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519. Is the cattle market in Bitcoin over?

  作者 | 秦晓峰  编辑 | 郝方舟

author Qin Xiao/a> Peak & nbsp; editor >

  出品 | Odaily星球日报(ID:o-daily)

& nbsp; Odaily Planet (ID:o-daily)

  过去几个月,加密市场有多喧嚣,今天这场下跌就有多凄凉。520 前夜,加密市场再次给投资者上了血泪一课。

In the past few months, the encryption market has been so loud that today's decline has been so bleak. 520 hours ago, the encryption market gave investors another lesson in tears.

  OKEx 欧易行情显示,5月19日 21 点,比特币跌破 3 万美元大关,一度下探至 29000 USDT;从 1 月 29 日算起,时隔近 120 天,比特币重回 3 万美元以下,似乎宣告着这轮牛市的终结。「币圈崩盘」登上微博热搜,现排名第九。

OKEx Europa shows that on May 19, & nbsp; 21 points, Bitcoin fell through the 30,000-dollar threshold, one time came down to 29000 USDT; from January 29, 120 days away, Bitcoin returned below $30,000, which seems to be the end of the cow market. The Currency Circle Collapse is now ranked ninth in the list of microblogs


map from

  特别是前段时间比较出圈的“马斯克概念币”DOGE,也在本次回调中价格腰斩,一度跌至 0.21 美元。不少“海外韭菜”即刻在马斯克 Twitter 底下进行“维权”。

In particular, the "Mask concept coin" DOGE, which was compared to the previous period, also fell to $0.21 in the current round-up. Many of the "overseas pickles" were immediately engraved under Massek Twitter.

  前几个月风头尽出的新板块(DeFi、Layer 2、NFT、meme币等)也未能抵挡盘面颓势,随主流币一泻千里。

The new plates (DeFi, Layer 2, NFT, meme coins, etc.) that ended in the last few months have also failed to withstand the decline, with the mainstream currency pouring down a thousand miles.

  图自 CoinMarketCap DeFi 板块

from CoinmarketCap DeFi plate

  图自 CoinMarketCap NFT 板块

from CoinmarketCap NFT plate

  在过去的 24 小时,加密市场总市值从 21667 亿美元下跌至 15384 亿美元,跌幅 29%。

In the past 24 hours, the total market value of the encryption market fell from $21.667 billion to $153.84 billion, a decline of 29 per cent.


  剧烈的行情波动,也造成大量用户爆仓。币 Coin 数据显示,过去 24 小时,共有 47.5 万人成为爆仓受害者,全网总计爆仓 58.7 亿美元;其中 BTC 爆仓 25.4 亿美元,ETH 爆仓 14.8 亿美元,其余主流币期货普遍爆仓在 1 亿美元左右。

The Coin data show that over the past 24 hours, 475,000 people have been the victims of the blast, with a total of $5.87 billion on the Internet; of this amount, BTC is the blow-out warehouse of $2.540 billion, ETH is the blow-out warehouse of $1.48 billion, and the remaining mainstream currency is

  爆仓主要以多头为主,达到 49.4 亿美元,占比达到 85%。CryptoQuant 数据显示,交易所一小时多头清算达 10525 BTC,创历史新高。

According to CryptoQuant, the clearing of the exchange was at an all-time high of 10525 BTC per hour.

  因以太坊剧烈波动,DeFi 协议也发生大量清仓,据 DeBank 数据显示,除 Venus 外,主流 DeFi 协议 24 小时内发生 2.65 亿美金清算。

The DeFi agreement was also heavily cleaned up as a result of the high volatility in Etheria, and according to DeBank data, with the exception of Venus, the mainstream DeFi deal was liquidated at $265 million within 24 hours.

  其中 Aave V2 清算量为 1.18 亿美元,Compound 清算量为 1.15 亿美元,Aave V1 清算量为 2161 万美元 ,DeFi 总锁仓量瞬时暴跌。据 Debank, 各主流生态合计净锁仓量已跌至 608 亿美元。

Of this amount, Aave V2 was liquidated at $118 million, Compound was liquidated at $115 million, Aave V1 was liquidated at $2.161 million, and DeFi's total lockdown fell suddenly. According to Debank, the total stock of mainstream ecology has fallen to $60.8 billion.

  图自 Debank

from Debank

  根据神鱼的爆料,如果 ETH 再跌 100 多美元,孙宇晨的 60 多万个 ETH 就将清算爆仓,届时将把 ETH 价格进一步打压至 1000 美元以下。

According to the great fish, if ETH falls by more than $100, more than 600,000 ETHs in Sun Woo will be liquidated and the price of ETH will be further reduced to less than $1,000.

  庞大的网络交易量,也让以太坊网络再度崩溃。根据 Tokenview 链上数据监测,以太坊交易笔数急剧增加,以太坊网络严重拥堵,目前近 2 万笔交易待确认中;此外,Gas 费也超过 1000 Gwei,极速确认 Gas 费高达 2000 GWei 左右。

Large Internet transactions have also caused the Etheria network to collapse again. According to data monitoring on the Tokenview chain, there has been a sharp increase in the number of taupulega deals, which have been severely blocked and are currently in the process of being confirmed by nearly 20,000 transactions; in addition, Gas fees have exceeded 1,000 Gweis, confirming that Gas fees are around 2000 Gwei.

  币安方面发布公告,因以太坊网络拥堵,将暂停以太坊和 ERC20 代币提款服务。

  受到行情剧烈波动影响,交易所面临冲击。其中三大交易平台短时出现 UI 显示不正常、部分功能暂停运转等情况,Coinbase 则直接宕机无法交易。

Three of these trading platforms are short-lived, UI shows irregularities and partial functions are suspended, while Coinbase is unable to trade directly.

  反应到二级市场表现,Coinbase 开盘即下跌 12% 至 210.28 美元,创历史新低;区块链概念股普遍暴跌,其中嘉楠股价下跌 13%,暂报 8.53 美元。

In response to secondary market performance, Coinbase’s opening fell by 12 per cent to $210.28, a historic low; and the block chain concept unit generally fell sharply, with a 13 per cent decline in the stock price of Carina, provisionally reported at $8.53.

  行情下跌,也直接带动 USDT 价格提升。目前三大交易所中 USDT 场外买入价格都飙升至 6.8 元左右(美元汇率 6.43 元),溢价率高达 5.6%。

The downside is also directly responsible for the USDT price increase. At present, out-of-the-field USDT purchases in all three major exchanges have skyrocketed to around $6.8 (the dollar exchange rate is $6.43), with a premium of up to 5.6 per cent.

  对于本次下跌,加密分析师李奥认为主要成因有两点:“一是市场交易进入「博傻」阶段,LOWB、猪币等各种垃圾山寨币上线,开始吸血,市场缺乏上涨动力;二是牛市惯性,在牛市的每一次加速上涨前,市场都面临剧烈回调,跌幅动辄 50%。从历史来看,今天的回调预示着接下来(半年内)比特币将再次创下新高。”

For this fall, encryption analyst Leo sees two main causes: “One is that the market deals go into the “dumb” phase, the LoWB, pig coins, etc. go online, start sucking blood, and the market lacks the incentive to increase; the other is that the cow market is so inflamed that before every acceleration of the growth of the bull market, the market faces a sharp turnback, with a sharp drop of 50%. Historically, today's turn for the next (six months) bitcoin will reach a new height.”


In extreme behaviors, different traders also display a bipolar mentality and direct the opposite: people panic and cut their flesh; and people watch the back market and take advantage of the opportunity to do nothing or copy it.


Whether they act or not, the community’s new and old cucumbers are largely aware of the fall and have a lively discussion, and the chutes and pieces spread quickly:


no matter how well it works, it's up to Mask to win or lose;


If there's any good in the past, what if Hoshino would fire Bitcoin as well;


I was worried that my money would be transferred to a bank card. I didn't think this afternoon's problem would be solved and no cash would be needed;

  生怕你们过好 520,所以提前对爱情进行残酷打击,亏得干干净净;

Because you're afraid you'll get better, 520, you're going to have a hard blow to love in advance, and you're going to get it clean and clean;


not even the heart since contact with the currency ring, no pain in the waist, no acid in the legs;


heard today's most reassuring word: don't worry, it'll be back in a few years.



In any case, today's fall also raised a wake-up call to investors: the currency market was highly shaken, using high leverage prudently, and was the safest place.


(责任编辑:王治强 HF013)



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