BTD存储链现状:复投矿机,白日梦都做到2023年去了! 在监管的重拳下,币圈资金盘崩盘,交易所跑路的事例发生屡见不鲜!近段时间,无论是币圈还是矿圈,最近可谓是一片哀嚎,.项目归...
资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:47 评论:0在监管的重拳下,币圈资金盘崩盘,交易所跑路的事例发生屡见不鲜!
Under the heavy fists of supervision, the currency circle collapses, and there are frequent cases of exchange runs!
In recent times, whether the currency ring or the mine ring, it has been called a cry,...the project is zero, the money is running, the black-heart exchange is playing a big-scale cut-off game.
No, there's recently a fan backstage private message asking questions about the BTD Storage Chain.
How's project ?
Can't you get rid of the money that's been set up?
There's a lot of them, so you can see the extent of the scam and the depth of the harvest. There's a door to the complaint, and there's a way to defend it.
starts with the BTD Storage Chain project, which was launched in May 19 and is known as the distributional storage of the world's first block chain.
It's called what you can't support Doo, you won't get up on the wall!
Not to mention that the price of the BTD is now boundlessly near zero, which is basically equivalent to a collapse, and there is nothing to say. A worthless token, zero, is its last destiny, and no one will believe the project's bullshit, thinking that it could double later.
In fact, the BTD project has gone to Ponzi's scam since the BTD project took its way to its own distribution. Even if it really gave you a solution, it was not to pay you back, it was to keep you thirsty and get deeper.
What is the difference between the existence of an overmine, for example, in the case of a re-disbursed miner, which is expected by ordinary members, and a 10,000-dollar mine, with the first wave of money locked up, and the fact that it is not released, and the fact that the player continues to do so?
The block chain project does not necessarily run, but it can crash all the way and then pull up again and again, and then fall down the waterfall, and keep changing the “body position” to harvest vegetables, for example, the BTD is a good example.
The money-deprived cuisine is silent and right, hoping to raise the price of blood, while the leaders continue to be active daily in brainwashing chicken blood for seniors and new herbs.
This familiar scene, which can be seen in every project cluster, is half-dead and only a wake-up call.
So if you ask me, what's going on with this project, and I can't tell you that it's completely zero, and it's not, but it's all hanging around, and the dying people are still dying, and the brainwashed chicken soupers are bragging about themselves, and even the daydreams that cost money so much have gone to 2023.
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Whether in the currency circle or in the stock market, whether you're selling currency, stock or items, it's all the same.
The most important thing is to control your greed!
Many people could have returned and even made money, but it would have been useless to ask Grandpa to tell Grandma that his greed had been fed up, even if it had ended.
There's a door to the complaint, and there's a way to defend it!
Status of the BTD storage chain: Reloading machines. Daydreaming in 2023!:
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