Today’s ETH performance is relatively stable, price volatility is low, and the overall market stability of encrypted currencies is high. At present, ETH prices are $2347, up from yesterday, but down from last weekend.
According to recent price trends, ETH has fluctuated considerably over the past month. Starting at a low of $2029 on 23 June, ETH experienced a rapid upturn, reaching a high of $2792 on 30 June.
关于ETH价格波动的原因,最近较为突出的事件是El Salvador的比特币法案和中国的矿工清退行动。前者推动了整个加密货币市场的上涨,后者则引发了市场的恐慌。而ETH作为加密货币市场中的重要角色,其价格很自然地受到了影响。此外,部分投资者的波动性交易策略也为ETH价格波动带来了不小的影响。
With regard to the causes of ETH price volatility, the more prominent recent events are El Salvador’s bitcoin bill and China’s miners’ retreat. The former drive up the entire crypto-currency market, while the latter provokes market panic.
On the one hand, some analysts believe that there is still much room for growth in the market because of the growing recognition of bitcoins and the growing prospects for the development of an encrypt currency market as a whole. At the same time, ETH is developing and new technologies and applications are emerging, which are likely to drive price increases.
Overall, the performance of ETH today is relatively stable, but we cannot afford to take it lightly. Changes in crypto-currency markets can cause volatility at any time, and investors need to keep an eye on market dynamics and continue to optimize and adjust their trading strategies.
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