1、区块链/ Blockchain
Block chains/ Blockchain
Block chain technology refers to a technical programme for the collective maintenance of a reliable database through decentralisation and detrust.
2、块链式数据结构/ Chained-Block Data Structure
2. Chain data structure/Chlained-Block Data Structure
The transactions that occur over a period of time are stored in blocks and a data structure that links blocks in chronological order into chains using cryptographic algorithms.
3、去信任/ Trustless
3. To trust/trustless
To trust means that the user does not need to trust any third party.
4、点对点/ Peer-to-Peer / P2P
4. Point pair/ Peer-to-Peer / P2P
By allowing individual nodes to interact directly with other nodes, there is no need for intermediaries to achieve a system in which the entire system functions as an organized collective.
5、去中心化/ Decentralized
5. Decentralization/ Decentralized
Decentralization is the most basic feature of the block chain, which means that the block chain is not dependent on the centre's management nodes and enables the distribution, storage and updating of data.
6、中本聪/ Satoshis Nakamoto
6, middle-class/ Satoshis Nakamoto
中本聪是比特币的发明人或发明组织,目前身份存疑。“中本聪”也可能仅仅是个化名。中本聪于 2008 年发表了一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin:A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)的论文,描述了一种被称为“比特币”的电子货币及其算法,被视为是区块链的第一个成功实践。
It is a bitcoin inventor or inventive organization that is currently in doubt. The term “medium-bone-bone” may also be an alias. In 2008, China-bone published a paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, describing an electronic currency and its algorithm called “bitcoin” as the first successful practice in the block chain.
Features of block chains
1、匿名性/ Anonymous
1. Anonymous/Anonymous
As data exchange between nodes in the block chain follows a fixed and predictable algorithm, the block chain network is untrustworthy and allows for data exchange based on address rather than personal identity.
2、自治性/ Autonomous
2. Autonomous/ Autonomous
The block chain uses consensus-based mechanisms that allow all nodes throughout the system to freely and safely exchange data, record data and update data in a trusted environment, without any meaningful intervention.
3、开放性/ Openness
3. Openness/Openness
The block chain system is open and any node is capable of having a web-wide ledger, and the data in the block chain are made publicly available to all nodes, with the exception of private information of the parties directly concerned by the data, which is encrypted through asymmetric encryption technology, and thus the information in the system is highly transparent.
4、可编程/ Programmable
4. Programmable/Programable
The digital nature of distributed accounts means that block chain transactions can be linked to the computational logic and are programmed in essence. Users can therefore set algorithms and rules for automatically triggering transactions between nodes.
5、可追溯/ Traceability
5. Retroactivity/ Traceability
The block chain stores all historical data after the creation block through the block data structure, and any data on the block chain can be traced back to its source through a chain structure.
6、不可篡改/ Tamper Proof
6. Non-changeable/ Tamper Proof
Once the information in the block chain is agreed upon and added to the block chain, it is recorded together by all nodes and is linked to each other through cryptography, which makes tampering very difficult and costly.
7、集体维护/ Collectively Maintain
7. Collective maintenance/Collectively Maintain
The block chain system is maintained jointly by all of its maintenance nodes, all of which can search for block chain data and develop related applications through open interfaces.
8、无需许可/ Permissionless
8. No permission required/Permissionless
There is no need to allow all nodes to request that any transaction be added to the block chain, but only if all users consider it to be legal.
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