发布时间:2021-09-10 13:44:16
Release time: 2021-09-10 13:44:16
2020年对于以太坊来说,可谓是波澜起伏的一年。在以太坊2.0和对可扩展性的追求之间,仅仅是去中心化金融(DeFi)的爆发以及互操作性和货币结算的成功,就足以支撑以太坊呈现出较之比特币自身更生动丰富的叙事了。比特币是可靠、沉稳的叔叔,而以太坊可以说是加密世界中特立独行的年轻一代。在 2020 年,以太坊交易了价值 1.6 万亿美元的资产,比比特币的 1 万亿美元多了 60% ,这一年以太坊的两个大变化,一个是dex崛起,一个就是各类defi衍生品的壮大。
The year 2020 is a year of malaise for the Ethers. Between Ethers 2.0 and the quest for scalability, the outbreak of de-centralized finance and the success of interoperability and monetary settlement alone will be enough to sustain a more dynamic narrative of Ethers than Bitcoin itself. Bitcoin is a reliable and stable uncle, and it is a supposedly unique young generation in an encrypt world. In 2020, it traded 1.6 trillion dollars worth of assets, more than $1 trillion worth of bitcoins, 60% more, and two major changes in Tails this year, one of which rose and one of which was a vast variety of defi derivatives.
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