japan. The color of the noodles is dark brown, and they are not very resilient in their mouths. It does not suit my taste, but only once. In the words of my mentor, Professor Chen Changwon, there was little interest in obtaining a qualification.


At a young age, adults live in rural areas with only 500 pounds of food per year, of which 50 pounds of wheat is sufficient to produce 30 pounds of good flour. So the pasta is precious, and it is usually rare to eat one meal. At that time, the best food was my mother's hand noodles, because they were pure noodles, better than dumplings, but only skin, and the meat was not available until the year. So, every time you ate the noodles, you let go of your belly.


This time in the Kivus, it was Moriyama Taro who ate my noodles a few times, and there was a “Mabra noodles” near my place, and they made better ramen. At the same time, in order to understand the differences in the Japanese noodles, they cooked them several times with meat soup.



Remark: Back to Beijing, there's a chain in Beijing called "Face Face" that sells Japanese noodles and eats them once. Faces like that, or something produced by industrialization, are not easy to eat, but soup is much worse. There's fresh and clean food in it, but there's almost no other sauce. The shop in Beijing is located on the Tokyo East Bridge, and I live away from it.

问题三:乌冬面是什么 乌冬(日文:うどん,英文:udon,在日文汉字中写为:饨),又作乌龙。是一种以小麦为原料制造的日本面,在粗细和长度方面有特别的规定。现行的日本农业规格(JAS)中,圆面的截面直径要在1.7毫米以上,角面的宽度在1.7毫米以上的作为“乌冬面”,以下的则为“日式凉面”(宽度1.2~1.7毫米,厚度为1.0~2.0毫米),以此区分。除此以外,社会上通用的观念里,还有细面的“细乌龙面”和“日式凉面”的明确区别。简单来说作为平民主食、大米主食的代用食物,在喜庆时则作为“热”食物,在古代的日本各处都非常受欢迎。以消费量来说岐乌龙面在四国的香川县排第一,在干乌龙面的产地群马县排第二。烹调方法和配料强烈反映了地区差别,所以存在各种各样的类型存在。

Question three: What is the U-Tun face? (Japanese:, English: udon, written in Japanese:, and U-Run.) In addition to the Japanese face, which is made of wheat, there is a clear distinction in terms of fine and long. In Japanese agricultural specifications (JAS), the cross-sectional diameter of the round is more than 1.7 mm, while the angle is more than 1.7 mm as the “U-Tun face”, and the following are very popular in Japan in ancient times.

问题四:乌冬是什么意思啊??? 呵呵呵……撅着小嘴,叫你“乌冬”,像不像QQ头像里叫“亲亲”的那个表情呢?

Question four: What does U-Tung mean? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

问题五:韩国人说乌冬面是什么意思 其实就是咱们吃得乌冬面啊,原产于日本

Question No. 5: What do the Koreans say about ostrich noodles?

问题六:乌冬面的意思一般是形容什么 乌冬面就是一种面而已,源于日本。

Question six: What does U-Tunami mean in general is that U-Tunami is just one face, originating in Japan.

问题七:乌冬面是什么味道 乌冬面本身没味道,可先用猪大骨或柴鱼熬高汤,再取出熬好的高汤煮乌冬面,依个人喜爱,调味或可加一个鸡蛋,就可以了。

Question seven: What's the taste of U-Tunami?


Udun paste (in Japanese: ; English: udon, in Japanese: ) is also known as Udun paste in mainland China and in Hong Kong and Australasia.

乌冬面是最具日本特色的面条之一,与日本的荞麦面、绿茶面并称日本三大面条,是日本料理店[1] 不可或缺的主角。其口感介于切面和米粉之间,口感偏软,再配上精心调制的汤料,就成了一道可口的面食。是将盐和水混入面粉中制作成的白色较粗(直径4毫米~6毫米)的面条。冬天加入热汤、夏天则放凉食用。凉乌冬面可以蘸被叫做“面佐料汁”的浓料汁食用。

The ointment is one of Japan's most distinctive noodles, and the three Japanese noodles, the green tea noodles and the Japanese ones, are the indispensable protagonists of the Japanese food shop[1]. Their mouth senses are between tannery and rice flour, and their mouth is soft, with carefully modulated soup, they become a good pasta. It is a thicker white noodles (4 mm-6 mm in diameter) made of salt and water in flour. Winters add hot soup and summers are used for cold food. Cold winters can be used as a juic.


The most classic Japanese ointment practice is that of beef and high soup, smooth noodles and smooth soup, so when you go to Japan, you must taste a bowl of u-dun noodles from Shanchuan County.


Oysteric trans-fat acids are zero and contain a lot of high-quality carbohydrates. Different foods can be tasted by matching different ingredients, soups, and spices. Sometimes they can be eaten with skirts, vegetables and onions.

问题八:什么是乌冬茶? 乌冬(日文:うどん,英文:udon,在日文汉字中写为:饨),又作乌龙。是一种以小麦为原料制造的日本面,在粗细和长度方面有特别的规定。不知道是否符合你的要求。

Question No. 8: What is u-dun tea? u-dun (Japanese:, English: udon, in Japanese: ) and U-Run. It's a Japanese face made of wheat, with special requirements in terms of size and length. I don't know if it meets your requirements.

问题九:乌冬面为啥叫乌冬面 乌冬面乌龙面(日文:うどん;英文:udon,在日文汉字中写为:饨),在中国大陆及港澳地区也被称为乌冬面 乌冬面是最具日本特色的面条之一,与日本的荞麦面、绿茶面并称日本三大面条,是日本料理店不可或缺的主角。乌冬面是用盐水来和的面,促使面团内快速形成面筋,然后擀成一张大饼,再把大饼迭起来用刀切成面条。其口感介于切面和米粉之间,口感偏软,再配上精心调制的汤料,就成了一道可口的面食。是将盐和水混入面粉中制作成的白色较粗(直径4毫米~6毫米)的面条。冬天加入热汤、夏天则放凉食用。凉乌冬面可以蘸被叫做“面佐料汁”的浓料汁食用。 最经典的日本乌冬面做法,离不了牛肉和高汤,面条滑软,酱汤浓郁,所以去日本,一定要尝一碗香川县的牛肉乌冬面。 乌冬面本身几乎不含脂肪、反式脂肪酸为零、并且含有很多高质量的碳水化合物。通过配合不同的佐料、汤料、调味料可以尝到各种不同的口味。有的时候也会在面上加上裙带菜、蔬菜天妇罗、小葱一起食用。在日本老少咸宜,不论在家里还是在外吃饭,乌冬都是一种很常见的食品。 编辑本段名字乌冬(udonn) undonn的发音是由unn-donn转变而来的,「乌冬」在日本也经常写成“うどん”,但是在比较有名一点的老字号,则经常写成另外两个汉字:馄饨。而汉语的馄饨则是用外来语表示的“ワンタン”。

Question No. 9: The Utun face is called the Utun face. The Utun face is called the Utun face. The Utun face is called the Utun face. The Utun face is called the Utun face of China and Hong Kong. The Utun face is also known as the Utun face of China and Hong Kong. The Utun face is one of the most Japanese noodles. The Utun face is made of salt water, the Utun face of the Utun face, the Utun face of the Utun face, the Utun face of the Utun face of the Utun face, and the Utun face of the Utun face of the Utun face, which is fast-formed with a big cake, and then the stubble of the bourbon of the nats, which is called the "nob" of the nats, which are used for the frobs, the frobs of the nats, and the frobs of the nabs, which are not used.


U-Tung is a Japanese face made of wheat as an empty raw material.


In the current Japanese agricultural specifications (JAS), the cross-sectional diameter of the round is more than 1.7 mm, and the width of the corner is more than 1.7 mm.


The ointment is the basic food in Japanese foods, which are very characteristic of the soup, lubricate, make it easy and fast, and be favoured by many people.


Extended information:


Japanese people love noodles, wheat noodles, utunodles, lasagna, pasta, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. More than one third of the Japanese eat three times a week with the strip above, the most frequent of which is the ramen.


Japan used to conduct surveys through the Internet from 27 February to 1 March. In terms of the frequency of pasta, Li was the highest “one to two times a week”, accounting for 41.9 per cent (40.8 per cent of men and 43.0 per cent of women), followed by “three to four times a week”, 18.6 per cent (20.8 per cent of men and 16.4 per cent of women), and 15.7 per cent of those choosing “two to three times a month” (13.8 per cent of men and 17.6 per cent of women). The proportion of people eating three times a week with the above article was as high as 33.6 per cent.


The first class of pasta in each category consists of ramen and fork roast meat (57.6 per cent), hot winter noodles and onions (55.4 per cent), hot wheat noodles and onions (50.7 per cent), pasta and broken cheese (45.6 per cent), while it is considered to be 35.0 per cent better suited to the ginger.


In addition, 32.4 per cent of Japanese eat ramen most in combination with fried dumplings, 24.1 per cent eat hot oatmeal, 20.4 per cent eat hot oatmeal with fried shrimp, 17.7 per cent believe that pasta must have salad, and 11.2 per cent drink a cup of green tea while they eat bourbon noodles.


Source: 100-degree encyclopedia-seafood hundun.

参考资料来源:中新网-日媒:日本人经常吃拉面 吃拉面时爱搭配煎饺

Source: Sino-New Network-Japanese Media: Japanese eat ramen often and eat ramen with fried dumplings.


;? Utun is a Japanese pasta made of wheat, which has special requirements in terms of size and length.


This is done by saline water and pasta, prompting the mass to form rapidly, and then making a big pie, folding it up and cutting it with a knife, about 4-6 mm in diameter. In the process, people tend to add rice flour to their flour, so that the face is drawn between the heat of the cut and the powder, so that the taste is softer and the soup is carefully tuned.


The ointment is made of wheat as a raw material, and the chain fluids have certain characteristics, whether fresh or heavy, and the ointment is one of the most Japanese noodles, together with the Japanese wheat noodles, the green tea noodles and the three Japanese noodles, are indispensable protagonists of the Japanese food shop.


Now that U-Turquoise is one of many people's favorite pasta, and its heat is relatively low, with about 143 calories per 100 grams of U-Turquoise, it is entirely fine to eat U-Turquoise in normal life.


This is the end of the introduction to what U-Tun is and the difference between U-Tun and ordinary noodles, and I hope it will help you. If you want to know more about this, please pay more attention to us.


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