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You know how to take notes.

2010年5月22号,程序员Laszlo Hanyeczyong 花费1万个比特币(当时价值40美元)买了两个披萨,这也是比特币的第一次购物交易,自此比特币真正拥有了货币属性。如果按最近比特币的价格来计算,这两个披萨价值超过了5亿美元,这绝对是有史以来最贵的披萨了。

On May 22, 2010, Programmer Laszlo Hanyeczyong bought two pizzas at a cost of 10,000 bitcoins (at that time $40), the first purchase deal of bitcoins, and since then Bitcoins have truly acquired monetary attributes. If measured at the most recent bitcoin price, these pizzas are worth more than $500 million, which is definitely the most expensive pizza ever.


The virtual currency, headed by bitcoin, is becoming the most magical existence of our time when the new generation of pickles is painted green by the funds on the mobile phone. Countless loaders who do not buy high-end cards are yearning every day for “ mine troubles & & rdquo; early arrival, but ultimately waiting for the card at a price higher than a day.


So, in the face of Bitcoin, a 10-year-old phantom of 200,000 times the size of the Internet, some Internet companies that were at the forefront of the Internet, but whose main business was in the mountains, were also tempted and set on the path of speculation, becoming & ldquao of a virtual currency; gambler & rdquao;


It is not clear whether the price of these speculations will be greater than the two pizzas of the year.

3月19日,第九城市宣布已经透过旗下子公司NBTC Limited,与矿机商比特大陆签署年度矿机采购协议,九城将向比特大陆采购24000台S19j蚂蚁矿机,矿机将在2021年11月开始交付。

On 19 March, the Ninth City announced that it had signed an annual mine purchase agreement with the miner, mainland Bitland, through its flag subsidiary NBTC Limited, and that the city would purchase 24,000 S19j ant aircraft from mainland Bitland, which would start delivery in November 2021.


If the market price of S19j ant machines is calculated at $34,000 per unit at this stage, the cost of purchasing 24,000 mine machines would exceed RMB 800 million.


Perhaps ordinary game players will be surprised to see this information. In the realization of most players, Nine Cities were the same old Chinese game company that introduced the World of Monsters to China, and as this game company started digging for mines, it naturally led to a lot of confusion.


Five years ago, nine cities disappeared almost in the game world after acting on the fireline. Today, opening the network of officials in nine cities has barely seen anything about the game, full of information about mining machines, virtual money, etc.


The last time that the city received much attention from the outside world, it announced in 2019 that it would invest $600 million in the national Internet & ldquo; the first Ley & rdquo; and Jiajun. Of course, the investment was finally lost, after all, with $600 million on the entire account of the city.


From World of Monsters to Miracles MU to Shinhua in Shanghai, Chu and his nine cities have always been the brightest in the country’s Internet sphere. But looking back at the whole development of the Nine Cities, &ldquao; speculation & rdquao; perhaps always the fabric of the bones, never studied and represented the idea that five years had been the only high moments when the world of monsters had been represented.

某种意义上来看,代理游戏就是一次“押注”,之前投资贾跃亭的FF9同样是“押注”,现在All in区块链、大举挖矿依然是在“押注”,没有核心产品和竞争力,只能依靠押注去赌自己能踩中下一个风口。

In a sense, the proxy game is one & ldquo; bet & & rdquo; FF9 & & ldquo; bet & & rdquo; now All in block chains, large-scale dig mines are still in & & & ldquo; bet & & rdquo; and, without core products and competitiveness, rely on bets to bet that you can hit the next wind.

其实早在2018年,九城就宣布All in 区块链了,但在真正的区块链技术方面,九城并没能拿出什么值得称道的东西。就在同年10月,第九城市发布公告退出纳斯达克全球市场,保留代码转板至纳斯达克资本市场(原因是未达到纳斯达克全球市场5000万美元最小市值的条件)。

In fact, nine cities announced the All in block chain as early as 2018, but, in terms of real block chain technology, nine cities did not come up with anything worthy of praise. In October of the same year, the ninth city issued an announcement that it would withdraw from NASDAQ’s global market and retain a code switch to NASDAQ’s capital market (because it did not meet the minimum market value of $50 million for NASDAQ’s global market).


Today, the nine cities have chosen the most brutal and simple way to dig their own mines. Perhaps in Joo-jun’s understanding, the 800 million-dollar miner's next machine is also a sign of participation in the development of the block chain.


However, in view of the current stock prices in the nine cities, it may well have received a return on the mine. After the announcement that the mine would be bought, the stock price of the major mine in the nine cities rose all the way, from $3 a year earlier to $50 now, and more than a 16-fold increase in just over three months.


In this time of passion for bitcoin, the nine cities may be called the most magical.


If Chu is & ldquao; gambler & & rdquao; then Chai Wen Sheng is probably the one who is best at speculation in the Chinese Internet field.


During the evening of 7 March, the company announced in Hong Kong that on 5 March 2021 the group had purchased 15,000 units of NT and 379.1214267 units of bitcoin (BTC) in open market transactions, the combined value of which was approximately $22.1 million and $17.9 million respectively, for a total of $40 million (approximately RMB 260 million).


According to its financial report for the first half of 2020, the company received RMB 557 million in total revenues in the first half of 2020, which means that Chai Wen won to buy a virtual currency from the company's revenues for almost a quarter.


In 2013, Mr. Choi, as an angel investor, officially served as Chairman of the map, and, with confidence in “ & & rdquo; & map show has also performed well. Although financial performance has been less than ideal (2013— in 2019, the cumulative loss on the map was more than $12 billion), hundreds of millions of users have accumulated.


Looking back at the major developments of the map over the years, the malpractices of tool-based products were rife on the company.


When it came to the market in 2016, Meteo’s mobile phone business contributed almost to the company’s entire collection. But it was only a few million of its mobile phones, which in and of itself represented a huge loss pit, which ended in April 2019, when it announced the closure of the mobile phone business and gave Mi’s exclusive ownership of the company’s mobile phone brand.


At one point, it was thought that Mi would take the brand of a map phone as part of his own cellular product line. But now, it seems that Mi has little interest in a special beauty selfie.


A beauty map that has lost the support of a hardware camp, with more than 200 million live users, has always been difficult to commercialize. After the sale of mobile phones, it has tried (speculation) games, socialization, electricity, medical beauty, and even blind box products, but it has never been possible to produce a product that is truly competitive in the market.


However, in the case of block chains or virtual currencies, the smell-sensitive Choe Wen Sheng may have been the first to involve domestic entrepreneurs. As early as 2014, he invested in OeokEx and purchased the first bitcoin in his life; in 2018, the concept of the block chain was red, and Zai Wen Win was also the famous & ldquo; the three-point insomnia block chain & rdquao; and the troupe owner. In the same year, he declared himself to be holding 10,000 bitcoins.


In 2018, the chain’s tokens & ldquo; honey & rdquo; BEC) landed on an encrypted currency trading platform, OKEx, although at that time the map denied & & & & rdquo; it was issued by itself and insisted that it would not be ICO, but the inextricable link between the chain and the map still left some doubt in the outside world.


In the end, & & & & & & & & rdquo, failed to fly like Bitcoin. Just two months after the announcement of cooperation, there was a major gap in the BEC honey contract, whereby hackers generated inexhaustible tokens through the bulk transfer method of the contract, leaving the BEC price flat.


Virtual currency is such a crazy circle.


Today, after a wave of bitcoin surges, Chiu Wenwin has entered the circle with another high profile. Although he calls himself “ the first crab eater & & rdquao; but the virtual currency & & & & ; the crab & rdquao; he has already eaten countless times.


This transition has been more thorough than the impressive 500 lottery network of numerous colored people compared to the nine cities and the map.

3月8日,500彩票网发布一则公告,表示董事会决定将公司英文名称变更为 “BIT Mining Limited”,中文名称变更为“比特矿业”,股票代码变更为 “BTCM”。

On 8 March, the 500 Lottery Network issued a bulletin stating that the Board had decided to change the name of the company to & ldquo; BIT Mining Limited” the Chinese name to & ldquo; the Bit Mines & & rdquao; and the stock code to & ldquo; BTCM&rdquo.


The name change represents a complete abandonment of the past by the 500 lottery network, placing its future on block chains and virtual currency.


Looking back at the development of the entire 500 lottery network, it can be summarized briefly as &ldquao; & & & & & & & & & & & ; as the country’s largest Internet colour service platform, and the only licensed private Internet company, it has achieved a 24-fold profit boom in the next year.

在2013年登陆美股,成为国内第一家赴美上市的彩票公司后, 美梦就逐渐变成了噩梦,随着2015年多部门联合叫停“互联网售彩”,失去主要收入支柱的500彩票网也直接从盈利跌入亏损。根据公司财报显示,从2015年至2020年,其已经连续6年亏损,累计亏损金额达22亿元。

After landing in the United States in 2013 as the country’s first United States-based lottery company, the dream became a nightmare, with the multi-sectoral coalition stopping & ldquo in 2015; Internet sales & rdquao; and the 500 lottery network, which lost its main income pillar, also fell directly from profit to loss. According to the company’s financial statements, it had lost six consecutive years between 2015 and 2020, with a cumulative deficit of $2.2 billion.


Five years after the ban on sales, the 500 lottery network has tried to save itself, for example, by launching mobile chess games, buying offshore gambling companies, turning sides, and so on, but it has not had much tangible effect. Now, after a number of moves, the surging virtual currency has naturally entered the perspective of the 500 lottery network, and after all, the mining process itself has had little technical content.


On 11 January 2021, the company announced an additional $14.4 million in shares for the purchase of a bitcoin miner; on 28 January, it again announced the purchase of $169 million shares for the listing of port shares at a price of $13.5 million, with three major data centres operated by the latter, whose clients are mainly engaged in encrypted money mining operations. In addition, it announced the acquisition of 49 per cent of the shares of Governor Ganz River Hydrominus Services Ltd., at a cost of approximately $13.6 million in cash (the company's main power supply business).


On 2 February, the 500 Lottery Network announced that it had signed a final purchase agreement for 5900 bitcoin mining machines at a total value of approximately RMB 55.2 million. On 26 February, it purchased 1923 bitcoin S17 spot mines at an approximate value of RMB 31.3 million (approximately $4.9 million).


From the mine machine to the data centre to the hydroelectric plant, it can be seen that the 500 lottery network completes the entire layout of the mining. From what is now actually in operation, perhaps the 500 lottery network, which is known as the Bit mine, is not fundamentally different from the large private mines in the mountains.


If the above-mentioned three cases of the Internet community are motivated to opt for virtual currency investment because of the poor growth of corporate ownership, the Musk, at the top of the era of new energy cars, is a good example of what is called & ldquao; & rdquao; and &rdquao;


In a paper submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 8 February, Tesla showed that it had purchased $1.5 billion in bitcoins. If it were calculated at the cost of about $35,000 in bitcoins at that time, Tesla’s $1.5 billion would have been replaced by about 4 to 50,000 bitcoins.


At the same time, Tesla also indicated that the company would begin to accept Bitcoin payments, which would also make Tesla the first large car company in the world to receive virtual currency payments.


This is not the rise of Musk, but the premeditation.


On January 29 this year, Musk changed his Twitter account profile to “bitcoin”bitcoin;bitcoin. At that time, the outside world did not know what he was doing, but as one of the world’s largest red entrepreneurs in the Internet world today, the effect of the flow was absolutely amazing: just as he had made a huge flow to clubhouse at the beginning of the year, Mask’s & ldquao; with the effect & rdquo; it was obvious. After changing his Twitter profile, Bitcon’s short line rose by $800 at a price of $32758.


Subsequently, on 2 February, he expressed regret on clubhouse that he had not purchased bitcoin eight years earlier, but better at “ it was not too late & rdquao;


The price of Bitcoin rose again in a wave of booms, with a price of 57,000 dollars on February 21, 13 days after it was announced to be bought into Bitcoin. If Tesla held 50,000 bitcoins at the time, the investment would have been more than $1 billion in a matter of 10 days, well beyond Tesla’s hard-earned crop of 500,000 cars in 2020 ($721 million).


In the face of such a crazy return on investment, no one would be discouraged, including a car-making, rocket-making, super-millery, red entrepreneurs like Muske. And his eyes are not just on bitcoin, but even on & & & & rdquao; so the typical air currency is one of his targets.


We can take a quick look at Mask's operation:

2月4日马斯克发推 “Doge”,狗狗币短时拉升日内涨超 80%。

On 4 February, Mask pushed & ldquo; Doge” and the dog price rose by more than 80 per cent in a short period of time.

2 月 6 日,马斯克在推特上发起了一项关于未来地球货币的投票,获得56万次以上的投票,其中70%的人投给了狗狗币。

On 6 February, Mr. Mask launched a Twitter vote on the future of the Earth's currency, which received more than 560,000 votes, 70 per cent of whom were cast in dog money.


On 24 February, Musk published a picture of the dog coin landing on an alien planet, accompanied by a text: a picture.


By the end of last year, the doggie coin was a typical air coin with a unit price of less than US$003, and it also surged in the last two months under the mad Anlyssy of Musketeer. The price was close to US$0.08 in early February, and is still close to US$0.06 even though the fall is now close to US$0.06. That means that the increase in the doggie coins in three months was 20 times higher.


So, Mask is always a businessman, and the businessman will never be an asset. He will not speak and stand frequently for things that have no interest in himself. If he stands, he will be rewarded.

2月13日,加密社区成员发现一个狗狗币地址持有超过 360 亿个 DOGE(25 亿美元),这个神秘地址持有了狗狗币 27% 的市场供应量。经过用户破解部分信息后发现,持有量第一的IP地址所交易的狗狗币数量,可以被转录成二进制代码,其中一组数字正是马斯克的生日。这也让很多人认为,这个神秘地址背后的所有人就是马斯克。

On February 13, members of the encrypted community discovered that a dog-dollar address held more than 36 billion Doges ($2.5 billion) and that this mysterious address held 27% of the market supply of doggie-dollars. After deciphering some of the information, it was found that the number of doggie-dollars traded by the first-held IP address could be converted into a binary code, one of which was Mask’s birthday. This also led many to believe that the owner of this mysterious address was Mask.


Whether these virtual currencies are relevant or not, no one can give an accurate answer now. But, at the very least, from the current reality, there is no value mark, no clear regulatory regime, and price volatility is clearly a major feature, apart from the cost of global arithmetic resources, which clearly does not have large currency attributes.


Perhaps the only thing of value is that it makes virtual currency the favorite object of speculators because of almost no one else’s condition. After all, whether or not virtual money is worth it in itself is not important to them. It is important that those who want to believe in it believe in & rdquo; & mdash; & mdash; they really have value.


In virtual currency festivities, all the players are & ldquo; gamblers & & rdquo; especially the Internet people in the middle, who either used to be in the wind or had some gambling books in their hands, or each & & & & & & & quo; and can always harvest a wave from the secondary market. The classic quote from the King of Disruption is white and white: I am not against a single individual, I mean everyone in the room is & Hellip; & Helllip; & Hellip; & Hellip;




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