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Virtual currency markets continue to be depressed, currency circles have recently “thundered” and another platform is in crisis.

北京时间7月2日,加密货币经纪商 Voyager Digital宣布,从纽约时间7月1日下午两点起,暂停所有交易、存入、提取和持币奖励。

On 2 July Beijing time, the encrypted money broker Voyager Digital announced a moratorium on all transactions, deposits, withdrawals and currency-holding incentives from 2 p.m. New York time on 1 July.

“这是一个极其艰难的决定,但在当前的市场环境下,我们认为这是正确的决定,”Voyager的CEO Stephen Ehrlich在声明中表示。他还表示,暂停平台交易活动是为了“与多个利益相关方一起探索战略性替代选项”寻求时间,并将在“合适的时间”提供更多的信息。

“This is an extremely difficult decision, but we think it is the right one in the current market environment.” The CEO Stephen Ehrlich of Voyager stated in his statement that the platform trade was suspended to “explore strategic alternatives with multiple stakeholders” and would provide more information at a “appropriate time”.


Famous Virtual Currency Platform “Draw Out”

Voyager Digital是一家2018年在美国上市的虚拟货币资产经纪商,提供订单执行、市场数据、钱包和托管服务等业务。

Voyager Digital, a virtual money asset broker listed in the United States in 2018, provides order execution, market data, wallets and hosting services.


As at 31 March, a total of $102.7 million had been collected by the company during the quarter, resulting in a net loss of profit of $61.44 million, bringing the total number of registered certified users to approximately 3.5 million. The company’s main business was to pay orders for services entrusted to customers for the purchase, sale or execution of encrypted asset orders, so that the main operating income was transaction fees.

由于今年虚拟货币市场的持续下行,Voyager Digital在一季度交易量低迷,交易收入显著减少。一季度交易收入仅为3339万美元,同比下降38%。公司声称,后续将加强和拓展钱包支付业务,并收购了Coinify钱包以配合商户支付系统的能力。

As a result of the continuing downswing of the virtual currency market this year, Voyager Digital experienced a significant decline in transaction revenues during the first quarter, when the revenue from the transactions was only $33.39 million, a 38 per cent decline in the same year. Companies claimed that they would then strengthen and expand their wallet payments and acquire Coinify wallets to match the capacity of the merchants’ payment system.


The company’s second largest business is the interest income from virtual money asset loans. These loan agreements are mostly mortgage-free, with less than one year’s fixed-term and indefinite loan options. Interest income of $31.3 million per quarter, a 3.6-fold increase over the same period, is gradually replacing the transactional business.

此次VoyagerDigital暂停业务与三箭资本(Three Arrows Capital)的违约密切相关。6月27日,Voyager宣布已向三箭资本发出违约通知,原因是三箭资本未能按期偿还价值约6.75亿美元的稳定币USDC及比特币贷款。

The suspension of Voyager Digital’s operations was closely linked to the breach of Tree Arrows Capital. On 27 June, Voyager announced that three arrow capital had been given notice of default because the three arrow capital had failed to repay a stable dollar worth approximately $675 million in USDC and Bitcoin loans as scheduled.

但VoyagerDigital当时表示,仍将继续运营和履行客户的订单和取款。截至6月24日,Voyager手头拥有约1.37亿美元现金并拥有加密资产。公司还可以从Alameda Ventures Ltd处获得先前宣布的2亿美元现金和15000个比特币。

Voyager Digital, however, said that it would continue to operate and perform customer orders and withdrawals. As of 24 June, Voyager had approximately $137 million in cash and encrypted assets.

Voyager Digital的暂停交易早有预兆。早在10天前(6月23日),该公司曾宣布,将每日(24小时)提款限额从2.5万美元降至1万美元,在24小时内最多可提款20次。

Voyager Digital’s suspension of transactions augurs well. As early as 10 days ago (23 June), the company announced that it would reduce the daily limit of withdrawals (24 hours) from $25,000 to $10,000, up to 20 withdrawals within 24 hours.

平台暂停交易的消息爆出后,7月1日,Voyager Digital美股跌幅一度高达43%,最终收跌30.68%,报0.31美元/股。该公司主要上市地加拿大由于放假未进行交易,今年以来,该公司股价已经跌去超97%。

After news of the platform’s suspension, on 1 July, Voyager Digital’s shares fell by 43 per cent, and eventually fell by 30.68 per cent to 0.31 dollars/equity. The company’s main market location, Canada, has fallen by more than 97 per cent since the year, owing to non-trading on vacation.


10 billion asset management giant three arrow capital thunder

公开资料显示,三箭资本是一家提供风险调整回报的对冲基金管理公司,由对冲基金经理Zhu Su和Kyle Davies创立。该公司于2017年开始全面转型为加密对冲基金管理公司。

According to public sources, the three arrow capital is a hedge fund management company that provides return on risk adjustment, founded by hedge fund managers Zhu Su and Kyle Davies. The company began its full transformation into an encrypted hedge fund management company in 2017.

三箭资本在过去两年的虚拟货币牛市中声名鹊起。市场人士预计,高峰期时,其管理的资产在100亿-180亿美元之间。然而,最近Terra(Luna)和UST 稳定币的崩盘,对该机构造成了重大打击。

Marketers expect that the assets they manage at peak times to be between $10 billion and $18 billion. However, the recent collapse of Terra (Luna) and UST stabilizes the currency has hit the agency hard.


Prior to the collapse of the encrypted currency of Luna last month, the three arrow capital had spent $560 million on patches, and now these virtual currencies are worth only $670.


Since November 2021, virtual currency markets have been depressed, including the continued decline of well-known encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin and Etheria, and nearly all of the projects invested in by three arrow capital have been in a state of loss.


On 2 July, local time, three arrow capital had applied to the New York Court for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 15 of the United States Bankruptcy Code to protect United States assets during liquidation in the British Virgin Islands.


According to court documents, three arrows represented an application for bankruptcy in New York on Friday. Under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Act, creditors are not allowed to seize the assets of a company in the United States. According to previous media reports, a court in the British Virgin Islands has ordered the liquidation of three arrows of capital based in Singapore.


Meta announced that it would close the virtual currency project Novi


Meta’s virtual currency project had struck Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the company, in the United States Congress. The rest of the project will now be officially closed.


On 2 July, Meta indicated on the Virtual Currency Test project website Novi that it would be discontinued on 1 September. Novi previously provided services such as transfers for Meta’s own virtual currency.


As of 21 July, users will no longer be able to charge their accounts, suggesting that the balance should be drawn as soon as possible. After the pilot is completed, users will not be able to access their transaction history or other data.


Last October, Meta launched the Novi pilot, which allows users to trade with USDP stabilizers instead of the Diem token that Meta once supported.


In December of last year, the United States Financial Reform and Demand Progress Organization and the Open Market Institute called on the United States Department of Justice and other regulators to investigate Novi's digital wallet and see if Meta accepted deposits without a bank licence approved by the Office of the Comptroller General of Currency.


Another platform, "Draw the net", stock prices fell by 40%, and 10 billion giants went bankrupt, and Meta will shut down the project.





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