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I, there is a clear difference between the financial goods and the deposits, and there is a certain risk.


During this financial life, save in the exceptional circumstances specified in this document, investors can, within the prescribed time frame, claim, redeem, or redeem the property under the terms of this book. Investors invest in the risks to which they are exposed in the face of this property, reading the eighth part of this document’s statement of risk. Investors should be careful to invest in risks with a good understanding of the underlying principles of their independence.


>iii. Wallsharley's financial advice: Before buying goods, investors should ensure that they are fully aware of the nature of the investment and the risks involved, that they have a detailed understanding and critical assessment of the capital investment direction, risk type, etc. of the capital goods in question, and, after careful consideration, that they decide to buy them that match their risk tolerance and resource management needs.


iv. The disclosure of information on financial goods will be announced through the official website of the company with limited financial responsibility in Washington, D.C. (www.hxwm.com.cn), the official website of the bank in Washington, D.C., sales agencies (if any) information disclosure channels. Investors who buy financial goods should be at the disposal of information disclosure and information about their financial goods.


i. Synopsis



{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Waschalleng Financial Dragons and ESG Fixed Gains Group 8 {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}


short term:

産品代碼 208212100801
全國銀行業理財資訊登記系統登記編碼 Z7003921000502


Investors can check the information on the Chinese financial network (www.chinawealth.com.cn) on the basis of the log code.

産品管理人 /管理人 華夏理財
産品募集方式 公募
産品運作模式 開放式凈值型
産品投資性質 固定收益類
産品收益類型 非保本浮動收益
投資及收益幣種 人民幣
産品風險評級 根據華夏理財産品風險評級,本産品為 PR2級(中低風險) 理財産品。


The financial risk ratings are: PR1 (low risk), PR2 (low risk), PR3 (medium risk), PR4 (medium risk), PR5 (high risk).


is supposed to be a financial risk rating for Wallshar's financial autonomy, for reference purposes only.

産品銷售評級 本理財産品通過代理銷售機構(以下簡稱“代銷機構”)渠道銷售的,理財産品評級應當以代銷機構最終披露的評級結果為準。代銷機構如與華夏理財産品風險評級結果不一致,應當採用對應較高風險等級的評級結果。
銷售對象 個人投資者、機構投資者
適合投資者 本理財産品面向不特定社會公眾銷售,經華夏理財風險評估評定為 CR2(穩健型)、CR3(平衡型)、CR4(進取型)、CR5(激進型) 的個人投資者。客戶風險承受能力評級類型分為:CR1(謹慎型)、CR2(穩健型)、CR3(平衡型)、CR4(進取型)、CR5(激進型)。


Financial goods of this nature are sold to the public in particular societies, including legal persons or other organizations established by law.


Purchased through a marketing agency, the assessment of the risk tolerance of investors and investors is based on the agency's rules. the finance/distribution agency evaluates the risk tolerance of non-institutional investors on the basis of information provided by non-institutional investors themselves, as the information provided by the investor is not accurate or complete, leaving the investor with the responsibility and risk of buying property that does not match his or her risk tolerance.

業績比較基準 業績比較基準為3.60%-3.90%(年化)。以産品投資債券類資産倉位80%-120%,非標債權類資産倉位0-45%,權益類資産倉位0-20%,組合杠桿率100%-140%為例,參考中債-信用債總財富指數、非標債權類資産目標收益率、Wind混合型基金總指數,結合産品投資策略並扣除各項費用後,綜合測算得出上述業績比較基準。測算示例僅供參考,具體資産投資比例可根據各類資産的收益水準、流動性特徵、信用風險等因素動態調整。


Performance is based on the manager's investment objectives in counterfeiting based on factors such as quality, investment strategy, past experience, etc., which do not represent the future performance and real benefits of the product, nor do they constitute an undertaking to the proceeds of the product.


In the first three days of operation, at least, Washington has the right to adjust performances based on market conditions and counterfeiting, and at least on the introduction of the first three working days of the new career.


1. The financial goods are clean-value items with uncertain performance as the market moves.


2. . .


3. The performance of goods in the past does not represent their future performance. It does not amount to the actual benefits of goods in the future, and investments must be prudent.

募集期 2020年12月09日-2020年12月15日(含)(根據市場情況,華夏理財有權提前結束認購或調整相關日期,募集期最後一日認購截止時點如與華夏理財不一致則以各代銷機構規定為準,其中華夏銀行/華夏理財17:30(含)後不可認購。)
成立日 2020年12月16日
封閉期 産品成立日至産品首個開放期的前一日、産品上一開放期的下一日至産品下一開放期的前一日、産品最後一個開放期的下一日至産品到期日為産品的封閉期。


During the period of closure of `strong', all forms of early recovery from investors are not accepted by the Washington Institute of Finance/Replacement, except in cases specified in this book. The liabilities and risks of buying financial goods that do not match the needs of their movements are borne by the investors because the investor's funding arrangements are not reasonable.

産品存續期限 本理財産品無特定存續期限(産品實際期限受制于提前終止條款的約定)。
發行範圍 全國發行
發行規模下限 1,000萬元
産品不成立 募集期結束,如理財産品募集總金額未達到發行規模下限;或者市場發生重大變化,華夏理財無法或者經其合理判斷難以按照本産品説明書向投資者提供本理財産品;或者法律法規、監管規定、國家政策發生變化導致無法按照本産品説明書向投資者提供本理財産品,華夏理財有權宣佈本理財産品不成立。


In the event that the financial goods are not established, Washington will issue a declaration of non-establishment through the information disclosure channel specified in the book within two working days of the original date of establishment. Purchased through the Bank of Washington/Washarley will return the collected funds to the bank/Washar financial clients' financial signatories within two working days of the date of the original date of establishment (the date of the establishment of to the date of the transfer of the funds without interest ); and purchased through other sales agencies, it is mandatory for customers that have collected the refunds of the funds to account accounts, to account day and to account day to order the repayment of the funds.



One dollar, multiplied by an integer of one dollar.


If the rules of the marketing agency are inconsistent with these rules, they should be based on the rules of the marketing agency, but not below the threshold value.

最高持有限額 最高持有限額要求:單一投資者持有本産品份額數不得超過本産品份額總數的 50%。


The investor buys the goods more than the maximum limited amount of the financial account, and the excess part of the administrator confirms the failure. .


If the rules of the marketing agency are inconsistent with these rules, they should be based on the rules of the marketing agency, but not higher than the maximum limit.



If the agency’s rules are inconsistent with these rules, it is subject to the rules of the agency, but not less than the amount of this additional starting point.



If the provisions of the marketing agency are inconsistent with the provisions of this regulation, they are subject to the rules of the marketing agency, but not below the limits set in this article.



When an investor makes a redemption transaction, it triggers a determination as to whether the balance of the financial account is lower than the minimum retention limit and may trigger a forced redemption transaction, which is detailed in the terms of the “retaliation rule”.


If the provisions of the marketing agency are inconsistent with the provisions of this regulation, they are subject to the rules of the marketing agency, but not below the limits set in this article.

份額凈值 份額凈值為提取管理費、託管費、銷售手續費等相關費用後的理財産品份額凈值,投資者按該份額凈值進行申購、贖回和到期/終止時的分配。


The calculation of the fair value is kept to four decimal places and the fifth decimal place is rounded to five decimal places.

認購份額 認購份額=認購金額/1元。
申購份額 申購份額=申購金額/申購申請日日終的産品份額凈值,申購份額保留到小數點後2位,小數點後第3位四捨五入。
工作日 本説明書中所寫的“確認日”、“到賬日”,除非特別説明均為工作日,若遇非工作日順延至下一工作日。


It refers to a trading day between the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and is also a working day for banks dealing with public business in general.



On December 09 of each year, after the opening/opening day was established, five consecutive working days will be opened, and the opening period/opening day will be extended to the next working day, as if it were a non-working day.

交易類型 開放日及開放時間
申購 通過華夏銀行/華夏理財購買的,每個開放日的開放時間9:00-17:00。投資者只能于開放日的開放時間內進行申購。投資者若在T日非開放時間提交申購,等同在下一開放時間內提交的申購申請,T日為開放日。
贖回 通過華夏銀行/華夏理財購買的,每個開放日的開放時間9:00-17:00。投資者只能于開放日的開放時間內進行贖回。投資者若在T日非開放時間提交贖回,等同在下一開放時間內提交的贖回申請,T日為開放日。


Sales agencies, if they have other rules, follow their rules.


The fair value of each open day during the opening period of


It has the right to adjust the open days set by the above-mentioned rules and to announce three working days prior to the adjustment.



Before 17:30 (excluding) the last working day of the closure period, investors purchased through the Washington Bank/Washarley may accept an offer for purchase, an offer for ransom, and a request for a buy-back within the opening hours of the next open day of the buy-back/repository.


On the first day after the date when the purchase application will be made, the Bank of Washington/Worschley will purchase the withdrawal under the contract, and if the deduction fails, the purchase application will not succeed.


Sales agencies, if they have other rules, follow their rules.

申購確認 T日申購,T+1日確認。T日為開放日。通過華夏銀行/華夏理財購買的,T日扣款;通過其他代銷機構購買的,扣款規則以代銷機構規定為準。


The purchase price is calculated on the basis of the principle of “money purchase” based on the daily clean value of the date of application.

贖回確認 T日贖回,T+1日確認。


By 24:00 a.m. on the 24th of the T+2 day, through the Wallaxan Bank, by 24:00 a.m., by the investor, by the 24th of the T+2 day, and by other agencies, by the investor, by the account, by the day of the account and by the time of the account, by the sale agency.

贖回規定 本理財産品採取份額贖回的方式。投資者可選擇全額或部分贖回,部分贖回後投資者持有本理財産品的日末餘額低於理財賬戶最低保留限額時,華夏理財將在贖回確認日末對投資者的剩餘份額發起強制贖回。


If the client submits an application for the purchase and redemption of the original amount on the same open day, the remaining amount of the purchase and redemption transaction is determined to be less than the minimum retention limit for the financial account, the balance of the loaner at the end of the day will be redeemed.


Sales agencies, if they have other rules, follow their rules.

贖回金額的計算 贖回金額=贖回份額×贖回申請日日終的産品份額凈值,保留到小數點後2位,小數點後第3位四捨五入。


For two working days (within) after the expiry/end date of the financial goods, it is determined that the principal and proceeds (if any) of the principals and proceeds are to be paid out on a one-time basis from the actual investment to the financial clients and sales agencies in Washington, D.C., and the principal and proceeds (if any) of the agent's clients are to be paid to the account, to the day of the account and to the date of the account and at the time of the accounting.


Client maturity/terminal principal and earnings = 8721; (clean value per amount * maturity/end date), each sum is kept to two decimal places, and the third decimal place is rounded to five.

鉅額贖回 單個開放日中,本理財産品的凈贖回申請份額(贖回申請總份額扣除申購申請總份額後的餘額)超過上一日産品總份額的10%為鉅額贖回。


In the event of a ransom, the indemnity paid by the manager on that day is no less than 10% of the sum of the goods that was finally settled the previous day.


The administrator has the right to suspend the acceptance of the rest of the foreclosure application.

撤銷規定 1.募集期認購撤銷


Investors may withdraw their submitted applications for purchase (only for full cancellation), specifically as follows:


(1) The principal of the investor's withdrawal shall be paid within 2 working days, if it is recognized through the financial distribution channels available to the investor in Warsaw.


(2) Purchased through the Bank of Warsaw, the investor withdraws the principal amount on deposit.


(3) On the last day of the collection, at 17:30, it is not possible to cancel it.


(4) On the last day of the collection, at 17:30, a purchase made through the Bank of Warsaw cannot be cancelled.


In the case of purchases made through other marketing agencies, the removal of the regulations is based on the rules of the marketing agencies.


2. Open day purchases, foreclosures


Investors can withdraw their claims for purchase, foreclosure (only full cancellation) on the opening day of the opening day.


The regulations are as follows:


(1) The principal of the investor's withdrawal shall be paid within 2 working days, if it is purchased through the financial distribution channels available to the investor in Warsaw.


(2) When a purchase is made through a bank in Warsaw, the investor withdraws the principal amount due.


(3) If the purchase is made through Washington, D.C., the opening day cannot be cancelled after 1700 hours.


(4) If the purchase is made through a bank in Warsaw, the opening day cannot be cancelled after 1700 hours.


In the case of purchases made through other marketing agencies, the removal of the regulations is based on the rules of the marketing agencies.


3. Requisition, Repository Repository


Before 17:30 (excluding) the last working day of the closure period, the investor may withdraw the submitted offer for purchase, foreclosure, and for purchase through other sales agencies, the offer for purchase, foreclosure and cancellation are subject to the rules of the sales agency.

投資冷靜期 本理財産品為公募理財産品,根據監管部門規定,無需設置投資冷靜期。
認購費/申購費 本理財産品不收取認購費/申購費。
贖回費 本理財産品不收取贖回費。
託管費 0.03%/年,以前一日資産凈值為基數,每日計提。


The formula for


F=E× [0.03%]/day of the year.

銷售手續費 0.30%/年,以前一日資産凈值為基數,每日計提。


The formula for


F=E× [0.30%]/day of the year. F is the sales fee; E is the basis of the calculation. (Sales expenses are charged by the sales services.)

固定管理費 0.20%/年,以前一日資産凈值為基數,每日計提。


The formula for


F=E× [0.20%]/day of the year.

其他費用 理財資金運作期間以及追索理財資金可能産生的訴訟費、保全費、信託費、稅費、審計費、律師費、公證費、清算費、執行費等,按其實際發生數額從理財資産中支取。
超額管理費 本産品扣除各項費用(包括銷售手續費、託管費、固定管理費及其他費用等)後,年化收益率低於或等於超額管理費計提基準,則管理人不收取超額管理費;超過超額管理費計提基準的部分,50%歸投資人所有,其餘作為管理人的超額管理費。


extra management fees are based on 3.75% (annual).


Calculating formula for excess management fees for this article:


excess management fee = (annualized rate of return - extra management fee base) 215; current holding days 247; 365 #215; 50% 215; prawns 215; prior-period clean unit





is the amount within the closing period, and if there is a red profit in the closing period, the effect of the red profit is removed.


"previous unit clean" is the last open day of the last open period.


When the first closure period of


Each valuation day of the investment period provides an extra management fee, which is used only as a temporary estimate, for the accounting and valuation of the current inventory. Only the first open date of the opening period, the maturity/end date of the opening period, is the actual date of payment and collection of the excess management fee.


At least three working days before the entry into force, the Washington Treasury has the right to adjust the above-mentioned rules to market and counterfeit operations and to make a public announcement through the information disclosure channel specified in this book.

份額凈值公告日 每週五後的第3個工作日為份額凈值公告日,公告每週五份額凈值,如週五為非工作日,則公告週五上1個工作日的份額凈值。如當周沒有第3個工作日,則順延至下1個工作日。


The second working day after the open day is a clean value announcement, which announces the clean value of the open day.


The second working day after expiration/termination is a clean value announcement and the clean value of the expired/end date.

擺動定價 當理財産品遭遇大額申購或贖回時,管理人可根據理財産品投資組合的市場衝擊成本調整投資者申購或贖回時的産品份額凈值,將調整投資組合的市場衝擊成本分配給實際申購或贖回的投資者,從而減少對存量産品投資者利益的不利影響,確保投資者的合法權益不受損害並得到公平對待。


The specific operating rules follow the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the regulatory departments and self-regulation rules, and are subject to disclosure of information by executives on an ad hoc basis.

分紅方式 産品管理人可以在産品存續期根據投資情況選擇分紅或不分紅,若分紅,將以現金分紅或紅利再投資方式進行,具體以公告為準。本理財産品分紅,將於分紅日前3個工作日通過本産品説明書約定的資訊披露渠道公佈分紅方案。
提前終止權 一、投資者提前終止權



II. The early termination of the Wirtschaftsprüfer power


1. Warsharly has the right to terminate his or her goods in advance of: .


& #9312; when the capital is less than 50 million copies;


& #9313; laws and regulations, regulatory regulations, and major adjustments in State policy have affected the proper operation of the financial goods;


& #9314; Market rate of return is highly volatile, which may or may affect the return on investment that can be realized from counterfeits;


& #9315; Pre-term termination of investments in finance, or pre-term termination conditions for goods subject to investment strategies, trading structures;


& #9316; laws and regulations, regulations and other circumstances of state policy, or other circumstances that Washington Treasury believes require early termination.


2. In the event of the early termination of the financial goods of Huaxia, the relevant information shall be announced three working days prior to the early termination through the information disclosure channel specified in the present book.

稅款 根據法律法規規定,本理財産品在資産管理、運營、處置過程中産生收入應繳納和承擔稅收和規費的,由管理人直接從理財資産中扣付繳納。


The tax payable on the proceeds is subject to the investor's own reporting and payment, but he or she will be liable for the deduction of taxes paid on behalf of the investors, if so ordered or required by state agencies, such as laws and regulations, or taxes.

其他規定 (1)由華夏理財銷售的,募集期認購資金計息規則以華夏理財渠道披露的理財産品銷售協議書約定為準。


(2) Between the date of application (inclusive) and the date of establishment (excludes) or the date of withdrawal (excludes) for sale by the Bank of Warsaw, the investor will accept the purchase of the capital at the interest rate of the day-to-day listed current deposits, which is not included in the principal purchase.


(3) Between the date of application (inclusive) and the date of establishment (excluded) or the date of withdrawal (excluded), when sold by a sales agency, the investor recognizes the purchase of funds in the form of interest measures contracted by the sales agency and the investor.


(4) The investor's capital does not account for interest on deposits or the proceeds of financial recovery between the date of application/expirment/end date (excluding) and the date of the account.



The capital will be invested mainly in fixed-income, equity, commodities and financial derivatives, including, but not limited to, currency market instruments, standardized debt rights, non-standardized debt claims, etc.


This material can be invested in such investment through the management of the goods and other investment channels and means that are in line with the country’s policies, laws and regulations, such as trust, securities, funds, futures, insurance funds, etc., established by law.


Among these, currency market instruments include, but are not limited to, bank deposits, large deposits, co-ops (CDs), short-term bonds, super-short-term bonds, bonds with a residual duration of less than 397 days (including 397 days), bonds bought back within one year (including one year), central bank notes with a duration of less than one year (including one year), currency market funds and other good-movement financial instruments recognized by the Supervisory Authority;


These include, but are not limited to, State bonds, central bank vouchers, local government bonds, government support institutions bonds, financial bonds, non-financial corporate debt instruments, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, international debt bonds, corporate bonds, credit instruments, loan support vouchers, securities support vouchers, securities exchange listings, bond-based public bond investment funds, and standardized debt rights, as recognized in the Chartered Credit Standards.


Non-standardized creditors include non-standardized creditors, as recognized by the Standardized Creditor Regulation.


These include, but are not limited to, shares that are legally issued and listed in the country (including mainframes, panels, small and medium panels, panels and other stocks that have been approved for listing by the CSRC, including new stock requisitions, targeted increases, large-scale transactions, requests for transfer of prices, etc.), Hong Kong market shares that are allowed to be bought and sold under the inter-exchange scheme between the Mainland and the Hong Kong stock market, as well as stock-type, mixed public voucher investment funds, etc.


It is possible to open up and return purchases in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Financial Management of the State Department and to match the quality requirements of the goods that can be held in the purchases with the scope of the investment agreements set out in this document.


The range of investments in counterfeit products may be adjusted by changes in national laws and regulations and regulatory policies, such as laws and regulations or regulatory bodies that allow later to invest in other kinds of goods, which can then be announced, and the proportion of investments will be subject to the laws and regulations or related regulations.


The ratio of investment by type of investment is as follows:

資産類別 投資比例
固定收益類 (其中固定收益類資産包括貨幣市場工具、標準化債權類資産、非標準化債權類資産等,單只公募理財産品投資非標準化債權類資産的比例不超過50%) 80%-100%
權益類 0%-20%
商品及金融衍生品類 (商品及金融衍生品類資産投資須符合監管要求) 0%-5%


This is the first time that the Ministry of Finance has been able to open and return to the market in accordance with the regulations governing the Department of Control.


Cooperating institutions: In the course of their operation, investment cooperatives are selected according to their needs, investment agencies are the issuer for the management of the goods for which they invest, institutions for which they are contracted to invest in the management of goods for which they are contracted, and institutions for investment in the management of investments for which they are invested. The main function of investment agencies is to manage the investments for which they are invested, services such as investing in or providing investment advice under the contract, and contracts signed by managers and investment partners.


In the event of an adjustment in the class of assets and the proportion of investments, the administrator will announce the adjustment through the disclosure channel specified in this book for the three working days prior to its entry into force . If the investor does not accept the adjustment, the investor in this property shall redeem it in advance of the time specified in the announcement; if the investor in this property does not redeem it in advance of the time specified in the announcement, it shall consider it to be indistinguishable and agree to continue to hold the property after the adjustment.


Without prejudice to the regulatory principle, which leads to a breach of the above-mentioned investment ratio, the administrator should adjust the investment in the capital to the above-mentioned ratio within 15 working days of sale, transfer or resumption of the investment in which it has been invested, within the limits of those investments, except for the special circumstances of supervision. The so-called restriction on movement refers to assets that cannot be realized at a reasonable price for reasons such as legal rules, supervision, contract or operating barriers, including repurchases and bank term deposits (including bank deposits subject to a contractual obligation to be paid in advance) for more than 10 working days, the recovery of assets over 10 working days, suspension of stocks, restricted new shares and non-publicly issued stocks, financial support vouchers (notes), and other movement restrictions on the transfer of bonds and non-financial instruments, due to default on the part of the issuer.


iii. Property managers and trustees


(i) The treasure manager is a company with limited financial responsibilities in Washington, D.C.


(ii) The owner of the goods belonging to the Bank of Warsaw, Inc.


1. Basic information


Legal representative: Lee Min Ji


Registered address: 22 Wall Street, East Town, Beijing


Main responsibilities


(i) To secure the management of the property;


(ii) The establishment of an independent trust account for each financial asset, each of which shall be independent of the other;


(3) to conclude and administer the investment orders of the persons under the trust agreement and to conduct the liquidation and delivery of the goods in a timely manner;


(4) The establishment of a reconciliation system with the administrator, the review of Charlie's financial position, accounting, clean value, buy-back and redeeming prices, etc., and the timely verification of the payments and payments made in respect of purchases, ransoms and investments;


(5) A person who supervises the operation of investments in financial goods and finds that they are in violation of the laws, administrative laws, regulations or contractual agreements, shall refuse to carry out such investments, and shall inform the administrator and report back to the bank supervisory authority in due course;


(6) Administration of information disclosure matters related to the administration of financial services, including disclosure of financial services trust agreements, issuance of opinions on financial accounting reports for financial goods in financial information disclosure documents, and presentation of financial institutions reports in semi-annual and annual reports on the public collection of financial goods;


(7) Records, books, reports and other related data kept for more than 15 years for financial management activities;


(8) Responsible for the confidentiality of financial investment information and related data, which shall not be made available to any institution or person except by law, administrative law, regulations, audit requirements or contractual agreement;


(9) Other duties imposed by the Banking Supervisory Authority.


> > >.


The value of the property is fair = the value of the property is fair / the value of the property is fair.


The clean value of the goods is the fair value of the costs involved, and the investor claims, redeems and terminates at the clean value.


, buy, buy, redeem. >/strong >


(i) Obtaining, procuring, redeeming and regulating trading channels


1. Investmentists may apply for recognition, purchase and redemption through the direct financial sales channel of Washington, D.C.; investors may apply for recognition, purchase and repatriation through the banks of Washington, D.C., mobile and online banks, etc.; and for purchase, purchase, purchase and repatriation through the sales agency, which is authorized by the rules of the sales agency.

2.本理財産品單一投資者持有産品份額數不得超過産品份額總數的 50%。非因管理人主觀因素導致突破前款規定比例限制的,在單一投資者持有比例降至50%以下之前,管理人將不再接受該單一投資者對本理財産品的認、申購申請。

2. The owner of a single investment in a single investment must not hold more than 50% of the total share of a single investment in a single investment.


The laws and regulations, as well as the regulatory departments, are in accordance with their own rules.


(ii) Refusal or suspension of purchase


In one of the following cases: , the administrator may accept (apply) a risk response, refuse or suspend an acceptance (apply) application:


1. Due to force majeure, the property cannot function properly.


2. The suspension of the valuation, as specified in this article, occurred.


3. Acceptance of a buy-in may have a significant negative impact on the interests of investors in the stock.


4. The balance of the purchase/requirement of daily goods has reached a maximum level.


5. Based on the need to manage the operation of the investment and risk control of the goods.


6. To recognize (apply for) a single investor who has accepted (apply for) more than the agreed maximum amount of money, or above the limit of the daily rate of clean purchase of goods.


The acceptance (application) of an application may result in a single investor holding more than 50 per cent of the gross amount of goods, or in a variation of the 50 per cent concentration limit.


8. Legal provisions or other circumstances recognized by the supervisory authority.


If the investor’s application is rejected in whole or in part, the rejected claim will be refunded to the investor.


(iii) Cases of suspension or delay in the payment of restitution payments



1. Due to force majeure, the administrator is unable to pay the indemnity.


2. A suspension of the valuation, as specified in this article, occurs.


3. Redemption takes place.


4. Redemption on more than two open days.


On a single open day, single investors redeemed more than the agreed maximum.


6. Continued acceptance of a restitution application may have a potentially significant negative impact on the interests of investors in stock management.


7. Legal provisions or other circumstances recognized by the supervisory authority.


When the suspension is eliminated, the administrator will resume the redemption business in time and announce it.


. Example of proceeds


Example 1: Assuming that the customer holds 200,000 copies of his or her own property and redeems 100,000 copies on the opening day, the administrator will charge an excess management fee and a clean opening day value of 1.1,800 after deducting the excess management fee, and the client will receive the sum of 100,000*1.1800 = $118,000.00.


If, according to the above-mentioned excess management fee, the administrator does not charge the excess management fee and the opening day value is 1.0,700, the client will receive the sum of $100,000*1.07000 = $107,000.00.


If, in accordance with the above-mentioned excess management fee, the administrator does not charge the excess management fee and the opening day value is 0.9980, the client will receive the ransom amount of $100,000*0.9980 = $998.00.


Example 2: The client applied for $100,000 on the opening day for the purchase of the goods in question. If the purchase of the goods in question had a clean value of 1.0110 on that date, the purchase request was confirmed and the amount of the goods in question was 100,000/1.0110 = 98,911.97 .


uses all analogue data used in the analysis and calculation of the proceeds of the finance, for reference purposes only, and does not represent the actual yield of the property. The yield examples do not vary from actual returns, and investments must be prudent.


The capital and earnings of investors may be lost as a result of market changes. Investors should be fully aware of investment risks and be careful to invest.


The most unfavourable investment scenario: if there is a loss in the capital allocation in the capital investment portfolio, the investor may not be able to obtain the return on the capital investment, or even lose all of the capital, and the investor should be careful to invest in the risk on the basis of a full understanding of the risk.


None of the performances in this book is legally binding, in the form of examples of earnings or similar expressions. It does not represent the actual gains that investors may receive, nor does it constitute any promise of revenue from the Washington Institute of Finance/Prosecutorship in respect of the goods in question.


VII. Valuation of financial goods


(i) Valuation approximation


This is the case with fixed income categories, such as currency market instruments, standardized debt rights, non-standardized debt rights, rights, etc., that are invested in goods of this nature, as well as in the management of goods of this nature.


(ii) Valuation principles


The purpose of the financial valuation is to fairly and reasonably reflect the value of the property. The valuation adheres to the fair value measurement principle. The fair value determination method of the financial asset should match the type of financial goods.


(iii) Valuation methodology


1. Marketed coupons on the stock exchange


(1) Marketed securities on the exchange (including shares, etc.) are valued at the market price (collecting prices) on which they are posted on the stock exchange at the date of valuation; market prices, such as those for which there are no transactions on the date of valuation, are estimated at the market price (collecting prices) on the date of the recent transaction, if there have been no major changes in the economic environment since the date of the recent transaction or no major events affecting the price of the certificate in the securities issuer's institution, such as any major changes in the economic environment since the date of the recent transaction or any major events affecting the price of the certificate in the securities issuer's office, can be taken into account in adjusting the market price of the most recent transactions to determine fair prices, such as the current market prices of what appears to be investments and major variables;


(2) The value of the fixed-yield items traded or transferred on the exchange is determined to be fair, using the value provided by the CSIL. If CSI does not provide price data, the valuation technique should be used to establish fair value, or to take a valuation that is mutually recognized by the administrator and the trustee.


Bonds on the exchange market containing swaps (e.g. tradable bonds, swap bonds, etc.), etc., are valued on the basis of a daily round-up price reduced by the clean price of the interest charged.


2. The distribution of coupons between the unlisted periods is as follows:


(1) Transfers of shares, transfers of shares, shares and public additions of new shares are valued at the market value (take-off) of the same stock placed on the stock exchange on the valuation day; those not traded on that date are valued at the market price (take-off) of the most recent date;


(2) The first public release of unlisted shares, bonds and titles, the use of valuation techniques to determine fair value, the use of valuations provided by third-party institutions jointly recognized by the administrator and the trustee, or both, in cases where it is difficult for valuation techniques to measure fair value reliably;


(3) using valuation techniques to ascertain fair value, using valuations provided by third-party institutions jointly recognized by the administrator and the trustee, or by both, in cases where valuation techniques make it difficult to measure fair value reliably;


(4) The circulation of restricted shares, including, but not limited to, non-publicly issued shares, publicly issued shares with a limited fixed term, publicly offered shares by company shareholders at the time of the first public issue, stocks acquired through large-scale transactions with a limited period of sale, etc., does not include restricted shares such as suspension, unlisted new issue, and encumbrances in repurchase transactions, which should be valued on the basis of the fair value of the same shares traded on a securities exchange, and the introduction of fluid discounts provided by third-party institutions.


In the absence of price data from China Financial Valuation Centre Ltd., valuation techniques should be used to confirm fair value, or valuations that are mutually recognized by the administrator and the trustee.


4. When the same bond is traded in two or more markets at the same time, it is valued separately according to the market in which the bond is located.


5. Valuation of the voucher investment fund


(1) An open non-monetary fund for an out-of-the-court ransom is valued in terms of the latest clean value of the fund released by the fund manager who is available on the valuation date;


(2) Securities investment funds in circulation on the market (including on-the-spot purchases of ETFs, closed funds, regular open funds on the market) are valued at the price collected on their stock exchange on the valuation date; if no transactions are made on the valuation date, they are valued at the price collected on the most recent trading date;


(3) The currency funds are financed by the most recent multimillion proceeds released by the fund managers available on the valuation date.


Bank deposits (remand, fixed-term) and bond deposit accounts are shown as principal, interest is charged on a daily basis at the agreed rate of interest during the holding period, and interest is charged as interest until the date of the account.


7. Bond buy-backs and buy-back finance with a fixed return: are shown at the purchase/outward cost and are calculated on a daily basis at the agreed rate of return.


8. Futures are valued on the basis of the date of valuation of the stock exchange's closing price on that date and, if there is no significant change in the economic environment after the date of the most recent transaction, on the date of the most recent transaction.


9. Rate valuation methodology


In the case of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Hong Kong People’s Bank of China, the Chinese People’s Foreign Exchange Centre will be authorized to value the Chinese People’s Foreign Exchange Centre’s median currency on the valuation day. In the case of other currencies, such as the Chinese People’s Bank’s Foreign Exchange Centre of China’s Chartered Foreign Exchange Centre valuation day, which provides the currency’s currency transfer rate, the rate is taken, if not provided, and the rate is determined on the basis of agreement between the two sides.


10. On-the-spot options are valued on the basis of the valuation date exchange's concluding prices, which are not traded on that date and are based on the most recent date.


Non-standardized creditors use valuation techniques to establish fair value, based on valuations that are mutually recognized by the administrator and the trustee in cases where valuation techniques cannot reliably measure fair value.


12. The portfolio management products invested in this series are valued for the clean value of the finished products published on the valuation date, and for the unpublished clean value of the finished products on the latest working day, for the clean value of the finished products.


If there are new or changed matters, they are calculated in accordance with the latest regulations.


If there is conclusive evidence that the foregoing rules do not provide an objective reflection of the fair value of the goods, the owner of the goods may, on a case-by-case basis, value the goods in the best way to reflect the fair value of the goods in consultation with the trustee.


The types of investment listed in the chapter “Valuation of financial goods” above at


(iv) Suspension of valuation



1. The market involved in financial investment shall be suspended on an official holiday or for other reasons.


2. Due to force majeure or other circumstances, the administrator or the trustee is unable to assess accurately the value of the asset.


3. In the event that more than 50 per cent of the clean value of the previous valuation date is not available or is not paid in the active market and that the application of valuation techniques still leads to significant uncertainty as to fair value, the administrator, in agreement with the investor, shall suspend the valuation of the property in order to safeguard the interests of the investor.


4. The Supervisory Authority determines that there are other circumstances in which the administrator or trustee has reasonable grounds to believe that they will affect the valuation of the property.


(v) Treatment of valuation errors


The manager and the trustee will take the necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the valuation of the asset. When the value is wrong, the administrator should immediately correct the value and take reasonable measures to prevent the loss from increasing; if the investor is lost, the valuation error will result in the loss of the value, depending on the extent of the error, and the investor will be held liable for the direct loss of the valuation error. But managers and custodians should take the necessary measures to eliminate the impact.


8; risk revealed


In accordance with the laws and regulations governing and monitoring requirements, investors are advised that, compared to bank deposits, there is a risk of investment in the property, that the principal and earnings of investors may be lost as a result of market movements, and that investors should be fully aware of investment risks and be prudent.


(i) Principals and risk of financial gain: Under the most adverse circumstances, investors may not be able to secure the capital and financial gain, or even lose all of their capital in return for their investment under this scheme, and are vulnerable to changes in corporate credit, market interest rates, transfer rates, investment pooling, and the ability of managers to invest.


(ii) Credit risk: A breach of the contract by a relevant body, such as an investor in the treasury , an equity manager, a trusted client, a debtor, a guarantor, if any, may result in a failure to pay the principal and its proceeds on time, and a loss of the profits of the treasury in the form of zero or even the principal.


(iii) Market risk: The financial goods are clean-value items of non-sustainable earnings, not excluding the risk of loss of integrity due to changes in prices, interest rates, credit, transfer rates and national policies.


(iv) Mobility risk: The financial goods are open and clean, the investors have no right to terminate the financial goods at any time, except on the opening day and during the opening hours specified in this book. Except in the cases specified in this letter, the closure manager will not accept any form of early recovery from investors. This may affect the investor's financial arrangements and lead to fluid risks.


(v) Investment risks: The real rate of return on the capital goods depends on the rate of return on the financial instruments invested and should be well known to the investors. Except for the method of distribution of the proceeds or proceeds specified in this booklet, any performance is not legally binding, an example of the proceeds or a similar expression, and does not represent the actual gains that investors may receive, nor does it constitute any revenue commitments to the goods of the capital by the Washington Treasury/Promotion Agency.


(vi) Risks: When investing in offshore capital, the risk of the price of the trust money being valued in this currency being affected by the volatility of the various types of capital that are not in this currency. If the investment and income currency of the capital is the renminbi, in addition to the profits or losses of the investment itself, the rate changes can result in additional losses or gains from the investor’s earnings; the reverse is also true.


(vii) Legal and policy risks: Financial goods are designed in accordance with the relevant laws and policies of the time. For example, changes in national policy on ambition and market-related laws and regulations affect the normal conduct of the processing, investment, repayment, etc. of financial goods, which may affect the investment and profits, or even the loss of the principal.


(viii) Property management risks: the end of the collection period, such as the failure to meet the threshold limit for the issuance of capital collection; or major market changes in which summer finance cannot or can reasonably be judged impossible to provide investors with financial goods in accordance with the book; or laws, regulations of supervision, changes in State policy, which have led to a failure to provide investors with financial goods in accordance with the terms of the book, and the failure of summer finance to declare such goods in accordance with the terms of the book.


(ix) Pre-term cessation of risk: In the case of the earlier provisions on early termination of rights, the Wirtschaftsprüfer has the right to terminate pre-emptively his or her property, and the investor may earn zero or even lose his or her principal.


(x) Extension risk: Failure to pay the principal and proceeds of the financial goods due to defaults on the part of the fund manager, trust trustees, creditors, insurers, if any, who have a fixed maturity date, or the failure of the administrator to complete the cash changes in time due to insufficient market turnover, restrictions on the return of the funds, suspension of the transaction, lack of willing counterparty, etc. .


(xi) Information risk: The responsibility and the risks incurred are borne by the investors, in accordance with the terms of disclosure in this book. In addition, the investors are expected to remain in Washington, , in an effective manner, to change the way they relate to disclosure. They are required to notify the Washington, D.C./Representatives if the investors do not have timely access to financial information, and therefore influence the investors' investment decisions. The risks of failure to communicate information are borne by the investors themselves because the investors have not been able to inform them in due time.


(xii) Risks in relation to the relationship: Prostitutes and trustees of the financial goods may be associated with the administrator, and Washington Treasury has fulfilled the necessary procedures for current legal and regulatory regulations. The types of transactions involved in this property may include, but are not limited to, investment in the principal shareholders of the administrator or securities issued or sold by the institution with significant interest in the administrator, as well as financial transactions, deposits, investments in financial goods, etc., which may result in an unreasonable price fixing affecting the clean value of the property. The sales agency of the property may include the Washington Bank, Inc., which is the controlling shareholder of the Washington Treasury, which has a relationship with the administrator.


(xiii) Simultaneous investment market and liquidity risk assessment


At the same time, the investment market of `strong', which is based on decentralized investments, does not have a high concentration in the industry and individual certificates, and evaluates the fluidity risks of `stoves' in the normal market environment. In the case of investments in non-standardized debt rights, it will enforce regulatory standards such as limited management, fluid management, etc., to prevent and control risks such as concentration and timing mismatches.


does not exclude the less fluidity of a particular investment indicator at a given stage or in a particular market environment. Thus, when capital investment is invested in the above-mentioned asset, there may be a risk that, when the manager builds a warehouse or adjusts a combination, it may not be able to buy or sell at the expected price because of the relative volatility of the particular investment indicator; and, in order to redeem investors, it may be forced to sell stocks, bonds or other assets at an inappropriate price (the investments listed here do not represent the actual investment scope of the product, which is in fact shown by the “investment against image” chapter of the book).


(xiv) Movement response to measures and potential impact on investors


1. Recognition of the potential impact of on measures and investors of .


The administrator of `strong' will enforce the administration of the Financial Recognition (Acceptment) section, exercise reasonable control over the concentration of investors in the Treasury, and make sure that applications for large amounts are confirmed. When the acceptance (Application) is applied for a potentially significant adverse impact on the interests of investors in the Treasury, the administrator will take measures such as a single investmentor's recognition (Advancement) cap or recognition (Application) ratio ceiling, rejection of applications for large amounts, suspension of financial recognition (Advance) and other measures to control the financial regulations and protect the legitimate rights of investors in the Treasury. See, for example, “I, Summary of Goods” and “V, Recognition, Acquisition, Redemption”.


may have some potential impact on investors when managers adopt recognition (application) of risk response measures, including, but not limited to, non-recognition of financial purchases, recognition of failure in whole or in part of a transaction.


Redemption risks should have an impact on measures and the potential for investors .


The administrator of `strang' may, in accordance with the law and in accordance with the terms of the sale documents for the sale of the goods, combine the risk of foreclosure with the risk of recovery, including, but not limited to, the establishment of a maximum for ransom, the extension of the foreclosure application, the suspension of the acceptance of the foreclosure application, the delay in the payment of the foreclosure payment, the collection of the short-term foreclosure fee, the suspension of the valuation of the treasury, the setting of the price, and other risks established by the supervisory authority.



    Other risks: computer system failures due to unforeseeable, inevitable, insurmountable force majeure or non-Washarian financial causes due to natural disasters, war or changes in national policy, loss or loss of investment in property, loss of income from network failures, communication failures, electrical power failures, etc., and even affect the normal process of receiving, investing in, paying for, etc., goods and the security of capital.


    (xvi) is a risk profile



    1. Potential risks of investing in bonds: (1) potential market risks resulting from changes in national policies, economic cycles, interest rates, transfer rates, etc. (2) Possible changes in credit risks resulting from changes taking place in bond issuers, insurance providers, credit quality, etc. (3) Possible reduction in bond prices resulting from lower bond issuers, bond holders, etc. (e.g.: A, convertable/transferable bond returns, even loss of equity value. (4) The flow of non-public targeted debt finance instruments, and loss of liquidity risk, e.g., loss of interest, e.g., loss of interest, e.g., loss of interest; loss of interest, e.g. interest; loss of interest; loss of interest, e.g. interest; loss of interest; loss of interest, e.g. interest; loss of interest; loss of interest, e.g. interest; loss of interest; loss of interest; loss of interest, e.g. interest, loss of interest; loss of interest, e.g. interest, loss of interest, interest, loss of interest, price, price of interest, price.


    2. Potential risks of investing in support certificates: (a) the return on investment on support vouchers is dependent on the underlying capital situation, such as when the underlying asset is subject to a change in the original equity capacity, a break-up or a failure to obtain the full cash flow under the base fund in time; (b) the low flow of support vouchers, which may affect the investor's earnings or even damage the principal value of the capital.


    3. Potential risks of investing in non-standardized creditors include: (1) the loss of the investor's earnings and even the loss of the capital money; and (2) the loss of the capital money due to changes in the creditors'/insurers' repayment capacity, which may result in the inability, delay or advance payment of interest on the equity money, or the extension or early termination of other debt rights under the contract, which may result in a failure to allocate the capital money as planned.


    4. Potential risks of investing in deposit-type investments: deposit-type investments in this product may face extreme risks of withholding fees, interest penalties, etc. for pre-payment, from which the investor's earnings are affected and even loss of the principal of this commodity.

    5.投資于結構性存款的可能風險:(1) 市場風險。結構性存款掛鉤的境內外債券、股票、利率、匯率、指數等標的受相關國家或地區的金融市場和經濟趨勢的影響,收益存在不確定性。(2)信用風險。結構性存款可能面臨交易對手銀行無力償付或未履行該結構性存款相關義務(含支付義務)的風險,同時結構性存款掛鉤的標的如果出現信用違約,結構性存款的本金與收益也會受到影響,在最不利的情況下可能損失全部本金。(3)利率風險。結構性存款如掛鉤特定債券或債券指數,可能因相關利率變動而導致産品收益發生變化。(4)匯率風險。結構性存款如掛鉤境外證券資産,可能面臨以非人民幣計價的各類資産受匯率波動影響而引起人民幣估值下的理財産品資産凈值波動的風險。(5)衍生品投資風險。結構性存款所嵌入的金融衍生工具,可能存在杠桿風險、操作風險、交易對手的信用風險、衍生品價格與其基礎品種的相關度變化帶來的風險等。以上風險事項若發現,可能可能影響投資者收益,甚至使産品本金遭受損失。

    5. The potential risks of investing in structured deposits are: (1) market risks. The internal and external bonds, stocks, interest rates, rates, receipts of structured deposits, etc. are affected by the financial markets and economic trends of the country or region concerned. (2) Credit risks. Structural deposits may run the risk of being rendered unaffordable to the bank or failing to fulfil the structural deposit obligations (including payment obligations) and, in the event of credit defaults, the principals and revenues of structured deposits may lose all of their capital in the most unfavourable circumstances. (3) Interest rates.


    6. Potential risks of investing in equity-related investments: changes in national currency, finance, finance, and industry policies may have a certain impact on the market, leading to price volatility in the market, risk of losing investors' earnings or even the capital value of the goods; the risk of a weekly economic boom affecting the earnings of the stock market; and the risk of investing in a variety of factors, such as market, technology, competition, management, treasury, etc., which may affect the company's profitability, resulting in a fall in the value of the stock, which may result in a loss of the investor's earnings or even in a loss of the capital of the goods; the liquidity risks associated with restrictions on the circulation and conversion of the stock; and the risks of investing in different plates, market shares, such as venture boards, start-ups, Hong Kong stock exchanges, etc. < /strung > >.


    7. Possible risks to credit that cannot be paid for principal and earnings; operating risks that may be lost due to deficiencies in the internal management processes of bond companies, human error, irregularity, misevaluation or external events, during which the securities firm may be dissolved, broken, inoperable, closed, frozen, or enforced, including equity rights, bonds, funds, interest rates, numbers, futures and commodities, which may have uncertain market risks; risk of loss or loss of profits due to shortcomings in the internal management processes of the securities firm; risk of loss of business income certificates that may lead to reinvestment or early termination of goods in advance; risk of loss of profits; risk of loss of profits, and risk of loss of current profits, and risk of loss of profits, and risk of loss of current profits, and risk of loss of current profits.


    8. Potential risks of investing in commodity and financial derivatives: derivative price swings due to base price swings, market risks where high poles and trans-term transactions may add to the derivative price; credit risks associated with default or non-performance by derivatives issuing or trading partners; risk of loss due to failure to level/dealt, insufficient flow of funds, or failure to provide additional guarantees; operational risks associated with loss due to in-house programming, personnel, system operations or external events; legal risks associated with partial derivatives operations that are ineffective within the legal framework, where the transaction cannot be performed or where the transaction contract is not valid within the legal sphere.


    The potential risks of investing in public funds, trust schemes, capital management schemes, etc., are limited by the experience, skills and other factors that may lead to miscalculation of the economic situation and financial market price movements, incomplete access to information, or undue use of investment instruments, resulting in loss of profits or even loss of capital, e.g., recipients of capital management goods, investment managers or related investments, and their internal processes, personnel management and system operations, or failure to comply with contract agreements, non-compliance with risk control measures, treatment, etc. .


    IX, Information Disclosure


    (i) Information disclosure on the operation of financial goods


    1. The Wirtschaftsprüfer will disclose, in accordance with the provisions of the law and the requirements of supervision, information on his or her own property, including the formation, non-establishment, cleanness, distribution of proceeds, maturity, early termination, adjustment, etc.


    The financial goods have already been registered in the National Bank Financial Information Register, and investors can check the financial information in China's Financial Resources Network on the basis of the logbook code.


    3. In the event of non-establishment of the property, a declaration of non-establishment of the property will be issued within two working days of the date of its establishment.


    4. In the five working days following the establishment of the financial goods of the Ministry of Finance, a declaration on the establishment of the goods will be issued.


    5. In 15 working days from the end of each quarter, in 60 working days from the end of the first half of the year and in 90 working days from the end of each year, summer finance compiles quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on its own financial products and establishes less than 90 working days or no more than 90 working days remaining, without producing the current quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports.


    6. In the event that the Washington financial decision is to terminate the material in advance, an announcement will be issued on the first three working days of the early termination day through the information disclosure channel specified in the book.


    7. During the five working days following the expiration/termination of the articles, a report on the expiry/terminal closure of the articles will be issued.


    The cleanness value will be disclosed in accordance with the “I-Purpose Summary” “Purpose of Clean Values Day”.


    (ii) Interim financial disclosure and disclosure of material matters


    1. In accordance with the regulations governing supervision and the requirements of the business, managers may make interim disclosure of information, including, but not limited to, changes in management, trustees, management of non-standardized credit rights or credit rights for investment in treasury goods, adjustment of comparative performance and other disclosure requirements.


    In the event of major adverse events occurring during the financial life of this property which, in the view of the Wallian property, may affect its proper operation, including, but not limited to, major changes in the market, major changes in the quality of the investment or other sudden events that may have a significant impact on the investor's rights, the Washington property will be disclosed through the information disclosure channels specified in this book within two working days of the incident.


    3. The administrator has the authority to adjust the collection, conditions, standards and modalities of management fees (including fixed management fees, excess management fees), charging fees, sales fees, etc., and to make public the information disclosure channels agreed upon in this book for the first three working days prior to the effective date of the above adjustment. In such cases, investors may, if they do not accept, redeem their capital in advance, in accordance with the manner and time limits identified in the disclosure.


    The administrator has the power to adjust the range of investments, types of investments or proportion of investments in the goods in accordance with market conditions, and to make them known through the disclosure channels specified in the book.


    5. In the event of a transaction involving the purchase of funds, the adjustment of the matter or the possibility of affecting the investor's restitution, the administrator will issue a provisional announcement through the information disclosure channel specified in this document.


    6. After the introduction of measures such as short-term foreclosures and price fixing, the manager will disclose the relevant information through the information disclosure channel specified in this booklet within three working days.


    7. After the introduction of measures such as the temporary suspension of buy-out, the extension of the grant-back application, the suspension of the application for ransom, the suspension of the payment of the ransom payment, the suspension of the valuation of the treasury, etc., the administrator will disclose the relevant information through the information disclosure channel specified in the book within three working days, as well as the reasons for the use of the relevant measures, the response arrangements to be taken, etc.


    (iii) The manner in which management information is disclosed and the channels through which it is disclosed


    Investors should continue to be informed of the information through the above-mentioned channels or to consult the National Hotline (95577) for the services of one of the investors (95577), all over the country.


    (iv) Investor's confirmation of disclosure


    The investors confirm and agree that the administrator can disclose financial information in the manner described above.


    10, special hint


    For the duration of its financial inventory, Washington has the right to customize it individually, within the limits permitted by law, if it is necessary to maintain its normal operation and without prejudice to the interests of investors, or because of changes in national laws and regulations and regulatory regulations. If Washington has decided to amend it, it will notify investors three working days in advance by means of the official website of Washington Limited (www.hxwm.com.cn) and the official website of the Washington Bank ().


    If the investor has any questions about the content of this document, please ask the Washington Money/Dealer Agency.


    The investors in `strong' have read the exposure to the risks of the treasure before buying it, are fully aware and aware of the risks of the treasure, are willing to accept the risks, and are authorized to make the investment on the basis of the book.


    11, Official Bookmarking and Entry into Force


    If a client buys a copy of the financial goods through the office of the Washington financial/promotion agency, the book is signed by the customer of a natural person/legal representative or authorized representative of a legal person or of a client of another organization, with a stamp, a successful purchase of the funds, and certified by the Washington financial system as the effective date of the purchase.


    If the client buys a copy of the money through the electronic channel of the Washington Finance/Replacement Agency, the book specifies that the client has confirmed his or her consent through the electronic channel, that the purchase money is paid, and that the purchase is effected through the Washington Treasury system.


    A natural person (signed or confirmed online) of the investor:


    (or) a legal person or other organization (with a stamp or an online confirmation of consent):


    Legal representative or authorized representative (signed or confirmed consent online):


    Manager: Washington Finance Limited.

    日期: 年 月 日

    Date: Date of the year




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