
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:29 评论:0



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== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man

3.14比特币以太坊走势分析及操作建议?3.14比特币会涨到65000吗?3.14比特币会跌到55000吗? 周末比特币看涨还是看跌?以太坊ETH行情走势分析日内多头怎么操作?主流币窄幅震荡后市还会跌吗?比特币以太坊最新行情分析。比特币3月份大趋势怎么看?3.14比特币以太坊策略今日比特币以太坊多空怎么看?3.14晚间比特币以太坊短线怎么操作?3.14当前比特币阻力位和支撑位在哪里?

3.14 Bitcoin's trend analysis and operational advice? 3.14 bitcoin's going to go up to 65,000. 3.14 bitcoin's going down to 55,000.


== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man

美国开始发放首批1400美元纾困补助金 比特币破6万美元:

In the United States, the first US$ 1400 relief grant began to be paid.


US President Biden formally signed the 1.9 trillion-dollar stimulus bill on March 12. The US government began delivering the first $1,400 grant under the Biden pandemic relief bill on Friday, and some Americans will receive it this weekend. Economists expect that this will help the US economy recover in the coming months.

法国国会议员签署请愿书 敦促央行购买比特币:

The French Congressman signed a petition urging the central bank to buy bitcoin:

金色财经报道,法国国民议会(法国国会下议院)议员Jean-Michel Mis已向法国参议院签署了一份请愿书,旨在授权法国央行购买比特币和其他加密货币。请愿书引用了MicroStrategy和特斯拉作为购买了大量比特币的公司,同时还提到了迈阿密可能将其储备投资至比特币的计划。请愿书称:“法国必须在这方面采取一项战.略,并通过一项法律使其得以实施。因此,我提议对《货币和金融法》进行更新,以赋予法国央行以购买、出售和持有比特币及其认为合适的其他加密资产的能力。”

It was reported that Jean-Michel Mis, a member of the French National Assembly (the lower house of the French Congress), had signed a petition to the French Senate to authorize the Central Bank of France to purchase bitcoin and other encrypted currencies. The petition cited MicroStrategy and Tesla as companies buying large amounts of bitcoins, together with a reference to Miami's plans to invest its reserves in bitcoin. The petition stated: “France must take a battle in this regard... and adopt a law to make it possible to implement it.” I therefore propose to update the Monetary and Financial Code to give the Central Bank the capacity to purchase, sell and hold bitcoins and other encrypted assets that it deems appropriate.”


From the personal point of view of Hirondrin:


BTC has broken past high point 58326, which is also very much related to the recent news, the opening of the solar-line level, and the upturning of the MACD yellow-white line when supported on the zero axis. While high-level breakthroughs still need to be cautious, Hong Shwe has mentioned many times before that Bitcoin will break by $60,000, and BTC will see an increase of $65,000-$700 if it doesn’t hit the pre-Bitcot position of $60,000 in three trading days.


== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man


Yesterday, after falling close to 56,000 in the morning, it started to rise slowly, breaking out at 6 p.m., breaking into historic heights, breaking down 60,000 at 8 p.m., and then having a narrow shock, again in the early hours of the morning, reaching 61,800 lines at around 4 p.m., and now it's turning back briefly, at a price around 61,000.


According to the four-hour map, the Brenn strips up, the currency prices are running near the Bryn tracks, the MACD fast slow lines run up the gold fork, multiple energy sources are starting to shrink, KDJ three lines are about to lean downwards, the skyline has been opened, the sun line is still moving upwards, overall indicators are still upwards, there is a trend upwards, there are many residuals, and since market conditions are now new and market coherence is stronger, taking into account the risks of washing the dishes, especially the suggestion is not to increase blindly, the proposal is still low, the top is 61,800, the bottom is supported by 60000, the steady is stable in 60,000 cases, and the target is new and high.


= = 3.14 bitcoin operational proposal reference = = = 3.14 bitcoin


Strategy one: Reference to the 62000-61800 overflow, target 60500-6000.


Strategy II: Bottom supports 60,000 and more. Target 62,500-63,000.


== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man


Now, as we see from the one-hour scale map, the three lines of the Boolean strip are now opening positions, and the currency is currently at 23.6% below the Fibonacci line and below the upper track, and the currency prices are falling on a continuous basis, and from the second-day by-line by-line, the MACD is slow in order to form a flat-down posture, and the by-line motion of the green column is already in constant extensions and contractions, creating an empty posture. And from the first line of the line, the three lines of KDJ are in a viscosity position from near the 75-axis of the super-sales zone, so today's thinking is still high in midday and post-morning.


Operational strategy: High-level one-way approach around 1905-1910, target location around 1885-1890.


Pointing is time-bound and there are delays in sending the post. This advice is for information purposes only. If you are not sure about your behavior, you can ask me if you want to do it blindly.


== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man


Long-term sustainability in this market requires a complete trading system, including warehousing skills, risk control and technology systems, which can provide you with clear guidance in convulsions, even if they are small, but easy and productive; and unilateral moves, which can give you trends, if they are right, to maximize profits and, if they are wrong, to control risks and, if they are wrong, to make an objective adjustment, to lose in line with trends rather than to blindly and subjectively follow their own lines of thinking, blindly adding to the backslide and to place them on the edge of risk.

本文由弘瑞解币独家策划,感谢广大读者对这篇文章的喜爱和支持,希望大家能从文章中有所收获和感悟!文章的观点和策略不管和大家意见是否一致大家都可以找到笔者和我一起探讨和学习! 世上无难事,只怕有心人。

This post, prepared by the exclusives of Hirondruco, thanks the readers for their love and support of the article, and hopes that you will learn from it. The views and strategies of the article, whether or not they agree with you, can be found and studied with me.




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