9月15 - 16日,第四期区块链训练营正式开营。来自不同行业、不同领域的学员齐聚北京。据课前小调查,本班同学从职业类型看,投资人占比约23.1%,创业者占比约76.9%。从岗位类型看,创始团队(创始人、合伙人、董事长)占比53.8%,公司高管占比46.2%,其中亦有返场重听的老学员。铅笔君这就为大家回顾下9月期盛况:
September 15 - 16, fourth block training camp officially opened. Participants from different trades and fields gathered in Beijing. According to the pre-school small survey, investors accounted for approximately 23.1% of investors and entrepreneurs for approximately 76.9% of entrepreneurs. In terms of job type, , and companies accounted for 46.2% of senior managers .
原本区块链CEO 吴鹏 开场分享《区块链基础原理及概念》
The original block chain CEO Wu Peng began by sharing the Principles and Concepts of the block chain
Ms. Wu spoke of : & ldquao; bitcoin is the only successful block chain currently being applied. The block chain itself does not create value, it brings with it innovations in productive relationships, reduction of frictions in pre-existing commercial systems, and basic support in areas such as big data, IOT, etc. & & rdquao;
NewMoney创始人 黄席盛 分享《代币经济模型》
Founder of NewMoney > > > > > > > > > > >Yang Se Se Seong shared the "Demons Economic Model" > > > > > > > > >.
Ms. Wong said: & & ldquo; the future of the block chain is a link to the entity’s assets, and the difficulty of being registered in the equity or credit assets is different. The difficulty of the former is how to anchor the money-laundering, foreign exchange controls, qualified investors’ restrictions, and the difficulty of the latter is the opportunity for market development, which requires the chain’s market to progress to a low-risk and low-yield phase. & rdquo;
DRC基金委员会主席 林扬 分享《合规性解决方案》
Chair of the DCC Fund Committee Linyan shares the Compliance Solutions
NBS Chain 创始人 李万胜 分享《公链技术解决方案》
Founder of NBS Chain, Lee Man-sung shared the public chain technology solution
Ms. Lee Wen-sung said: & ldquo; trading in the exchange, i.e. mining patterns, is unreasonable and contrary to the principle of distribution of labour. It is more appropriate to reward distributors and depositors than to reward traders. The Pow Consensus algorithm allows distribution of labour, and is more reasonable than trading, i.e. mining; and & rdquao;
At the end of the September cycle, the participants are free to come together and discuss with each other. According to the current training camp, each team will move its brainstorm out of the block chain to land the project, presenting bp and closing its case in November, which will be evaluated by the mentor of the block chain investors.
The current training camp has just passed a third, and the next phase will begin from 13 to 14 October, with a presentation of the mentoring group and the programme outline:
Asspiring small partners wishing to register, please click on the link below to join the camp's extended family in the current block chain.
Training Camp Point: Beijing
training camp curriculum: six-day brain-burning course > + one-day company visit
Part Programme October/November : $4666/per issue
10, 2 issues of the November magazine : $8999/two issues
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