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From the old giant to the well-known start-up companies, the following block chain companies have played a key role in shaping this emerging technology.


Block chains have become an important business technique, because they promise to conduct credible business transactions in a very unreliable environment. Because their unalterable ledgers can only be added rather than edited, you have a chain of transactions that cannot be forged.


The virtue of the block chain is that it eliminates the need for certification by a central authority. It transfers power and control to the enterprises involved in the transaction, without the need for a third party. This allows us to make safe, fast, cheap transactions, despite the fact that we may not know the entity we are dealing with.


With block chains, like some of the technology before, big companies are not left behind. Subversive technologies often appear, and start-ups embrace them, and old guards refuse to embrace new things. But with cloud computing and object networking, we've seen old companies jump straight ahead from the start. The same is true of block chains.


We have listed 20 leading block chain companies, both old and new, reflecting leaders and innovators in the field, and not just another type of encrypted currency.


Microsoft USA

微软早在2015年就推出了使用区块链的计划,目的是将其集成到Azure云服务中。微软已经开始开发区块链应用程序,但它的主要重点是帮助开发者开发自己的应用,比如基于以太坊的保密联盟(Coco)框架。微软还计划将基于区块链的分散式ID(DIDs)集成到其Microsoft验证器应用程序中。最后,微软有一个叫做Azure Blockchain Workbench的区块链应用程序正在创建服务。

Microsoft launched a plan to use the block chain as early as 2015 to integrate it into the Azure cloud service. Microsoft has started to develop the block chain application, but its main focus is on helping developers to develop their own applications, such as the Coco framework based on the Etherm. Microsoft also plans to integrate the decentralized IDs based on the block chain into its Microsoft Validator application. Finally, Microsoft has a sector chain application called Azure Blockchain Workbench, which is creating a service.


Amazon >

Amazon有一个针对以太坊和Hyperledger Fabric的“区块链即服务”框架,它允许开发人员构建和管理自己的区块链驱动的分散式应用。从本质上讲,用户可以使用CloudFormation Templates工具通过Amazon Web服务(AWS)创建自己的区块链应用程序,从而加快这个过程。

Amazon has a “block chain service” framework for Taiping and Hyperledger Fabric, which allows developers to build and manage their own block chain-driven decentralized applications. Essentially, users can use the ClaudeFormation Templates tool to create their own block chain applications through Amazon Web Services (AWS), thereby accelerating the process.


Bank of America


The largest bank in the United States is also the leader of block chain patents, with nearly 50 patents related to the technology. This is almost twice as much as IBM. It is a financial institution that is constantly being hacked.


One patent will safely record and authenticate personal and commercial data to ensure that only the authorized party has access to it. The other patent will require management security and access to resource sub-components or secure tokens. The system will be automated and will allow access to the system for a limited period of time, depending on the user’s connection.



The IBM block chain platform, which is part of the IBM cloud service, provides block chain services and hosts the development of applications on the IBM cloud service. However, IBM can also access applications through its new application shop, LedgerConnect. The shop provides financial companies with access to seven reviewed block chain providers, which will help them simplify the transaction process and backend operations, without necessarily re-establishing their own block chain systems.



Oracle uses the Linux Foundation's Hyper plane code and adds additional features, such as APIs, patch management, and the life cycle of the entire network's block chain.



Patron is a Japanese-based block chain platform for the marketing of influencers, so brands can connect with influential people and then connect influential people directly with their audiences. The hope is to eliminate the inefficiency of brand content and social media.

Celsius Network

Celsius Network是一个借贷和借贷平台,它允许用户以9%的利率获得贷款,并以9%的利率获得贷款,前提是使用他们的加密货币作为抵押品。该平台使用区块链来支持p2p借贷,而信用额度和利率则基于对全体会员的最佳利益,而不仅仅是贷款方。

Celsius Network is a lending and lending platform that allows users to obtain loans at a rate of 9% and at a rate of 9%, provided that their encrypted currency is used as collateral. The platform uses block chains to support p2p lending, while credit lines and interest rates are based on the best interests of the entire membership, not just the lenders.

Menlo One

Menlo One是一款以传统web应用程序速度构建分散应用程序的区块链框架,Menlo One通过跨链节点进行操作,这意味着与Menlo One构建的应用程序可以无缝地与以太坊等所有其他区块进行交互。其次,Menlo One是完全分散的,没有管理员。它的声誉验证算法是对提供价值的特定行为的激励。最后,Menlo One通过一个分散的数据库进行操作,因此用户在使用Menlo One的应用时体验到网络速度。

Menlo One is a block chain framework that builds decentralized applications at the speed of traditional web applications, and Menlo One operates through a cross-chain node, which means that applications constructed with Menlo One can interact seamlessly with all other blocks, such as Ether. Secondly, Menlo One is completely dispersed and has no administrator. Its reputational validation algorithm is an incentive for particular behaviour that provides value. Finally, Menlo One operates through a decentralized database, so users experience network speed when using Menlo One applications.



Buddy is a block chain application shop developed for developers. Their goal is to automate as much as possible the process of application development. It helps businesses to integrate technological solutions easily, and has a long list of operational tools that can be easily integrated into the platform. This makes it possible to create a complex block chain task with just a few clicks. It can be used in Amazon, Google and GitHub.



Ether is a distributed network of public block chains, like Bitcoin, but it does not have a specific block chain technology, an electronic cash payment system that focuses on programming codes for any decentralized application. Miners are not digging for bitcoin, but for the purpose of earning it, using it as an encrypted currency for the Tethco network, and applications developers are using it to pay for transaction costs and services on the Ethernet. It is fast becoming a de facto application network, with almost half of the applications running in Ether.



Tradove provides a B2B social network that allows buyers and sellers of products and services to verify the legitimacy of their potential partners and whether they are a fraud. We review and review rich buyers and sellers to ensure that all payments and transactions are done safely. Its block payment network supports international transactions, which may become particularly powerful.



Founded by staff at MIT and Harvard University, DACC is the first content-based block chain in the world, with identity and access management (IAM) features at the infrastructure level. It targets the digital content and media industry and allows content ownership and access management at the infrastructure level.



Goldilock is a new data storage system that allows individuals and institutions to store their assets safely in the clouds and access them via a safety block chain. When they break their connection to the assets, the stored digital assets are physically connected to

Quest Diagnostics

Quest Diagnostics最近与几家保险公司 (包括UnitedHealth、MultiPlan 和 Humana) 一起发起了一个区块链试点计划, 将一些数据共享移动到区块链平台中。这将提供一个权威的中央来源的保险提供商数据, 可以加快任务的操作, 同时减少医疗测试涉及的文书工作。

Quest Diagnostics recently launched a block chain pilot project with several insurance companies (including United Health, MultiPlan and Humana) to move some data sharing into the block chain platform. This will provide an authoritative central source of insurance provider data that can speed up the operation of the mission while reducing paperwork involved in medical tests.


去年年底Visa已经推出了其区块链的企业对企业支付服务, 称为 B2B 连接。它促进了各机构之间的直接付款, 削减了金融业中经常需要的中间人, 特别是在国际交易领域。

By the end of last year, Visa had introduced its block chain of business-to-business payment services, known as B2B connections. It facilitated direct payments between agencies, cutting down the intermediaries often needed in the financial sector, especially in the area of international transactions.


Steem在社交媒体上使用区块链作为一种独特的方式,它相信有必要对内容创作者进行补偿,并在网站和论坛上创造奖励来奖励想要的用户行为。从某种意义上来说, 这是一个分散的 Reddit 版本, 只有你通过提供有用的和有价值的内容才会奖励你, 这将是典型的 Facebook 帖子的一个可喜的变化。

Steem uses block chains in social media as a unique way to believe that there is a need to compensate content creators and create incentives on websites and forums to reward desired user behaviour. In a sense, this is a decentralized Reddit version, and you can only be rewarded by providing useful and valuable content, which would be a welcome change in typical Facebook post.


顾名思义, Litecoin 是为小而快速购买而设计的比特币的衍生物, 而不是比特币经常使用的大型金融交易。Litecoin网络的速度更快,支持更多的交易,使得买卖双方的交易速度更快。它已经被一些商业技术所采用,包括第一个基于区块链的智能手机宏达国际。

By definition, Litecoin is a bitcoin derivative designed for small and fast purchases, rather than a large financial transaction often used by bitcoin. The Litecoin network is faster and supports more transactions, making transactions between buyers and sellers faster. It has been adopted by a number of commercial technologies, including the first block-based smartphone International.



FarmaTrust is addressing this issue with its global tracking system, which provides security and transparency by connecting pharmaceutical manufacturers, governments, regulators, and the general public. FarmaTrust also uses and big data to provide value-added services to the pharmaceutical industry in order to create a safer, more efficient and more transparent supply chain, in addition to excluding counterfeit medicines from the supply chain.



R3 has produced a Corda that provides a ledger specifically for financial institutions dealing with financial transactions. The ledger is interoperable, so software applications can communicate, exchange data and use exchange data. It is supported by more than 80 of the world’s largest financial institutions.

SimplyVital Health?

SimplyVital Health公司的ConnectingCare平台旨在协调医疗领域所有利益相关者之间的沟通,从病人到医生到保险公司。通过连接不同医院、诊所和护理设施之间的数据库,他们可以创建一个统一的窗口来了解患者的病史,并预测未来的医疗需求。这种更高的可见性使卫生保健提供者能够更准确地预测成本,并确保病人得到更好的护理。

The Simpson Vital Health platform aims to coordinate communication between all stakeholders in the medical field, from patients to doctors to insurance companies. By linking databases between different hospitals, clinics and care facilities, they can create a single window for understanding patients’ medical histories and predicting future medical needs. This higher visibility enables health-care providers to predict costs more accurately and ensure that patients receive better care.


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