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华夏时报(chinatimes.net.cn)记者冉学东 见习记者 王永菲 北京报道

Reporter of Chinatimes.net.cn. Xiaodong, journalist Wang Yongfei, reported in Beijing.


Chen Do-ming has a classic line in The Way to Life: “There has always been nothing but things that change people, and people cannot change things.” After a few months of low profile, the encoded currency exchange’s currency has finally started to rise. The enticing of the encrypted currency exchange shows that the current price of the encrypt currency is now at its highest in the year, with the spot price of 466.68 USD/m3 as of the date of issuance, and the trend is still rising.


The mainstream encrypted currency rose by about 10% in nearly 24 hours, with a 24-hour turnover of more than $600 million, with a total market value of about $50 billion. The digital currency concept plate was influenced yesterday by the central bank’s digital currency, DCEP, and went directly to the top of 255 concepts, first place, and today’s ranking has slipped to the penultimate point, with 38 digital currency concept units only triggering an upturn.


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Mainly encrypted currencies have risen in powerful positions in the Taiku, connecting the rise in bitcoins and other encrypted currencies, adding to the confidence of the encryption market to the cattle market, and increasing risk-oriented investors. Encryption analyst Kavin has told reporters that the surge in the encoded money star YFI has been associated with a continuous rise in the entire DeFi plate, and that, as of the time of writing, the price of YFI has reached 33201USD/me (approximately 220,000 yuan), which is already three times the price of Bitcoins.


“Since most of the mainstream DeFi projects are built on the bottom public chain of Ether, and run on the Ether’s public chain, the total market value of DeFi has risen, making it an asset to take advantage of the dividends of the DeFi fire market. DeFi is now a truly killer-level application, and if Bitcoin is gradually becoming a “digital gold” for value storage, then it will be the core of the value of the encrypt world.” Kavin adds.

近两月来,这已经不是以太坊第一次暴涨了,8月初,以太坊两周暴涨超过78%。DeFi是主要的推手之一,只要DeFi热度不减,以太坊上涨的动力依然很大。不过,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin(V神)和业内大多数观点却不一样,V神今日发文表示,DeFi收益耕作就像中央银行为拯救经济疯狂印钞一样是不可持续的,他对目前DeFi市场热潮持怀疑态度。V神还暗示说:“到目前为止,我看到产生长期费用的唯一策略是某种怪异的金融攻击,抢夺流动性并从未掉期交易中窃取网络效应,我对这种策略感到悲观。最好完全摆脱收益耕作,直到它逐渐发展为一个更具可持续性的行业。”

In the last two months, this has not been the first to surge in Etheria, which rose by more than 78% in early August. DeFi is one of the main protagonists, as long as DeFi's heat remains constant, and the rise in Etheria remains high. However, the founder of Etheraya's association, Vitalik Buterin (V) and most within the industry have different views, and V has written today that DeFi yields are as unsustainable as the central bank's frenzy printing to save the economy, and he has doubts about the current boom in the DeFi market. The V God has also suggested that: “The only strategy I've seen so far to generate long-term costs is some kind of a strange financial attack, to steal liquidity and never to lose the network effect of the transaction, and I am pessimistic about that strategy.


In addition to DeFi's push, Ether's 2.0 version was well prepared for the surge, Ether's 2.0 was one of the most focused block chain projects, and the final public testing network, Medalla, was launched on 4 August.

由于DeFi行情的火热促使以太坊上交易需求极其旺盛,也加重了网络拥堵和转账成本的飙升。近两个月的网络转账成本和转账效率实在令投资者难以满意,根据区块浏览器Etherscan的数据,从今年以来,剔除6月和8月出现的两次异常值,Gas价格从起初的12 Gwei飙升至今108Gwei(近30日均值), 足足上升了9倍。如果这个问题不能尽快解决,这将大大限制以太坊以及DeFi的发展。

As the heat of DeFi’s behavior has contributed to the high demand for trade in the East Pacific, it has also increased the cost of network congestion and transfers. The cost of network transfers and the efficiency of transfers over the past two months have proved unsatisfactory to investors. According to the block browser, Ethercan, since this year, the price of Gas has skyrocketed from the original 12 Gweis to 108 Gweis (averaging nearly 30 days). If this problem is not resolved soon, it will significantly limit the development of the House and DeFi.


The advent of Tai Hwan 2.0 will ease the current congestion, and the introduction of the PoS Consensus mechanism by Tai Hwan 2.0 will reduce dependence on miners and significantly increase the speed of transactions on the chain and the speed of response to smart contracts, thus reducing the cost of Gas, which had soared previously as a result of the surge in transactions, and to some extent, the network congestion. Moreover, the POS equity certification model will reduce the rate of inflation at Tai Hwan to 0.5 to 2.0%, the same level as gold and Bitcoin.

以太坊2.0版本将推出质押功能也是以太坊价格暴涨的一大推手之一。其质押就是将一定数量的以太坊储存并锁定在钱包中并参与区块链的操作,用户通过质押以太坊的形式共同处理数据和信息,他们会收到一定的以太坊作为回报。开发人员曾表示,测试网需时运营3个月,这意味以太坊2.0 最快可以在11月初正式发布,到时候必定掀起以太坊的狂热。

The pledge is to store a certain amount of data and information in their wallets and to participate in the chain of blocks, and the users will receive a certain amount of data and information in return. The developers said that it would take three months to run the network, which means that it could be officially released at 2.0 in early November, and that it would have to be turned on.



Recently, the digital currency plate has been quite active, mainly because of the benefits released by the DCEP policy front, the personal wallet of the online digital currency of the mobile phone bank APP, which has prompted the digital currency concept block to leapfrog to the top of the concept block, and the digital currency concept units, such as the silver stock, the new capital city, Racqar, etc., should also be loudly raised.


The journalist is aware that the Concept Unit has also gradually established operations related to digital money, such as the creation of a digital currency study by the silver shares, as well as the development of digital currency software wallets and hardware wallets; the new countries have made strategic investments in block chain technology to explore digital currency-related applications.


According to a communication from the Eucowin Institute, 10 companies in the 2019 financial report had disclosed the company's existence of a digital currency-related business or the layout of a digital currency; some stocks were inflated, as in the case of Port-East, where the main business was print. The digital currency concept unit was mostly private, with only one central state, three local state-owned and four public enterprises accounting for 70.4 per cent of the total, and the share in the digital currency concept was currently mostly below $30, of which 48.1 per cent was between $5 and $15, with no shares below $5.


The relationship between the growth and decline of the Digital Currency Conception Unit and the Digital Currency Unit is also quite close, and good policy interests will substantially stimulate the rise of the Digital Currency Concept Unit, which will also be highly volatile as DCEP moves closer.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong




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